NC-31-10-682-EN-C Enrique Banús Finn Laursen Enrique Baron Crespo Pierre Lemoine José Manuel Barroso Iñigo Méndez de Vigo Aurel Ciobanu-Dordea Jörg Monar Robert Cooper Doris Pack Richard Corbett Tibor Palankai Anne Deighton Luís Miguel Poiares Maduro Karel de Gucht Ferdinando Riccardi Guido de Marco Lucia Serena Rossi Fausto De Quadros Jacek Saryusz-Wolski Jacqueline Dutheil de la Rochère Maroš Šefcovic José-Maria Gil-Robles Dusan Sidjanski Stefan Griller Xinning Song Elspeth Guild Jan Truszczyński Dennis Kefalakos Loukas Tsoulakis Tim King Androulla Vassiliou The European Union European Commission Directorate-General for education and culture B-1049 Bruxelles / Brussel after the Treaty of Lisbon: 32 - (0)2 299 11 11 Visions of leading policy-makers, academics and journalists 32 - (0)2 295 57 19 [email protected] ISBN 978-92-79-17613-5 L’Union Européenne après le Traité de Lisbonne: Visions de décideurs politiques, d’académiques et de journalistes European Commission The European Union after the Treaty of Lisbon: Visions of leading policy-makers, academics and journalists Luxembourg: Publications Offi ce of the European Union 2011 — 321 pp. — 14.8 × 21 cm ISBN 978-92-79-17613-5 doi:10.2766/71446 How to obtain EU publications Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union Free publications: Freephone number (*): t WJB&6#PPLTIPQ IUUQCPPLTIPQFVSPQBFV 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 t BUUIF&VSPQFBO6OJPOTSFQSFTFOUBUJPOTPSEFMFHBUJPOT:PVDBOPCUBJOUIFJSDPOUBDUEFUBJMT (*) Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow access to 00 800 numbers or these calls may be billed. on the Internet (http://ec.europa.eu) or by sending a fax to +352 2929-42758. Priced publications: t WJB&6#PPLTIPQ IUUQCPPLTIPQFVSPQBFV Priced subscriptions (e.g. annual series of the Official Journal of the European Union and reports of cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union): More information on the European Union is available on the Internet (http://europa.eu). t WJBPOFPGUIFTBMFTBHFOUTPGUIF1VCMJDBUJPOT0GGJDFPGUIF&VSPQFBO6OJPO (http://publications.europa.eu/others/agents/index_en.htm). Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2011 ISBN 978-92-79-17613-5 doi:10.2766/71446 © European Union, 2011 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Belgium PRINTED ON ELEMENTAL CHLORINE-FREE BLEACHED PAPER (ECF) The European Union after the Treaty of Lisbon: Visions of leading policy-makers, academics and journalists L'Union Européenne après le Traité de Lisbonne: Visions de décideurs politiques, d'académiques et de journalistes Enrique Banús Finn Laursen Enrique Baron Crespo Pierre Lemoine José Manuel Barroso Iñigo Méndez de Vigo Aurel Ciobanu-Dordea Jörg Monar Robert Cooper Doris Pack Richard Corbett Tibor Palankai Anne Deighton Luís Miguel Poiares Maduro Karel de Gucht Ferdinando Riccardi Guido de Marco Lucia Serena Rossi Fausto De Quadros Jacek Saryusz-Wolski Jacqueline Dutheil de la Rochère Maroš Šefcovic José-Maria Gil-Robles Dusan Sidjanski Stefan Griller Xinning Song Elspeth Guild Jan TruszczyLski Dennis Kefalakos Loukas Tsoulakis Tim King Androulla Vassiliou European Commission Commission Européenne Directorate-General for Direction générale de Education and Culture l'education et de la culture Jean Monnet Programme Programme Jean Monnet 1 Contents Welcome speech Jan TruszczyLski I. Opening session José Manuel Barroso, The European Union after the Teaty of Llisbon Doris Pack, The European Union after the Treaty of Llisbon II. 2010 Jean Monnet Prize Androulla Vassilliou, 2010 Jean Monnet Prize José-Maria Gil-Robles, 2010 Jean Monnet Prize Enrique Banús, Networks of understanding - Networks of citizenship III. Institutional balance and inter- institutional cooperation Fausto De Quadros, Introduction to institutional balance and inter- institutional cooperation Maroš Šefcovic, The institutional balance and inter-institutional cooperation Richard Corbett, Institutional balance and inter institutional cooperation Jörg Monar, The European Union's institutional balance of power after the Treaty of Lisbon Lucia Serena Rossi, A new inter-instional balance: supranational intergovernemental method after the Treaty of Lisbon Ferdinando Riccardi, Some of the Lisbon Treaty's institutional shake ups are clear but others require explanation IV. Fundamental Rights and European Union Citizenship Jacqueline Dutheil de la Rochère, Droit Fondamentaux et Citoyennete Européenne Iñigo Méndez de Vigo, La Unión Europea d'espués del Tratado de Lisboa y los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea 2 Aurel Ciobanu-Dordea, Fundamental Rights and Union Citizenship Dusan Sidjanski, Espace politique européen: la participation citoyenne Elspeth Guild, What fundamental rights for whose European Union citizens? Pierre Lemoine, Eloge de l'esprit pratique V. The new framework for confronting global economic challenges Loukas Tsoukalis, In a changing world and an unstable neighbourhood Karel De Gucht, The new European Union framework for confronting global economic challenges Enrique Barón Crespo, Econmic governance and the Treaty of Lisbon Tibor Palánkai, The New European Union framework for confronting global economic challenges VI. The European Union as an international political and security actor Anne Deighton; The European Union as an international and security actor Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, The European Union as an international political and security actor- a post-Lisbon political perspective Finn Laursen, The European Union as an international political and security actor after the Treaty of Lisbon: An academic perspective Xinning Song, The European Union as an international political and security actor Dennis Kefalakos, A political union without a…Treaty VII. Closing session- Conclusions Jan Truszczynski, Conclusions Luís Miguel Poiares Maduro, Passion and Reason in European Integration Guido de Marco, Europe after Lisbon Androulla Vassiliou, Concluding remarks Helena Tendera Wlaszczuk, Is the European Union with the Lisbon Treaty better equipped to face global challenges? The problem of energy 3 Helena Tendera Wlaszczuk, is the European Union with the Lisbon Treaty better equipped to face global challenges? The case of Greece Annexes Programme of the Global Jean Monnet ECSA-World Conference 2010: The European Union after the Treaty of Lisbon Programme de la Conférence Globale Jean Monnet ECSA-World 2010: L'union européenne après le Traité de Lisbonne 4 Welcome speech Jan TruszczyLski 5 Jan TruszczyLski Director General for Education and Culture of the European Commission Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the great pleasure of welcoming you to the 2010 Global Jean Monnet and ECSA-World Conference. It is my privilege to introduce Ms Nathalie Nicaud, an outstanding soprano with a brilliant voice and international career, who will interpret the "Ode To Joy" of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. It is a rare privilege to begin a day's work under such harmonious and melodious conditions. Ladies and gentlemen, President José-Manuel Barroso will open this conference. The past weeks have underlined the importance for the Union of having such a forward-looking, committed and driven leader at the helm of our institution. Mr President, we are all very grateful that you have taken the time out of their busy agenda to be with us today. President Barroso's intervention will be followed by Mrs Doris Pack, the Chair of Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education. As you all know, Mrs Pack is one of the most distinguished Members of the European Parliament, holding many 6 prestigious awards for her parliamentary work in the fields of education, culture and youth. Mrs Pack, this is also an occasion to express my warm gratitude to you and the European Parliament for having allowed us to organise this Global Jean Monnet Conference in your premises. It is another example of the outstanding cooperation between our two institutions. Of course, the European Parliament has always been closely associated with the Jean Monnet Programme and its Conferences. This link is personified by Professor José-Maria Gil-Robles who, as former President of the European Parliament and current President of the Former Members Association, also chairs the European University Council for the Jean Monnet Action. Sir, I thank you very much for your continuing commitment to the Jean Monnet Programme. Ladies and gentlemen, As we can see here today, the Jean Monnet and European Community Studies Association networks are truly word-wide multipliers of excellence in the study and knowledge about the European Union. In this prestigious room of the European Parliament, Ambassadors, diplomats and Jean Monnet Professors from all continents have come together for a real exercise of intercultural dialogue on the European Union's future after the Treaty of Lisbon. The quality of the people gathered here reflects the quality and the pertinence of the Jean Monnet Programme. And this brings us to our next point: the presentation of the Jean Monnet Prize 2010. For this part of our agenda, I am glad to give the floor to Mrs Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth. Mrs Vassiliou, let me add how glad we are in the Directorate General for Education and Culture to work under the guidance of such an eminent Commissioner. 7 I. Opening session José Manuel Barroso Doris Pack 8 José Manuel Barroso President of the European Commission THE EUROPEAN UNION AFTER
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