RESOLUTION NO. 13-347 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR AN COMPREHENSIVE UPDATE TO THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN, ADOPTING THE ASSOCIATED CEQA FINDINGS OF FACT, A STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS WITH RESPECT TO CERTAIN SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS IDENTIFIED IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, AND THE MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM AS OUTLINED IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND ADOPTING A NEW GENERAL PLAN TO REPLACE, IN ITS ENTIRETY, THE CITY'S CURRENT GENERAL PLAN. WHEREAS, the Riverside County Integrated Project (RCIP) Land Use Map and associated goals, policies and implementation actions were adopted as the City of Menifee General Plan by the City Council following incorporation of the City in October of 2008; and WHEREAS, the Municipal Code of the City of Menifee was adopted by the City Council on October 1, 2008, establishing the steps and procedures necessary to either adopt or amend provisions or portions of the General Plan or the Development Code; and WHEREAS, the City of Menifee retained the services of The Planning Center, a land use consulting firm, to draft and assist the City in the creation of a new General Plan, Implementation Actions and Environmental Impact Report, as well as associated supporting technical documents, for the community; and WHEREAS, the City Council established the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), tasking this group with assisting the Planning Commission and City Council in gathering citizen and interested party input on the draft General Plan Land Use Map, as well as goals and policies; and WHEREAS, following numerous community meetings and Study Sessions, all open to the public, the General Plan Advisory Committee in December of 2010 officially forwarded its recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council regarding the Land Use map that would form the basis for the draft General Plan Update, General Plan Implementation Actions and draft Environmental Impact Report; and WHEREAS, there is no specific development project proposed as part of the General Plan Update; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15105 of the CEQA Guidelines, the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) was circulated for a forty-five (45)-day public review and comment period, September 13, 2013 and ending October 28, 2013. It was also provided to the State Clearinghouse (SCH No. 2012071033) during the same time period for review by State Agencies. WHEREAS, comments on the DEIR were received from eight (8) public and private agencies as well as individual members of the public and pursuant to Section 15088 of the CEQA Guidelines, the City prepared responses to the comments received concerning the DEIR and included both the comments and the City's response to these comments within the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR); and WHEREAS, a series of errata to the analysis in the DEIR, based on such comments and the response to these comments and including minor changes in format, typography and Resolution No. 13-347 General Plan phraseology, none requiting additional impacts to be analyzed, were prepared and included in the FEIR; and WHEREAS, several changes to the Chapters and Elements of the General Plan, as well as the Land Use Map, were discussed by City Council and Planning Commission, some were minor changes in format, typography and phraseology, none requiring additional impacts to be analyzed, while others resulted in changes as directed by the Council, with the discussion and decisions listed below; and • Goetz Road properties remain a commercial use and all properties will be required to be in conformance. The Council voted to retain these parcel's current Riverside County Integrated Plan (RCIP) commercial General Plan designations (not changing them to the proposed residential). • Discuss land use net versus gross values and detail them in the zoning code, not the General Plan. The Council voted to establish the definitions of net and gross in the zoning code, not within the General Plan. • Keep the current EDC definition. The Council voted to retain the Economic Development Corridor (EDC) definition as currently written within the text of the proposed General Plan, with the deletion of the word "not" from the definition to correct a typographical error, as recommended by the Planning Commission. • Include a reference to Romoland in the introduction, strike the language "waste water plant" as one does not currently exist within the City, and leaving in the "biosolids" reference in the Safety Element background documents. The Council voted to amend the portions of the General Plan text identified herein as recommended by the Planning Commission. • Allow the request of RR1/2 for property owner's land use request #1 on Mapes Road. The Council voted to support the designation of the property along Mapes Road as Rural Residential one-half acre minimum lot size (RR Yz) as recommended by the Planning Commission. • Include a reference to a regional park, with a minimum of twenty-five (25) acres, in both Chapter ten (10), Open Space and Conservation as an implementation action and a regional park will be included as a policy statement. The Council voted to include the reference to the regional park, its minimum size, and reference this park within both the Open Space Chapter and General Plan Policies as recommended by the Planning Commission. • Wong property designation of RR1 , 1 acre minimum. The Council voted to designate the Wong Property as Rural Residential two acre minimum lot size (RR 2). • The EDC designation within the GPA 1040 area will stop at Howard Road. The Council voted to support the Planning Commission's recommendation and place the EDC area western edge limitation at Howard Road along Scott Road. Properties that had been proposed in this area as EDC shall retain their current RCIP General Plan designations. 2 Resolution No. 13-347 General Plan • Consider adjusting the designation of the property north of "The Club" to a residential density consistent with The Club's designation (8 .1 to 14 DU/Ac) and adjust the land use designation for that property south of Salt Creek Wash and west of Bradley Road owned by Mr. Womble ("Womble Property") from Economic Development Corridor (EDC) to Residential, 20.1 to 24 DU/Ac. Comments from The Planning Center were that such a change would not have an adverse effect upon the proposed Housing Element. The Council voted to designate that property north of The Club as Residential 8.1 to 14 Dwelling Units per Acre (DU/Ac); voted to designate the Womble Property as Residential 8.1 to 14 Dwelling Units per Acre; and voted to change the designation of the property illustrated as Option #4 at the December 4th Council meeting, property along Mathews Road, as Residential 20.1to24 DU/Ac as offered by the consultants. • Bell Mountain designation. The Council voted to remove the proposed Open Space­ Conservation designation on the privately held Bell Mountain properties and instead to designate these parcels as Rural Residential five acre minimum lot size (RR 5). In addition, the Council voted to remove the Open Space-Conservation designation from all privately held properties, except Bell Mountain properties, under the current General Plan proposal, retaining instead these properties current (RCIP) designations. WHEREAS, after duly advertised and noticed Public Hearings on October 22, 2013 and November 12, 2013 regarding the adoption of a new General Plan for the City of Menifee, the Planning Commission adopted Commission Resolution No. 2013-153, forwarding a recommendation that the City Council certify the Environmental Impact Report (and associated supporting technical documents) and adopt the comprehensive update to the City's General Plan and the stand alone General Plan Implementation Actions; and WHEREAS, on November 4, 2013, a Public Hearing for the comprehensive update to the City's General Plan was duly noticed in the Press-Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation within the City of Menifee; and WHEREAS, after duly advertised and noticed Public Hearings on November 20, 2013, December 4, 2013 and December 18, 2013, the City Council of the City of Menifee received public testimony on the Environmental Impact Report and comprehensive update to the General Plan to replace, in its entirety, the City's existing General Plan; and WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, the Council, following receipt of public input, deliberated the proposed Environmental Impact Report, and associated technical documents, and the comprehensive update to the General Plan and associated General Plan Implementation Actions; and WHEREAS, after said Public Hearing, the City Council of the City of Menifee in its review of the Environmental Impact Report for the comprehensive update to the General Plan on the basis of the whole record before it (including any comments received at the Public Hearings), has identified the "Findings" mandated under CEQA Section 15091 and addresses these Findings within "Exhibit A" "CEQA Findings of Fact" attached to the Final Environmental Impact Report; and 3 Resolution No. 13-347 General Plan WHEREAS, the proposed comprehensive update to the City of Menifee General Plan by way of the documents presented to and considered by the City Council is consistent with the current Goals and Policies of the City of Menifee General Plan and the City's adopted Municipal Code and shall promote the health, safety and general welfare of the property owners, residents and visitors to the City of Menifee; and WHEREAS, to achieve the goals and policies of the proposed comprehensive update to the City's General Plan specific implementation strategies have been created to assist and monitor the City's efforts and progress at achieving these Goals and Policies; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee in its review of the proposed General Plan Amendment by way of PC 09-53 adopts the following "Findings": A.
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