BULLETIN ofthe Assocfatfcm o(Imtish 7heol0Jfcal and 1'h ilosophlcaljjbrarfe.s BULLETIN 1975 Subscriptions: Libraries £2.00 {or $5.00 U.S.) per annum Individuals £1.00 to the Honorary Treasurer {see below) News items, notes and queries, advertisements and contributions to the Chairman {see below) COMMITTEE 1975 Chairman: Mr. John Y. Howard, New College Library {University of Edinburgh, Mound Place, Edinburgh, EH1 2LU. Vice-Chairman: Mr. John Creasey, Dr. Williams's Library, 14 Gordon Square, London, WC1 H OAG. Han. Secretary: Miss E. Mary Elliott, King's College Library {University of London), Strand, London, WC2R 2LS. Han. Treasurer: Mr. Leonard H. Elston, Kilburn Branch Library {London Borough of Camden) Cotleigh Road, London, NW6 2NP. Elected Members: Mr. R.K. Brown, Writers' Library, London Mr. G.P. Cornish, British Library Lending Division, Boston Spa Mr. R.J. Duckett, Social Sciences Library, Central Library, Bradford Mr. P.G. Jackaman, Reference Library, Fulham Library, London Miss C.A. Mackwell, Lambeth Palace Library, London Miss J.M. Owen, Sion College Library, London Miss J .M. Woods, Church Missionary Society Library, London. Co-opted Members: Mr P.W. Plumb, North East London Polytechnic Library Rev. M. J. Walsh, S.J ., Heythrop College Library {University of London) BULLETIN OF THE ASSOCIATiON OF BRITISH THEOLOGICAL AND P-HILOSOPHICAL LIBRARIES New series, no. 1, Edinburgh, December, 1974 CONTENTS Page Association news and announcements Editorial 1 Reports of 1974 meetings 2 Notice of 1975 meetings 3 Handbook of theological libraries 16 Reference section Libraries 1 - Birmingham P.L. Philosophy and Religion Dept. 4 Libraries 2 - Sion College, London 5 Societies 1 - Institute of Religion and Theology 7 Bibliographies & Reference Books 1 - Handbook of the I.R.T. 9 Other recent British publications 11 Article ABT APL: past, present and future -- Part 1 12 This Bulletin should explain itself. Its history from 1956-66 and the purpose of the Association are discussed in the chairman's article on page 12. It is planned to issue three numbers a year, in Spring, Summer and Winter. It is intended to be brief, informative and cheap. This issue is being distributed free to libraries and librarians interested in religion and philosophy. Nos. 2, 3 and 4 will be sent to those who pay the subscription at the appropriate rates for 1975. Individuals (who are asked to give their private address as well as that of their library) will also receive invitations to meetings. Libraries where philosophy and religion are in any way separately administered from the main collection are invited to name an ABT APL representative. ABT APl in 1974 King 5 College visit On 28th March about 20 m~mbers gathered at King's College library, University of london, for a talk on the library by· Mr Kenneth Garside, the librarian. He explained the history and relationship of the numerous subject department librari~s, and the concentration into two properly supervised areas made possible by the occupation of the New library on the Strand front in 1971. The theology library with ecclesiastical history and the related classics and Byzantine and modern Greek libraries remained in the Old library, close to the Theology Department and that masterpiece of Victorian ironwork, the College Chapel. The visit included a tour of the New library block which housed the main administration, reading rooms and stackrooms. (A fuller account of this reorganization was given by Mr Garside in the ABT APl Newsletter of June, 1972.) Bible House visit Miss Geraldine Coldham, librarian of the British and Foreign Bible Society, was hostess to 23 members of the Association on 8th November. She gave an introductory talk on the unrivalled historical collection of Bibles, the vicissitudes of its cataloguing and the struggle for adequate and secure shelving. Ample opportunity was given for examining the large permanent exhibition of Bibles and related material in many languages, together with other bibliographical treasures, some only recently acquired. It is hoped to include this library in ABT APl Bulletin's libraries series soon. Annual General Meeting The AGM preceded the Bible House visit on 8th November. A new vice-chairman and secretary were electeJ. (The list of officers and committee is on the front inside cover.) Jnstitutional and personal subscriptions were decided, the treasurer's accounts were approved and he agreed that the first issue of the new Bulletin could be issued free. The chairman's plans for publication of the Bull_etin on the lines agreed at the previous AGM were approved. A number of suggestions for future meetings were noted for action by the officers. 2 MEETINGS IN 1975 Publishing of religious books Following the two London visits in March and November, 1974, to King's College and the British and Foreign Bible Society, it is planned to hold a meeting in the context of the annual conference of the University, College and Research Section of the Library Association on Saturday 5th April, 1975. Personal members of ABTAPL and representatives of libraries who/which are not L.A. members will also be invited to all or part of the conference which lasts from 4th-6th April and will be held at the University of Surrey at Guildford. The main theme of the papers given will be publishing as it affects college and research libraries. Topics include the present and future economics of book production, the Open University publishing programme, micropublishing and non publishing! On the Saturday evening the conference will divide into five or six parallel discussion groups. One of these is to be led by the Rev. John Bowden, managing director and editor of S.C.M. Press, on the publishing of religious books. The Saturday afternoon will be occupied by a choice of excursions, one of which will be to Chichester Cathedral's historical library. Further details will be circulated early in the New Year. A meeting in London will also be arranged for the autumn, 1975. 3 LIBRARIES- 1 Birmingham Public Libraries - Philosophy & Religion Department Paradise, Birmingham, B3 3HQ. 021-235 454 7 Reference Library founded 1866; Philosophy & Religion Dept., organized 1971. Librarian of Philosophy & Religion Dept: Mrs J.P.R. Henderson, B.A., A.L.A. Function: Regional reference library for general public and university and college students. Diocesan Record Office. Coverage: Philosophy, Christian and non-Christian religions. Acquires most major works in English and a selection in major foreign languages. Stock: 50,000 volumes, 200 current periodicals. MSS in Local Studies Library and Diocesan Record Office. Newspaper cuttings file (national and denominational). Special collections: Rosicrucian collection, c. 300 items; Evangelical library, c.150 items; British Israel World Federation, c. 80 books and pamphlets; Thomas Bray Library, parish of Sheldon, c. 380 vols; Thomas Hall Library, parish of King's Norton, c. 1,1 00 vols. Classification: Dewey Decimal. Catalogues: 1 a. Name catalogue for items acquired 1879-1963 b. Name catalogue for items acquired 1963-1973 c. Cassette microfilm name catalogue 1974- 2. Alphabetical subject index 3a. Classified catalogue for items acquired 1879-1963 b. Cassette microfilm classified catalogue 1973- 4a. Serials catalogue b. Union serials cassette microfilm catalogue (includes holdings of Birmingham Univ. Lib. and Aston Univ. Lib.) 5. Catalogue of MSS in process of compilation Access: Open for reference only to all members of the public, Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 8.30 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Inter-library loans through BLLD for reference use only. Member of Birmingham Libraries Co-operative Mechanization Project (for ·co.mputer based cataloges). Xerox, photostat, microfilming, etc. available.- continued on page 6 4 LIBRARIES - 2 Sion College Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y ODN. 01-353 7983 Librarian: Miss J.M. Owen, B.A., A.L.A. History: Sion College was founded at the bequest of Dr Thomas White, Rector of St Dunstan-in-the-West (c. 1624) as a college for the clergy of the City of London, and was established in 1631 on a site in Aldermanbury. The present building, designed by Sir Arthur Blomfield, was opened in 1886. Function: To provide lending and reference facilities for readers with general or specialist interest in the subjects covered by the library. Coverage: Theology and Church history, particularly Anglican. Stock: Approximately 100,000 volumes, 50 periodical titles. Special Collections: The Port Royal Library {about 400 works relating to, or by, members of the Abbey of Port Royal); Bishop Edmund Gibson's pamphlet collection of about 400 volumes of late 17th­ early 18th-century general pamphlets; the Rev. J. Russell's collection of (mainly) early 19th-century pamphlets of general interest, in another 400 volumes, and the Rev. W. Scott's 200 volumes of pamphlets of ecclesiastical interest from the early to middle 19th century. Classification: W.H. Milman's scheme, 2nd ed. 1889. Catalogue: Current card catalogue to cover all subjects in the Library when completed; john Spencer's printed catalogue of 1650, William Reading's printed catalogue of 1724, a printed catalogue of the Port Royal collection (1898), and manu­ script catalogues for the pamphlet collections. Access: Members of the college, clergy and lay, may borrow books on payment of a nominal subscription (particulars from the Hon. Secretary). Available to public for reference purposes. No facilities for documentary reproduction. 5 Publications: Leaflet containing a brief description of the College and Library: j. Russell: Sian College (1859); W.H. Milman: 'Some Account of Sion College' (London and Middlesex Archaeological Society. Transactions vol. 6, 1890); E.H. Pearce: Sian College and Library (1913); E. Edmondston: 'Unfamiliar Libraries IX: Sion College' (Book Collector, vol. 14, no. 2, 1965). continued from p.4 Publications: 1. Guide to the Department 2. Information sheets on special collections and sources of frequently requested information 3.
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