ü ù 0DUFK°0D\ =DEOXGRZLF]&ROOHFWLRQ =DEOXGRZLF]&ROOHFWLRQ 0HPEHUVKLSVWDUWVIURPMXVW =LONKD$XGLWRULXP VKRUW½OPVIHDWXUHVWXIIHGELUGVGLVFXVVLQJ QHZZRUNE\WKHZLQQHURIWKH0D[0DUD$UW +RVSLWDOLW\LVUHQRZQHGIRUKHUELJ¾DYRXUV DQGORYHRIVHDVRQDOLW\DVLQ¾XHQFHGE\ WKFHQWXU\ZRUNVIURPWKH0DUDPRWWL ü ù :DUKROµV½OP (QULFR&DVWHOODQLDQG3LHUR0DQ]RQL H[FLWLQJDUWLVWVZRUNLQJZLWK½OPYLGHR E\.XQVWKDXV=XULFK6ZLW]HUODQG RQDQGUH¾HFWWKLVH[KLELWLRQFRPSULVHV ü ù 7KH0D[0DUD$UW3UL]HIRU:RPHQSURPRWHVDQGQXUWXUHV DWDEOHDQGWKH½JXUHRIWKFHQWXU\ 0LQK&LW\9LHWQDP ½OPVLPXOWDQHRXVO\VKRZVFOLSVRI&KDUOLH DQGKLVIDWKHU0DUWLQ SHUIHFWIRUPHHWLQJV½OPVFUHHQLQJV UH\PRQGJXWK/WG½QH$576 9LHWQDP ü ù RXU0HPEHUVDQG$UWV&RXQFLO(QJODQG RQWKH½UVW:HGQHVGD\RIHYHU\PRQWK ü ù +'FRORXUVRXQGµ³(ORGLH3RQJ I &RXUWHV\WKHDUWLVWDQG6DQ$UW+R&KL0LQK&LW\ Education Talks / Events / Courses Film FLAMIN Productions 2: Education Open Evening Young Curators Archive Writer in Residence: 2011–12: April Jean-Marc Bustamante discusses Symposium: Birth in Discussion: The Real World: Families June Charlotte Ginsborg: 7KXUVGD\0D\SP Bethnal Green Library & information as material the relationship between Contemporary Art Altruism and Philanthropy Melior Street , 70mins Creative Studio, Study Studio, Foyle Reading Room photography, painting and :HGQHVGD\0D\SP in the Arts Sunday 10 April, 3pm Galleries 1, 7, 8 & 9 $SULO°0D\ =LONKD$XGLWRULXP Gallery Talk and Walk: Thursday 30 June, 7pm In Conversation: Andrea Büttner sculpture in his work with Penelope 0HOLRU6WUHHWQHDU/RQGRQ Family Day: Paul Graham (Free, booking essential) To mark the group’s new name the Why is the subject of birth rarely Ian Berry on This is Whitechapel Study Studio (£3) Saturday 2 April, 3pm Curtis , curator of the exhibition Bridge, a road with a diverse 6DW0D\SP An event for teachers, teaching Young Curators collaborated with engaged with in contemporary Thursday 2 June, 7pm From corporate sponsors to =LONKD$XGLWRULXP )UHH and Director of Tate Britain. demographic and a confused Throughout the Gallery assistants, gallery educators, artist Paul Crook to consider how art? The Birth Rites Collection, 0HHWLQ*DOOHU\ )UHH volunteers, what does altruism The artist discusses her work with In association with Timothy Taylor Gallery. architecture, functions as a (Free) community and youth workers. they might be represented in an organisation that collects, 0DJQXPSKRWRJUDSKHU Ian Berry mean in the context of the arts stage set for an exploration of Join the artist collective Join a curator and artist-led tour, future archives. They restaged curator Bina von Stauffenberg . researches and produces talks about his exhibition and today? Speakers include Paul eight people’s relationship to Junto:Projects to explore the try out activities from the latest photographs recording children’s In Conversation : Paul Graham contemporary artworks on the revisits the locations of his Hobson , Director, Contemporary community and transience Gallery with your family and HGXFDWLRQUHVRXUFHV½QGRXW education workshops in the Gallery Talk: Achim and Iwona Blazwick subject of childbirth, present original 1972 commission, Art Society and Cecilia Wee , within the city. Followed by document the world around about new education projects Gallery in 1988. The resulting Borchardt-Hume on Keeping Wednesday 27 April, 7pm their current work and analyse exploring Whitechapel through artist, writer and curator. , 2010. Edition theartist. 30.© of 2010. , an in conversation with writer you inspired by Paul Graham . and book onto a series of artist images challenge the authenticity the issues surrounding childbirth a walking tour of the area. In association with Artquest. it Real: Act 4: Material Intelligence =LONKD$XGLWRULXP FRQF Vita Then show your work at the workshops. of the documentary photograph. and curator Gareth Evans . Thursday 7 April, 7pm Acclaimed British photographer in contemporary art. Speakers Whitechapel Gallery on the day. The project can be seen at In association with Film London Gallery 7 (Free) include Martina Muller and First Thursdays Galleries Tour Course: Unravelling Modern and Bookable sessions, plus drop-in Schools Workshops Bethnal Green Library and in the Paul Graham talks about the $UWLVWVµ0RYLQJ,PDJH1HWZRUN With BSL Interpretation. subjects, events and politics Jemima Brown both from Thursday 2 June, 6.45-9pm Contemporary Art: Photography ChantalJoffe 0HPEHUV workshops and a free family trail. Tuesdays & Thursdays during Whitechapel Gallery Foyle Part of Time Out First Thursdays. artist-led group Enemies of Good 0HHWDW,QIRUPDWLRQGHVN )UHH Wednesdays 8, 15, 22, 29 June, 6 that inform his work with Director FLAMIN Productions 2: Supported by RWE npower. term time: 21, 23, 28, 30 June Reading Room. Art , artists Elinor Carruci and A free guided tour of galleries July and Thursday 14 July & 5, 7 July, Creative Studio Iwona Blazwick . Ben Rivers Discussion: The Naming Ceremony Jonathan Waller , and Hermione across east London open late Study Studio (£85/£65 conc.) and Galleries 1,8 & 9 Sunday 24 April, 3pm Children’s Courses Beyond the Gallery Thursday 7 April, 7pm Wiltshire , artist and senior lecturer for Time Out First Thursdays. Book Now: T +44 (0)20 7392 9200 Rivers presents a diary-like 0D\ -XQHRU -XQH (Free, booking essential, Screening/discussion/launch: at the Royal College of Art. If you require BSL, please email From the early development of =LONKD$XGLWRULXP FRQF account of shooting The Other Side 11am-3pm, Creative Studio one class per session) information as material [email protected] photographic processes to In these artist-led sessions, Lady Lucy invites artists Katie of Nowhere alongside key scenes. and Galleries 1,8 & 9 Thursday 28 April, 7pm Salon: Cultures of Capitalism I With BSL Interpretation. blockbuster exhibitions and the In association with Film London Artists’ teachers and students critically Guggenheim , Adam Chodzko (£35.50 for 2 day course) The Work in Progress: 7KXUVGD\0D\SP Part of Time Out First Thursdays. current explosion of online image 0RYLQJ,PDJH1HWZRUN engage with modern and =LONKD$XGLWRULXP FRQF Reclaim the Mural and Olivier Castel to explore Edition the40.artist. of 2010. © , Join these artist-led skills includes glass of wine) Study Studio (£7/£5 conc. banks or ‘citizen journalism’, based photography workshops contemporary art. Participating Collective The Work in Progress the idea of naming as ritual, includes glass of wine) Discussion: Photographing the practice of photography has Open Screening Launching their residency, inspired by Paul Graham’s work. in a range of activities, groups investigate the history and legacy a myth-generating process and ,QWKH½UVWRIWKLVVHULHV Society: The Ethics of radically changed its place in 7KXUVGD\0D\SP )UHH look, discuss and think creatively of murals in London in a major information as material For children aged 9-11 and 5-8. a tool for disturbance. Newly interrogating contemporary Representation visual culture. Course leader PiecedApart Your chance to show and about the themes and concepts (Craig Dworkin, Christine Morris, Artists include Junto:Projects off-site project. They navigate the named young curators group economies of art and culture, Thursday 9 June, 7pm Armelle Skatulski explores the discuss your work with artist of the current shows. Suggested ownership of city space, the social Simon Morris, Nick Thurston and and Marysa Dowling . Writer collective information Duchamp and Sons mark the Esther Leslie and guests discuss =LONKD$XGLWRULXP technical, aesthetic, political Rachel Reupke . Take part: activities expand and continue function of art and local planning as material have been called Simon Zimmerman) screen ‘The Culture Industry Now’. From the streets of 1970s east and performative aspects of ½OP#ZKLWHFKDSHOJDOOHU\RUJ occasion with a new work of art. ClaireBarclay Saturday Drawing Workshops the discussion back in the to develop a new mural in east literary perverts, philosophically Simon Morris µ½OP making nothing Co-hosted by David Cunningham /RQGRQWRWKHGROHRI½FHVLQWKH photography and the tensions classroom. Supported by Louis Vuitton. 0HPEHUV 0RVW6DWXUGD\VWKURXJKRXW London. See when the group met irresponsible and inspired happen , presenting the work of and Marquard Smith . 1980s, what does it mean to that exist between the role of the NewWorkUK WHUPWLPH0D\ mural producers Brian Barnes , lunatics. They have also taught, widely acclaimed expatriate In association with the Institute for photograph a community in a image-maker as photographer 7KXUVGD\0D\SP 11, 18, 25 June, 2, 9, 16, July the Greenwich Mural Workshop published, produced, curated, In Conversation: Claire Barclay, 0RGHUQDQG&RQWHPSRUDU\&XOWXUH time of economic crisis? What are Artist Claire Hooper , recent Young Adults Czech artist Pavel Büchler . RU½QHDUWLVW,QFOXGHVJXLGHG 11.30am-1pm DQGWKHLUUH¾HFWLRQVRQLFRQLF exhibited and performed Will Tuckett and Zenaida Yanowsky University of Westminster. the practices of urban social visits to photography exhibitions recipient of the Baloise Prize, Followed by conversation with Creative Studio (£50 for 5 London mural sites online now. internationally. For their Thursday 14 April, 5pm documentary today? at the Gallery. SUHVHQWVDQHZ½OPZRUN 0RUULVDQG%FKOHUDQGGULQNV sessions / £100 for 10 sessions) Whitechapel Gallery residency, Gallery 2 (Free) Crib Notes: Kirsty Ogg on In association with Bishopsgate Institute. Book now for these popular Duchamp and Sons Artists in Residence Craig Dworkin, Christine Morris, in Gallery 3. Paul Graham Big Ideas: Hal Foster
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