TRAD101TRAD101 LanguagesLanguages && CulturesCultures ofof EastEast AsiaAsia InterrelationshipInterrelationship ofof Confucianism,Confucianism, TaoismTaoism && BuddhismBuddhism TaoismTaoism andand ConfucianismConfucianism •• ConfucianismConfucianism && TaoismTaoism havehave theirtheir commoncommon rootsroots inin II ChingChing (or(or YiYi Jing,Jing, BookBook ofof ChangesChanges ))易經易經 •• thethe oldestoldest ofof thethe ChineseChinese classicclassic textstexts II ChingChing 易經易經 •• 易易 ((yyìì)) – Adj. "easy" or "simple “ – V. "to change" or 'to exchange/ substitute one thing for anoth er'. •• 經經 ((jjīīngng )) – original meaning: "regularity" or "persistency “ – "classic (text) “ here, implying that the text describes the Ultimate Way which will not change throughout the flow of time. –– ThisThis samesame charactercharacter waswas laterlater appropriatedappropriated toto transtranslatelate thethe SanskritSanskrit wordword 's's ūūtra'tra' intointo ChineseChinese inin referencereference toto BuddhistBuddhist scripture.scripture. –– InIn thisthis sensesense thethe twotwo concepts,concepts, inin asas muchmuch asas theythey meanmean 'treatise,''treatise,' 'great'great teaching,'teaching,' oror 'canonical'canonical scriptuscripture,'re,' areare equivalent.equivalent. II ChingChing 易經易經 •• ThreeThree implications:implications: –– SimplicitySimplicity -- thethe rootroot ofof thethe substance.substance. • The fundamental law underlying everything in the universe is utterly plain and simple, no matter how abstruse or complex some things may appear to be. –– VariabilityVariability -- thethe useuse ofof thethe substance.substance. • Everything in the universe is continually changing. By comprehending this one may realize the importance of flexibility in life and may thus cultivate the proper attitude for dealing with a multiplicity of diverse situations. –– PersistencyPersistency -- thethe essenceessence ofof thethe substance.substance. • While everything in the universe seems to be changing, among the changing tides there is a persistent principle, a central rule, which does not vary with space and time. BaBa GuaGua • set of 64 abstract line arrangements called hexagrams (卦 gu à) • Each hexagram is a figure composed of six stacked horizontal lines ( 爻 yáo). • Each line is either Yang (an unbroken , or solid line), or Yin (broken , an open line with a gap in the center). • With six such lines stacked from bottom to top there are 26 or 64 possible combinations, and thus 64 hexagrams represented. BaBa GuaGua • Terence McKenna Time and the I Ching 1 http://youtube.com/watch?v=IyzdbHvwKDU FengFeng ShuiShui • The ancient Chinese philosophy, science and art that studies the way that life energy (Chi/Qi) flows throughout the environment and the spaces that we inhabit. • Experience has shown that by creating balanced and harmonious places in which to live and work in, the quality of our lives can be greatly enhanced. ArtArt ofof PlacementPlacement HSBCHSBC inin HongkongHongkong HSBCHSBC inin HongkongHongkong HonghongHonghong ConventionConvention andand ExhibitionExhibition CentreCentre HongcunHongcun II ChingChing && ShintoShinto •• TheThe ChineseChinese 'I'I Ching'Ching' playedplayed aa significantsignificant rolerole inin thethe shiftingshifting relationsrelations betweenbetween ShintoShinto andand ConfucianismConfucianism duringduring thethe TokugawaTokugawa periodperiod (1603(1603 --1868)1868) inin Japan.Japan. •• DuringDuring thethe earlyearly TokugawaTokugawa period,period, thethe 'I'I Ching'Ching' waswas usedused toto supportsupport thethe unityunity ofof ShintoShinto andand Confucianism.Confucianism. II ChingChing && KoreanKorean FlagFlag Korea, 1893 Royal Korean Consulate in Hamburg 1893 II ChingChing && KoreanKorean FlagFlag Pre-1905 Post 1984 TaoismTaoism andand ConfucianismConfucianism •• SomeSome scholarsscholars claimclaim that:that: –– ConfucianismConfucianism focusingfocusing onon ““OrderOrder ””,, inspiredinspired byby II Ching;Ching; –– TaoismTaoism onon ““ChangeChange ””,, alsoalso inspiredinspired byby II Ching.Ching. •• TaoismTaoism && Confucianism,Confucianism, asas oldold traditions,traditions, shapedshaped AsianAsian cultureculture forfor moremore thanthan 2,0002,000 years.years. TaoismTaoism andand ConfucianismConfucianism •• Taoism:Taoism: –– spontaneityspontaneity && naturalnatural kindskinds followfollow waysways appropriateappropriate toto themselves.themselves. –– TaoismTaoism emphasizesemphasizes naturalnatural societiessocieties withwith nono artificartificialial institutions.institutions. –– OftenOften skepticalskeptical andand sarcasticsarcastic onon humanhuman valuesvalues suchsuch asas morality,morality, benevolencebenevolence andand properproper behavior,behavior, manymany TaoistsTaoists dodo notnot shareshare thethe ConfucianConfucian beliefbelief inin civilicivilizationzation asas aa wayway toto buildbuild aa betterbetter world.world. –– TheyThey shareshare thethe willwill toto livelive alonealone inin thethe mountainsmountains oror asas simplesimple peasantspeasants inin smallsmall autarchicautarchic villages.villages. TaoismTaoism andand ConfucianismConfucianism •• JustJust likelike YinYin andand YangYang circlingcircling together,together, TaoismTaoism complementscomplements ConfucianismConfucianism toto thethe wholenesswholeness ofof AsianAsian culture,culture, althoughalthough theythey areare oppositesopposites sometimessometimes onon thethe topictopic ofof humanhuman perfection.perfection. –– Confucius:Confucius: thethe responsibilitiesresponsibilities toto society.society. • A perfect man: loyal to his lord, obedient to his parents, benevolent to others, respect elders and protect the young. • All these behaviors must be under a good manner and proper courtesy with honesty. • Individual persons are family members in a family -like society. They fulfill their obligations and then enjoy the rights of soci ety. TaoismTaoism andand ConfucianismConfucianism –– LaoLao ZiZi praisespraises humanshumans ’’ relationshiprelationship toto nature.nature. •• HeHe believesbelieves thatthat thethe realreal goodgood behaviorsbehaviors areare spontaneousspontaneous andand natural.natural. •• CircumspectCircumspect theythey seemed,seemed, likelike oneone whowho inin winterwinter crocrossessses aa stream,stream, watchful,watchful, asas oneone whowho mustmust meetmeet dangerdanger onon eveveryery side.side. Ceremonious,Ceremonious, asas oneone whowho payspays aa visit;visit; yetyet yielding,yielding, asas iceice whenwhen itit beginsbegins toto melt.melt. BlankBlank asas aa piecepiece ofof uncarveduncarved wood;wood; yetyet receptivereceptive asas aa hollowhollow inin thethe hills.hills. Murky,Murky, asas aa troubledtroubled streamstream ……((ChapterChapter 15)15) TaoismTaoism andand ConfucianismConfucianism •• ConfuciusConfucius focusesfocuses onon thethe human.human. – In The Analects , when Confucius ’ student “Ji -lu ask how one should serve ghosts and spirits. The master said, Till you have learnt to serve men, how can you serve ghosts? ”(11:11) – Confucius also asks Fan Chi to “respect for the Spirits but keep them at a distance. ”(6:20) – Confucius does not deny the existence of ghosts and spirits, but he asks people to get close to humans more, and to walk on the right side with hard working, rather than beg to ghosts and spirits for favors without any great efforts. TaoismTaoism andand ConfucianismConfucianism •• LaoLao Zi:Zi: whatwhat transcendstranscends thethe humanhuman beingbeing –– HumansHumans existingexisting asas individualsindividuals havehave alreadyalready disappeareddisappeared intointo thethe vastvast andand solitarysolitary nature,nature, becomingbecoming anan endurableendurable andand continuouscontinuous movementmovement inin thethe Tao.Tao. •• ConfuciusConfucius roamsroams withinwithin society,society, LaoLao ZiZi wanderswanders beyondbeyond ……ChineseChinese civilizationcivilization wouldwould certainlycertainly havehave beenbeen poorerpoorer ifif eithereither hadhad notnot appeared.appeared. TaoismTaoism andand ConfucianismConfucianism •• AsAs forfor individuals:individuals: – they follow Confucius ’ principles in society – in the individual spiritual realm, they become Taoists •• IdealIdeal intellectualsintellectuals areare usuallyusually consideredconsidered toto bebe ““ConfucianismConfucianism outside,outside, TaoismTaoism inside,inside, ”” – which enables them free to advance or retreat in their lives. – “When the Way prevails under Heaven, then show yourself; when it does not prevail, then hide. ” (Dao De Jing 8:13) Taoism/Taoism/ ConfucianismConfucianism && BuddhismBuddhism •• Taoism/Taoism/ ConfucianismConfucianism && Buddhism:Buddhism: – influencing each other in many ways – competing for influence. •• TheThe arrivalarrival ofof BuddhismBuddhism forcedforced TaoismTaoism && ConfucianisConfucianismm toto renewrenew andand restructurerestructure itselfitself andand addressaddress mysticamysticall questioningquestioning raisedraised byby Buddhism.Buddhism. •• BuddhismBuddhism waswas seenseen asas aa kindkind ofof foreignforeign TaoismTaoism andand iitsts scripturesscriptures werewere translatedtranslated intointo ChineseChinese withwith TaoistTaoist vocabulary.vocabulary. •• ZhuangZhuang ZiZi (Taoist)(Taoist) philosophyphilosophy especiallyespecially influencedinfluenced thethe ChineseChinese formform ofof BuddhismBuddhism knownknown asas ChanChan ,, whichwhich laterlater developeddeveloped intointo thethe JapaneseJapanese formform ofof ZenZen .. Taoism,Taoism, ConfucianismConfucianism
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