FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION WA$HINCTON. D C M4*3 THIS ISTHE BEGININ CF FUR # DKTE FILIED -1A CNAERA 101 0- S WinhMgG., .C aas 132019thSret N.W. NaA (202)657404 [01OM14 .1IZNT C- John XFimk mop IrYl tri~ UI -~ 0 ; 7i, 1 .1 NC- qg a: A4~ 2 U4;46C&%A#431 at seq., s aud (&Pfl by maing awSNIP ea-d At do im of fthe11m peIr'Ifgd by fth FUCA. 2. Mwe comananh Center for Reposie Hltis is a nopoft nonpartisan. resarc group Ino rtdin fth State of Iowa and Leauartere in Wasfhintn D.C., that studies, Cor~ess and related ises. Founded in 1963, it was designed to research matters concerning2 the ognlio and operation of Congress as an istuonand to eaI nen! potential reforms Ohat could improve both its internal operato and its rsosveness to the American public. The patterns of contributions of money to feeral c Mdkates has been one of its chief area of study. 3. The resonen is an individual contributor to various caddtsand political. committees. 4. Te FCAib cntrbutonby any one individual to uiages taloS2M perei~vla yer.Conritions to a ca"dte or the canidaes iut M0weAaad INl~e, mMd hi a,year odr than fte alendar year of the election with mopedt to hich t C6anltrbatUM Is made aMe cosdee to be nade during th alenida yewr i which such electiIs held. 2 USC. § 441a(a)(3); 11 C.FR. § 110.5. .S.Accmding to FEC record,,rsodn John K Funk maide contibutons subject to MECA i the nouris and to tOw personts identified in the list attd to thiscmpan as BMWdi 1. Atbdwd as Exh~bt 2 are copies of the FEC records for eas& ca bii! listd hi Exl" 1. All exhibit refecdterecords on file at the FE as of sawher 15w 6. .0*k6 11 a10n =W beliefepodn John K Funk Made Eselma~ yein &iteamount of $3486. These C1114kduu mmceab0 c~a~uy i'idiiulin a calendar year. 7. The Center for Responsive Politics repetfly urges the Commision to conduct a pript=adwoough intigto into the allegations in thi Complaint and to declae tha the Respondent has violated the FECA and Commission regulations. Respectfly sbitd Ellen S.Miller Executive Director CENTER FOR RESPONSIVE POLITICS 1320 19th Street, N.W. Wasington, D.C. 20036 Date: January 14,1994 (202) 857-0044 -2- pick an tn and cooruct Ol ei and bek E~enS.MilBsr sdbacribecl and swcn before me this 14th day of Jamayt 1994. My~n Ryb my ~ UIE -3- S~maryof FEC Oats FECedhae edo. A 40 o* AmfAmifsrdAWdm $no0 01/30192 92FECI74614121 $300 03MM19 92FECf74614121 $400 04/06P92 92HSE/459/170 $400 10101/92 92H8E/4771412S -. W Dc $400 10122192 92H8EJ487/41 16 Awa, OM $500 12/12/91 92H8E/44110859 $500 021/M2 92FEC/7393256 $500 06/10/92 92FEC/769/0046 $00 11/1619 92FE0/801/4089 Bud%Gep $400 12/20(91 92FEC/731 /01 24 $600 01/17/92 92FEC/740/0863 $600 09/11/92 92FEC/786/1701 $400 03/29 92H8E/448/4640 Ct Itw~ m~ d $500 06/26M9 92HSE/4601007 $800 11102/92 92HSE149/1067 $300 1212019 92HSEf441/3906 $250 0312819 92SENM00616 $250 05/27/92 928E101 5/31 96 $250 928ENAX3015402 In, Dmmqwl IASE $N00 928EW00610$9 $400 92SENW024/8M $600 11103192 92SENRX03335 $600 91HSE1434/4100 "sb K qDonm $80 92H4SE457/0296 $400 09/09/92 92H$E/437/4205 $200 92HSE/437l4229 Denim. Rabut K $300 11/16/92 92HSEJ489/1306 IHabbe D"~ $250 02/18/92 92HSE/44311 354 $250 10/28/92 92HSE/488/1 572 M~n John $400 01/02/92 92SEN/009/0057 M~in John $-400 0415/92 92SEN/01 3/4521 M~in John $400 05/15/91 91 SEN/OO7/1 297 M~in John $800 07/05/91 92sen/003/1 108 M~i, John $600 09/18/92 92FEC/792/3824 NmW Coinam~kb $400 04122/92 92FE1787/1 863 $250 01/31/92 92HSEJ446/2338 $400 03/12/92 92HSE/446/2338 NaionmI R "olcn Congruesionhl Gnte $350 04/23/92 92HSE/46013658 NatUr Rosi f C~n Gate $400 06/08/92 92HSE/460/3856 pope 1 92HSEJ8914I NdWd - nCmongmbi O2HSE/J4694$13 92SE N00611 10 92H8E/470/S1*4 Ndub pbie ConmdmCo $40 11/0M19 *2HSE1484/109 NdbMRVhc- Cpesa 0~ $1,000 I11/29 93HSE491/400 Niioni Os~~CnramiDi $360 01/1619 92SEN/006/2221 $400 09/04M 928ENV009/MUl xbi Seneloda Cnft NondW Rep mn $605 0311192 92SEN/009/3641 Nldwc alRpbcn Seorm Cui. $200 03/11192 92SEW00913561 $605 06/10/92 92SEN/016/A43 Ndond~enSemaodal Gui. $400 06/29 92FEC/7700492 pl~ad Rpuern SwnwcW Gu $500 07116192 92SENI01 6/370 Nldond Rebon SwniorMl GI. $400 07/MM2 92SENI0lS/370 $600 09/02192 92SEW/025/1 731 PNational R i Inen SerstW~ Cai. $600 09/24/92 92SEW025/1731 Natonw R bn Swwiodal Cnft $200 09/UM9 92SEW/025/1731 $500 09125192 92SEWO0251731 Poafti RepWhioan Sendodaml CuIs $240 09/30192 92SEN10251731 ?mtNa mnl Rep Utloem Sendoriml Gui. $400 160/92 92SEN00270321 $400 10921W2 92SEN10261S72 Nio Sendal Oft. 0"nd- $400 11/26192 93H8E/491/5276 P,^ Prmlskhi" Vkno~ Commb.. $400 03/27192 92FEC/753/l145 $250 09/17192 92FE/663 0% RepshimeNltinadCwxnif Tme R opsuhcn Nimo amd eCwdiseTW $250 IOMI192 92FEC/?96504 $250 10114192 92FEC/79ISW0 r) epsimnNion Cnddate Tumd $4w0 1112619 938EN100113743 Repiiba National CwddftTO $250 12/3192 93FEC/923464 Rep~i~u~Natiormi CwxuteTw $400 04/17192 92FEC/75/4239 ~3ephlc Wtonl Cute $400 06/25192 92SEN/016/0433 $400 0617/92 92FEC/779/2491 ReC7la Nationa Cnte $600 09/16/92 92SEN/02213170 Reputi&can National Ciii. $250 09/619 92FEC/921=64 $1,000 10/02/92 92FEC/97/0242 Repuiicn Natonsi Cmte $500 10/28/92 92FEC/807/2444 Repi*mcn Nationa Cmtde $250 10/26192 92FEC/807l2444 Rpetilcan National Cuft. $600 11/12/92 92FEC/80712444 Texa Reptblian Congessionl Cnte $500 09/15/92 92FEW/87/3682 V-pQc $200 03/2392 92FEC1750/1 435 V-pwc $400 06/11/92 92FEC/77014272 V-pwc $400 09/14/92 92FEC/795/41 12 V-pwc $400 11/25/92 93FEC/8251220 Total Contributions Attributed to 1992: $34,660 Page 2 J6hn K. Eddblt 2 mg-_=_ITanEE PAIL& cwF'4 u1#tgaTRRa0,3Rg IO LINE NURSERII 313E O lpEP ~ P..w3 o wiL I I I ONO FOR W AL UTSING ffIIRO: YJjPOLITICAL ~~uiut SAME.A00m C I Ty.STATX.Z p OCCIVATICIM RIECk I TIHP TO ENFLOTES £66 OATI- AMOUNT *~UPAT ION 0762/9 3e'g5.'- %I ST KS 56701 NOIDLEcare 10-03/91 wrn 4Si GEE I )OTHER ITO 10. C 270. or.- I0/2jSig0.-; 25. - II'',gato..- 3~J1 n 0 - -A 0-radmiffielfs - - 420 19MM v MA S IRTIE ii;Yf,91 Iva 35. C. KS 174" aO'0"81ts SO. t two immi, I*OWE'FAT* ITO M. ze mom*: 0's "#2~ 2*~.' *~~ ~@IE ~~~lw *GmAEVWI~"sJ?,q2 2~. - 9~i~~ma~09 3~. 9- 1&4=0 47 in rI~i~to- '00.. I DOSEDO10IE OWEUSVTX 76i..040 'J',~ *z~~a SO. ~. Ii'::. 9: ISO. 1*';3~*j )PIGEE 4 OTHER &ONSA IOar. SUBTOTAL OF RECEIPTS "TIS PAGE-. HCi?' P I AanO! I--'z- - - :69.: 1E Sugs R~e* lIe SCH29=~ A ITUMIIUD own P fee LU*~ ~ Any Info. copied from sur fSott e Le~tbe so"0 uedb any person for the purpose of slicitin oatuib. or Oar ANO*.rweW. other than using nom a dr, of a peltla 1 c . to eZS*t ft1 697mmo Full Namie of Comkittoet the john UWALR Sek-sletiom t . A. Full Warns. A'dress SIP 21*loYeO supation a eiit Ann T. Nateer 13215 Titan Dr. U sihef@/1/2 Sun City Vest AS 65375 nmhr Receipt for: General Tear-to-Date Ifta1 5me" Do"i SsminSS. a. Full Urns1 Adress, SIP Ieployer/Oaoetion Ellice Mc~onald Jr. 1SS0f Ok Invergarry "LIZ"/9 Nomtchanin 06 19716 "atice" 5151 Belt Lim Ode f51 late m malIss IM 7S240@1m ftipt for.IeiiL..L~~Wttl tracy It.Thoma c 0 4S21 I. Charles Dr. Siatr f/1V92"sw~. SWOOf Pauradiise Valley AS 05253 aiem Ok Reept for: General Tearb-to-Date Totas$ 3ff *ff a. Fll Uses. Addres SIP Soler"Om000atiSm va" omia lip- Jay Standerfer N.D. 1144 3. McDowell Ad. info 0916192 25O0f Phoenix AZ 95006 Surgeon Receipt for: General Tear-to-Date Total: $ [email protected] F. Full lames* Address, Zip 3.ployer/occupatIon Date ReeptS ----------- Cyrus G. Wright 3219 Heritage Cdr. Retired 09/1/92 150.00 Nendesonvillie PC 26739 Retired 09/30/92 100.00 Receipt for: General Year-to-Date Total: $ 250.00 UIIAL of Receipts This Pageo. ........... ~.. 2900.00 mmmmanamem TOTrAL This ]Period .......... 1 Wtt~t'~7 If jLj~SWIt4 I.'t** A: '.f 1~T -. ,t * till ME - AVDL)R1:;. ('I TY.STA' N I of ANI, I VI A, - AVIOINT ,RGIREIVE. 14 H 'go t~tt* 5 SOLITH-I 1';.1RD IREVFr(IRT 4' ~ll it" *04 ~I I :' 00 11. JIEKJA Sr'Rlti..5 A", I All SA I 7..o uy. S '*U jI '**~~- I I' .,. :3CHLL5-i4 $A 10 ILI Alitfl., IIALLE!4.NER- AlWTEL *1* - 1' I 320 Ut.? 20TH . KLAHOIIA Cl U a/pRI fE 14I Io~l! ;A.. .I All Y~TI' I i:ill 1.*- 'i". 0 33)3,1:1114 4; C HLER-91PARK JOHN 1-N DALL.AS Qr9 AL; A Ii~I T' CLVI OAKS OR = ALAS~7 TXL WIPR (4 )EN c ,ortoof~ 0'* -A..."'- jA.*1ai:.AT1: TTD 145 .h) IROKVI LLE" 5 4R )CVJ .
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