1 | P a g e FINAL DR JS MLM INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2017/18 – 2021/22 | 2 | P TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Acronyms 5-6 2. Definition of Terms 7 3. Foreword of the Executive Mayor 8-9 4. Overview of the Municipal Manager 10 5. Executive summary 11-12 6 Key Performance Areas 12 7 IDP within context of National & Provincial 13-16 8 Preface 17 9 Vision & Mission 17 10 Values 18 11 IDP structural arrangements 18 -34 12. State of National Address(SONA) 34 13 State of Province Address (SOPA) 35 14 Legislative Framework 36-39 15 IDP Review Process 2017/2018 40 16 Outcomes of the IDP Community Consultation 41-48 17 Provincial and National Government Competencies 48 19 2017/2018 IDP Ward Priority Templates 48-93 20 Description of the Municipal Area 94-97 21 Socio Economic profile 98 22 Situational Analysis 98-120 23 Powers & Functions 120 FINAL DR JS MLM INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2017/18 – 2021/22 | 3 | P a g e 24 SWOT Analysis 121 24 Spatial development Framework 124-127 CHAPTER 1: MUNICIPAL TRANSFORMATION AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1. Issue 1: Human Resource Management 128-140 2. Issue 2: Information and Communication Technology 141-142 3. Key Focus Area 143 4. Organogram 144-183 CHAPTER 2: LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING 1. Issue 3: Economic Development & Planning 184-200 2. Key Focus Area 201 CHAPTER 3: MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND VIABILITY 1. Issue 4: Financial Viability 202-205 2. Financial Plan 205-213 CHAPTER 4: GOOD GOVERNANCE AND COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION 214-228 1. Issue 5: Good Governance and community Participation 2. Key Focus Area 229 CHAPTER 5: BASIC SERVICE DELIVERY: INFRASTRUCTURE 1 Issue 6 : water 230-238 2. Issue 7: Sanitation 238-241 3. Issue 8 : Roads & Storm water 241-248 4 Issue 9: Fleet Management 248-250 5 Issue 10: Electricity 250-256 6 Issue 11 Mechanical 256-259 FINAL DR JS MLM INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2017/18 – 2021/22 | 4 | P 6. projects 260-268 7. Key focus area 269 CHAPTER 6: BASIC SERVICE DELIVERY: COMMUNITY SERVICES 1. Issue 11: Municipal building & Facilities 270-272 2. Issue 12: Cemetery 272-273 3. Issue 13: Waste & Environment Management 273-275 4. Issue 14: special programme 274-279 5. Issue 15:Disaster Management 279-283 6. Issue 16: Traffic & Services and Roads Safety Security 284-285 7. Issue:17 Youth Development: 286-288 8. Key focus area 289 CHAPTER 7: SPATIAL RATIONALE 1 Spatial Rationale 290-299 2. Nkangala District Municipality projects 300-302 3. Departmental projects provincial 303-308 FINAL DR JS MLM INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2017/18 – 2021/22 | 5 | P a g e ACRONYMS IDP: Integrated Development Plan VIP: Ventilated Improved Pit NHBRC: National Home Builders Regulations Authority SDF: Spatial Development Plan RDP: Reconstruction and Development Plan PHP: People’s Housing Process EIA: Environmental Impact Assessment ICT: Information Communication Technology LM: Local Municipality MIG: Municipal Infrastructure Grant ECD: Early Childhood Development SMME: Small Medium Micro Enterprise HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome MFMA: Municipal Finance Management Act WSA: Water Service Delivery M&P: Monitoring and Plan FBW: Free Basic Water FBS: Free Basic Services FBE: Free Basic Electricity PRV: Pressure Reducing Valves OVC: Orphans and Vulnerable Children FLSIP: Finance Linked Subsidy Programme CBRS: Contractor Based Rural Subsidy CBIS: Contractor Based Individual Subsidy ENATIS: National Traffic Information Systems DLTC: Drivers Licence Testing Centre RA: Registering Authority VTS: Vehicle Testing Centre FINAL DR JS MLM INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2017/18 – 2021/22 | 6 | P UPS: Uninterrupted Power Supply DCP: Disciplinary Code Procedure OHS: Occupational Health and Safety NSDP: National Spatial Development Perspective RIDS: Regional Industrial Development Strategy NEGP: National Economic Growth Path NYDA: National Youth Development Agency SANRAL: South African National Road Agency Limited TVET: Technical Vocational Education and Training GET: General Education and Training MMC: Medical Male Circumcision MMC: Member of Mayoral Committee LAC: Local Aids Council SANCA: South Africa National Cancer Association SALGA: South African Local Government Association SALGBC: South African Local Government Bargaining Council SDBIP: Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan CAE: Chief Audit Executive COE: Code of Ethics WSA: Water Service Authority NRW: Non Revenue Water GIMS: Geographical Information Management Systems PGDS: Provincial Growth and Development Strategy CRO: Chief Risk Officer CRDP: Comprehensive Rural Development Programme CWB: Convertible Waterborne Toilet LGNC: Local Government Names Committee VOIP: Voiceover Internet Protocol SETA: Skills Education and Training Authority FINAL DR JS MLM INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2017/18 – 2021/22 | 7 | P a g e DEFINATION OF TERMS 1 Key Performance It is the performance area in which the municipality must perform to achieve Area (KPA) its mission and vision. 2 Strategic Objective It translates the Key Performance Area (KPA) into an outcome statement. 3 Key Focus Area It is those areas in which the municipality must perform to ensure that the (KFA) Key Performance Areas are achieved. 4 Predetermined It translates the Key Focus Area (KFA) into a Predetermined outcome in the Objective (PDO) form of an outcome statement. 5 Key Performance It defines how performance will be measured along a scale or dimension (e.g. Indicator (KPI) number of houses, km of road, percentage increase, etc.) to achieve the KPAs, KFAs and PDOs. 6 Inputs The resources that contribute to the production delivery of outputs 7 Outputs The final products, or goods and services produced for Delivery 8 Activities The processes or actions that use a range of inputs to produce the desired outputs and ultimately outcomes 9 Outcomes medium‐term results for specific beneficiaries that are the consequence of achieving specific outputs 10 Impact The developmental results of achieving specific outcome 11 Project It is an initiative that is executed over a specific period of time with a defined beginning and end with the intension of achieving the Key Focus Areas (KFAs). (It can be capital intensive or any other project) 12 Programme A sequence of scheduled activities and / or Projects executed with the intension of achieving the Key Focus Areas (KFAs). 13 Activity It is an action or task that is performed with the intension of achieving the Key Focus Areas (KFAs). 14 Baseline It is the actual results of a project, programme or activity achieved during the previous financial year(s). 15 Target It completes the performance indicator with actual numbers, percentages, rand values, etc. To be achieved over a specific period of time. 16 Driver It is the person who takes ownership to execute project, programme or activity 17 Portfolio of It is file with a clear “paper trail” that serves as proof of the execution of a Evidence (PoE) specific project, programme or activity. (It can include documents, pictures or any other form of evidence.) 18 National Key This is a key area of focus determined at national level and is mandatory to Performance Area all municipalities in South Africa. (NKPA) 19 National Key This is a key indicator determined at national level and is mandatory for all Performance municipalities in South Africa to regularly report on. Indicator (NKPI) 20 National Outcomes This refers to the 12 Outcomes determined by National Government of which Outcome 9 is focusing specifically on Local Government FINAL DR JS MLM INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2017/18 – 2021/22 | 8 | P FOREWORD BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR This Integrated Development Plan of the Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality covers the five-year period 2017 - 2022. It has been compiled with the intention of making this an Excellent Period in the history of Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality. A period of accelerated service delivery in which the goals of the National Development Plan will be eloquently achieved; a period in which the current economic and social wellbeing of the community of Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality requires some drastic changes. These social and economic challenges facing Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality mean that we need to take a longer view -a Five-Year Forward View – to consider the possible futures on offer, and the challenges and obstacles that municipality is faced with. So this Forward View which is the five IDP plan sets out how the municipality want to change the living conditions of the people of Dr JS MLM. The services, tools and machinery needed to realize its vision of “striving to become the best economically developing town mostly admired for taking care of its people”. The life-cycle of the IDP that the Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality adopted in March 2011 had come to an end on the 30th June 2016. The fundamental question that we should attempt to answer is whether the 3rd generation of the IDP approved by Council over the past five years, have achieved the broad objectives of the Municipality in terms of the priorities and needs of the communities of Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality. This IDP is premise on stakeholder engagements with communities, civil society, labour, business, government, state-owned enterprises and political parties. All the above stated stakeholder groupings have made their submissions regarding the Municipality’s current IDP and budget review processes, and those submissions were addressed through internal processes of Council. Furthermore, this IDP is a ‘building block’ towards the development of a long term strategy and vision for the Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality. This long-term strategy and vision will revive and reinstate the experience of the region as friendly and hospitable; nurture and harness tourism; Agriculture and retail, and promote and strengthen the economic vibrancy of and investor confidence in the region. In developing a long-term strategy and vision, the IDP/Budget must ensure that our plans are geared towards expediting effective, efficient and quality service delivery to the people.
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