: \ w m m & M i \M p S l ARTS St St ARTS entertainment 2A Thursday, January 23.1966 Daily Nexus One of Two United Souls Nelson Mandela, the long- with more than one person at a time. imprisoned leader whom the And nobody in South Africa can overwhelming majority of South quote her or any other banned African blacks would chose as the person. All these are in addition to Alik k leader of the nation. She says, “In the already insane restrictions-faced the earlier years I was just a carbon by all South African blacks. copy of Nelson. I was no individual. When twelve years of these MANDELA If I said something, it was ‘Nelson’s restrictions proved too little, she wife’ who said so.” She has her own was sent to prison for half a year for identity now. Rita Ndzanga, who the horrid crime of lunching with her was imprisoned with her, said that two children and Peter Mugabane, “independent of her husband — another banned person (who took she’s a leader in her own right.” most of the photos in this book, in­ The white authorities have left- cluding the cover). U -v ^ I handedly recognized her importance Since 1977 she has been banished through nonstop persecution: they to what she calls “my little Siberia,” Part of M y Soul have had her in court almost every the small, remote rural community year on some trumped-up charges, of Brandfort (An ironic footnote Went with Him banned her almost continually since points out, “Brandfort was 1962, and even jailed her. As she previously best known as the town wryly points out, “My African name which shaped the Afrikaner ‘Nomzamo’ me- _____________ Nationalist ident- Part of My Soul Went with Him ans in Xhosa ity of Dr Hendrik by Winnie Mandela ‘trial’ — those "My interrogation started Verwoerd, ar­ edited by Anne Benjamin who in their life chitect of apar­ Norton, 164 pages, $5.95 will go through on a Monday night. And I theid.”). Althou- many trials — was only delivered back to Winnie Mandela didn’t sit down also in the sense to isolate her, she and write this book — she couldn’t, of court trials....” my cell on the Saturday says, “I never for the South African government Many of those n ig h t.” saw as many wouldn’t let her. The many con­ trials have been foreign govern­ ditions of her “banning” order make over alleged — Winnie Mandela ments in my it impossible for her to write violations of her _____________ _____________ twenty years in anything meaningful on apartheid. Orwellian night­ ~ Johannesburg as I So Anne Benjamin conducted ex­ mare of a banning order. “The last have seen in exile here in Brand­ tensive interviews with her; Winnie banning order ... of course included fort.” Mandela let her use many letters to house arrest every night and at The appendix to Winnie Mandela’s and from her husband, Nelson weekends.... There is no longer any story consists of some sharply Mandela ; and Benjamin adds more need for me read that type of contrasting documents. The perspectives to the book with document.... I know it by heart. .. I Freedom Charter adopted by the statements from the Mandelas’ can’t even go, to church without a African National Congress and daughters and friends. The result is permit.” Nor can she visit any kind Winnie Mandela’s banning order are Photo by Pitar Megubane both a portrait of a woman with of school or have anything to do with as disparate as two documents could quiet grace and strength — and a any publication. Not only is she be. They provide a fitting conclusion Winnie Mandela banished to Brandfort, 1977 harsh condemnation of apartheid. prohibited from addressing public to a book that will fill you with rage She is best known as the wife of gatherings, she cannot even meet and admiration. — Scott Lewis The toughest job FASHION you’ll ever love CAREER IS IN FASHION SHOW PRODUCTION THE COLOR • LINE AND DESIGN FASHION ADVERTISING J i BAG... FASHION WRITING _■ 1 MARKETING At The FASHION FASHION DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT SANTA BARBARA Of Santa Barbara BUSINESS COLLEGE Business college We admit it. It takes a dif­ trades, business^ forestry, and other ferent kind of person to be a Peace specialties throughout the develop­ Corps volunteer. ing world. j Wc won’t mislead you with Being a ^volunteer isn’t for CALL TODAY TO FIND OUT MORE! glow ing pictures of exotic lands. The everyone, and it isn’t easy, but to the hours as a volunteer arc long. 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Place a classified ad between ponds constructed in Kenya; roads and schools and irrigation systems PEACE the hours of 12 and 1 p.m. and take advantage of ( built in Upper Volta; tens of thou­ our happy hour prices - sands of people given essential skills Buy 1 day, get 750 off, or run the ad for 4 in Carmine, nutrition, the skilled CORPS days and pay for only 3. ON CAMPUS INTERVIEWS • JANUARY 29 A 30 WOW WHAT A DEAL . Counseling & Career Center. Pick up application and sign up TODAY! Must Under Storke Tower, Room 1041' "S?* be completed before interview. i 2 J K (Not good with any other offer) " tS Info table in front of UCeif, Today 10 am • 3 pm. / * *T'\ , _______________________ For more infortfiation. call collect (2 1 3 ) 209-7 4 4 4 . ------V._____________________________________ ■_______________________________ / ------- Daily Nexus Thursday. January 23,1966 3A The Razor's Edge to Freedom Silence fell heavily over the short stories that were often In his own words, “We are going to Events Center crowd Tuesday af­ poignant, sometimes funny. be free — we have no doubt that we ternoon in anticipation of the en­ This was appropriate for a man will be free.... Until all of us are free trance of Bishop Desmond Tutu. who walks the razor’s edge and — none is free.” And so his book Before he had even entered, a continually risks his life for upholds the spirit of his speech. In standing ovation beckoned him. freedom. His humor and insight into every phrase there is hope. It is not a Enthusiastic cheers and applause human nature are his tools for blind hope. Rather it is courageous, reverberated throughout the survival in a world of vicious con­ a hope that sees reality and still auditorium until Chancellor Hut- tradictions. believes in tomorrow. tenback took the podium to formally Desmond Tutu is a devoutly For all of you who are concerned religious man, but he is also an about the world, particularly about "We have been deeply important political force in the in­ the disparity between a govern­ ternational arena. For him there is ment's policies and the sentiment of hurt. We have seen that no true distinction between politics its people, Hope and Suffering is a when it comes to the matter and religion, only that made by must. It is a compassionate voice in of Black freedom then we corrupt politicians who wish to avoid a world of chaos. It is a voice that the moral responsibility that, will not rest until it is. not only as Blacks are really ex- ideally, they should accept. heard, but realized. Desmond Tutu's pendable in the view of the I am not a big fan of religion. In voice is a voice of conscience in a fact I have a particularly strong world of seeming apathy. mighty U.S." aversion to it. Desmond Tutu, — Susanne Van Cleave — Bishop Desmond Tutu however, is so humble and true to his words that even the gospel becomes enchanting. While reading his introduce this humble freedom recently reprinted book Hope and fighter. Muted boos and hisses Suffering, I was amazed at the rapidly replaced applause as our accessibility of his writing as well as hypocritical leader sung the praises its inherent egalitarianism (This of human rights and drew attention quality was apparent not only in his to the evils of apartheid. Only the writing but in his speech as well ). crowd’s overwhelming respect for the Bishop prevented the animosity from taking a more tangible course. "You don’t dump people; Huttenback seemed pleased with himself as he compared Tutu to the you dump rubbish, you likes of Gandhi and Martin Luther dump things...” King Jr. Realizing he was no more — Bishop Desmond Tutu welcome than a Boer or Afrikaaner would have been, he soon yielded the platform to the Bishop who Hope and Suffering is a book graciously accepted, his arms appropriately titled. It is about the outstretched symbolically, em­ strength to endure suffering and the bracing the crowd.
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