1912 Personal Expla nation. [ASSEMBLY.] Kalgoorlie Tram way. lLeff s Iat ibe ql0serntb p, obtain such information; and I have much pleasure, wyith your permission, in authorising Wednesday, 61h November, 1901. hin, to do so. I remain yours faithfully, F. a. FiRerE. CanConynd National[ Bank-Qeticsn Kai- grlio Trema onuy Sbidyfor Bridge In reply to that letter, I have received ove Riw-Qestio.- Police Benefit Rund t the following: - Rprt Anual -uestion: Poie Voc,Raila Pass eoestio.: Police Uniforms, how, ulie The National Bank of Australasia Limited, --Question: Boulder School, overcrowding- One. Perth, W.A., 6th Nov. 1901. tin: Ivanhoe Suburban School-Question: Rai. F. H. Piesse, Esq., Perth. Dear Sir, - I beg to acknowledge your letter of 6th inst., and shall be happy to afford the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Adjomuent. any information he may require, as; to the Premier's allegation that you or your firm THE SPEAKER took the Chair at are or have been in any way connected with 4-30 O'clock, pin. the Karrawang syndicate. I may state that we have no information that would lead us to PRAYERS. believe or suspect that you or your firm have had any interest, direct or indirect as a member of the K urrawang syndicate. PERSONIAL EXPLANATION AS TO Yours faithfully, ALLEGED INTEREST. H. R. ENGLAND, Manager. KURRAWANG COMPANY AND NATIONA" [Applause by members of Opposition.] BANK. I may add that I have challenged the HoN. P. H. PlESSE (Williams) blln the Premier to ask the Speaker of Before the business of the day is pro- this House to obtain the information; ceeded with, I wish to make a personal and if the Premier does not take that explanation in reference to a statement course, I call upon him to apologise. made by the Premier, in the House last THE PREmMIR: You have not yet evening. In the course of his remarks, made the statement that you are not the Premier stated that he challenged the mixed up with it. member for the Williams to authorise HON. F. Hl. PIESSE: I deny that I him to make certain inquiries at the have bad anything to do with it. I do National Bank in Perth, as to who were not know who the company are, nor was the members of the Kurrawang syndicate. I ever offered any position in it, nor have I may say I am ready to accept that chat- I ever hail one jot of interest whatever in leuge. As a personal explanation, I will regard to the Kurrawang Company. now read to the House certain corre- (Applause by members of Opposition.] spondence which has passed to-day THE PREMrIER : Or with Mr. Timms? between myself and the manager of the [Laughter by Ministers.] National Bank. I wrote to the manger this letter : QUESTION - KALIGOORLIE TRAMWAY Dear Sit,-During the course of the debate COMPANY, SUBSIDY FOR BRIDGiE in the Legislative Assembly last night, the OVER RAILWAY. Premier (Mr. Leaks), in commenting upon the transactions of the Kurrawang syndicate, made Mn. H1OPKIN S asked the Minister for use of the following words:- Works: ;, Whether the representative of It is j ust as well for us at once to con- the Kalgoorlie Tramway Company bad sider who was in it, who represented made application to the Works Depart- the Kurrawang syndicate. 1 only wish ment for a cash subsidy of £65,000 welmknwwho was in it. I challenge the member for the Williams to authorise towards the erection of a tramway bridge me to make inquiries at the National over the railway on Boulder road. z, If Bank in Perth, who were the mem- so, whether the application was supported bers or who have been members during by any local governing body. 3, If so, the last seven monthsP which. 4, Whether the Minister had As by this statement Mr. Leaks endeavours aceceded to the request. 5, Whether any to implicate me, I will accept the challenge. I will be glad if you will afford the Speaker of further subsidies had been asked for by the Legislative Assembly the opportunity of the same person or company. 6, Whether making such inquiry As may be necessary to the Minister approved of subsidising Questione. Quoutione.(6NOVEMBER, 1901.]Qusis. Questions. 111913 tramway companies to run in opposition regulations to members of the police to the raiiways of the State. force are three weeks' annual leave, with Tun MINISTER FOR WORKS full pay. 2, No; except in the Railway replied: ir, No. z, No. 3, Answered by Department, where special arrangements XNo. 2. 4, Answered by No. 2. 5, NO. are made for railway employees on leave, 6, No, the Minister does not approve of and in the case of Public Works officials subsidising tramway companies to run in engaged in railway construction. opposition to the railways of the State- NOTE: -To elucidate the matter, I may IQUESTION-POLICE UNIFORMS, HOW say that the Kalgoorlie Road Board SUPPLIED. District Tramways Act, 1900, gives the Mn. HOPKINS asked the Premier: Government the option of either requir- ing the company to contribute £83,000 r, Whether the contractors supplying towards a bridge capable of providing for police uniforms are able to cope with the ordinary vehicular and foot traffic (as demands of the department? 2, If not, well as for'- tramways) or requiring the for what number of months are such company to build a bridge entirely at uniforms overdue ? 3, 'What effort is being made to bring the supply up to their own expense for their own purposes only. dateP Tnu PREMIER replied: The pre- QUESTION-POLICE BENEFIT FUND, sent contractors are giving every satis- TO REPORT ANNUALLY. faction in the supply of police uniforms. MR. IHOPKiINS asked the Premier: a, Why the annual statement of receipts and QUESTION-BOULDER SCH1OOL. OVER- disbursements in 'onnection with the CRO WDING, Police Benefit Fund was not published in MR. HOPKINS asked the Premier: the Government and Police Gazettes. z, t, If the Boulder school is overcrowded, Whether he approved of withholding this w ho is res ponsi ble for such overc rowdingP information from those persons whose 2, What efforts are being wade with a subscriptions were used to maintain and view to providing adequate accom moda- augmen t the fund. tionl? THE: PREMIER replied: It had not THE COLONIAL SECRETARY re- heen the practice hitherto to publish the plied: s, Including the main hail, the annual statement in connection with the Boulder Senior School will accommodate Police Benefit Fund, but there was no 565 children. The average attendance reason-why it should not be done. last quarter was 465. The main hall accounts for 130 places, but it is desired QUESTION-POLICE FORCE, SUNDAY to leave this free for assembly, drilling, LABOUR., TO REDUCE. etc. The Infants' School will acco~mmo- MR. HOPKINS asked the Premier: date 330, the main halt accounting for Whether it was the intention of the 125, The average attendance last quarter Government to so amend existing regula- was 280. There is, therefore, no over- tions as to permit of constables enjoying crowding while the main halls are used at least every alternate Sunday off duty. for classes. That the halls have to be THE PREMIER replied: Constables used in this way is due to the very rapid were exempted from Sunday duty as often growth of the town. 2, The new Kamn- as it was practicable to do so. ballie School will relieve the pressure. QUESTION-POLICE FORCE, RAILWAY QUESTION-rVAWROE SUBURBAN PASSES. SCeHOOL. MR, HOPKINS asked the Premier: ljn. HOPKINS askedl the Colonial *, Why railway passes are not granted Secretary: When it is intended to com- to members of the police force on annual mence the erection or the Ivanhoe leave. 2, Whether such privileges are Suburban School. enjoyed by the other branches of the THEf COLONTATj SECRETA.RY Gvrnment service. replied:- Tenders for the Kamballie School THE PREMIER replied: i, The only would be called immediately when an privileges allowed under the existing answer was received from the Lands 1914 Questione. [SEBY]N[ASSEMBLY.] No Confidence.ofdne Department on the subject of the site. the Estimates for travelling allowance It was hoped that building would begin vote. in December. PAPER PRESENTED. QUESTION-RAILWAY BOILER, By the PREMIER: Return showing KALGOORLIE. Importation of Stud Stock (as ordered). Mat. THOMAS asked the Com missioner Ordered to lie on the table. of Railways: Whether he has made inquiries relative to the boiler in the MOTION-NO CONFIDENCE IN THE station -yard at Kalgoorlie; and, if so, GOVERNMENT. with what result. DEBATE, THIRD DAY. THE COMMISSIONER OF RAIL- Resumed from the previous day, on WAYS replied: The Locomotive Branch the motion by Hon. F. H. Piesse: "That has a small vertical boiler at -work in the the Government does net command the Ralgoorlie Station yard. This bailer was confidence of this House." inspected by the Boiler Inspector of the Hox. G. THROSSELL (Northamn) I Railway Department on the 8th July, rise to support the motion of the member 1901. The Steam Boiler Act, 1897, does for the Williams, and I1 desire it to be not apply to the Railway Department. understood that I do not do so on mere party lines. I am not here to play the game of the " ins" and the "outs." I rise QUESTION-RAB1BIT INCURSION, PARTICULARS. in support of the motion with a. deep sense of duity to this country. No Gov- Ma&. THOMAS asked the Premier at ernment that ever assumed power in this what distance from Burracoppin and or any other State have bad so great Raveusthorpe have rabi~its been found? opportunities opening out before them; Tan PREMIER replied: Ra4bbits have yet I regret, from my standpoint and been found 63 miles east of Burracoppin, from the standpoint of members on this and about 130 miles north-east of Ravens- side of the House, that the Govern- thorpe.
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