This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Text errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. United States Department of Agriculture Forest Regeneration Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station at Northern Latitudes General Technical Report PNW-GTR-247 Close to Timber Line April 1989 I Papers were provided by the authors in camera-ready form for printing: the authors are therefore responsible for content and accuracy. Opinions expressed are the authors' and do not necessarily reflect positions of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The use of any trade, firm, or corporation names in this publication is for the information and convenience of the reader. Such use does not constitute an official endorse- ment or approval by the U.S. Department of Agriculture of any product or service to the exclusion of others that may be suitable. FOREST REGENERATION AT NORTHERN LATITUDES CLOSE TO TIMBER LINE 16-20 June 1985 Luleå-Galliväre-Östersund, Sweden PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH ANNUAL WORKSHOP ON SILVICULTURE AND MANAGEMENT OF NORTHERN FORESTS Owe Martinsson, Workshop Coordinator Edmond C. Packee, IUFRO Working Party S1.05-12 Chairman Anthony Gasbarro, Associate Editor Teri Lawson, Technical Editor INTERNATIONAL UNION OF FOREST RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS WORKING PARTY S1.05-12 NORTHERN FOREST SILVICULTURE AND MANAGEMENT Published cooperatively by Pacific Northwest Research Station U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service and Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station School of Agriculture and land Resources Management University of Alaska Fairbanks General Technical Report PNW-GTR-247 CONTENTS FORWARD Page Edmond C. Packee . 3 INTRODUCTION Owe Martinsson . .. 5 A HISTORICAL OVERVIEW AND FUTURE PROGRAM DIRECTION OF THE FOREST SILVICULTURE AND MANAGEMENT WORKING PARTY Anthony F. Gasbarro . 6 FOREST REGENERATION AT HIGH ALTITUDES IN NORTHERN SWEDEN GunnarOlofsson . .. 11 ARTIFICIAL REGENERATIONON THE POLAR TIMBERLINE IN FINNISH LAPLAND Mauri Timonen . 17 REFORESTATION AND AFFORESTATION AT HIGH ALTITUDES IN NORTH NORW A Y Jarle Bergan . 21 FOREST RENEWAL RESEARCH IN CANADA David A. Winston . 25 THE BEST REGENERATION METHOD FOR VARIOUS CATEGORIES OF OWNERS Mats Hagner. 28 THE INFLUENCE OF MICROENVIRONMENT UPON SURVIVAL AND GROWTH IN PINUS SYLVESTRIS Mats Hagner. 33 RESULTS FROM SOME EXPERIMENTS WITH DIRECT SEEDING OF SCOTS PINE AT HIGH ALTITUDES Kenneth Sahlen. 39 A HYPOTHESIS ON THE CAUSE OF ABNORMAL DEVELOPMENT IN SCOTS PINE SAPLINGS ON PLOUGHED SITES IN NOR THERN FINLAND Eero Tikkanen. 46 THE EFFECT OF DENSITY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF SAPLING STANDS IN NORTHERN FINLAND Martti Vannola .. 55 RESEARCH ON NATURAL SECONDARY FOREST IN HEILONGJIANG PROVINCE-- KOREAN PINE-DECIDUOUS FOREST RECOVERY Chen Da-Ko, Zhu Ning et. al . 61 REGENERATION OF DAHURIAN LARCH (LARIX GMELINI) IN THE GREAT XINGANLIN MOUNTAINS OF HEILONGJIANG PROVINCE, CHINA Li Jingwen and Zhan Hongzhen . 66 GENETIC IMPROVEMENT OF FOREST TREES AT HIGH LATITUDES WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO LODGEPOLE PINE Dag Lindgren, Anders Fries, and Jan-Erik Nilsson. 68 2 FOREWORD Edmond C. Packee This, the seventh international gathering of the Previous Workshop locations and Topics were: group, is the first to be held as a Working Party of the International Union of Forest Research Year _Location Topic Organizations. As Working Party Sl.0S-12, Northern Forest Silviculture an Management, the 1979 Fairbanks, Alaska General problems group which met for the first time in 1979 related to forest formally established itself in the Worldwide U.S.A. regeneration in the Forestry Community. Emphasis of the Working Party is on the Northern Forest, referred to by circumpolar north. others as the Boreal Forest, the Taiga, and the Pre-Tundra Forest. This forest is the northern 1980 Umea, Sweden Forest regeneration forest of America, Europe, and Asia and is an problems in Sweden. important resource to the people's of the World. 1981 Prince George, Forest regeneration British Columbia, problems in Northwest The Northern Forest is an important supplier of Canada Canada. wood fibre for lumber, veneer, reconstituted wood products, and pulp. It is an important source of 1982 Hinton, Alberta, Management of recreation and is home to fish and wildlife. It Canada lodgepole pine in the provides forage and browse for domestic animals. boreal forest. It provides food for human consumption: lingonberries, blueberries, mushrooms, and 1983 Fairbanks, Alaska Forest classification delicate herbs as well as meat and fish. The U.S.A. at high latitudes as Northern Forest is a source of freshwater which an aid to forest finds its way to three great oceans: the Arctic, the Atlantic, and the Pacific. The Northern regeneration. Forest is home to citizens and guests of many 1984 The yield advantages countries. In establishing the Northern Forest Edmundston, of artificial Silviculture and Management Working Party within New Brunswick, IUFRO, the importance to the world of this forest Canada regeneration at High is acknowledged. Latitudes This was the seventh annual gathering of IUFRO Working Party Sl.054-12 Symposia foresters and resource managers interested in the > Northern Forest and the first as IUFRO Working 1985 Lulea, Sweden Forest regeneration Party Sl.05-12. Proceedings of the past at northern latitudes . workshops have been published by the USDA Forest close to timber line. Service Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station in cooperation with the School 1986 Grand Prairie, Alberta & of Agriculture and Land Resources Management of Dawson Creek, the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Proceedings British Columbia of the IUFRO Working Party Symposia will be published in a similar manner. 1987 Rovaniemi and Lapland, Finland. EDMOND C. PACKEE is an Assistant Professor of Forest Management at the Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, University of Alaska Fairbanks. 3 At this time, as Working Party Chairman, I would efforts of the authors of the papers in this like to thank the organizers and hosts of the publication as well as the individuals who Lulea, Sweden IUFRO Sl.05-12 Symposium, prepared and presented much information at the especially Dr. Owe Martinsson and his colleagues field stops. Without their superb efforts, the of the Department of Silviculture of the Swedish first IUFRO Northern Forest Silviculture and University of Agricultural Sciences, Umea, Management Symposium would not have been such a Sweden; Domanrerkets; and the Swedish Cellulose great success. Company. Also appreciated are the time and 4 INTRODUCTION Owe Martinssen It is a great pleasure to see this group come relatively mild climate and almost continuous day together in northern Sweden. light during the growing season. This workshop is going to stress problems of A few words of technical information: This forest regeneration at northern latitudes, close workshop is going to be four rather tough days in to the timber line, and you will see some of the terms of travelling. We will start tomorrow at most problematic parts of Sweden in terms of 08.00 and head north to Gällivare which is about forest regeneration. 200 km from here. There we will stay in the vacation village Börnfällan (The Bear Trap) for However, you should consider that you are new at two nights and have indoor sessions on Tuesday 65°30'N latitude, and before tomorrow night we and Wednesday morning. On Wednesday we sill will cross the 67th parallel. That is the same leave Gällivare and arrive at Storuman late in northern location as Verkhojansk in north central the night. The distance that day will be about Siberia or Coppermine in the Northwest 500 km with several steps and excursion points Territories or Old Crew in the Yuken. Compared along the read. On Thursday we w111 cont1nue to these places, I would say it is not too bad from Storuman west and south crossing altitudinal here in northern Scandinavia, especially if we tree line and end up in Jämtland. The total consider the highly productive spruce forests distance of driving will be about 1500 km. growing in northern Norway at latitude 70°, which The weather conditions should be geed; but you we unfortunately will net be able to see en this should be prepared for cold and rainy days. excursion. With these comparisons I will draw your attention With these words I wish you geed luck and I hope to the unique situation that exists here in you will have some profitable and enjoyable days northern Scandinavia: the combination of a in Sweden. OWE MARTINSSON from the Department of Silviculture at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Umea, Sweden. 5 A HISTORICAL OVERVIEW AND FUTURE PROGRAM DIRECTION 0F THE NORTHERN FOREST SILVICULTURE AND MANAGEMENT WORKING PARTY Anthony F. Gasbarro INTRODUCTION Since 1979 a group of research scientists and land Working Party originated at a symposium held at managers from northern countries has he1d annua1 the University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA in 1977. workshops to discuss research and land management The symposium, entitled “North American Forest activities related to forest regeneration at high Lands at Latitudes North of 60 Degrees,” was latitudes. Our group, formally known as the designed to lib ring together and discuss the broad International Committee on Forest Lands of North- array of information needed for the management of ern Latitudes, has recently been incorporated into forest lands a4040t high northern 1atitudes.1I At Division 1, Forest Environment and Silviculture, this meeting research scientists
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