STATISTICAL HAND BOOK OF WEST KAMENG DISTRICT Arunachal Pradesh 1992 District Statistical Office, Bomdila f o r e w o r d The Distxict Statistical Hand-Book of West Kameng s 1992 has been prepared as per the standard formats of the Directorate of Economics Statistics, Government of Aranachal Pradesh, and it endeavours to portray a comprehensive picture of the achievements of various Government Departments in West Kameng. The publication is the result of collection of facts and figures and their analytical coinpilation by the staff of Statistical Cell under the guidance of the District Statistical Officer, Bomdila, I hope/ th is Hand-BooV. w i l l be of con sid era­ ble value and assistance to the District officials and others concerned in plabnrin^ futiire development of the f area. ( D.R. Nafri )IAS Deputy Commissioner, Bomdila^ West Kameng District, March/1993. Bomdila, NIEPA DC D07458 i m m ^ DOCUMENTATION m m >atjcn:;! J jsrjtute of Kducatioaal P'Irtan . .4. ' ad Adm inistration. iV-B, :ri Aurobindo Matf* . i . tbi-110016 DOC^ Na ^ •■ ...... C^ate ...... INPRODUCriON Statistics are numerical statements of fact capable of analysis and interpretation. The S t a t is t ic a l Hanid-Book of West Kameng s 1992 presents a crystal clear picture of various developmen­ tal activities and socio-economic aspects of the dist­ rict* The booklet also inco-rporates some special tables on Vital Statistics, Govt, Eimployees in West Kameng District and sector-wise distribution of Net State Dome­ stic Product of Arunachal Pradesh, The compilation of this issue has been done in conformity with the State Level publication, I take this opportunity to extend my thanks and gratitude to all the district heads of departments for their co-operation in bringing out this publication. The burden of collection of (data and its presentation in this shape after compilation was borne by Shri H,P. Das,F.I, I highly appreciate the work done by him. Constructive suggestions for improvement of the standard and contents of the subsequent issue will be gladly accepted, ( S.B, Biswas ) District Statistical Officer, West Kameng District# Bomdila. c 0 N r NTS Table No, 1 Particulars I Page No, ~ X - I- Notional Map o f V7est Kameng D is t r ic t Synopsis on West Kameng District 1-6 Highlights on important aspects Of West Kameng District 7-^8 I - ADM IN ISPR AnVE SEP-UP ! • 1 Administrative set-up showing District^Sub- Divisions and Circles as on 31. 3. 92 9 1*2 Distance of Circle Headquarters from District Headquarter 9 II - POPULAPION (AS PER 1991 CENSUS) I I . 1 Districtwise population of Arunachal Pradesh and percentage of literacy 10 I I . 2 Districtwise area^population with density of population and sex ratio in Arunachal Pradesh 11 III - CLIMArE XXX. 1 Monthly Rainfall in uiffercnt places of West Kameng District dviring the year 1991 12 I I I . 2 Gentrev/ise average temperature and relative humidity in VJest Kameng District 13 I I I . 3 Altitude of important places of West Kameng 13 IV - EDUCAriON IV , 1 Distribution of Govt. (Arunachal Pradesh) ^Aucationel institutions in West Kameng Dist. 14 IV . 2 Distribution of Education Institutions other than Arunachal Pradesh Govt* in West Kameng 14 IV . 3 Institutionuise number of students and teachers relating to Arunachal Pradesh Govt* Institutions in West Kameng District ' 15 IV . 4 Institutionwise number of students and teachers relating to non-Arunachal Pradesh Govt. Insti­ tutions in West Kameng District 15 IV , 5 Enrolement in the Govt, Degree College, Bomdila/ in West Kameng District 16 IV . 6 Classwise and sexwise distribution of students in Educational Institutions of Kameng District relating to Arunachal Pradesh Govt. Institutions 17 (ii) » J Table No. I Particulars i Page Nc ______ ------------------ L - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- ------------ - --- - ™ . J . ---------------- IV,7 Classwise and sexvrise distribution of students in Educatj^onal Institutions of West Kameng District relating to Non-?«Arunachal Pradesh Govt, Institutions .18 IV,8 Result of various examinations in West Kameng District 19 IV^9 Nuijiber of students of West Kameng District studying outside Arunachal Pradesh 19 V ~ MEDICAL V .l Circlewise distribution of Hospital/Health Centres/Dispensaries in West Kameng District 20 V .2 Number of authorised beds in Hospital/Health Centres of West Kameng District 20 V, 3 Circlewise distribution of Medical Staff in West Kameng District 21 V ,4 Indoor and outdoor patients treated in Hospital/ - Health Centres of West Kameng 21 V .5 Diseasewise patients treated in Hospd)tal/Health Centres of West Kameng District 22 V , 6 Achievenvent of National Malaria Eradication PrograiTime in West Kameng District ^ 23 V ,7 Achievement of family vr^lfare programme in West Kameng District 23 VI - SOCIAL SEGURI J?Y VI*1 Police Stations/out-posts and strength of police personnel in VJest Kameng District 24 VI,2 Details of accidents occured in West Kameng District, 2 5 VI,3 Number of cases pending, filed and disposed in West Kameng District 25 VI,4 Incidence of crimes in West Kameng 26 VI,5 Statement showing the general result of trials Of criminal cases in West Kameng 26 ’/II - AGRICULTURE VII,:! Classification of area of West Kameng District 27 VII, 2 Area and production of Agricultural products in West Kameng District 28 VII, 3 Area under improved/HYV seeds in West Kameng Dist, 29 VII,4 Area brought under fertilizer and plant protec­ tion in West Kameng District 29 (iii) . I. Tafcle No, J Particulairs I Page No, _______ I— _____ ______ _________________ ________________ _________ _________________ ___ JL _ > Vm .5 Consumption of chemical fertilizer in West Kameng District 3 0 VII. 6 Agricultural Farms and Horticultural Farms/ Nurseries/Gardens in West Kameng 30 VII,7 Area and production . of Horticultural crops in West Kameng District 31 VII,8 Improved Agricultural Implements/Machines distributed in West Kameng District 31 ~ IRRIGAriON i^._WArER SUPPLY V III,1 Implementation of Minor Irrigation Projects in West Kameng District 32 VIII. 2 Net area irrigated-by different sources in V/est Kameng District 32 VII 1,3 V>7ater supply scheme executed in West Kameng 33 - a n i m a l HUSBANDRY AND VSriDRINARY IX, 1 Circlewise number of Veterinary Dispensaries/ Aid Centres in West Kameng District 34 IX, 2 Number of Live-stock/Poultry farms/etc^ in West Kameng District 34 IX, 3 Number of animals/birds treated in West Kameng 35 IX, 4 Milk and Milk products in the D#iry Farm, of West Kameng District 35 IX. 5 Statement reflecting the activities of the Regional Sheep Breeding Farm, Sangti of West Kameng District 36 X - F 0 R E S r X, 1 Distribution of Forest Division/Ranges/Beats in West Kameng District 37 X, 2 Area brought under plantation/afforestation in West Kameng District 3.7 X^ 3 Area brought under Forest in V'Jest Kameng 38 X. 4 Out-turn of timber and fuel . in West Kameng 38 X. 5 Supply of sleepers to Railways by the Forest Department 39 X*‘6 Minor Forest products of ^jcst Kamena District 39 Y ric.'v*c;«\a.o c «:p O n T +■ lOlTO o f PolTOst D iv is iOHS in West Kameng District ' 40 ( iv) — ~ Table No. I Particulars i Page No, —_« _________ _ — — _ — — — -- — — . XI - F I SHERIES XT. 1 Circlewi^e fish farms and village fish ponds in West JCameng District 41 XI, 2 Fish and fish see-^s production in West Kanneng 41 XII - CO-OPBRATION XII* 1 Working of different Co-operative Societies actually functioning in V7est Kameng 42 X II,2 Achievement of Co-operative Apex Bank/Phrieft an4 Credit Societies in West Kameng 43 ^ i l “ RURAL DEVELOPMENr/PANCHAYAT RAJ AND BLOCK DEVELOPMENT X III,1 Physical and financial achievements of Rural Development Programme An West Kameng 44 XIII. 2 Particulars of 6ommunity Development/NES Blockg in West Kameng District 45 XTII. 3 PaMChayat Raj Institutions in V7est Kameng 45 XIV - I N D U S r R I E S XIV, 1 Craftwise distribution of trainees in the Craft Centres of West Kameng District 46 XEV, 2 Mnual out-turn of different craft centres ■ and sal^ proceeds of the Emporium and Show-Room- cuin-Sale Counter in West Kameng D i s t r i c t 46 XIV, 3 Sma^l Scale Industries registered in West Kameng District 47 XIV, 4 Production and employment of Industries ^registered under Factory Act? 1948 in West Kameng 47 XIV, 5 statement showing the sericultural activities in V7est Kameng District 48 XV - ELECrRlClPY AND POWER XV, 1 I/istalled plant capacity and electricity generated in West Kameng District 48 XV, 2 Consumption of electric power by uses in 'W’est Kameng District 49 XV, 3 Number of T o w n/v illag es e l e c t r i f i e d in West Kameng District 49 (v) T able No • t Particulars I Page No, XVI - CONS TRUCnON (ENGJ NEERING ) XVI, 1 Length of Road constructed by different agencies in West Kameng District 50 XVI.2 Length of Road maintained by different agencies in West Kameng District 50 XVI. 3 Expenditure on Road Construct ion/improvement by different agencies in V7est Kameng District 51 XVI,4 Expenditure on construction, improvement, repair and maintenance of buildings in West Kameng 51 XVII ~ TRMqSPORT AND COMMQNICATION XVII. 1 Agencywise transport data of West Kameng 52 XVII.2 Departmentwise number of vehicles in V7est Kameng District 53 XVTI,3 Number of Postal Institutions in West Kameng . 5.4. X V X II - MARKET 1 G XVIII.l Procurement of selected commodities by different agencies in West Kameng 54 XVIII,2 Number of Fair Price Shops in West Kameng 55 X IX - BANKING XIX, 1 Number of Banking offices in West Kameng 56 XIX,2 Deposits and advances of Scheduled Commercial Banks in West Kcimeng District 56 XX - INFORMATIONS AND PUBLIC ,RELAPION X X .1 Location of Projection Unit, Number of operators and film shows staged in West Kameng 57 X X .2 Community listening sets distributed in West Kameng district 57 ( Vi ) Table Now I Particulars i Page No, — ~ — -------- X3CI - MISCELLANEOUS XXI.1 Social/ Cultural and Welfare organisations in West Kameng District 58 X:^*2 Data on Employment Exchange 59 XXI.
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