\Clarke-Santoro_New" i i 2012/8/24 page 1 i i Holonomy groups in riemannian geometry Andrew Clarke and Bianca Santoro 1 June 15, 2012 1The ¯rst author would like to acknowledge the support of FAPESP (Processo 2011/07363-6) in the preparation of these notes. The second author acknowledges the support of the PSC-CUNY (award number 64059- 00 42) and of the National Science Foundation under grant DMS 1007155. i i i i \Clarke-Santoro_New" i i 2012/8/24 page 2 i i i i i i \Clarke-Santoro_New" i i 2012/8/24 page 3 i i Preface These are the very unpretentious lecture notes for the minicourse Holonomy Groups in Riemannian geometry, a part of the XVII Brazil- ian School of Geometry, to be held at UFAM (Amazonas, Brazil), in July of 2012. We have aimed at providing a ¯rst introduction to the main general ideas on the study of the holonomy groups of a Riemannian manifold. The holonomy group is one of the fundamental analytical objects that one can de¯ne on a riemannian manfold. It interacts with, and contains information about a great number of geometric properties of the manifold. Namely, the holonomy group detects the local re- ducibility of the manifold, and also whether the metric is locally symmetric. We have structured these notes to emphasize the principal bundle formulation. This is done because it was felt that the symmetries of a manifold, even pointwise, are best expressed in this way. We have striven though to give constructions in two di®erent ways, on vector bundles and principal bundles, and also to stress the ways in which these perspectives relate. We plan to keep improving these notes, and the updates will be available at http://www.sci.ccny.cuny.edu/ bsantoro/ and http://www.ime.usp.br/ clark»e/en/ Meanwhile, we invite the reader» to send suggestions, comments and possible corrections to [email protected] or [email protected] Disclaimer: Any opinions, ¯ndings, and conclusions or recommen- dations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. i i i i \Clarke-Santoro_New" i i 2012/8/24 page 4 i i i i i i \Clarke-Santoro_New" i i 2012/8/24 page 5 i i Contents 1 Introduction 7 2 Bundles and Connections 11 2.1 Connections on Vector Bundles . 11 2.2 Principal bundles . 15 2.3 Connections on principal bundles . 23 2.3.1 Homogeneous spaces and G-invariant connections 27 2.4 Curvature and torsion . 29 2.4.1 Curvature and torsion on vector bundles . 29 2.4.2 Curvature on principal bundles . 31 2.4.3 Curvature in the associated bundle construction 33 2.5 Torsion on the principal frame bundle . 35 3 Parallel Transport and Holonomy 41 3.1 Parallel transport on a vector bundle . 41 3.2 Parallel transport and holonomy on principal bundles 45 3.3 Structure of the restricted holonomy group . 49 3.4 Curvature and holonomy . 55 3.4.1 Values taken by the curvature form . 55 3.4.2 The reduction theorem . 57 3.4.3 The Ambrose-Singer Theorem . 58 4 Riemannian Holonomy 60 4.1 Holonomy and invariant di®erential forms . 60 4.2 Reducible holonomy groups . 66 4.3 Decompositions of the curvature tensor . 73 5 i i i i \Clarke-Santoro_New" i i 2012/8/24 page 6 i i 6 CONTENTS 4.3.1 Abstract curvature tensors . 73 4.3.2 The decomposition of Rn into irreducible factors 78 4.3.3 Curvature decomposition for reduced holonomy metrics . 81 4.4 Symmetric Spaces . 82 4.5 Classi¯cation Theorem of Berger . 90 4.6 Holonomy groups and cohomology . 93 5 Irreducible Riemannian Groups 96 5.1 U(n) . 96 5.1.1 Curvature and its contractions on a KÄahler man- ifold . 99 5.1.2 Hodge Theory for KÄahler manifolds . 101 5.2 SU(n) . 102 5.3 Sp(n) . 107 5.3.1 Twistor Spaces . 109 5.3.2 K3 Surfaces . 110 5.4 Sp(n)Sp(1) . 111 5.4.1 Twistor Spaces . 113 5.5 G2 . 114 5.5.1 Topological Properties of compact G2 manifolds 117 5.6 Spin(7) . 118 Bibliography 123 i i i i \Clarke-Santoro_New" i i 2012/8/24 page 7 i i Chapter 1 Introduction It can be said that there are many ways of expressing the geom- etry of a space. The di®erent ways can be thought of as delineating di®erent areas of mathematics. A space in algebraic geometry is typ- ically distinguished by its structure sheaf. That is, it is determined by a ring (rather, a sheaf of rings) that determines the local proper- ties of the space, and carries the information about how these objects are pieced together globally. In hyperbolic geometry, that being of manifolds that admit complete metrics of constant negative curva- ture, much of the structure can be reduced to studying particular subgroups of the set of isometries of hyperbolic space. Some spaces can be studied by understanding a distinguished family of submani- folds, such as calibrated or isoparametric submanifolds. Perhaps the most important is of the geometry that comes from a ¯xed tensor ¯eld, such as a metric or symplectic form. Although the main aim of these notes is to study riemannian geometry, we will do so by looking at the geometry in a particular way. This is by the notion of parallelism. In euclidean space, the notion of two vectors with di®erent base points being parallel is clear. Two vectors are parallel if we can carry one vector from its base point to the other one and map onto the other vector. On other manifolds, it is less clear how to make this de¯nition. We consider a connection on the tangent bundle T M. This is a di®erential operator on vrector ¯elds, that allows us to say when 7 i i i i \Clarke-Santoro_New" i i 2012/8/24 page 8 i i 8 [CAP. 1: INTRODUCTION a vector ¯eld is constant along a curve. Two vectors, de¯ned at di®erent points, are parallel to one another with respect to a ¯xed curve if we can carry one vector to the other using the connection. That is, if γ is the curve with endpoints γ(0) = p and γ(1) = q, then v TpM is parallel to w TqM if there is a vector ¯eld X along γ 2that takes the values of2v and w at the endpoints, and satis¯es @t X = 0. We are able to de¯ne a isomorphism Pγ : TpM TqM thatr identi¯es parallel vectors. ! The complication with this construction though, is the depen- dence of the parallelism on the curve that we take between p and q. If γ and ¿ are curves with the same endpoints, there is no particular reason that the parallel translation maps Pγ and P¿ should coincide. To measure the dependence upon the curve, we consider the set of closed curves emanating from a ¯xed basepoint p M and the set of 2 automorphisms Pγ of TpM. This is the holonomy group of , that we will denote Hol( ; p). In the riemannian context, we willr take the Levi-Civita connection.r The holonomy group of a riemannian manifold is one of the funda- mental analytical objects that one can de¯ne on a riemannian mani- fold. It interacts with, and contains information about a great num- ber of geometric properties of the manifold. The curvature tensor generates the in¯nitesimal holonomy transformations. One can de¯ne a surjective group homomorphism from the fundamental group of the manifold onto the quotient of the holonomy group by its connected component. The holonomy group also detects the local reducibility of the manifold, and also whether the metric is locally symmetric. These properties form part of the hypotheses for the fundamental theorem of Berger that classi¯ed the possible holonomy groups of a riemannian manifold. In a certain sense, the classi¯cation theorem is the climax of these notes. It shows that in the riemannian context, all of the study that we have made of holonomy groups can be reduced to a short list of cases. This theorem also demonstrates the way in which holonomy relates to a number of very central areas of riemannian geometry. KÄahler, hyper-kÄahler, quaternion-KÄahler and Calabi-Yau manifolds have been greatly studied in recent years, and the holonomy perspec- tive is a particularly fruitful way of looking at these objects. The list of Berger also contains two exceptional examples: G2 and Spin(7). i i i i \Clarke-Santoro_New" i i 2012/8/24 page 9 i i 9 These geometries are also very beautiful, and much has been recently done to better understand them. We have structured these notes to emphasise the principal bundle formulation. This is done because it was felt that the symmetries of a manifold, even pointwise, are best expressed in this way. We have striven though to give constructions in two di®erent ways, on vector bundles and principal bundles, and also to stress the ways in which these perspectives relate. In the chapter to follow, we have discussed vector bundles and principal bundles and the way that connections can be de¯ned on them. A large number of examples have been given that attempt to relate these de¯nitions to other, more familiar objects. In particular, we de¯ne the torsion of a connection and prove the existence of the Levi-Civita connection for any metric from the principal bundle point of view.
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