Page 1 (SENSITIZING REPORT) SENSITIZING THE PUBLIC ABOUT CORRUPTION - DISPLAY OF STANDARD NOTICE BOARD BY DEPARTMENTS/ORGANISATION REGARDING : 764 BRTF (P) SWASTIK : JULY 2012 (CONTRACT MORE THAN 50 LAKHS) (Reference HQ CE (P) Swastik letter No.16500/Policy/69/Vig dated 10 Dec 2009) S/ CA No Name of work Name of contractor CA Amount Date of Period of Actual date Actual Date Reason for Remarks No /Firm (In Lacs) acceptance completion of starting of delay, if any of contract of contract work completion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 CE(P)/SW Handling & conveyance of cement, The G.M Sikkim Rs. 01.04.2008 1 year 01.04.2008 31.03.2009 Completed TK/ bitumen, steel etc Nationalised 8.17/MT/Km MOT-01/ Transport, Gangtok 08-09 2 CE (P) Construction of Toe walls and RCC M/S Shiv Shakti 2891.21/ 28.08.2008 15 months 02.09.2008 - Extended upto SWTK/02/ retaining walls from Km 24.00 to Km 51.00 Enterprises, A-340/2, 1792.50 31.03.2012 2008-09 on Road Gangtok-Nathula (JNM) under Near P & T Colony, 764 BRTF sector of project Swastik In Shastri Nagar, Sikkim State. Jodhpur-342003 3 CE (P) Supply and stacking of coarse river sand M/s Anil Steel 92.57 29.08.2008 120 days 02.09.2009 15.04.2009 Completed SWTK/03/ between km 24.00 to 51.00 on road Furniture, Shop 2008-09 Gangtok-Nathula No.150, Sector 7C, Chandigarh-160026 4 CE (P) Design & construction of 110 m long major M/S Poddar 892/ 25.10.2008 24 months 24.11.2008 23.11.2010 Completed SWTK/07/ pmt bridge over river Dikchu-Khola at km Construction 899.5 2008-09 31.103 on road Singtham-Dikchu Co;Engineers & Contractors, E-98, Prem Kutir Appartment, Plot No 25/1, Sector 09, Rohini, Delhi 5 CE (P) Design & construction of 50 m single span M/S Mohan Bajaj, PS 332.50/ 31.10.2008 24 months 05.01.2009 Extended upto SWTK/09/ major pmt bridge with steel truss Road, Gangtok 377.03 30.06.2012 2008-09 superstructure over Siyam-Nallah at km 6.9 on road R-D Road 6 CE (P) Providing and laying WMM 100 mm and 75 M/S Mohan Bajaj, PS 1873.046 17.12.2008 15 months 19.01.2009 Extended upto SWTK/19/ mm consolidated thick DBM 60 mm and Road, Gangtok 31.03.2012 2008-09 AC 40 mm consolidated thick between km 38.50 to 51.385 on Gangtok-Nathulla road 7 CE (P) Providing and laying WMM 100 mm and 75 M/S Mohan Bajaj, PS 937.947 17.12.2008 344 days 19.01.2009 Extended upto SWTK/20/ mm consolidated thick DBM 60 mm and Road, Gangtok 31.03.2012 2008-09 AC 40 mm consolidated thick between km 0.00 to 5.66 on Sherathang-Nathulla road Page 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 CE (P) Providing and laying WMM 100 mm and 75 Shiv Shakti 2069.977 17.12.2008 15 months 19.01.2009 Extended upto SWTK/21/ mm consolidated thick DBM 60 mm and Enterprises, A-340/2, 31.03.2012 2008-09 AC 40 mm consolidated thick between km Near P&T Colony, 24.25 to 38.5 on Gangtok-Nathulla road Shastri Nagar, Jodhpur, Rajasthan- 342003 9 CE (P) Construction of HB living shelters, HN M/s Mk Infrastructure 482.26/ 23.03.2009 80 days 01.04.2009 Extended upto SWTK/30/ structures, HB Sheds in 130 RCC secotor Pvt Ltd, 04- Agrasen 500.77 31.03.2011 2008-09 under 764 BRTF (against Part II of Sch 'A') Roads, Siliguri 734005 (SOC fwded Project Swastik on Jawaharlal Nehru Marg (West Bengal) for foreclosing) (GN road) in the state of sikkim 10 CE (P) Transportation of Cement, Bitumen, Steel, The G.M Sikkim Rs. 01.04.2009 1 year 01.04.2009 31.03.2010 Completed SWTK/ Bridging Stores, Steam Coal and any other Nationalised 8.33/km/MT MOT-I/ stores from 532 SSTC Siliguri/SD Transport, Gangtok 2009-10 BENGDUBI to any point within Sikkim and vice versa. 11 CE (P) Supply and stacking of dry coarse sand for M/s CM Agarwal & Co, 201.79 02.05.2009 150 days 02.05.2009 30.07.2010 Completed SWTK/02/ pmt works on road Gangtok-Sherathang- RC Mintri Road, 2009-10 Nathula between km 24.250 to 51.385 and Kalimpong km 0.00 to 5.66 under 764 BRTF (P) Swastik in the State of Sikkim 12 CE (P) Construction of river training works at k M/s Pave 813.57/ 12.05.2009 1 year 21.05.2009 31. 01.2012 Completed SWTK/03/ specified location along road side banks of Infrastructures, 10/3, 822.06/ 2009-10 river Teesta between km 0.00 to 81.00 on Baliadas Chatterjee 762.66 road sector Sevoke-Ranipul under 764 road, Siliguri, WB- BRTF (P) Swastik in the State of West 734001 Bengal and Sikkim 13 CE (P) Supply and stacking of stone metal, stone M/s Om Prakash 59.45 13.05.2009 180 days 21.05.2009 15.03.2010 Completed SWTK/04/ chips and coarse sand dry for resurfacing Anand & Co. 3rd Mile, 2009-10 works between km 7.5 to 25.00, km 29 to Sevoke Road, Siliguri 30, 34.00 to 42.5, 63.760 to 66.250 and 69.90 to 70.60 on road Damdim-Alagrarah for the year 2009-10 under 764 BRTF (P) Swastik in the State of West Bengal and Sikkim Page 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 CE (P) Supply and stacking of stone metal 90-45 M/s Harbhaj Dass 92.43/ 24.06.2009 90 days 01.07.2009 Extended upto SWTK/06/ mm, stone metal 63-45 mm, stone metal Agarwal, C/O Avishek 98.82 31.01.2012. 2009-10 40 mm, stone chips 20 mm, stone chips Enterprises, Binda SOC submitted 13.20 mm, stone screening 11.20 mm, Jayanti Building, 31, for cancellation stone chips 11.20 mm and coarse sand for Sevoke Road, Siliguri, surfacing and permanent works between West Bengal, Pin: Km 0 and Km 20.00 on road Sevoke- 734001 Ranipul under 764 BRTF (P) Swastik in the state of West Bengal. 15 CE (P) Supply and stacking of stone metal 90-45 M/s Harbhaj Dass 167.69 24.06.2009 90 days 01.07.2009 Extended upto SWTK/07/ mm, stone metal 63-45 mm, stone metal Agarwal, C/O Avishek 31.03.2012. 2009-10 40 mm, stone chips 20 mm, stone chips Enterprises, Binda SOC submitted 13.20 mm, stone screening 13.20 mm, Jayanti Building, 31, for cancellation stone chips 13.20 mm, stone screening Sevoke Road, Siliguri, 11.20 mm, stone chips 11.20 mm and West Bengal, Pin: coarse sand for surfacing and permanent 734001 works between Km 22.65 and Km 52.10 on road Sevoke-Ranipul under 764 BRTF (P) Swastik in the state of West Bengal. 16 CE (P) Execution of WBM 7.5 cm consolidate MK Infrastructure (P) 459.33 11.09.2009 90 days 13.10.2009 Extended upto SWTK/13/ thick for correction work before providing Ltd, 4, Agrasen Road, 28.02.2011 and 2009-10 and laying of dense bituminous macadam Siliguri-734005 (West Contract was 7.5 cm thick and asphalt concrete 2.5 cm Bengal) cancelled on thick all consolidated with HMP mix 28.02.2011 including cleaning of road surface, laying of primer/tack coat, laying by paver between km 27.40 to km 32.705 on Singtham-Dikchu road and between km 0.00 to km 7.30 on road Dikchu-Rangrang under 764 BRTF in the State of Sikkim 17 CE (P) Hiring of hydraulic excavator air M/S Mohan Bajaj, PS 316.82/ 22.09.2009 150 days 20.10.2009 14.09.2010 Completed SWTK/14/ compressor HMP and Tata Tipper Road, Gangtok 293.21 2009-10 including operator and POL for works under 87 RCC against Part I and under 130 RCC against Part II both under 764 BRTF road sector of Project Swastik in the State of Sikkim and West Bengal Page 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 18 CE (P) Supply and stacking of stone metal 90-45 M/S GH Enterprises, 122.8 05.10.2009 100 days 09.11.2009 05.07.2011 Completed. SWTK/15/ mm, stone metal 63-45mm, stone metal 40 SCO 80-81, Sector 2009-10 mm, stone chips 20 mm, stone screening 15D, Chandigarh 13.2mm, stone chips 13.2mm, stone screening 11.2mm, stone chips 11.2mm and coarse sand for surfacing and permanent works between km 52.10 and 81.10 on road Sevoke-Ranipul under 764 BRTF Project Swastik in the State of West Bengal and Sikkim. 19 CE (P) Providing and laying of dense bituminous M/s Mk Infrastructure 690.99 10.10.2009 90 days 13.10.2009 Extended upto SWTK/17/ macadam 7.5 cm thick and asphalt Pvt Ltd, 04- Agrasen 15.02.12 2009-10 concrete 2.5 cm thick and consolidated Roads, Siliguri 734005 with HMP mix including cleaning of road (West Bengal) surface, laying of primer/tack coat laying by paver finisher and rolling for surfacing works to specified thickness between km 14.00 to 28.180 on Sevoke Rangpo road in 764 BRTF under Project Swastik in the State of West Bengal 20 CE (P) Engagement of consultant for feasibility Euphoria Engineering 59.50 31.12.2009 175 days 09.01.2010 Extended upto SWTK/26/ study for construction of existing Solutions Pvt Ltd, 30.04.2011 2009-10 MDR/class 5/earthen road to NHDL Consultants, specifications (formation width 12 mtr and Contractors & carriage way width 7.00 mtr) geometric Engineers, improvement/ realignment and preparation TG Kaleon’s Building, of detailed project report (DPR) from km Ground Floor, 0.00 to km 70.00 on road Khuniamore to Syari School Road, Tangta in West Bengal under 764 BRTF Upper Syari, (P) Swastik, obtaining land acquisition & Gangtok, forest clearance (LA&FC) from land PIN - 737102 revenue department and forest department from the govt of West Bengal 21 CE (P) Design & constr of 60 m span Major Pmt M/S Poddar 414/ 17.12.2009 2 years 09.01.2010 SWTK/22/ bridge with PSC box girder superstructure Construction 432.45/ 2009-10 on open foundation over Kalikhola at km Co;Engineers & 447.21 15.985 on road Singtham-Dikchu under (P) Contractors, E-98, Swastik in Sikkim State Prem Kutir Appartment, Plot No 25/1, Sector 09, Rohini, Delhi Page 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 22 CE (P) Handling & conveyance of cement, The G.M Sikkim 8.75/MT/km 01.04.2010 1 year 02.04.2010 30.04.2011 Completed SWTK/M bitumen, steel etc Nationalised OT-01/ Transport, Gangtok 2010-11 23 CE (P) Design and construction of 60 mtr single Vij Engineers & 369.00 21.05.2010 2 years 01.06.2010 SWTK/03/ span (c/c of abutment bearings) major pmt Consultant Pvt Ltd, 2010-11 bridge with steel truss superstructure (deck B-68, Swami Nagar type) on open foundation over Namak (North), Nallah at km 4.154 on road Rangrang- Near Chirag Delhi Fly Dikchu under Project Swastik In Sikkim Over, State Outer Ring Road, New Delhi-110017 24 CE (P) Design and construction of 70 m single M/s Nar Bahadur 421.00 10.06.2010 24 months 25.06.2010 SWTK/04/ span (c/c of abutment bearings) major pmt Dahal, PO.
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