RPA. Marine Scotland Socio-economic Baseline Reviews for Offshore Renewables in Scottish Waters Volume 1: Main Text Report R.1905 September 2012 RPA. Marine Scotland Socio-economic Baseline Reviews for Offshore Renewables in Scottish Waters Volume 2: Figures Report R.1905 September 2012 Marine Scotland Socio-economic Baseline Reviews for Offshore Renewables in Scottish Waters Date: September 2012 Project Ref: R4032/3 Report No: R.1905 © ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd Version Details of Change Authorised By Date 1 Working Copy C E Brown 02.12.11 2 Final C E Brown 07.02.12 3 Final C E Brown 26.04.12 4 Final C E Brown 28.06.12 5 Final C E Brown 24.09.12 Document Authorisation Signature Date Project Manager: C E Brown Quality Manager: H Roberts Project Director: S C Hull ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd Quayside Suite, Medina Chambers Town Quay Tel: +44(0)23 8071 1840 SOUTHAMPTON Fax: +44(0)23 8071 1841 Hampshire Web: www.abpmer.co.uk SO14 2AQ Email: [email protected] ABPmer is certified by: All images copyright ABPmer apart from front cover (wave, anemone, bird) and policy & management (rockpool) Andy Pearson www.oceansedgephotography.co.uk Socio-economic Baseline Reviews for Offshore Renewables in Scottish Waters Summary ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd (ABPmer) and RPA were commissioned by Marine Scotland to prepare a baseline socio-economic review to inform impact assessments of future sectoral plans for offshore wind and wave and tidal energy in Scottish Territorial Waters and waters offshore of Scotland (hereafter „Scottish Waters‟). This report provides a national overview of socio-economic activities together with regional baseline reviews covering the six Scottish Offshore Renewable Energy Regions (SORERs). The document is divided into two parts, the second providing the Figures referred to within this report. R4032/3 i R.1905 Socio-economic Baseline Reviews for Offshore Renewables in Scottish Waters Abbreviations ABI Annual Business Inquiry ABP Associated British Ports ABPmer ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd AIS Automatic Identification System ASP Association of Surfing Professionals ATM Air traffic Movements BAA British Aviation Authority BBC British Broadcasting Corporation BMF British Marine Federation BMI Body Mass Index BP BP Global BPA British Port Authority BSAC British Sub-Aqua Club BUTEC British Underwater Test and Evaluation Centre CAA Civil Aviation Authority CCS Carbon Capture and Storage Cefas Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science CFP Common Fisheries Policy C-in-C Commander-in-Chief CNS Central North Sea CO2 Carbon dioxide COSLA Convention of Scottish Local Authorities CRC Control and Reporting Centre DAS Days at Sea DASA Defence Analytical Services and Advice DE&S Defence Equipment and Support DECC Department of Energy and Climate Change Defra Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DEL Department Expenditure Limits DfT Department for Transport DMC Defence Munitions Centre DMK Denmark DNC Declared Net Capacity DUKES Digest of UK Energy Statistics DWT Deadweight ton E East EC European Community EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone EKOS EKOS Limited EMEC European Marine Energy Centre ERM Environmental Resources Management Ltd EU European Union FAA Fleet Air Arm FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FEE Foundation for Environmental Education R4032/3 ii R.1905 Socio-economic Baseline Reviews for Offshore Renewables in Scottish Waters FTE Full-time Equivalent GB Great Britain GC Gas Condenstate Field GDP Gross Domestic Product GHG Greenhouse Gas GLA General Lighthouse Authorities GP General Practitioners GVA Gross Value Added HDVC High Voltage Direct Current HIAL Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd. HIE Highlands and Islands Enterprise HIH Highest Income Householder HMNB Her Majesty‟s Naval Base HMS Her Majesty's Ship HPHT High Pressure High Temperature HVDC High-voltage Direct Current ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ICIT International Centre of Island Technology ID Identity IFAW International Fund for Animal Welfare IMO International Maritime Organization IOM Isle of Man IPA IPA Energy + Water Economics IRM Inspection, repair and maintenance ITV ITV plc KIS-CA Kingfisher Information Service - Cable Awareness LA Local Authority LIMPET Land Installed Marine Powered Energy Transformer MCA Maritime and Coastguard Agency MCCIP Marine Climate Change Impacts MEDIN Marine Environmental Data and Information Network MMO Marine Management Organisation MOD Ministry of Defence MORI Market & Opinion Research International Ltd. MSc Master of Science MSC Marine Stewardship Council MSP Marine Spatial Plan MSY Maximum Sustainable Yield MW DNC Megawatts Declared Net Capacity N North NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATS National Air Traffic Services NE North East NERL NATS En Route Plc NGL Natural Gas Liquids NI Northern Ireland NLB Northern Lighthouse Board R4032/3 iii R.1905 Socio-economic Baseline Reviews for Offshore Renewables in Scottish Waters NOMIS Service provided by the Office for National Statistics, ONS, to give you free access to the most detailed and up-to-date UK labour market statistics from official sources NOx Nitrogen Oxide NRIP National Renewables Infrastructure Plan NVQ National Vocational Qualification NW North West OER Offshore Energy Region Ofgem Office of the Gas and Electricity Markets ONS Office for National Statistics OSGB Ordnance Survey Great Britain OSPAR International cooperation on the protection of the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic. Commission is made up of representatives of the Governments of 15 Contracting Parties and the European Commission, representing the European Union. OWF Offshore Wind Farm OWIG Offshore Wind Industry Group PAR Precision Approach Radar PEXA Practise and Exercise Training Area PFFPA Peterhead and Fraserburgh Fish Processors Association PFOW Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters PGI Protected Geographical Indication PSR Primary Surveillance Radar R&D Research and Development RAF Royal Air Force RoRo Roll-on/Roll-off RPA Risk and Policy Analysts RSW Refrigerated Seawater RYA Royal Yachting Association SAC Special Areas of Conservation SAS Surfers Against Sewage SCCS Scottish Centre for Carbon Storage ScotSAC Scottish Sub-Aqua Club SCSS Scottish Centre for Carbon Storage SCUBA Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus SE Scottish Enterprise SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SEB Scottish Enterprise Borders SECA SOx Emission Control Area SEPA Scottish Environment Protection Agency SFSAG Scottish Fisheries Sustainable Accreditation Group SHA Statutory Harbour Authorities SHEFA Shetland-Faroes SHQS Scottish Housing Quality Standard SIC Standard Industrial Classification SIMA Surf Industry Manufacturers Association SNH Scottish Natural Heritage SOAS School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London SORER Scottish Offshore Renewable Energy Regions R4032/3 iv R.1905 Socio-economic Baseline Reviews for Offshore Renewables in Scottish Waters SOx Sulphur Oxide SPSG Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group SQW SQW Consulting SREZ Scottish Renewable Energy Zone SRO Scottish Renewable Order SSACN Scottish Sea Angling Conservation Network SSE South South East SW South West SXA Scottish Exercise Area TAC Total Allowable Catch TNS The Naturist Society TSO The Stationery Office UK United Kingdom UKCPC UK Cable Protection Committee (to become Subsea Cables UK in 2012) UKCS UK Continental Shelf UKDEAL Oil & Gas UK DEAL Common Data Access Limited UKMMAS UK Marine Monitoring and Assessment Strategy USA United States of America VLCC Very-large Crude Carriers VMS Vessel Monitoring System W West WQS World Qualifying Series WWF World Wide Fund for Nature Units boe Barrel of Oil Equivalent m metre(s) km kilometre(s) km² kilometre(s) squared NM nautical mile(s) h hour lb pound(s) Kg kilogram(s) kV kilovolt(s) Mt million tonnes kW kilowatt(s) MW megawatt(s) MWe megawatt energy MWh megawatt hour GW gigawatt(s) GWh gigawatt hour GT gross tonnage p.a. per annum p.p. per person % per cent mppa million passengers per annum R4032/3 v R.1905 Socio-economic Baseline Reviews for Offshore Renewables in Scottish Waters Socio-economic Baseline Reviews for Offshore Renewables in Scottish Waters Contents Page Summary .................................................................................................................................................. i Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................... ii 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1 2. National Overview ...................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 2 2.2 Aquaculture ................................................................................................................................ 2 2.2.1 Definition of Sector/Activity........................................................................................... 2 2.2.2 Description of Information Sources .............................................................................. 2 2.2.3 National Overview of Current Activity ........................................................................... 3 2.3 Aviation ......................................................................................................................................
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