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09_597744_bindex.qxp 1/9/06 10:39 AM Page 109 Index Page numbers in italic indicate illustrations All-Bran cereal Pizza, Whole Wheat, with Arugula Coffee Cake, Pumpkin-Bran, 8, 9 “Brancakes” with Maple-Blueberry and, 65–66, 67 French Toast, Cornflake-Almond, Sauce, 11–13, 12 Spinach Salad, Warm, with Hard- Crunchy, 14, 15 Pizza, Whole Wheat, with Arugula Cooked Eggs, Peppery Shredded Migas with Corn Chex, Jack and Bacon, 65–66, 67 Wheat and, 42–44, 43 Cheese, and Chorizo, 18, 19 Topping, Wheat and Bran, Potato Banana and Wheaties Parfaits (varia- Scones, Cinnamon-Raisin Bran, 10 and Ham Gratin with, 54, 55 tion), 30 Waffles, Honey-Nut, 22 Turkey and Red Bean Chili, 82 Bean, Red, and Turkey Chili, 82 Waffles, Oatmeal-Pecan, 16, 17 Almond(s) Beef See also Muffins; Parfaits and Cheerios Topping, Apple Crisp Meat Loaf with Semolina and Brownies, Cocoa Krispies Peanut with, 96, 97 Spinach, Italian-Style, 60, 61 Butter, 92, 93 French Toast, -Cornflake, Crunchy, Meat Loaf with Wheaties, Old- Burgers, Turkey, with Year-Round 14, 15 Fashioned, 64 Tomato Salsa, 79–80, 81 Party Mix, Coconut-Curry, 26 Biscuits, Shortcakes, Frosted Flakes, Buttercrunch, Maple-Corn, 32, 33 Snack Mix, Apple Spice, 28, 29 with Peaches and Cream, 104–106, Trail Mix, Cereal Lover’s, 30, 31 105 Caesar Salad with Special K Apple(s) Blueberry Croutons, 45, 47 and Cheerios Parfaits (variation), 20 and Fruit Loop Parfaits, 20, 21 Cake(s) Crisp with Cheerios and Almond -Maple Sauce, “Brancakes” with, Cheesecake, Strawberry, with Topping, 96, 97 11–13, 12 Cap’n Crunch Crust, 99–100, Snack Mix, Spice, 28, 29 Muffins, -Lemon (variation), 2 101 Trail Mix, Cereal Lover’s, 30, 31 Bran Coffee Cake, Pumpkin-Bran, 8, 9 Apple Jacks cereal, and Ice Cream Coffee Cake, -Pumpkin, 8, 9 Shortcakes, Frosted Flakes, with Dessert, 95 Scones, Cinnamon-Raisin, 10 Peaches and Cream, 104–106, Apricot(s) Topping, Wheat and, Potato and 105 and Frosted Flakes Parfaits (varia- Ham Gratin with, 54, 55 Candy, Milk Chocolate and Cherry tion), 20 Bran Buds cereal, Coffee Cake, Crunch, 86, 87 Trail Mix, -Chocolate Cereal Pumpkin-Bran, 8, 9 Cap’n Crunch cereal Lover’s (variation), 30 “Brancakes” with Maple-Blueberry about, viii, 70 Arugula, Whole Wheat Pizza with Sauce, 11–13, 12 Corn Muffins, Sour Cream, 2, 3 Bacon and, 65–66, 67 Bread(s) Crust, Strawberry Cheesecake COPYRIGHTEDCoffee Cake, Pumpkin-Bran, MATERIAL 8, 9 with, 99–100, 101 Bacon Scones, Cinnamon-Raisin Bran, 10 Fish, -Crusted, with Chipotle and Cornflake Topping, Crisped, See also Muffins Tartar Sauce, 68, 69 Corn and Potato Chowder with, Breakfast and Salmon Croquettes, 71 50, 51 “Brancakes” with Maple-Blueberry Caramel, Cheerios and Peanuts, - -Corn Muffins (variation), 2 Sauce, 11–13, 12 Coated, 34 109 09_597744_bindex.qxp 1/9/06 10:39 AM Page 110 Cartoons, Saturday morning, 70 Party Mix, Coconut-Curry, 26, 31 Corn, and Potato Chowder with Cauliflower, Steamed, with Cereal Party Mix, Hot and Spicy, 25 Crisped Bacon and Cornflake Crumbs, 46 Party Mix, Pecan-Ginger, 24 Topping, 50, 51 Cereal in Snack Mixes (variations), 27 Corn Chex cereal advertising, in Saturday morning Chicken Breasts, Oven-Crisped, 74, 75 Migas with Jack Cheese, Chorizo cartoons, 70 Chili, Turkey and Red Bean, 82 and, 18, 19 culinary uses of, x–xi Chipotle Tartar Sauce, Cap’n Crunch- Snack Mix, Tex-Mex, 27 cult of, ix Crusted Fish Fillets with, 68, 69 Cornflake(s) cereal marketing of, viii Chocolate about, viii, 13 measuring of, xi Brownies, Cocoa Krispies Peanut Chicken Breasts, Oven-Crisped, 74, origins of, vii–viii, 13, 85 Butter, 92, 93 75 storage of, xi–xii Cherry and Milk Chocolate Crust, Crispy, Mustard-Dill Salmon substituting in recipes, xi Crunch, 86, 87 Fillets with a, 72, 73 See also specific cereals Cookies, Chip, Crispy, 88, 89 French Toast, -Almond, Crunchy, Cereal Coatings. See Crust(ed) Cookies, Oatmeal-Chip, Secret 14, 15 Cereal Crumbs. See Crumb Toppings Ingredient, 90, 91 Meat Loaf with, Old-Fashioned “Cereal Dating Nights”, ix Ice Cream Sandwiches, Crunchy (variation), 64 Cereality, ix Peanut Butter, 94 and Strawberry Parfaits (varia- Cheerios cereal Sauce, Warm, 102–103 tion), 20 about, viii, 98 Trail Mix, -Apricot Cereal Lover’s Topping, and Bacon, Crisped, Corn Apple Crisp with Almond Topping (variation), 30 and Potato Chowder with, 50, and, 96, 97 Trail Mix Marshmallow Squares, 40 51 and Apple Parfaits (variation), 20 Tropical Fruit and Cereal Clusters, Topping, Macaroni and Cheese, and Peanuts, Caramel-Coated, 34 84 Classic, 52, 53 Snack Mix, Apple Spice, 28, 29 Chorizo, Migas with Corn Chex, Jack Corn Muffins Waffles, Honey-Nut, 22 Cheese and, 18, 19 Bacon- (variation), 2 Cheese Chowder, Corn and Potato, with Sour Cream, Cap’n Crunch, 2, 3 Macaroni and, Classic, 52, 53 Crisped Bacon and Cornflake Corn, Puffed, -Maple Buttercrunch, Meat Loaf, Italian-Style, with Topping, 50, 51 32, 33 Semolina and Spinach, 60, 61 Cinnamon-Raisin Bran Scones, 10 Cranberry Pan Sauce, Crisp Turkey Migas with Corn Chex, Jack Clams Oreganato, 46 Cutlets with, 76–78, 77 Cheese and Chorizo, 18, 19 Coatings. See Crust(ed) Cream, Frosted Flakes Shortcakes Pizza, Whole Wheat, with Arugula Cocoa Krispies cereal with Peaches and, 104–106, 105 and Bacon, 65–66, 67 Crust, Creamy Espresso Pie with, Cream Cheese Potato and Ham Gratin with 102–103 Cheesecake, Strawberry, with Wheat and Bran Topping, 54, 55 Milk Chocolate and Cherry Cap’n Crunch Crust, 99–100, See also Cream Cheese Crunch, 86, 87 101 Cheesecake, Strawberry, with Cap’n Peanut Butter Brownies, 92, 93 Espresso Pie, Creamy, with Cocoa Crunch Crust, 99–100, 101 Coconut-Curry Party Mix, 26, 31 Krispies Crust, 102–103 Cherry and Milk Chocolate Crunch, Coffee Cake, Pumpkin-Bran, 8, 9 Cream of Wheat, Meat Loaf with 86, 87 Cookies Semolina and Spinach, Italian- Chex cereal Chocolate Chip, Crispy, 88, 89 Style, 60, 61 Migas with Corn Chex, Jack Oatmeal-Chip, Secret Ingredient, Crisp, Apple, with Cheerios and Cheese, and Chorizo, 18, 19 90, 91 Almond Topping, 96, 97 110 THE CEREAL LOVER’S COOKBOOK 09_597744_bindex.qxp 1/9/06 10:39 AM Page 111 Crispy Rice cereal Strawberry Cheesecake with Cap’n Figs, Whole Wheat Muffins with about, viii, xii Crunch Crust, 99–100, 101 Pecans and, 7 Chocolate Chip Cookies, Crispy, 88, Turkey Cutlets, Crisp, with Fish 89 Cranberry Pan Sauce, 76–78, 77 Fillets, Cap’n Crunch-Crusted, Lamb Meatballs in Pita Breads Curry-Coconut Party Mix, 26, 31 with Chipotle Tartar Sauce, 68, with Minted Yogurt Sauce, Cutouts, Marshmallow Squares, 36 69 Middle Eastern, 62, 63 Salmon and Cap’n Crunch and Pineapple Parfaits (variation), Desserts Croquettes, 71 20 Apple Crisp with Cheerios and Salmon Fillets, Mustard-Dill, with Trail Mix, Cereal Lover’s, 30, 31 Almond Topping, 96, 97 a Crispy Cornflake Crust, 72, 73 See also Marshmallow Squares Brownies, Cocoa Krispies Peanut See also Shellfish Croquettes, Cap’n Crunch and Butter, 92, 93 Flounder Fillets, Cap’n Crunch- Salmon, 71 Cheesecake, Strawberry, with Crusted, with Chipotle Tartar Croutons, Special K, Caesar Salad Cap’n Crunch Crust, 99–100, Sauce, 68, 69 with, 45, 47 101 Ford, William H., 85 Crumb Toppings Chocolate, Milk, and Cherry French Toast, Cornflake-Almond, Almond and Cheerios, Apple Crisp Crunch, 86, 87 Crunchy, 14, 15 with, 96, 97 Cookies, Chocolate Chip, Crispy, Froot Loops cereal Bacon and Cornflake, Crisped, 88, 89 and Blueberry Parfaits, 20, 21 Corn and Potato Chowder with, Cookies, Oatmeal-Chip, Secret and Ice Cream Dessert, 95 50, 51 Ingredient, 90, 91 Squares, Chewy, 38, 39 Caesar Salad with Special K Pie, Creamy Espresso, with Cocoa Frosted Flakes cereal Croutons, 45, 47 Krispies Crust, 102–103 and Apricot Parfaits (variation), 20 Cauliflower, Steamed, with, 46 Shortcakes, Frosted Flakes, with and Ice Cream Dessert, 95 Clams Oreganato, 46 Peaches and Cream, 104–106, Shortcakes with Peaches and Macaroni and Cheese, Classic, 52, 105 Cream, 104–106, 105 53 Tropical Fruit and Cereal Clusters, Fruit, Tropical, and Cereal Clusters, 84 Mussels Oreganato, 46 84 Fruity Pebbles cereal Pasta with, 46 See also Ice Cream and Ice Cream Dessert, 95 Potato and Ham Gratin with Dill-Mustard Salmon Fillets with a substituting, xii Wheat and Bran Topping, 54, 55 Crispy Cornflake Crust, 72, 73 Shrimp with, 46 “G ingerbread” House, Marshmallow Streusel Muffins, Jam-Filled, 4–6, 5 Egg(s) Squares, 36 Sweet Potatoes, Crispy Baked, French Toast, Crunchy Cornflake- Ginger-Pecan Party Mix, 24 56, 57 Almond, 14, 15 Grape-Nuts cereal Crust(ed) Hard-Cooked, Spinach Salad, about, viii, xii, 48 Chicken Breasts, Oven-Crisped, Warm, with Bacon, Peppery Ice Cream Sandwiches, Crunchy 74, 75 Shredded Wheat and, 42–44, 43 Peanut Butter, 94 Espresso Pie, Creamy, with Cocoa Migas with Corn Chex, Jack Streusel Muffins, Jam-Filled, 4–6, 5 Krispies Crust, 102–103 Cheese, and Chorizo, 18, 19 Sweet Potatoes, Crispy Baked, 56, Fish Fillets, Cap’n Crunch-, with Espresso Pie, Creamy, with Cocoa 57 Chipotle Tartar Sauce, 68, 69 Krispies Crust, 102–103 Tabbouleh, 48, 49 Salmon Fillets, Mustard-Dill, with Gratin, Potato and Ham, with Wheat a Crispy Cornflake Crust, 72, 73 and Bran Topping, 54, 55 INDEX 111 09_597744_bindex.qxp 1/9/06 10:39 AM Page 112 Ham and Potato Gratin with Wheat -Corn Buttercrunch, 32, 33 Pecans, 7 and Bran Topping, 54, 55 Marshmallow Squares Mussels Oreganato, 46 Honey-Nut Waffles, 22 Classic, 35, 37 Mustard-Dill Salmon Fillets with a Honey Smacks cereal, and Ice Cream Cutouts, 36 Crispy Cornflake Crust, 72, 73 Dessert, 95 Froot Loop, Chewy, 38, 39 Hot and Spicy Party Mix, 25 “Gingerbread” House, 36 Nuts Ice Cream Sundaes, 36 Froot Loop Squares, Chewy, 38,

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