LT0600028 IDENTIFICATION OF CANDIDATE SITES FOR A NEAR SURFACE REPOSITORY FOR RADIOACTIVE WASTE LNIUS. 2OO4 Radioactive Waste Management Agency Geological Survey of Lithuania Institute of Geology and Geography Lithuanian Energy Institute IDENTIFICATION OF CANDIDATE SITES FOR A NEAR SURFACE REPOSITORY FOR RADIOACTIVE WASTE REPORT Vilnius, Lithuania, 2004 UDK[621.039.7:504.5](047J)(474.5) Identification of candidate sites for a near surface repository for radioactive waste: report/ J. Adomaitis, R. Baubinas, G. Budvytis ... et al.; Eds. S. Motiejunas, J. Satkunas, J. Mazeika; Radioactive Waste Management Agency, Geological Survey of Lithuania, Institute of Geology and Geography, Lithuanian Energy Institute. -Vilnius: Geological Survey of Lithuania, 2004. - 144 p.: iliustr. CONTRIBUTORS CHAPTER 1 (Dainius Janenas, dr. Stasys Motiejunas, RATA; dr. Jonas Adomaitis, LEI) CHAPTER 2 (prof., dr. habil. Povilas Po§kas, dr. Jonas Adomaitis, LEI; dr. Stasys Motiejunas, Liudmila Penkova, RATA) CHAPTER 3 (Algirdas Vaidotas, RATA; dr. Jonas Adomaitis, LEI) CHAPTER 4 (dr. Jonas Adomaitis, prof., dr. habil. Povilas PosTcas, Grazvydas Budvytis, LEI; Algirdas Vaidotas, dr. Stasys Motiejunas, RATA) CHAPTERS PARAGRAPH 5.1 (dr. Rtfardas Baubinas, dr. habil. Jonas Mazeika, dr. Julius Taminskas, GGI) PARAGRAPH 5.2 (dr. Jurga Lazauskiene, dr. Rimante Guobyte, LGT; dr. Vita Dginyte, GGI) CHAPTER 6 PARAGRAPH 6.1 (dr. RiCardas Baubinas, dr. habil. Jonas Mazeika, dr. Julius Taminskas, GGI) PARAGRAPH 6.2 (Jolanta Cyziene, dr. Rimante Guobyte, Daina Radzeviciene, LGT) PARAGRAPH 6.3 (dr. Julius Taminskas, dr. habil. Jonas Mazeika, GGI) CHAPTER 7 PARAGRAPH 7.1.1 (dr. Ridardas Baubinas, dr. habil. Jonas Mazeika, GGI) PARAGRAPH 7.1.2 (dr. Jurga Lazauskiene, dr. Rimante Guobyte, Daina Radzeviciene, LGT) PARAGRAPH 7.2.1 (dr. Julius Taminskas, GGI) PARAGRAPH 7.2.2 (dr. Rimante Guobyte, drJonas Satkunas, dr. Vytautas Raclcauskas, dr. Jurga Lazauskiene, Jolanta Cyziene, LGT) CHAPTER 8 (dr. Stasys Motiejunas, Algirdas Vaidotas, RATA; dr. Ricardas Baubinas, dr. habil. Jonas Mazeika, GGI; dr. Jonas Satkunas, dr. Jurga Lazauskiene, Jolanta Cyziene, LGT; dr. Jonas Adomaitis, LEI) Edited by: Jonas Mazeika, Stasys Motiejunas, Jonas Satkunas Editor-in-chief: Stasys Motiejunas ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to express our gratitude to all those who had contributed to the completion of this Report. It is a great pleasure to acknowledge the assistance we have received from Swedish International Project Nuclear Safety (SIP) and SKB International Consultants in preparing this Report. We are particularly pleased to thank Curt Bergman, Prof. Roland Pusch and Goran Backblom for their generous help. Also, we would like to thank members of the international expert team, Magnus Westerlind (SKI), John Rowat (IAEA), Kirsti-Liisa Sjoblom (STUK), Lucien Cecille (EC) and Peter Ormai (PURAM), who have contributed to the evaluation of this Report. Dainius Janenas RATA Director ^9 SWEDISH INTERNATIONAL PROJECT Nuclear Safety Published by: Swedish International Project Nuclear Safety •SUMMARY . •.•••-;•; • ' . .•;•••; .: ' v From operation of Ignalina NPP Lithuania has accumulated large quantities of low and intermediate level radioactive waste. The Strategy on Radioactive Waste Management emphasizes the necessity to be ready for the management of radioactive waste, which will result from the Ignalina NPP decommissioning starting in 2005. In order to implement provisions of the Strategy, Radioactive Waste Management Agency has started to prospect for a site suitable for the near surface repository. This Report comprises results of the area survey stage, which involves regional screening to define the regions of interest and identification of potential sites within suitable regions. The main goal was to define a few sites potentially suitable for constructing of the NSR. • •- . / • _•• . It was concluded that a vicinity of Ignalina NPP is among the best suitable regions for the near surface repository. At the present investigation level a ridge in Galilauke village has the most favorable conditions. However, Apvardai site is potentially suitable for the repository too. Draft Report of the present studies has been presented for evaluation at an international seminar organized jointly by IAEA, SIP and RATA and held on 3-4 March 2004 in Vilnius. All key institutional stakeholders took part in the discussions. The Report was updated taking into account given comments and recommendations. LIST OF ACCEPTED ACRONYMS EC - European Commission IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency GGI - Institute of Geology and Geography INPP - Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant LEI - Lithuanian Energy Institute LGT - - Geological Survey of Lithuania LILW - Low- and Intermediate-Level Waste NSR - Near Surface Repository RATA - Radioactive Waste Management Agency VATESI - State Nuclear Power Safety Inspectorate WAC - Waste Acceptance Criteria CONTENT 1. BACKGROUND 7 2. CHARACTERISATION OF RADIOACTIVE WASTES 10 2.1. Waste acceptance 10 2.2. Expected waste amounts and inventory 11 3. REPOSITORY CONCEPTUAL DESIGN 14 4. SITING CRITERIA 17 4.1. Overview of legal requirements 17 4.1.2. Lithuanian legislation and regulations 17 4.1.3. IAEA recommendations 18 4.2. Main criteria for sitting a near surface repository 19 4.2.1. Legal and environmental restrictions 19 4.2.2. Technical/safety criteria 19 4.3. Suitable site for a repository 20 4.3.1. Geological features 20 4.3.2. Topographical and hydrological features 21 4.3.3. Geotechnical stability of the site and setting of the repository foundation 21 4.3.4. Slope stability 21 4.3.5. Tectonics, seismicity and liquefaction 21 4.3.6. Hydrological features 21 4.3.7. Geochemical features 22 4.3.8. Surface processes and impact from natural phenomena 22 4.3.9. Human activities 22 4.3.10. Transportation of radioactive waste 22 4.3.11. Socio-economic impacts 23 4.4. The information needed at a site characterization stage 23 5. RESULTS OF THE REGIONAL MAPPING 26 5.1. Geographical and environmental aspects 26 5.1.1. The main features of the surface relief and of the surface erosion processes 26 5.1.2. Climate anomalies and their trends in Lithuania 26 5.1.3. The hydrological conditions in Lithuania 28 5.1.4. Density and importance of preserved territories and ecological networks 31 5.1.5. Socio-geographical information 33 5.1.6. Oilier peculiarities caused by human activity 36 5.1.7. Conclusions 38 5.2. Regional overview of geological and tectonic structure 39 5.2.1. Geological setting in Lithuania 39 5.2.2. Tectonic 39 5.2.3. Seismotectonic activity of Lithuania 41 5.2.4. Neotectonic activity 42 5.2.5. Groundwater occurrence conditions and vulnerability 43 5.2.6. Occurrence and composition of Quaternary deposits 44 5.2.7. Conclusions 47 6. IGNALINA NPP REGION CHARACTERISATION 48 6.1. Geographical and environmental features 48 6.1.1. Location .......;... : 48 6.1.2. Landscape 49 6.1.3. Climate and hydrological conditions 50 6.1.4. Preserved territories and their state ...52 6.1.5. Socio-geographic information.... 53 6.1.6. Other peculiarities caused by economic activity .....56 6.1.7. Conclusion v ........ , 56 6.2. Geological structure ....57 6.2.1. Geomorphological setting 57 6.2.2. Structural-tectonic setting... ..: 57 6.2.3. Geological composition and stratigraphy......:...... „„ 59 6.2.4. Tectonic faults....: ....,.......:... '.' ..66 6.2.5. Hydrogeological conditions - the aquifers and their interconnections ,69 6.2.6. Negative screening :. 70 6.2.7. Conclusions 70 7. RESULTS OF SCREENING PHASE .. 72 7.1. Characterisation of all investigated potential sites 72 7.1.1. Geographical and environmental characteristics : '. 72 7.1.2. Geological and hydrogeological studies.. 84 7.2. Detailed characterization of three most suitable sites 103 7.2.1. Geographical and environmental characteristics.. 103 7.2.2. Results of geological and hydrogeological investigations 107 8. SUMMING UP OF INVESTIGATION RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS 115 APPENDIXES Appendix 1. STUDY VISIT TO POTENTIAL SITES FOR A NEAR SURFACE REPOSITORY IN THE IGNALINA NPP REGION 119 Appendix 2. COMMENTS ON THE REPORT "IDENTIFICATION OF CANDIDATE SITES FOR A NEAR SURFACE REPOSITORY FOR RADIOACTIVE WASTE"..... 124 Appendix 3. LAKE DRUKSIAI AS AQUATIC PATHWAY..... .............126 Appendix 4. BACKGROUND RADIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS IN LITHUANIA 131 Appendix 5. PROPERTIES OF SOILS....... 133 1. BACKGROUND From operation of Ignalina NPP Lithuania has accumulated large quantities of low and intermediate level radioactive waste. Since beginning of the NPP operation in 1984 all radioactive wastes are stored in storage facilities at INPP site. Safety analyses performed in 2000-2003 have shown that the existing radioactive waste storage facilities are not acceptable for long-term storage and can only be used as interim storage facilities for the time period ending 2010 [1]. In the Strategy on Radioactive Waste Management approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania in 2002 [2] it is foreseen to construct new repositories for radioactive waste and to retrieve, characterize and condition the short-lived radioactive waste accumulated in INPP storage facilities. The Strategy also emphasizes the necessity to be ready for the management of radioactive waste, which will result from the INPP decommissioning starting in 2005. All necessary studies on a repository for low- and intermediate- level short-lived radioactive waste should be performed until 2005 [2]. The NSR commissioning date significantly impacts the additional interim storage
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