The Language Teacher <jalt-publications.org/tlt> Feature Article My Share EAP as a Bridge to EMI: Learning from Classroom ideas from Mike de Jong, 3 12 the UK Luke Houghton, Jamie Reay, and Susan Gregory Strong Brennan TLT Interviews JALT Praxis An Interview with Henry Widdowson 9 TLT Wired Chantal Hemmi, Graham Mackenzie, & 16 Younger Learners Katsuya Yokomoto 19 Book Reviews 22 Teaching Assistance 24 The Writers’ Workshop 27 Old Grammarians 31 The Japan Association for Language Teaching Volume 43, Number 6 • November / December 2019 ISSN 0289-7938 • ¥1,900 • TLT uses recycled paper JALT Publications JALT Publications Board Chair JALT Focus Editors JALT Journal Caroline Handley } SIG FOCUS } JALT JOURNAL EDITOR [email protected] Joël Laurier & Robert Morel Eric Hauser [email protected] [email protected] TLT Editorial Staff } JALT NOTICES EDITOR } JALT JOURNAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR Malcolm Swanson Gregory Glasgow } TLT EDITORS [email protected] [email protected] Theron Muller } JALT JOURNAL JAPANESE EDITOR Nicole Gallagher Production Yo In’nami [email protected] [email protected] } } TLT ADVISOR COPYEDITORS & PROOFREADERS } JALT JOURNAL JAPANESE ASSOCIATE Gerry McLellan Casey Bean, Brian Birdsell, Chris EDITOR Edelman, Decha Hongthong, Zoe } TLT ASSISTANT EDITOR Natsuko Shintani Kenny, Robert Kerrigan, Andrew Peter Ferguson } JALT JOURNAL REVIEWS EDITOR Leichsenring, Simon Park, Nick } TLT JAPANESE LANGUAGE EDITOR Greg Rouault Roma, Kevin Thomas, David Marsh, [email protected] 杉野 俊子 (Toshiko Sugino) Brian Dubin, Jeremy Eades, Colin [email protected] Mitchell } JALT JOURNAL ASSISTANT REVIEWS } TLT JAPANESE LANGUAGE ASSOC. EDITOR Bill Snyder EDITOR } 和文校正・翻訳者 植田麻実 (Mami Ueda) (JAPANESE PROOFREADERS & [email protected] TRANSLATORS) Post-Conference Publication } TLT WEB ADMIN & EDITOR 宮尾 真理子(Mariko Miyao) } EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Malcolm Swanson 中安 真敏 (Masatoshi Nakayasu) [email protected] 阿部 恵美佳 (Emika Abe) Peter Clements 迫 和子 (Kazuko Sako) Aleda Krause 伊藤 文彦 (Fumihiko Ito) Phil Bennett [email protected] JALT Praxis Editors 野沢 恵美子 (Emiko Nozawa) } } TLT INTERVIEWS INCOMING REVIEWS EDITOR Torrin Shimono & James Nobis } DESIGN & LAYOUT Reginald Gentry Jr. [email protected] Pukeko Graphics, Kitakyushu } MY SHARE } PRINTING JALT Publications PR Koshinsha Co., Ltd., Osaka Steven Asquith & Lorraine Kipling John Gayed [email protected] [email protected] } TLT WIRED Review Edo Forsythe & Paul Raine [email protected] } TLT EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Peer Support Group Eric Bray – Yokkaichi University } BOOK REVIEWS Steve Cornwell – Osaka Jogakuin College } PSG COORDINATOR Robert Taferner & Stephen Case Scott Gardner – Okayama University [email protected] [email protected] Chiaki Iwai – Hiroshima City University } PSG MEMBERS } PUBLISHERS’ REVIEW COPIES LIAISON Todd Jay Leonard – Fukuoka University of Paul Beaufait, Steve McGuire, Theron Education Muller, Brandon Kramer, Dawn Lucovich, Julie Kimura & Ryan Barnes Robert Long Kyushu Institute of [email protected] – Anna Husson Isozaki, Joshua Myerson, Technology Jarwin K. Martin, David Ockert, Brian School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Laura MacGregor – Gakushuin University Mukogawa Women’s University, 11-68 Koshien Gallagher, Jean-Pierre J. Richard, Vikki Bern Mulvey – Iwate University Williams, Daniel Bates, Adam Pearson, Kyuban-cho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 663-8179, Tim Murphey Kanda University of JAPAN – Daniel Hooper, Hanon Junn, Amanda International Studies Yoshida, Veronica Dow, Suwako Uehara } YOUNGER LEARNERS Jonathan Picken – Tsuda University Mari Nakamura & Marian Hara Stephen Ryan – Sanyo Gakuen University [email protected] Dax Thomas – Meiji Gakuin University JALT Central Office } TEACHING ASSISTANCE Urban Edge Bldg. 5F, 1-37-9 Taito, } ADDITIONAL READERS David McMurray Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0016 [email protected] Dale Brown, Carol Borrmann-Begg, Peter Clements, John Eidswick, Naomi Fujishima, t: 03-3837-1630; f: 03-3837-1631 } THE WRITERS’ WORKSHOP Austin Gardiner, James Hobbs, Brandon Kramer, [email protected] Jerry Talandis Jr. Aleda Krause, Paul Lyddon, Donald Patterson, [email protected] Greg Rouault, Vick Ssali, Toshiko Sugino, Jerry Talandis Jr., Blake Turnbull, York Davison } OLD GRAMMARIANS Weatherford, Jennifer Yphantides Scott Gardner [email protected] THE LANGUAGE TEACHER Online • http://jalt-publications.org/tlt NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2019 • Vol. 43, No.6 Contents In this month’s issue . Feature Articles e hope that this arrival of The Language Teacher’s } EAP as a Bridge to EMI: November/December issue in your mailbox finds Learning from the UK ..............3 you well and that your autumn semester got off to aW great start. It’s an honor to rejoin the TLT staff as Co-editor TLT Interviews after a brief six-year break from JALT Publications to finish my PhD. It’s been enlightening to reflect on what has changed and } An Interview with Henry what hasn’t since I last filled this role from 2007 to 2009. Widdowson ......................9 We would like to thank Kazuko Sako, who has been an excellent Japanese Language Associate Editor, for all of her JALT Praxis contributions to our journal in that role, and to welcome } My Share .......................12 Mami Ueda, who will be taking over for Kazuko. Thankfully, } TLT Wired ......................16 Kazuko will stay on at TLT as a Japanese Proofreader and } Younger Learners ................19 Translator. We should also thank our Japanese Language } Book Reviews ...................22 Editor, Toshiko Sugino, for staying on in that role and for all } Recently Received ...............23 of her tireless work for our journal. } Teaching Assistance ..............24 In this issue we have one Feature Article by Gregory Strong, who discusses how English for academic purposes } The Writers’ Workshop ...........27 (EAP) classes can serve as a bridge to English-medium in- } SIG Focus ......................28 struction (EMI). Gregory uses data from interviews with UK- } JALT Notices ....................29 based EAP program directors and course leaders to outline } Old Grammarians ................31 potential benefits and what factors can help contribute to the success of such programs. Other As we close out 2019, we are also finishing The Language } JALT Membership Information .....30 Teacher’s 35th year of continuous publication under this title. This is a perfect opportunity to thank all the all-volunteer staff who help and have helped to contribute to our journal’s JALT Publications Online continued success. As a JALT membership journal, it very much ‘belongs’ to the membership, so I would encourage Material from The Language Teacher (TLT)and JALT Journal (JJ) published in the last six months you to consider how you might contribute. Specifically, we’re requires an access password. These passwords always interested in receiving well-written and thought-out are only available to current JALT members. To contributions to our peer reviewed columns, Feature Articles access the latest issues of TLT and JJ: and Readers’ Forum. The other column editors would also https://jalt.org/main/publications likely be happy to hear from you about your ideas. If you have To explore our unrestricted archives: an idea for a column that you would like to see in TLT, an- http://jalt-publications.org other suggestion, or would like to ask about an idea you have, please get in touch. The best way to contact us is through the Follow us for the latest information and contact page at jalt-publications.org. news on JALT Publications: We hope you enjoy this issue. Here’s hoping for another 35 years and more of The Language Teacher! facebook.com/jaltpublications — Theron Muller, Coeditor, The Language Teacher #jalt_pubs Continued over Learning to Teach TLT Editors: Theron Muller, Nicole Gallagher Teaching to Learn TLT Japanese Language Editor: Toshiko Sugino THE LANGUAGE TEACHER 43.6 • November / December 2019 1 The Language Teacher • Foreword & JALT Information のThe Language Teacher 11/12月号がお手元に届 2019年の締めくくりと同時に、The Language Teacherが く頃には、皆様お元気にすばらしい秋学期のスタ 現在のタイトルになってからの35周年の節目の年も終わ こ ートを切られていることと思います。博士課程修了 ります。これは我々のジャーナルの発展のために、これま のためJALT Publicationsから6年間という長いようで短い で ボラン テ ィア でご 尽 力くだ さった スタッフ す べ て に 感 謝 お休みを頂いた後、共同編集者としてTLTに再び参加す の意を示すこの上ない機会です。JALTメンバーのための ることを大変光栄に思っております。かつて私がこの同じ ジャーナルとして、その会員の皆様にTLTは文字通り「属 役目を担った2007-2009年から、何が変わり何が変わって して」います。皆様ご自身にも、どのような貢献ができる いないのかを省察することは、知的で刺激に満ちた経験 のか、是非検討していただきたく思います。とりわけpeer です。 reviewed columns やFeatured Articles やReaders’ Forum 今月号まで、日本語のAssociate EditorだったKazuko に、よく練られかつ熟考された原稿をお寄せいただきたい Sako)迫和子)に感謝の意を表したいと思います。彼女 と思います。他のコラムの編集者たちも、皆様の見解に喜 は秀でた日本語副編集者として我々のジャーナルに多大 んで耳を傾けるでしょう。TLTのコラムに掲載したいと思う なる貢献をしてくれました。また、その仕事を引き継いで 見解や、新しい提案をお持ちだったり、今お持ちのアイデ くれるMami Ueda(植田麻実)に歓迎の意を表します。幸 ィアについて意見を聞いたりしたい場合には、ぜひご連絡 いなことに、Kazukoは今後も日本語の校正と翻訳担当 をください。我々に連絡を取る際にはjalt-publications.orgの 者としてTLTにとどまってくれます。また日本語編集者の 「問い合わせページ」を使って頂くのが最良の方法です。 Toshiko Sugino (杉野俊子)には、これからもこの職にとど 皆様が今月号を楽しんでくださることを願っています。 まってくれること、そして TLTのための彼女の精力的な仕 次の35年、そしてさらにその先へThe Language Teacherが 事すべてに感謝致します。 続きますよう願いを込めて! 今月号にはFeature Articleとして、Gregory Strongの論文 — Theron Muller, Coeditor, The Language Teacher を掲載しています。彼は、学術目的の英語(EAP)の授業 がどのように教授言語としての英語 (EMI)への橋渡しとな りうるかを論じています。Gregoryは、英国のEAPプログラ JALT2019
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