1897. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 53 Candidate Corpl. Preston Brown, Battery A, Fifth Artillery, to corpus by Federal courts or judges thereof-to the Committee on be second lieutenant. the Judiciary. Candidate Corpl. William D. Conrad, Troop I, Fifth Cavalry, By Mr. DAVIS: A bill (H. R. 384) to pl·ovide for an investiga­ to be second lieutenant. tion of the obstruction of the navigable waters of Florida by the Candidate Corpl. Louis Herman G1·oss, Company G, Fifth In­ aquatic plant known as the water hyacinth, and for other pur· fantry, to be second Jieutenant. poses-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. Candidate Sergt. Thomas Franklin, Company A, Eighteenth By Mr. JENKINS: A bill (H. R. 385) to amend the civil-service Infantry, to be second lieutenant. laws of the United States-to the Committee on Reform in the Candidate Corpl. George H. Steel, Company D, Fifth Infantry, Civii Service. to be second lieutenant. By Mr. McEWAN: A bill (H. R. 386) to amend section 9 of an Oaval1'Y arm. act passed August, 1894, establishing bonded warehouses for man­ ufacturing purposes-to the Committee on Ways and Means. Second Lieut. Melvin Weston Rowell, Tenth Cavalry, to be first Also, a bill (H. R. 387) to insure creditors of corporations in the 1 lieutenant. collection of their claims-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, a bill (H. R. 388) for testing the Belduke combination propeller-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Also, a bill (H. R. 389) to provide for the erection of a public building at Jersey City,N. J.-tothe Committee on Public Build­ THURSDAY, March 18, 1897. ings and Grounds. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. By Mr. BRUMM: A bill (H. R. 390) providing for the mobiliza­ tion of the regular soldiers and marines and State militia-to the HENRY N. COUDEN. The Journal of the proceedings of Monday was read and ap­ Committee on Military Affairs. proved. By Mr. MAGUIRE: A bill (H. R. 391) relating to the jurisdic­ Mr. HENDERSON. Mr. Speaker, I desire to say to the House tion of the court of appeals of the District of Columbia-to the that the Committee on Ways and Means will not be able to report Committee on the Pacific Railroads. to-day, but expect to be able to make a report on the tariff bill in Also, a bill (H. R. 392) to establish a postal-telegraph system the morning. I therefore move that the House do now adjourn. and to enlarge the postal facilities of the people of the United The motion was agreed to; and accordingly (at 12 o'clock and States-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. 15 minutes p.m.) the House adjourned. Also, a bill (H. R. 393) to provide tract or property indexes in the office of the recorder of deeds for the District of Columbia-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS. Also, a bill (H. R. 394) for the relief of certain enlisted men of the naval force of the United States-to the Committee on Naval Under clause 2 of Rule XXIV, the following executive com­ Affairs. munications were taken from the Speaker's table and referred By Mr. LOW: A bill (H. R. 395) to amend an act entitled "An as follows: act to regulate and improve the civil service of the United States," A letter from the Postmaster-General, calling attention to the approved January 16, 1883-to the Committee on Reform in the need of an immediate appropriation fo:tthe expenses of the Postal Civii Service. Congress of the World-to the Committee on Appropriations, and By Mr. MAGUIRE: A bill (H. R. 396) to reimburse the States ordered to be printed. of California, Oregon, and Nevada for moneys by them expended A letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter in the suppression of the rebellion-to the Committee on War from the Chief of Engineers, report of examination for obtaining Claims. a channel through Conanicut Island, Narragansett Bay, Rhode By Mr. LOW: A bill (H. R. 397) to establishAppomattoxPark, Island-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors, and ordered to in the State of Virginia-to the Committee on Military Affairs. be printed. Also, a bill (H. R. 398) to provide a system of national super­ A letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a lett.er vision, to secm·e a revenue for the Government from the corpora­ from the Chief of Engineers, report of examination and survey of tions organized under this act, and to create a class of securities Ocracoke Inlet, North Carolina-to the Committee on Rivers and which may be safely deposited with the Government as a basis of Harbors, and ordered to be printed. circulation-to the Committee on the Judiciary. A letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter Also, a bill (H. R. 399) to purchase a portrait of Daniel D. from the Chief of Engineers, report of examination and survey of Tompkins, late Vice-President of the United States-to the Com­ Pamlico River, North Carolina-to the Committee on Rivers and mittee on the Library. Harbors, and ordered to be printed. Also, a bill (H. R. 400) to provide for reorganization and im­ A letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter provement of the musical service of the Al"'Ily and Navy and from the Chief of Engineers, report of examination of Treadwater :Marine Corps of the United States-to the Committee on Military (Tradewater) River, Kentucky-to the Committee on Rivers and Affairs. Harbors, and ordered to be printed. Also, a bill (H. R. 401) for the erection of a monument in the A letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter city of Washington to the memory of the .late Commodore John from the Chief of Engineers, report of examination of Union River. Paul Jones-to the Committee on the Library. near the city of Ellsworth, Me.-to the· Committee on Rivers and By Mr. BARRETT: A bill (H. R. 402) for the erection of a Harbors, and ordered to be printed. public building at Malden, Mass.-to the Committee on Public A letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter Buildings and Grounds. from the Chief of Engineers, report of examination and survey of Also, a bill (H. R. 403) granting thirty days' leave of absence, Provincetown Harbor, Massachusetts-to the Committee on Rivers with pay, to the employees of the Government Printing Office and and Harbors, and ordered to be printed. the Bureau of Engraving and Printing-to the Committee on Printing. Also, a bill (H. R. 404) to amend "An act making appropria· PUBLIC BILLS, RESOLUTIONS, AND MEMORIALS tions for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the year INTRODUCED. ending the 30th of June, 1865, and for other purposes "-to the Under clause 3 of Rule XXII, bills, I'esolutions, and memorials Committee on the Library. of the following titles were introduced and severally referred as Also, a bill (H. R. 405) for the erection of a public building at follows: Malden, Mass.-to the Committee on Public Buildings and By Mr. DINGLEY: A bill (H. R. 379) to provide revenue for Grounds. the Government and to encourage the industries of the United Also, a bill (H. R. 406) providing that the members of the Presi­ States-to the Committee on Ways and Means. dent's Cabinet shall be selected from the Senate or the Honse of By Mr. TERRY: A bill (H. R. 380) to amend section 1864 of Representatives-to the Committee on the Judiciary. the Revised Statutes of the United States, in relation to taking Also, a bill (H. R. 407) for the construction of a wooden dry depositions de bene esse-to the Committee on the Judiciary. dock at the United States navy-yard, Boston, Mass.-to the Com~ Also (by request), a bill (H. R. 381) for the better regulation of mittee on Naval Affairs. insurance companies doing business in the Indian Territory-to Also, a bill (H. R. 408) to authorize the Secretary of War and the Committee on the Judiciary . the Secretary of the Navy to make certain disposition of con~ . Also, a bill (H. R. 382) tO put in force in the Indian Territory demned ordnance, guns, and cannon balls in their respective and Oklahoma Territory the law of the State of Arkansas entitled Departments-to the Committee on Military Affairs. "An act to regulate the rates of charges for the carriage of pas­ Also, a bill (H. R. 409) to prevent the adulteration of candy in sengers by railroads," approved April 4, 1887-to the Committee the District o£ Columbia-to the Committee on the District of on the Territories. Columbia. Also, a bill (H. R. 383) in relation to issuance of writs of habeas Also, a bill (H. R. 410) to establish the department of commerce • I 54 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. MARCH 18, and manufactures-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign the time and place for holding court therein-to the Committee on Commerce: · the Judiciarv. Also, a bill (H. R. 411) to amend sections 2527 and 2529 of the Also, a bill (H. R. 436) to amend the judiciary act of August 13, Revi~ ed Statutes of the United States-to the Committee on Ways 1888-to the Committee on the Judiciary. and Means. By Mr. FOSS: A bill (H.Jt.
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