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Dec 1999; 155(6):2101-13. * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Dec. 31, 2013 Sheet 1 of 21 US 8,617.534 B2 Figure 1 U.S. Patent Dec. 31, 2013 Sheet 2 of 21 US 8,617.534 B2 z9.InáH U.S. Patent Dec. 31, 2013 Sheet 4 of 21 US 8,617.534 B2 ?6eJOSX33M U.S. Patent Dec. 31, 2013 Sheet 5 of 21 US 8,617.534 B2 S9.InáH U.S. Patent Dec. 31, 2013 Sheet 6 of 21 US 8,617.534 B2 U.S. Patent Dec. 31, 2013 Sheet 7 of 21 US 8,617.534 B2 i U.S. Patent Dec. 31, 2013 Sheet 8 of 21 US 8,617.534 B2 Akt Pim-1 GAPDH is tos. Figure 8 (A) SarCOmeric Pr- actin Nuclei overlay NTG AKT Figure 8 (B) U.S. Patent Dec. 31, 2013 Sheet 9 of 21 US 8,617.534 B2 A phalloidin Pin overlay Non-infected Figure 9 U.S. Patent Dec. 31, 2013 Sheet 10 of 21 US 8,617.534 B2 8 - s & A - CD i 21 U.S. Patent Dec. 31, 2013 Sheet 11 of 21 US 8,617.534 B2 6LQM-uuld U.S. Patent CVS U.S. Patent Dec. 31, 2013 Sheet 13 of 21 US 8,617.534 B2 Untreated 200 Figure 13 U.S. Patent Dec. 31, 2013 Sheet 14 of 21 US 8,617.534 B2 AWOd b PWDd 0.14 0.15 Pim-wit Sh 0.13 t " 0.4 wn-Pim-wit Sham Pi-wt TAC 0.3 a-NG Sham reserNTGAC e are Pim-WAC 9. 0.12 iNTGTAC to 0.11 O, 1 3 0,1 0.09 O,09 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.07 2 3 4 5 is 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 O 1 12 13 4 weeks post-op d weeks post-op 0,45 re--Pin-wtsham EDD 0.34 ESD --MTG sham kick El Pin-wit TAC 3 aimwTac ck 0.
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