15 June 2015 1 Battle Against Drugs une 26, is designated as the ‘International Day Against Drug Abuse and its Illicit Traf- Jficking’. Established by the UN General Assembly in 1987, this Day serves as a reminder of the goals illicit drugs agreed by Member States of creat- ing a global society free from Drug - Drug abuse is a threat to the well- Abuse. Thus was constituted the being of humanity. It undermines United Nations Office on Drugs and socio-economic progress, political by Dr Trevor Colaso Crime (UNODC). It assists the UN in stability and sustainable develop- addressing and coordinating com- ment. enforcement authorities, they un- prehensive responses to the above, - Themes and Slogans: derstand the consequences. as well as crime prevention, criminal - The UNODC launches campaigns - Drug traffickers are always com- justice, prison reforms, terrorist ac- to raise awareness about the global ing up with innovative and inge- tivities and political corruption. These drug problems, especially among nious methods. The most recent goals are pursued through research, teenagers and young adults. The distribution of drugs is “Online or guidance and monetary support. theme in 2014 : “Message of Hope; Internet Pharmacies”. These also Drug use disorders are Preventable can be tracked because they leave Definition and Classification: and Treatable.” This year 2015: “electronic traces”. - In Pharmacology, a drug is a “Corruption and Drugs; your ‘No’ - Role of Parents and Teachers: chemical substance – (a) ‘Medici- Counts”. nal’, used in the treatment, cure, - They have a vital role in eradicat- - I have formulated ten Anti-Drug ing drug abuse, since the activi- prevention and diagnosis of a dis- Slogans to Oil your Life’s Wagons: ease, eg antibiotics; and (b) Rec- ties and behavior of teenagers and Don’t huff and puff. Keep away young adults are most visible to reational: These are dangerous from that stuff # Drugs you use , substances, cause addictions and them. They can look for signs of always you loose # Drug free; way addiction beyond the visual range have withdrawal syndromes. These to be ; the best in me # do hugs, are further grouped into six catego- of police and courts. Drug addic- not drugs # You will never succeed tion is a chronic illness with high ries according to their actions on with speed # There is no excuse the Central Nervous System. relapse rates similar to hyperten- to drug abuse # If you aren’t drug sion, diabetes and asthma. Con- - 1.Stimulants: (amphetamines, caf- free; do not keep me company # frontation should be avoided, as it feine, nicotine and cocaine). 2. De- Make health your high; not drugs to is a sensitive issue, Counsel them, pressants: (opiates, barbiturates, die # Don’t do pot; your brain will seek professional help, and even tranquilizers and sedatives. 3. Anti- rot # Say no to drugs; and no to the utility of de-addiction centres Psychotics; 4.Anti-depressants; cops. like Kripa etc. - 5. Cannabis; 6. Inhalants. - Narcotics Control Bureau - At the individual level, be a good - A Global Threat and Problems: (NCB): role model and empower young- - In 2010 fatal overdose in Norway - Mr. Vijay Kumar IPS Deputy Gen- sters to deal with life’s challenges. (248) exceeded the road traffic eral, NCB, Mumbai explains: The Promote the arts, crafts and music. mortalities (168). Globally between main objective of NCB is to “Say Get them employed. Partner with 102,000 and 247,000 addicts suc- No to Drugs”! To reach every cor- NGOs and support rehabilitation cumbed to drug overdose in 2011. ner of the world with publicity cam- programmes. - Global users in millions – M; and paigns through mass media and - Final Word: government contacts. Generally, its cost in dollars billion - $B are as - Jesus Christ has liberated us from the poor consume ganja, hashish, follows: Cannabis: 160M - $88B; all bondages: “For freedom Christ and brown sugar. But now Design- Opiates: 17M - $65B; Cocaine: has set us free. Stand firm, there- er Drugs like Ecstasy and Meth are 28B - $41B; Meth; 33M - $15B; fore, and do not submit again to a employed at rave parties by the af- Ecstasy: 18B - $41B. Afghanistan, yoke of slavery … You were called fluent. These consumers are either Columbia, and Peru manufacture to freedom, brothers (and sisters); unaware of the legal provisions a majority of cocaine and opiates only do not use your freedom as and punishments, or ignore them (impure heroin or brown sugar). an opportunity for self-indulgence, deliberately. It is only when action According to UNODC, nearly 200 but through love become slaves to is initiated against them by the law million persons are hooked on to one another “ (Galatians, 5:1; 13). 2 15 June 2015 Advertisement. Tariff Over all size 21.5 cms x 27cms Print area 18 cms x 25.5 cms A National family WEEKLY FAMILY Full pg. back Colour (19 cms x 24 cms) Rs. 15,000 Center spread colour(39 cms x 23.5 cms Rs. 15,000 Vol.24 No.24 June 15, 2015 Rs.5/- Full pg. inside Cover colour(18 cms x 24 cms) Rs. 10,000 99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Full pg. inner colour (18 cms x 24 cms) Rs. 8,000 Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 : 2264 0996 Half pg. Colour (18 cms x 12 cms) Rs. 5,000 E-mail : [email protected], [email protected] Full page B/W (18 cms x 24 cms) Rs. 5,000 Website: www.sezariworld.com Half page B/W (18 cms x 12 cms) Rs, 3,000 www.secularcitizen.com Editor-in-chief : Lawrence COELHO Editor: PHILIP MYABOO Small Size Ads B/W 12 x 12cms Rs. 2000 6 x 24cms Rs. 2000 18 x 6cms Rs. 1500 6 x 12cms Rs. 1000 ‘Thought for the week’ 6 x 6cms Rs. 500 The difference between what we do and what we are capable of Matrimonial Classifieds: doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems . Rs. 500 per insertion (for 35 words) (includes box no.) Rs. 1500 for 12 insertions. (1 year The Secular Citizen FREE) Contents Is recognizing same-sex marriage pg. 2 - Battle Against Drugs pg. 3 - Is recognizing same-sex Catholic? marriage Catholic? pg. 4 - not oters in Ireland have made that country the first pg. 5 - Hindutwa Hotheads will be to recognize same-sex marriage by a national dealt with referendum. Various other countries have grant- ed the same recognition through legislation. pg. 7 - Reader's Views VA New York Times column by Frank Bruni titled "On pg. 8 - Consecrated to the Word- same-sex marriage, Catholics are leading the way" point- made-flesh! ed out, "In fact, countries with a Catholic majority or plural- pg 10 -A Memorable Event ity make up half of those where two men or two women by Fr William Grimm pg 11 - Shaadi ki Viddhi! can now wed or will soon be able to." pg 16 - Daughters of KHUDA In other countries like the United States where Catholics are a large part of pg 17 - Diabetics and Leg Swell- the population, polls show that Catholics as a group are more open to same-sex ing marriage than their non-Catholic neighbors. pg 18 - East Indian: The original And yet, in all these countries, the Catholic hierarchy has strongly opposed moves to recognize such partnerships, while the laity have declined to follow Mumbaikars their bishops. pg 19 - Inspiration! Are we seeing the collapse of the Catholic Church? pg 20 - Matrimonials If the bishops are the Church, then perhaps we are. But, if the Church is, in fact, the People of God, then we may be seeing the Church affirming something its leaders need to re-examine. It would not be the first time. Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman pointed out that historically, when many bishops of the fourth century were in heresy over Arianism, it was the laity that kept the faith. The moral of that story for him Subscriptions Rate: was that it is essential to recognize that the laity are, along with Scripture, liturgy, One year (anywhere in India) Rs. 250 the hierarchy and theologians, a valid authority in the Church. Three years (anywhere in India) Rs. 700 Rather than the collapse of the Catholic Church, might we be living through Five years (anywhere in India) Rs. 1000 a period when the hierarchy must defer to the experience, insight and faith of the One year (outside India) Rs. 2500 mass of Catholics? After all, they, more than celibate clerics, have a clear idea of what might or might not threaten marriage. E-paper Edition The Catholic bishops of Japan may be attuned to this. sent anywhere in the world (by email) The mayor of Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward has announced that around the end of One year Rs. 600 or US $ 15 October the ward will begin issuing certificates recognizing same-sex partner- Two years Rs. 1000 or US $ 25 ships. This follows the ward assembly’s passage last March of an ordinance that recognizes such partnerships as "equivalent to marriage". Other jurisdictions Cover : Battle Against Drugs throughout Japan are expected to enact similar ordinances. (Read p.2) (Contd.. on p. 4) 15 June 2015 3 (Contd.. from p. 3) them welcome the son and his partner secretary of state Cardinal Pietro Paro- The Japanese bishops’ report for into the family. Their response could be lin did, that because some of that five the next session of the Synod for the summed up in three [sic] words, ‘He is percent can have legally recognized re- Family in October refers to the Shibuya our son.’” lationships it is "a defeat for humanity".
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