Australian Listed Equities: Weekly Share Market Wrap

Australian Listed Equities: Weekly Share Market Wrap

Australian Listed Equities: Weekly Share Market Wrap Total Shareholder Returns as at 02 November 2018 Price 1 week 1 month 6 months 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years 10 years 10 years Ticker Stock Name $ % % % % % p.a. % p.a. % p.a. % p.a. ranking A2M The A2 Milk Company 9.99 10.39 -3.10 -14.62 31.79 139.61 139.19 - - - ABC Adelaide Brighton 5.58 0.90 -8.82 -12.23 -7.66 6.61 13.77 11.57 12.66 51 ABP Abacus Property Grp 3.23 -2.42 -4.15 -10.75 -12.56 13.15 5.26 11.91 11.88 55 AFI Australian Foundat 6.10 2.18 -1.93 3.48 6.02 7.54 5.31 3.88 6.38 89 AGL AGL Energy Limited 17.82 1.37 -8.47 -17.00 -23.86 1.15 7.67 8.06 6.59 87 AIA Auckland Internation 6.56 4.13 -0.45 10.82 22.71 6.30 11.64 19.35 17.39 31 AIZ Air New Zealand 2.68 9.39 -1.83 -8.82 -1.94 30.52 10.43 22.64 18.91 24 ALL Aristocrat Leisure 28.01 6.46 1.41 1.48 20.49 38.86 45.84 42.72 22.79 17 ALQ ALS Limited 8.06 1.38 -9.94 2.52 3.52 16.25 19.87 -0.54 9.43 69 ALU Altium Limited 22.65 10.87 -15.45 9.30 84.84 74.41 70.75 56.71 42.81 5 ALX Atlas Arteria 6.98 7.06 1.90 11.64 18.95 27.47 23.34 24.66 - - AMC Amcor Limited 13.21 2.24 -1.86 0.12 -8.01 -0.47 3.38 10.04 13.48 42 AMP AMP Limited 2.69 13.03 -11.22 -32.77 -41.53 -14.94 -15.15 -3.02 0.04 117 ANN Ansell Limited 23.31 3.92 -6.76 -10.31 -0.75 7.62 8.39 6.07 8.20 76 ANZ ANZ Banking Grp Ltd 25.53 2.49 -7.13 -4.32 -9.05 2.81 4.67 0.18 8.88 73 APA APA Group 9.74 2.74 -1.22 18.39 17.97 15.60 6.58 15.53 16.89 32 APT Afterpay Touch 13.08 15.04 -24.96 119.83 153.98 - - - - - ARG Argo Investments 7.71 0.13 -2.77 1.16 0.94 7.37 3.87 5.06 5.45 98 AST AusNet Services Ltd 1.69 2.42 3.68 -0.50 0.14 11.67 9.99 11.44 9.25 71 ASX ASX Limited 59.61 2.78 -4.03 0.02 14.88 18.63 17.32 13.56 10.24 63 AWC Alumina Limited 2.55 4.51 -6.93 -1.95 14.20 36.30 38.40 24.31 5.62 96 AZJ Aurizon Holdings Ltd 4.16 2.21 1.46 -5.48 -14.46 -1.20 -1.31 2.11 - - BAP Bapcor Limited 6.88 9.38 -8.87 16.47 25.63 19.59 26.78 - - - BEN Bendigo and Adelaide 10.05 0.60 -4.01 -2.71 -2.09 3.26 4.97 4.44 2.22 111 BHP BHP Billiton Limited 33.50 7.37 -3.46 10.21 28.30 26.59 17.04 3.07 5.87 94 BIN Bingo Industries Ltd 2.38 -3.64 -24.92 -9.09 22.26 - - - - - BKL Blackmores Limited 126.90 4.53 -4.59 10.18 -19.78 8.12 -7.43 43.82 25.13 12 BKW Brickworks Limited 16.92 1.32 -1.17 6.28 23.69 16.24 8.69 6.04 7.19 81 BLD Boral Limited 5.61 0.54 -19.74 -12.88 -20.61 3.30 7.85 7.71 5.84 95 BOQ Bank of Queensland 9.55 0.10 -7.71 -1.39 -17.26 4.33 -2.64 2.26 2.53 110 BPT Beach Energy Ltd 1.75 13.64 -18.22 9.32 66.98 60.62 42.90 4.90 7.81 79 BSL BlueScope Steel Ltd 14.05 0.93 -16.67 -15.49 11.12 38.26 46.83 24.06 -1.81 120 BWP BWP Trust 3.35 -1.47 1.21 8.53 15.30 12.62 6.77 12.67 12.09 53 BXB Brambles Limited 10.52 0.38 -3.40 8.05 14.63 -0.93 3.18 6.80 6.04 93 CAR Carsales.Com Ltd 12.00 -2.91 -14.89 -15.90 -7.56 11.02 10.19 6.06 - - CBA Commonwealth Bank 68.35 3.86 -1.75 -3.81 -6.14 3.26 2.62 3.43 10.06 65 CCL Coca-Cola Amatil 10.07 4.79 2.34 11.62 31.42 6.88 8.42 -0.80 6.36 90 CGC Costa Group Holdings 6.21 3.85 -13.99 -13.65 -0.08 51.83 40.30 - - - CGF Challenger Limited 10.50 2.24 -4.11 -6.56 -18.87 3.87 12.52 15.03 22.91 15 CHC Charter Hall Group 6.78 -1.45 -3.97 13.06 21.33 25.73 19.97 16.01 18.38 29 CIM Cimic Group Ltd 46.42 1.53 -7.36 4.61 -2.54 30.58 22.09 24.47 8.97 72 CMW Cromwell Prop 1.015 -2.40 -4.25 -4.18 9.02 14.14 8.07 7.67 11.23 57 CNU Chorus Limited 4.48 4.19 1.13 20.72 31.55 20.47 23.31 17.29 - - COH Cochlear Limited 179.56 3.46 -10.27 -7.08 4.42 21.89 28.62 26.72 13.54 41 CPU Computershare Ltd 19.88 3.01 -1.05 17.49 31.43 41.77 25.06 15.27 10.55 62 CSL CSL Limited 192.18 8.64 -3.59 13.99 38.49 41.87 28.95 23.91 18.87 25 CSR CSR Limited 3.34 -2.34 -9.97 -39.35 -21.69 -0.51 13.33 12.36 2.15 112 CTD Corp Travel Limited 20.32 -26.48 -32.94 -18.89 -11.96 7.19 22.82 32.35 - - CTX Caltex Australia 27.60 -0.11 -6.38 -8.57 -17.65 -0.78 -0.59 11.92 13.83 40 CWN Crown Resorts Ltd 12.00 -2.91 -9.77 -6.82 7.51 14.74 8.49 -1.68 10.19 64 CWY Cleanaway Waste Ltd 1.745 0.58 -5.93 9.60 17.38 29.61 41.82 10.69 -2.89 123 CYB Cybg PLC 4.95 3.34 -12.85 -12.08 -5.38 7.73 - - - - DHG Domain Holdings Ltd 2.52 2.02 -26.96 -20.00 - - - - - - DLX DuluxGroup Limited 7.41 2.49 -3.64 -3.45 3.99 11.65 11.84 10.75 - - DMP Domino Pizza Enterpr 55.86 7.16 10.26 32.95 22.98 -3.03 8.08 31.24 36.36 6 DOW Downer EDI Limited 6.80 1.19 -12.71 -0.86 0.14 16.23 30.88 11.43 6.94 83 DXS Dexus 9.83 -2.48 -4.93 3.72 6.05 9.36 13.69 13.40 12.40 52 EBO Ebos Group Ltd 19.14 -1.14 -7.31 14.95 24.31 13.11 17.67 - - - Price 1 week 1 month 6 months 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years 10 years 10 years Ticker Stock Name $ % % % % % p.a. % p.a. % p.a. % p.a. ranking EVN Evolution Mining Ltd 3.07 -1.60 16.73 -3.12 33.83 16.35 34.67 34.41 29.47 10 EVT Event Hospitality 13.54 2.58 -8.33 -1.21 5.00 1.83 2.58 14.74 16.28 33 FBU Fletcher Building 5.50 2.42 -8.18 -5.50 -8.25 -20.33 -2.53 -3.81 5.20 99 FLT Flight Centre Travel 45.98 -1.14 -11.12 -16.50 2.74 21.61 10.84 0.65 15.26 35 FMG Fortescue Metals Grp 4.11 7.31 5.93 -11.13 -10.88 -4.21 32.58 0.12 6.31 91 FPH Fisher & Paykel H 13.00 6.91 -5.93 10.68 13.17 27.59 21.50 33.58 18.94 23 FXJ Fairfax Media Ltd 0.63 0.80 -22.70 -13.60 -9.51 12.81 4.63 13.91 -3.29 124 GMG Goodman Group 10.16 -1.74 -0.97 11.86 25.18 24.70 22.16 17.71 11.42 56 GNC GrainCorp Limited 8.20 5.81 2.76 -0.48 -0.82 1.64 -0.66 -5.59 6.64 84 GNE Genesis Energy Ltd 2.19 0.00 -3.97 5.90 5.52 17.63 13.78 0.00 0.00 118 GOZ Growthpoint Property 3.58 -0.83 -7.25 6.09 13.49 14.39 11.69 12.24 8.85 74 GPT GPT Group 5.08 -1.36 -1.36 6.46 5.11 9.34 7.04 11.21 8.28 75 HSO Healthscope Limited 2.07 -2.36 0.00 -14.78 12.18 1.08 -5.35 - - - HVN Harvey Norman 3.21 4.22 -2.87 0.43 -5.94 -11.92 1.37 6.98 7.00 82 IAG Insurance Australia 7.03 4.17 -0.36 -9.22 12.16 20.58 13.29 7.36 9.80 66 IEL Idp Education Ltd 9.50 3.04 -4.62 23.26 70.49 46.90 - - - - IFL IOOF Holdings Ltd 7.02 0.72 -10.46 -24.06 -29.35 0.06 -2.37 1.20 10.70 60 IFT Infratil Limited 3.16 0.00 -4.24 8.63 17.07 14.10 8.69 14.00 - - IGO Independence Group 4.26 7.58 -7.19 -12.65 -0.69 0.35 17.34 3.31 12.88 47 ILU Iluka Resources 8.27 4.55 -18.44 -27.28 -7.61 23.29 11.79 -1.91 11.21 58 IOF Investa Office Fund 5.57 0.36 0.54 28.02 29.44 18.99 15.84 15.76 6.60 86 IPL Incitec Pivot 4.00 6.95 0.76 9.62 6.06 19.31 3.57 11.30 3.51 108 IRE IRESS Limited 11.08 3.07 -9.25 3.59 -0.52 4.27 10.22 5.89 12.85 48 JBH JB Hi-Fi Limited 23.25 3.15 -4.44 1.85 9.93 -3.08 15.51 6.30 13.85 39 JHG Janus Henderson 33.21 -0.54 -8.39 -18.87 -21.30 1.37 -13.37 3.08 14.37 36 JHX James Hardie Indust 19.05 1.55 -6.94 -17.21 0.67 2.74 3.63 15.31 18.50 27 LLC Lendlease Group 17.23 0.76 -10.49 -3.41 10.75 18.55 14.25 12.75 12.67 50 LNK Link Admin Hldg 7.52 3.72 -1.83 -7.99 -7.15 7.30 5.00 - - - MCY Mercury NZ Limited 3.18 5.30 2.91 8.40 10.62 10.06 10.55 14.47 - - MEZ Meridian Energy 2.99 4.55 -0.99 9.52 19.28 13.72 16.48 - - - MFG Magellan Fin Grp Ltd 26.91 7.77 -0.48 16.36 15.80 18.91 10.71 22.84 51.98 3 MGG Magellan Global Trust 1.68 2.13 -4.55 14.00 10.83 - - - - - MGR Mirvac Group 2.12 -3.64 -9.01 -4.39 -6.69 6.70 10.67 8.32 13.03 45 MIN Mineral Resources 15.45 11.39 -3.44 -19.95 -12.26 20.50 58.79 9.53 22.82 16 MLT Milton Corporation 4.40 1.15 -4.76 -1.27 0.88 6.90 5.14 4.82 6.06 92 MPL Medibank Private Ltd 2.78 4.91 -1.77 -6.49 -6.23 9.17 10.26 - - - MQG Macquarie Group Ltd 122.42 10.12 -0.17 17.43 28.45 30.44 18.51 22.19 17.98 30 MTS Metcash Limited 2.82 3.68 -4.73 -18.82 10.07 24.41 36.60 -0.75 1.28 114 MYO MYOB Group Ltd 3.54 3.81 19.92 10.35 -3.56 2.19 6.48 - - - MYX Mayne Pharma Ltd 1.08 2.86 -14.96 50.00 61.19 -17.32 3.59 9.62 21.62 18 NAB National Aust.

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