SUBSTANCE ABLJSF Volume 26, Number 1 Division 28 - The American Psychological Association Spring, 1993 PRESIDENT'S LETTER group of psychologists and affords the opportunity to learn about recent developments in many allied areas, including Maxine Stitzer experimental analysis of behavior, mental retardation, aging, President, Division 28 and health psychology. Finally, the annual convention is an important forum for sciencelpractice interchange in the Division 28 has sustained a steady membership level of mental health and substance abuse treatment arenas. about 1,000 individuals over the years from 1970 to 1990. This has allowed us to participate effectively in the informa- Science advocacy is another major reason to belong to tion exchange and advocacy programs of APA. The total APA Division 28. The APA Science and Public Policy APA membership is growing, however, and we need to keep directorates work together to keep legislators aware of cur- up with the times. As a current member, you know about rent issues and the importance of scientific input to public the numerous benefits of membership, including this quarter- policy questions. Our members have been active in formulat- ly newsletter that keeps you updated on Division activities. ing policies for adequate care of research animals and in We are asking for your help in attracting new members. promoting public awareness of the utility and benefits of animal research. Neurobehavioral toxicology is a strong Who should join? interest of some Division members who have participated in formulation of federal guidelines for control of toxic sub- Membership in APA Division 28 is appropriate and stances. More recently, our members have been involved in strongly encouraged for psychologists with any of the follow- formulating recommendations for the operation of the APA ing broad interests: 1) effects of drugs or toxins on behavior Office on Substance Abuse and in working on APA guide- (humans or infrahuman species), 2) use of therapeutic medi- lines for improved psychopharmacology training for psychol- cations to treat mental health disorders, 3) scientific under- ogists. Advocacy efforts are critical for keeping both the standing of substance abuse and dependence, or 4) treatment science and practice sides of psychology strong and healthy. of patients with substance abuse disorders. Graduate and cont. on p. D-12 post-doctoral students can join as student affiliates. A special invitation is also extended to our colleagues in the new Divi- sion on Addiction (50). We think you will find concurrent ****DIVISION 28 MEMBERSHIP DRIVE**** membership in Division 28 to be a valuable complement to the activities of your new division. Warren K. Bickel Membership Chair, Div 28 Benefits of membership Division 28 is currently sponsoring a membership drive. Annual convention. Perhaps the biggest benefit of Keeping Division 28's voice in the APA is particularly membership is the chance to participate in the annual APA important now, given the current interest in the issue of psy- convention, which provides an excellent forum for psycho- chologists prescribing drugs, the continuing concerns about pharmacology, behavioral pharmacology and substance abuse drug abuse and about funding for drug abuse research and research. Division 28 members participate in symposia, treatment, and issues surrounding the behavioral consequenc- paper and poster sessions, special lecture series organized es of chemical toxins in the environment. Thus, in order to around science themes, ScienceIPractice forums, Masters' ensure that our Division's interests are represented, it is Lectures series, and continuing education. In addition to essential that each member act now. Please use the applica- interchange with other psychopharmacology and substance tion form on p. 7 to recruit at least one new member to our abuse researchers, the APA convention attracts a diverse division. All recruits must be or become members of MA. PROFILES OF CANDIDATES issue/policy papers, "Psychopharmacology and Substance FOR DIVISION 28 OFFICE Abuse Issues: Discussions/Statements" on important topics, prepared by Division members for distribution to APA, other In mid-May, you will receive a ballot asking you to vote organizations, departments. This will formalize for distribu- for two Division 28 officers, President-Elect and Member-at- tion opinions/issues considered by Exec. Comm.: 5) Support Large. The winners of these elections will take office in supplement issue of the new APA journal containing ab- August, 1993. The President-Elect will then serve as Presi- stracts from Division Annual Meeting posterslpresentations: dent in 1994-95 and as Past-President in 1995-96. The 6) Emphasize Division strengths and its role in APA on Members-at-Large, whose job is to represent the general behalf of scientists in psychopharmacology and substance membership at Executive Committee meetings, serve for abuse, to actively recruit new members and sustain Division three-year terms. Profiles of the candidates are presented membership and status. below.; each was invited to contribute a brief "platform. " M. MARLYNE KILBEY. Education: Ph.D. in psycholo- gy, Univ. of Houston, 1969. Research Interests: pre-clini- President-Elect cal and clinical psychopharmacology; currently working on nicotine dependence and cocaine dependence as they relate to JOHN GRABOWSKI. Education: Ph.D. in Psychology affective disorders; has begun to look at perception of drug (1970); NIMH postdoc in Psychopharmacology (1970-72), effects as a factor in nicotine dependence and cocaine de- University of Minnesota. Research Interests: Determinants pendence, and associated affective disorders. Current Posi- of drug seekingltaking, dependencies, and abuse, in Research tion: Professor of Psychology, Wayne State University, Treatment Clinic (e.g. joint action medications and behavior- Detroit, MI Memberships: APA (Fellow, Division 28 and al interventions; cocaine, opiates, nicotine; special popula- 39, Sigma Xi, AAAS, Society for Neuroscience, College on tions-HIV, pregnant women); Human Laboratory (e.g. Problems of Drug Dependence, AAUP, AAUW, Behavioral methadone self-administration) and Animal Laboratory (e.g. Pharmacology Society, Southeastern Psychological Associa- methadone self-administration); policy studies. Current tion. Service Positions: NIDA, Member, Extramural Position: Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Be- Science Advisory Board, 1990-94, Science Advisor, 1989; havioral Sciences, University of Texas Health Science Cen- APA; Member, Committee on Academic Freedom and ter; Director, Substance Abuse Research Center. Member- Conditions of Employment 1976-81, Chairperson, 1979; ships: APA (Fellow, Division 28 and 25; Member 33), member-Finance Committee, 1982-88; Member, Accredita- College on Problems of Drug Dependence; Association for tion Committee, 1988-1992, Chairperson, 1990-91 ; Member, Advancement of Behavior Therapy; Society for Behavioral Planning Committee for the Journal of Experimental and Medicine; Behavioral Pharmacology Society; AAAS; APHA. Clinical Psychopharmacology; Member, Investment Commit- Service Positions: NIDA, Clin. Behav. IRG, member, tee, 1992-95; Member of Psychopharmacology Task Force, 1991-present; NIDA Contract and SRC reviews; APA Task 1991-92; Member, Planning Committee for 1993 Conference Force on Drug Abuse, Chair, 1986; APA Working Group on on Postdoctoral Education and Training; Division 28; Coun- Drug Abuse, Chair, 1991-92, APA Division 28 Executive cil Representative, 1981-84; Executive Committee, 1981-92, Committee member-at-large, '85-'88; APA Division 28 Curriculum Committee, Chair 1988-92; Member, Continuing Executive 28 Executive Committee, Council Representative, Education Committee, 1993. Ad hoc reviewer for NIDA, '89-'91; Editorial Reviewer, several journals; Collaborated NIMH, and VA. Reviewer, Life Science; Communications with APA Publications Office to develop new APA Journal. in Psychopharmacology; Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Platform: IssuesIGoals, Mechanisms: 1) Communication Behavior; American Psychologist; Advisory Editor, Contem- and collaboration across Division membership; maintain porary Psychology, 1991-present. Platform: Continued breadth on the Executive Committee, neuroscience through development is the keyword. We need 1) a vision of where treatment research and clinical; via appointments to Execu- we want psychopharmacology to be in 2025 and to develop a tive Committee: 2) Collaboration with MA Directorates and strategy for how Division 28 can assist it to come about; 2) Divisions on member-driven issues via appointments for continued advocacy for responsible research evaluating drug DirectorateIDivision contact and action; also provide state- effects in non-humans and humans; 3) support in research; 4) ments to, meet with, Directorates on areas requiring APA action on issues of funding for research in psychopharrnacol- action on behalf of membership (e.g . animal care, prescrip- ogy and substance abuse; 5) to establish Division 28 as a tion privileges, human subjects, funding, and importance of major provider of continuing education in psychopharmacol- data-based statements, neuroscience through treatment; ogy and substance abuse; 6) continued liaison with other prelpost doctoral training): 3) Formal Division liaison with science and drug abuse service constituencies both inside and pertinent health agency staff (e.g. NIDA); provide recom- outside APA. mendations regarding directions: 4) Develop a series
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