a Guest Interview Christopher J. Scolese NASA Associate Administrator Christopher J. Scolese joined the National Aero- nautics and Space Admin- istration (NASA) from his previous position as Deputy Director of the Goddard Space Flight Center. Originally serving as Chief Engineer for NASA, Mr. Scolese was named Associate Administrator of NASA in 2007. He is responsible for over- sight and integration of NASA’s programmatic and technical efforts to ensure the Agency’s overall mission. In 2009, he led the devel- opment, design and imple- mentation of the USA’s civil space programme. He worked closely with both the President of the USA and Congress to ensure NASA’s appropriate support. Mr. Scolese led NASA in their collaboration on inter- national, high-profile space missions including the Space Shuttle, the International Space Station and the Hubble Space Telescope. Mr. Scolese is the recipient of many prestigious honours in- cluding the Presidential Rank Award of Meritorius Execu- : NASA tive and the NASA Distin- guished Leadership Medal. Photo ISO Focus+ October 2011 © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ 3 a Guest Interview : NASA Photo ISO Focus+ : After 30 years of missions, low-Earth orbit with the technologies of I like to joke with young engineers and NASA is ending its Space Shuttle pro- today. This was the reason for moving on say, “ Think about it : the power of your gramme. Why was this decision taken, from the Space Shuttle to build upon the handheld cellular phone today is probably and what’s next for NASA ? great legacy of that machine. greater than that of the computers that sent Apollo astronauts to the moon in the 1970s ”. Christopher J. Scolese : The Space Shut- Of course, like anything else, the space So, clearly technology, the environment and tle has been around for 30 years and it has industry has changed over the past 30 to globalization have changed the way we all proven itself to be a remarkable machine 40 years. In 1970, roughly, when the Space look at the world. This is all factored into that has accomplished some absolutely Shuttle was conceived, there were really our plans for the future. fantastic missions and tasks. The Hubble only two countries in the world that were Space Telescope and astronomy would not sending people into space : the USA and ISO Focus+ : Space exploration and dis- be where they are today without the Space the Soviet Union. Both countries are very covery are associated with innovation. Can Shuttle and all the work NASA carried out different today ; the world is very different. standards act as a vehicle for disseminating with our international partners. Without the innovation ? Are there particular areas in Shuttle, today’s International Space Station which ISO standards can help the industry (ISS) could not have been built to serve all move forward ? 15 partner countries. Our work on the ISS truly serves the whole world as more and Christopher J. Scolese : Of course people more countries have come to use it. think that standards and innovation do not Now NASA is ready to embark on the go together and that they inhibit what you next phase of space exploration. This will can do. And that is wrong. be the utilization of the ISS now that it In my mind, there are two types of stand- has been built, and we have all started to ards. First, there are systems specifications understand how to exploit it. NASA is in – standards that tell the user the right way a position to carry out necessary research to do things, regardless of the technology : NASA in order to fully utilize the ISS and pre- used. To give you some examples from pare, once again, to send humans beyond Photo my background as an electrical engineer : 4 © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ ISO Focus+ October 2011 a electromagnetic interference and electro- People sometimes forget that standards move along at the same pace as technol- magnetic compatibility are absolutely vital, evolve with time. This is a job that ISO and ogy because that is where the knowledge is independent of whatever technology is the ISO community do very well – they adapt coming from. This includes how things are being utilized. Both are undeniably critical as we learn things. International Standards tested and designed, and what kind of pro- to success regardless of the technology, are the repository of our knowledge, of cesses, in general, provide the best product because this is a system-level interaction. the knowledge of the community. They possible. And regardless of what innovation ISO develops International Standards explain it and maintain it well : they are is going on, some of those specifications that affect process and procedure. These the caretakers. and standards will directly affect the user must be in place before moving on to new and others need to be adjusted. technologies. What it takes to build a system In general, innovation should occur must not be lost in the shuffle. Standards Collaboration in space before developing a standard for a com- actually help by keeping the focus on the is the norm rather ponent because often different processes right things, at the right time. They serve and procedures are used to develop that as a compendium of knowledge that has than the exception. component, or different material properties been gained in various domains. need to be worked on. Systems specifications, in my view, go across the board. They are the indispensable At the same time, we are constantly learn- ISO Focus+ : NASA experts actively prerequisites to success with both existing ing and updating our standards. This is done participate in the ISO standards-making and future technologies, allowing all of us through a formal process to make sure that process, in particular through technical to innovate, as well as to more easily incor- everyone understands the same thing. Our committee ISO/TC 20, Aircraft and space porate new technologies into the system. duty is to communicate the correct infor- vehicles. What is the value of this involve- The second type of standards are compo- mation, not only to the current generation ment for NASA ? Why does NASA promote nent specifications. In that case, you want of engineers, but to future generations of voluntary consensus-based standards ? to know what you are buying and you want engineers and scientists. Christopher J. Scolese : The first part of to have the standards that are associated your question is easy and my answer will ISO Focus+ : In your view, is there a right with those so that material specifications be in line with statements I have already moment for the development of standards are met. This is very important in order to made. The value of standards to NASA, and for new technologies ? assure commonality across the process and to the community in general, is the know- avoid duplication of testing where it does Christopher J. Scolese : Standards can ledge that is contained in those standards. not add value to the mission or the activity provide specifications for systems and It takes a great deal of effort to collect that that is being carried out. components. The systems specifications knowledge from the best experts in the field, : NASA Photo © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ a Guest Interview but their participation is a must in the ISO process. This is true whatever the standard being developed, be it for specifications for a material, a system or a process. The best people must be engaged to capture the knowledge and carry it forward to the newer practitioners and to future generations. The value to NASA is twofold : first, the end product standard containing the knowledge ; and second, the interaction among the international group of experts in working groups and technical committees : NASA : NASA responsible for their development. Photo Photo Hubble image of M100 before mirror repair. Hubble image of M100 after mirror repair. International Standards understand that and pass that on. It is also ISO Focus+ : Would you agree that in are the repository even more illuminating to see how things space there are no national boundaries ? of our knowledge. can be done differently, with the same result. What is the importance of international It is rewarding to then actually have the teamwork and cooperation for space dialogue to figure out which way is more programmes (e.g. the International Space It always amazed me, back in the days efficient or better, or represents a different Station, the Hubble Space Telescope) ? Has when I was much more technically involved, regime for the same type of test product. there been a significant change in how the to sit down with colleagues and find out It is really beneficial to NASA to capture industry works since the Space Race of that despite language, despite regional the knowledge and to disseminate it. And the 20th century ? How do International differences, things were being done very probably equally as important is the interac- Standards facilitate dialogue, collabora- much the same way, and the tendency was tion amongst the experts that is promoted by tion and understanding ? to come to the same conclusions. That is the development of International Standards Christopher J. Scolese : Clearly, I agree with very encouraging : to be able to sit there and through these committees. you that there are no national boundaries in space. Hard to draw a line up there. In the beginning of the Space Age, for example, our first missions were undertaken nationally. At the time, each space agency had its own standards. It was difficult to work with so many different standards in different languages with slightly different requirements that were meant to accomplish, in the end, the same thing.
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