OBSERVER A Journal of Free Voices A Window to the South November 26, 1976 Many happy returns Austin wanted it. Sure enough, even before we When we saw Frank Erwin, Allan Shiv- could haul our Shiner to the Carter cam- ers, O.C. Fisher, and Sam Houston paign's election eve watch, Cronkite had Johnson all crawl out of the woodwork in awarded Texas to the Democrat on behalf the last couple of weeks of the presidential of the CBS computers. The local television election to endorse Gerald Ford, we or- analysts sniffed that Walter was talking out dered our case of Shiner. of turn, but he proved to be right—Carter They were like rats swimming toward a beat Ford roughly 51 to 48 percent, with four million votes cast. sinking ship, to use Ralph Yarborough's stinging simile, and we took it as good How did that happen? "We just ran at evidence that Carter had Texas where he (Continued on Page 3) Showdown or superport? Galveston harbor; (C) none of the above; or (D) both A and B. By Clarence Johnson If fifty pounds of applications and compu- tations by the bureaucracy don't provide Galveston enough answers for Coleman, Gov. Dolph Secretary of Transportation William T. Briscoe has shown himself more than happy Coleman Jr. will be answering a super-sized to pronounce the offshore superport plan multiple-choice test sometime this month. sponsored by nine oil companies suitable The decision could result in (A) a $650 for approval. million superport located in the open Gulf of But hold on—Gov. Rubin Askew of Mexico 28 miles south of Freeport; (B) a Florida says he should have just as much $300 million superport located onshore in (Continued on Page 18) FINANCING SCHOOLS would go to those districts which need if least. Under the governor's plan, richer- By Jo Clifton than-average districts will receive about two-thirds of the state's contribution to Austin education through the Foundation School Gov. Dolph Briscoe has finally done Program. something. He's promised more public edu- cation dollars and lower property taxes—a The Foundation School Program is the little magic made possible by a projected state's basic apparatus for funding public state revenue surplus variously estimated at education. Currently three-quarters of this $750 million, $1 billion, $2 billion, and $3 funding comes from state taxes and one- billion. quarter from local school taxes. Trouble is, most of the state's new money (Continued on Page 20) Ed Midcik in Dallas Civic Opera production of "Salome" by directed by Stanley Hall; Armadillo World Strauss; also Nov. 30, Dec. 3; Fair Park Music Headquarters, Austin. Hall, Dallas. HOLIDAY FREEBIES—Chamber Singers NOVEMBER 30 Festival of Christmas Music, with Robert Young CHORUS CONCERT—Richard Robinson conducting; free, through Dec. 6, Armstrong conducts free Oratorio Chorus concert; 8:15 Browning Library, Baylor University, Waco. p.m., Roxy Grove Hall, Baylor University, Waco. DECEMBER 7 THESIS PLAY—Some of the most interesting WIND QUINTET—World's most active theatre in Austin occurs in the Master of Fine group of its type, the Dorian Wind Quintet Arts thesis productiions, such as "Scorpius X9" performs with John Solum on flute, Charles by David Fulk, with George Brashears directing Kuskin on oboe, clarinetist Jerry Kirkbride, Jane student cast; through Dec. 10, Drama Bldg., Taylor on bassoon, and Barry Benjamin on horn; Theatre Room, University of Texas, Austin. Hogg Auditorium, University of Texas, Austin. SYMPHONIC SOUND—Free concert, with RECITAL TIME—General recital presented Daniel Sternberg conducting Baylor Symphony by music department; also Dec. 7, 1 p.m., Recital Orchestra; 8:15 p.m., Waco Hall, Baylor Univer- Hall, Music Bldg., Texas A&I University, sity, Waco. Kingsville. DECEMBER 8 DECEMBER 1 MIMI'S MISFORTUNE—"La Boheme" is an IT'S FANTASTIC—The long-running love of operatic tale of bohemianism, consumption, and off-Broadway, Tom Jones' and Harvey love, with Elena Nunziata as Mimi leading Dallas Schmidt's "Fantasticks," with local cast; Civil Opera cast; also Dec. 10 and 12, Fair Park through Jan. 9, Theatre Three, Dallas. Music Hall, Dallas. FREE CONCERT—The airwaves are free, so SPIRITED SHAW—George Bernard Shaw's listen to cellist Lev Aronson and pianist Roger high spirits pervade "You Never Can Tell," Keyes, in concert; 8:15 p.m., Roxy Grove Hall, concerning free-thinking twins who scandalize a Baylor University, Waco. seaside resort; through Jan. 16, Alley Theatre, DECEMBER 2 Houston. CHRISTMAS MUSIC—'Tis the season, with DECEMBER 9 Chamber Singers Festival of Christmas Music CHRISTMAS CONCERT—Joint concert by conducted by Robert H. Young, free to public; choir and student singers; 8 p.m., Jones Roy Hamric 8:15 p.m., Armstrong Browning Library, Baylor Auditorium, Texas A&I University, Kingsville. University, Waco. AND MORE—Christmas music overflowing, DECEMBER 3 with Robert Young conducting Christmas TOSS HER A ROSE—Bizet' s "Carmen" sings Chorale Concert; 8:15 p.m., Roxy Grove Hall, and spits and generally acts gypsyish as Fort Baylor University, Waco. Worth Opera presents the old favorite; also Dec. 5, Tarrant County Convention Center, Fort BALLET ON TOUR—Dallas Civic Ballet, Worth. directed by George Skibine and Marjorie Tallchief, is a talented troupe with a traditional FUN THEATRE—Children's division, Fun repertoire and a few new ballets by Texas Theatre Productions, presents "Rumpelstilskin"; choreographers; Southwestern University, through December, Zachary Scott Theatre Georgetown. Fortnight Center, Austin. CHOIR CONCERT—Euell Porter conducts A By Suzanne Shelton Cappella, Chapel, and Concert Choirs in Christmas music concert, free to public; 8:15 p.m., Waco Hall, Waco. When you move, it isn't enough just to furnish the Post Office with your new NOVEMBER GRAB BAG JAZZ FEST—Incomparable Ella Fitzgerald, WAMPUM—Collection of beads and North Count Basie Orchestra, Oscar Peterson, and Joe address. American Indian beadwork from New York's Pass team in jazz fest; 7 and 10:30 p.m., Jones Museum of the American Indian includes bead- Hall, Houston. decorated objects such as belts, moccasins, and dresses; through Dec. 19, Michener Gallery, PERRY ON PIANO—John Perry, pianist, Please drop us a change of address University of Texas, Austin. joins Austin Symphony Orchestra in concert; card, too; and send along an old Municipal Auditorium, Austin. mailing label from your Observer, if HOMER GRAPHICS—Seascapist Winslow Homer also tried his hand at graphics, which was MORE YULE CAROLS—Christmas Chorals you have it. his trade long before watercoloring; Kelsey from students conducted by Ray Moore; 8 p.m., Collection, one of largest of Homer graphics, on Houston University Center, University of traveling exhibition; through Jan. 23, Museum of Houston. This way, you'll be assured of having Fine Arts, Houston, the next issue properly mailed to your NOVEMBER 27 OPERA WORKSHOP—"The Indian new address, since we can implement MEDIEVAL DRAMA—"The Play of Herod" Princess," directed by Robert Scott, is Opera an address change up to two days is Texas Opera Theatre's holiday offering for per- Workshop Production; also Dec. 4, Jones Auditorium, Texas A&I University, Kingsville. before an issue is printed and formance in Houston churches, presented with mailed . provided we hear directly six-piece consort of authentic early instruments, IF YOU CAN CATCH 'EM—"Butterflies Are from you. Thanks. including krumhorn, lute, vielle, and bagpipe; Free," by Leonard Gershe, with student cast; through Jan. 2, area churches, Houston. through Dec. 5, Margo Jones Theatre, Southern NOVEMBER 28 Methodist University, Dallas. DANCING GIRL—Roberta Knie joins locals THE TEXAS OBSERVER DECEMBER 5 600 W. 7th, Austin, Texas 78701 DANCING 'DILLO—Austin Ballet Theatre 2 The Texas Observer welcomes its fans back for monthly concert, Mickey Leland (D-Houston), State Rep. former-Dirty Thirtian and steady liberal Gonzalo Barrientos (D-Austin), State Sen. Returns .. Gammage is a plus for Texas. Raul Longoria (D-Edinburg), and others On the other side of Houston, the good (Continued from Page 1) who produced a massive turnout among news is that Rep. Bob Eckhardt did all but them with a traditional Democratic ap- blacks and Mexican-Americans. Then stomp on challenger Nick Gearhart, taking proach," was the analysis of Carter cam- there's Jimmy Carter, who just might have better than 60 percent of the vote. Eckhardt paign co-chair Bob Armstrong. And that's been instrumental in the victory. Despite all took this race seriously (Obs., Oct. 15) and as close to the truth as any political pundit the huffing and puffing in the press over the stunned his friends and supporters by cam- could get you. alleged Carter slander of LBJ, the truth is paigning vigorously. It paki off, as that Carter helped himself here, especially he Texas Democrats outnumber Republi- grabbed Gearhart by his big media budget on his last trip through South Texas, San and squeezed the life out of his political am- cans by a hefty margin, so (1) if Democrats Antonio, and Ft. Worth. hold themselves together, with no sizeable bitions. In addition, Eckhardt's big win will number deserting or taking a walk, and (2) if The Carter campaign in Texas was broad stand as a strong deterrent to major conser- Democrats turn out their vote, they win. based, energetic, and effective. It bore up vative challenges against him two years And that's the way it was. Unlike 1968 and admirably in the closing days when the Re- from now. 1972, Democrats mainly stayed in the fold, publican effort resorted to scare tactics, There even is good news from Dallas, and a solid campaign organization bleating warnings that election of Carter where State Rep. Jim Mattox took a shepherded them to the polls.
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