
JOAN SEGARRA PIJUAN was born in Tárrega, Spain on June 29, 1926. He joined the Society of Jesus in 1942. Seventeen years later he completed his religious and cultural education. On July 29, 1956 – in the Year of Saint Ignatius – he was ordained at the cathedral in Manresa. He has spent much of his life in Veruela, Bar- celona, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Palma (Majorca), Raimat, Rome and Man- resa and has also lived in a number of countries in Central and South Ameri- ca, Africa and Europe. He has always been interested in spi- ritual theology and the study of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. SAINT IGNA- TIUS AND MANRESA describes the Saint’s sojourn here in a simple, rea- dable style. The footnotes and exten- sive bibliography will be of particular interest to scholars wishing the study the life of St. Ignatius in greater de- tail. This book deals only with the months Saint Ignatius spent in Man- resa, which may have been the most interesting part of his life: the months of his pilgrimage and his mystical en- lightenments. Manresa is at the heart of the Pilgrim’s stay in Catalonia because “between Ignatius and Man- resa there is a bond that nothing can break” (Torras y Bages). A copy of this book is in the Library at Stella Maris Generalate North Foreland, Broadstairs, Kent, England CT10 3NR and is reproduced on line with the permission of the author. AJUNTAMENT DE MANRESA Joan Segarra Pijuan, S.J. 1st edition: September 1990 (Catalan) 2nd edition: May 1991 (Spanish) 3rd edition: September 1992 (English) © JOAN SEGARRA i PIJUAN, S.J. Cover design: Creativa de Publicitat Illustrations: Joan Torra i Miró Edited by: Ajuntament de Manresa Translated by: Patricia Mathews ISBN - 84–87202–18–7 Catalogue card no. B-16.102/92 Layout, photocomposition and printing: BAUSILI industria gráfica, s.a Cra. de Vic, 213 08240 MANRESA To the city of Manresa on the one thousand one hundredth anniversary of its recorded history and to Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Manresa’s best beloved citizen, on the five hundredth anniversary of his birth. AUTHOR This is an attempt to follow the footsteps of Saint Ignatius, the holy Pilgrim during the eleven months he lived in Manresa, from March 1522 to February 1523. Manresa has changed a great deal since then, increasing in size from 1000 in- habitants to almost 67,000. But the city’s traditions still nourish us and spur us on. Yesterday’s history and today’s commitments will lead us towards a brighter tomorrow. May Saint Ignatius of Loyola protect us in our daily struggle and bring well being to all the citizens of Manresa. Because we live in the very heart of Catalonia we serve as the soul of our beloved country of stone and olive trees, of blue skies, pine groves and rosemary, always propelled by the strong competitive drive of machines and technology but also driven by faith and justice in a spirit of peace and brotherly love. One of the major events in Manresa’s one thousand one hundred years of written history took place in March 1522 when the fa- mous pilgrim from Loyola and Montserrat (“the good man”, “the holy man”, the “man dressed in sackcloth” as he was popu- larly called) arrived in town. By a happy coincidence the one thousand one hundredth anni- versary of Manresa fell in the same year as the five hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Society of Jesus. Manresa is fortunate to have been the place where Saint Ignatius reached full maturity and, according to many scholars, the town may well have also been the birthplace and spiritual home of the Society of Jesus. Dr. Joan Segarra, a Jesuit from the Holy Cave who arrived in Manresa twenty two years ago and has become an expert in the city’s history and a true scholar of events and places in the life of Ignatius, has written a book that will enrich the city’s cultural heritage. He has taken as his sources both modern writers and also the oldest and most genuine records, with which many peo- ple aren’t familiar with. By publishing this book entitled “MANRESA AND SAINT IG- NATIUS OF LOYOLA” the Manresa City Council aims to make the city’s history known to the broadest possible public. We also hope it will help people remember Saint Ignatius, who brings many visitors to the city. We hope too that it will serve as a public recognition of the Jesuits who in their work throughout the world have spread the name of Manresa far and wide. Juli Sanclimens i Genescà MAYOR OF MANRESA BIBLIOGRAPHY REFERENCE BOOKS ON SAINT IGNATIUS ALBAREDA, Anselm Sant Ignasi a Montserrat (Montserrat 1935), ASTRAIN, A. 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