Crusader Art in the Holy Land, from the Third Crusade to the Fall of Acre, 1187 -- 1291 General Subject Index Note: A manuscript index arranged by repository name is to be found at the end of the printed work Abbasid caliphate, 366 Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 7 Acre aerial photo, fig. 61 architectural studies of, 523 artistic production at, lxv, lxvii, 303–4 (See also Acre, manuscripts; Acre, scriptorium) baillage of, 160–61 banners of, 38, 569n141 Baybars’s attack on, 262, 264, 266, 267 Béguines in, 275 Benedictines in, 400 Burchard of Mount Sion on, 388, 399, 400 Carmelites in, 400 cemeteries of, 247, 274, 356, 564n168 Christian schools of, 400 churches of, 38, 60, 61, 182, 183–84, 274–75, 388, 604n377, 605n403, 622n395 Gothic, 8, 279–80 Templar, 183 Cistercians in, 400 coinage of, 48, 205, 258, 316, 505, 514, 677n152, figs 12-16, fig. 36–38, fig. 111–12, fig. 163, plate 7 coin hoard, 505, 677n152 commerce of, 60, 61, 62, 397, 398, 632n660, 652n283 commune end of, 169 formation of, 158, 227 impact on artistic activity, 174, 227 John of Ibelin’s mayorality of, 161 2 confraternities of, 61, 633n685 convents of, 183, 362 Crusader reconquest of, 30, 48, 53, 60, 515 cultural life of, 274, 400 destruction of art at, 38, 469, 569n144 distance from Safed, 621n336 Dominicans in, 183, 296, 630n591, 653n314 in earthquake of 1202, 125, 184 Eastern Christians of, 183, 398, 574n46 Arabs, 627n501 economy of, 394, 397 effect of mercantile conflict on, 255 emergency coinage of, 145 excavation of, 15, 183, 227, 275, 280, 359, 404, 504, 605n378, 670n635, 674n91 fall of (1291), 183, 274, 340, 403, 482–91, 525 aftermath, 506–7 captives from, 489–90 clergy after, 491, 511 Crusader art following, 507–10, 525 Crusaders following, 507 defenders in, 485–86 Henry II in, 486 Hospitallers in, 485, 486, 487 Jacques de Vitry on, 480 mourning for, 489 in pilgrims’ accounts, 488–91 public opinion on, 507 razing of, 489 siege, 484–89 spolia from, 489, 491, 673n70 St. Catherine’s Monastery following, 525 Templars in, 485, 486–88 Venetians in, 487 in Fifth Crusade, 110, 112 figural sculpture of, 282, fig. 144 following truce of 1272, 383–84 fortifications of, 38–39, 76, 124–25, 248, 254, 271, 273–74, 399, 564n163, 575n69, 617n154 founding of, 399 Franciscans in, 183, 296, 435, 653n314 Franco-Byzantine style at, 310, 317, 324–31, 350, 367 Gothic church portal, 491, fig. 334 Greeks in, 413 Guy’s attack on, 37, 568n127 head of St. John at, 623n438 Hospitallers at, 61, 76, 102, 168, 399, 580n285 Hospitallers compound, 491, 501, map 8B icon painting at, 61, 282, 324–31 (See also Icons, Crusader: Franco-Byzantine Acre style) importance in Crusader States, 269, 271 3 institutions of, 274–75 as intellectual center, 398–404 Jacques de Vitry on, 109 Jewish community of, 400 and Latin Empire, 271 libraries of, 403 literary activity in, 400 Louis IX at, 243–54, 284 Louis IX’s chancery at, 247, 269 manuscripts Arabic, 407 illuminated, 345–50, 404–35, 477–78, 654n349 (See also Acre, scriptoria) maps, 490–91, 653n305, 672n23, 674n84, map 8A maritime powers at, 60, 61, 618n232 Marseillaise quarter, 575n53 mint of, 205, 227, 258 Montmusard suburb, 39, 62, 125, 399, map 8A fortification of, 134, 274 mosques, 184 multiculturalism of, 274, 293, 324, 366, 400, 484 name of, 653n305 New Courthouse site, 504 painting in, 14, 61, 282, 324–31, 350–56, 366 papal interdict on, 161 passage from, 565n13 patriarchs of Jerusalem at, 60, 399 in Pelrinages et Pardouns de Acre, 388 in Perugia Missal, 295–96 Pisans at, 632n660, 633n689 plague in, 577nn171,176 population of, 62, 575n68 port of, 15, 399, 564nn163,168 pottery of, 504–5, 592n292, fig. 345–49 rebellion against Frederick II, 601n222 rebuilding of, 67 refugee clergy in, 2, 60, 271 religious administration at, 399 reputation of, 244 Richard I at, 38–39, 40–41 sacred spaces of, 399 Saladin’s siege of, 36, 37, 38, 45 scriptoria, 13, 61, 92, 213, 214, 226, 251, 290, 400–404, 403, 423, 477, 630n614 (See also Acre, manuscripts; Acre, icon painting at) during 1250-1254, 282–99 Byzantine elements of, 303 commercial operation of, 408 Franco-Byzantine style at, 345–50 French influence on, 303 4 location of, 304 Louis IX’s commissions to, 269 of Naples Missal, 95 patriarch of Jerusalem’s, 435 secular books of, 626n489 St. Petersburg-Lyon Master at, 407 seal of cour bourgeois, 499, fig. 349 size of, 273–74 Templar church, 183 Templar headquarters, 488, 673n52 Teutonic Knights in, 183, 491, 647n44 in Thibaut’s Crusade, 163, 165 Thietmar at, 121 in Third Crusade, 29, 38 ties with Monastery of St. Catherine, 275, 622n401 Tower of the King, 486 towers of, 591nn257,259 travel from Damascus to, 121 True Cross cult at, 48–49, 572n292 Tuscan commerce in, 632n660 urban culture of, 400 Venetian artists at, 344–45, 367, 368, 628n546 Venetians in, 633n689 view from east, fig. 335 Wall of the King, 486 in War of St. Sabas, 255, 256–57, 367, 619n254 Western artists in, 19 Wilbrand von Oldenburg at, 119, 125 workshops of, 303–8, 336, 342 see of, 271 “Acre Archive,” 45–46 Acre Triptych, 310–18, 324, 352, 353, 514, 629n569, 631n625 and Agnus Dei bezant, 359 angels of, 631n640, 632n650, 633n688 Apulian connection of, 313, 314, 315, 316 artists of, 315, 509 backgrounds of, 314 Byzantine models for, 313, 317 central panel, 313, 315, 632n650, fig. 155–56 Christ and elders on, 311, fig. 157 chrysography on, 455, 456 commission of, 317 date of, 317, 318, 635n726 and Deësis panel, 326 Dormition in, 311, 312, 440, 441, 442, fig. 160 East-West synthesis in, 316–17 eye treatment of, 312, 337 floor depiction, 632n649 5 Franco-Byzantine Acre Crusader style of, 310, 317, 324–31 French Gothic elements in, 312 function of, 317, 325 incised decoration of, 314 lamb imagery, 316 multiculturalism of, 312, 426 pastiglia of, 314 patron of, 318 repainting of, 632n649 sources of, 311 St. John the Baptist in, 314, 316–17, fig. 161 St. Nicholas in, 34, 314, 315, 316–17, 632n669, fig. 162 and St. Francis Chapel frescoes, 300–301 Threnos, 311, fig. 158 Tuscan background of, 315, 317, 632n650 Veneto-Byzantine elements of, 317 Virgin and Child in, 313 Virgin in, 310–11, fig. 155–56 volumetric faces of, 312 and War of St. Sabas, 317 wings, 632n654 inner, 305, 311, 317, 329, 334, fig. 155, fig. 157 outer, 314, 315, 317, 336, 344, 440, 634n703, fig. 162 workshop of, 305, 354 Agridi Ibelin victory at, 160 Aigues-Mortes, port of, 233–34, 235, 240 Ain Jalud, battle of, 260, 261, 271, 379 Aleppo following, 365 Damascus following, 276 Albistan, battle of, 377, 379 Aldrevandini Beaker, 363, 471–72, 478, 645n1016, fig. 327–28 place of origin, 671n656 Aleppo, 365 al-Ashraf’s renovation of, 489 capture by Mongols, 365 coin hoard of, 505 glass from, 364 Khwarismian raid on, 167 Mongol assault on, 171 palaces of, 637n801 Alexandria pottery of, 592n280 strategic value of, 111 Thietmar at, 123, 590n233 Altarpieces French Gothic, 631n627 Italian, 306, 630n606 6 patronage of, 398, 653n289 Amazons, 383, 650n157 in Histoire Universelle, 401, 409, 410–11, 432, 433 as turcopoles, 411 Amiens Cathedral, 195 Ampullae, pilgrims’, 362, 470, 645n1011 Annales de Terre Sainte, 240–41, 264, 602n250 fall of Antioch in, 267 on loss of Templum Domini, 170 Annunciation icons of, 139, 301, 327, fig. 180, fig. 306, fig. 353 Annunciation, Church of (Nazareth) capitals of, 7, 17, 35, 52, 508, 514, 567n57 destruction of, 27–28, 249 façade of, 9 Louis IX at, 249 under Saladin, 42 sculpture of, 27–28, 510, 617n174 Templars at, 651n212 Annunciation and six Stylites icons of, fig. 353 Antioch, 562n42 Armenian ties of, 117 artistic production at, lxvii, 61 Assizes of, 585n28 Ayyubid threat to, 118 Baybars at, 261, 265, 267, 268, 369 booty from, 268 churches of, 120 church inventories from, 5, 27, 29, 138, 145 coinage of, 47, 49, 203, 349, 360, fig. 21, fig. 42, fig. 221 commune of, 158, 243 ecclesiastical treasury of, 86–87, 567n69 fall to Mamluks, 132, 267, 366, 393 following battle of La Forbie, 172 fortification of, 5 German presence in, 226 Greek population of, 108 in History of Outremer, 348, 406, 425, 428, 499, fig. 250 Levon II’s conflict with, 67 manuscripts from, 350, 642nn890–91 Orthodox prelates at, 635n723 patriarchal treasury of, 79, 550n279 pottery of, 132 refugees in, 51 Saladin’s capture of, 22, 24 Seljuk threat to, 118 succession problems at, 62, 63, 75, 76, 108, 575n79 7 textiles of, 87, 575n51 in Third Crusade, lxv, 29 under Treaty of Jaffa, 55, 57 treaty with Kitbogha, 321 Wilbrand at, 119 Aqsa Mosque pulpit of, 607n507 restoration of, 25 treasures from, 566n44 See also Templum Domini Arab Republic, 513 Arabs Christian, 627n501 Archaeologists, 15–16, 563n144 French, 6 Arches of Crusader churches, 2–3, 9 in Crusader icons, 463–64, 670n609, fig. 304 twelfth-century, 278 Architecture Arab, 2 of Christian settlers, 2, 5 Architecture, Byzantine church, 2 influence on Crusader architecture, 3 Architecture, Crusader, 595n15 after reestablishment of Latin Kingdom, 76–83 arabesque ornamentation in, 2 Byzantine influences on, 3 decoration in, 9 destruction of, 280 de Vogüé on, 1–3 ecclesiastical, 80, 82, 202, 227–28, 523 (See also Churches, Crusader) during 1244-1268, 279–82 de Vogüé on, 2–3 Enlart on, 7–8, 10 during Fourth Crusade, 82 glacis construction in, 202 Gothic elements in, 194–200, 202, 203 identification of, 12 independence of, 179 material culture of, 15, 16 Muslim influence on, 80 Romanesque influence on, 1–2, 82 spolia from, 489, 491, 673n70 during Third Crusade, 76 thirteenth-century, lxiv, lxvi, 20, 102, 103 during 1210-1225, 125–38 8 during 1225-1244, 173, 174–78, 202–3, 227 during 1244-1268, 273–82, 366 during 1268-1289, 404 windows in, 9 See also Castles, Crusader Architecture, Gothic of Acre, 8, 279–80 of ‘Atlit parish church, 194–98 Burgundian, 195, 196, 198, 606n465 of Church of Holy Sepulcher, 604n336 of Crac des Chevaliers, 196, 200–202, 277, 278, 280 in Crusader churches, 194–200, 202, 203 of Cyprus, 404, 681n112 ecclesiastical, 279–80 of Famagusta, 280 French court school, 180 influence in Holy Land, 180, 194, 195–98, 202, 226 of Levant, 2 naturalism in, 197 of Nicosia, 280 of Notre Dame Cathedral (Tortosa), 82, 179, 197, 278, 623n420 ogival arches in, 2 origins of, 2 of Sainte Chapelle, 180, 278 of St.
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