Alphabetical List of Entries accent confessional poetry heroic couplet accentual- syllabic verse consonance heroic verse accentual verse convention hexameter air couplet hiatus alba cross rhyme homoeoteleuton alexandrine dactyl hymn alliteration decasyllable hyperbaton ambiguity decorum hyperbole anacoluthon deixis hypotaxis and parataxis anacreontic demotion iambic anadiplosis devotional poetry idyll analogy. See METAPHOR; dialogue image SIMILE; SYMBOL diction imagery anapest dimeter indeterminacy anaphora dozens In Memoriam stanza antistrophe dramatic monologue. See internal rhyme antithesis MONOLOGUE invective antonomasia dramatic poetry irony aporia dream vision isocolon and parison apostrophe eclogue kenning assonance ekphrasis lament asyndeton elegiac distich leonine rhyme, verse audience. See PERFORMANCE elegiac stanza letter, verse. See VERSE EPISTLE ballad elegy limerick ballad meter, hymn meter elision line beat ellipsis litotes Biblical poetry. See HYMN; encomium love poetry PSALM English prosody lyric blank verse enjambment lyric sequence blason envoi madrigal blues epic masculine and feminine broken rhyme epigram metaphor burlesque. See PARODY epitaph meter caesura epithalamium metonymy canon epithet mimesis carpe diem epode mock epic, mock heroic catachresis euphony monologue catalexis eye rhyme narrative poetry catalog fabliau narrator. See PERSONA; VOICE chain rhyme foot (modern) near rhyme chiasmus form nonsense verse Christabel meter fourteener octave closure free verse octosyllable colon genre ode complaint georgic onomatopoeia composition. See POET; haiku, western ottava rima VERSIFICATION hemistich palinode composition by field hendecasyllable panegyric conceit hendiadys paradox concrete poetry heptameter paralipsis xi xii Alphabetical List of Entries parallelism rich rhyme synaesthesia parody riddle syncope paronomasia rime riche. See RHYME; RICH synecdoche pastoral RHYME syntax, poetic pathetic fallacy rondeau tercet pattern poetry. See CONCRETE sapphic terza rima POETRY; VISUAL POETRY satire tetrameter pentameter scansion tone performance scheme trimeter periphrasis septet trochaic persona sestet trope personification sestina ut pictura poesis poem signifying variable foot poet simile verisimilitude. See MIMESIS poetics, Western Skeltonic verse drama. See DRAMATIC poetry slang. See DICTION POETRY poiēsis song verse epistle point of view. See PERSONA; sonnet verse novel. See NARRATIVE VOICE sonnet sequence POETRY polyptoton sound verse paragraph polysyndeton sound poetry verse systems. See METER prose poem speaker. See PERSONA; VOICE versification prosody Spenserian stanza vers libre prosopopoeia split lines villanelle proverb spoken word. See virelai psalm PERFORMANCE visual arts and poetry. See pun. See PARONOMASIA spondee CONCRETE POETRY; pyrrhic sprung rhythm EKPHRASIS; UT PICTURA quantity stanza POESIS; VISUAL POETRY quatrain stichomythia visual poetry refrain strophe visual rhyme. See EYE RYHME repetition style voice rhyme sublime volta rhyme royal syllabic verse zeugma rhyme scheme symbol rhythm synaeresis Bibliographical Abbreviations Abrams M. H. Abrams, The Mirror and the Lamp: CBFL A Critical Bibliography of French Literature, Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition, 1953 gen. ed. D. C. Cabeen and R. A. Brooks, 6 v., AION-SL Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale 1947–1994 di Napoli: sezione filologico-letteraria CE College English AJP American Journal of Philology Chambers F. M. Chambers, An Introduction to AJS American Journal of Semiotics Old Provençal Versification, 1985 AL American Literature Chatman S. Chatman, A Theory of Meter, 1965 Allen W. S. Allen, Accent and Rhythm, 1973 CHCL Cambridge History of Classical Literature, Analecta hymnica Analecta hymnica medii aevi, v. 1, Greek Literature, ed. P. E. Easterling and ed. G. M. Dreves, C. Blume, and H. M. Bannis- B.M.W. Knox, 1985; v. 2, Latin Literature, ed. ter, 55 v., 1886–1922 E. J. Kenney and W. V. Clausen, 1982 Attridge, Poetic Rhythm D. Attridge, Poetic CHEL Cambridge History of English Literature, ed. Rhythm: An Introduction, 1995 A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller, 14 v., 1907–16 Attridge, Rhythms D. Attridge, The Rhythms of CHLC Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, 9 v., English Poetry, 1982 1989–2005 Auerbach E. Auerbach, Mimesis: The Representa- Chomsky and Halle N. Chomsky and M. Halle, tion of Reality in Western Literature, trans. W. R. The Sound Pattern of English, 1968 Trask, 1953 CJ Classical Journal CL Comparative Literature Beare W. Beare, Latin Verse and European Song, CML Classical and Modern Literature 1957 Corbett E.P.J. Corbett, Classical Rhetoric for the Bec P. Bec, La Lyrique Française au moyen âge Modern Student, 3d ed., 1990 (XIIe–XIIIe siècles): Contribution à une typologie CP Classical Philology des genres poétiques médiévaux, 2 v., 1977–78 CQ Classical Quarterly Benjamin W. Benjamin, “The Work of Art in the Crane Critics and Criticism, Ancient and Modern, Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” Illuminations, ed. R. S. Crane, 1952 trans. H. Zohn, 1968 CritI Critical Inquiry BGDSL (H) Beiträge zur Geschichte de deutschen Crusius F. Crusius, Römische Metrik: ein Einfüh- Sprache und Literatur (Halle) rung, 8th ed., rev. H. Rubenbauer, 1967 BGDSL (T) Beiträge zur Geschichte de deutschen Culler J. Culler, Structuralist Poetics: Structuralism, Sprache und Literatur (Tübingen) Linguistics, and the Study of Literature, 1975 BHS Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Cureton R. D. Cureton, Rhythmic Phrasing in BJA British Journal of Aesthetics English Verse, 1992 Bowra C. M. Bowra, Greek Lyric Poetry from Alc- Curtius E. Curtius, European Literature and the man to Simon ides, 2d ed., 1961 Latin Middle Ages, trans. W. R. Trask, 1953 Bridges R. Bridges, Milton’s Prosody, rev. ed., 1921 CW Classical World Brogan T.V.F. Brogan, English Versification, 1570– 1980: A Reference Guide with a Global DAI Dissertation Abstracts International Appendix, 1981 Dale A. M. Dale, The Lyric Meters of Greek Drama, Brooks C. Brooks, The Well Wrought Urn, 1947 2d ed., 1968 Brooks and Warren C. Brooks and R. P. Warren, DDJ Deutsches Dante-Jahrbuch Understanding Poetry, 3d ed., 1960 de Man P. de Man, Blindness and Insight: Essays in the Rhetoric of Contemporary Criticism, 2d ed., 1983 Carper and Attridge T. Carper and D. Attridge, Derrida J. Derrida, Of Grammatology, trans. Meter and Meaning: An Introduction to Rhythm, G. C. Spivak, 2d ed., 1998 2003 DHI Dictionary of the History of Ideas, ed. CBEL Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, P. P. Weiner, 6 v., 1968–74 ed. F. W. Bateson, 4 v., 1940; v. 5, Supplement, Dronke P. Dronke, Medieval Latin and the Rise of ed. G. Watson, 1957 European Love Lyric, 2d ed., 2 v., 1968 xiii xiv Bibliographical Abbreviations Duffell M. J. Duffell, A New History of English Hollier A New History of French Literature, ed. Metre, 2008 D. Hollier, 1989 HQ Hopkins Quarterly E&S Essays and Studies of the English Association HR Hispanic Review ELH ELH (formerly English Literary History) HudR Hudson Review Eliot, Essays T. S. Eliot, Selected Essays, rev. ed., 1950 ICPhS International Congress of Phonetic Sciences Elwert W. T. Elwert, Französische Metrik, 4th ed., (journal) 1978 IJCT International Journal of Classical Tradition Elwert, Italienische W. T. Elwert, Italienische Metrik, 2d ed., 1984 JAAC Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism Empson W. Empson, Seven Types of Ambiguity, 3d JAC JAC: A Journal of Rhetoric, Culture, and Politics ed., 1953 JAF Journal of American Folklore ENLL English Language and Linguistics Jakobson R. Jakobson, Selected Writings, 8 v., 1962–88 Fabb et al. N. Fabb, D. Atridge, A. Durant, and Jakobson and Halle R. Jakobson and M. Halle, C. MacCabe, The Linguistics of Writing, 1987 Fundamentals of Language, 1956 Faral E. Faral, Les arts poétique du XIIe et du XIIIe JAOS Journal of American Oriental Society siècles, 1924 Jarman and Hughes A Guide to Welsh Literature, Finch and Varnes An Exaltation of Forms: Con- ed. A.O.H. Jarman and G. R. Hughes, 2 v., temporary Poets Celebrate the Diversity of Their 1976–79 Art, ed. A. Finch and K. Varnes, 2002 Jeanroy A. Jeanroy, La Poésie lyrique des Trouba- Fish S. Fish, Is There a Text in This Class? The dours, 2 v., 1934 Authority of Interpretive Communities, 1980 Jeanroy, Origines A. Jeanroy, Les origines de la Fisher The Medieval Literature of Western Europe: A poésie lyrique en France au moyen âge, 4th ed., 1965 Review of Research, Mainly 1930–1960, ed. JEGP Journal of English and Germanic Philology J. H. Fisher, 1965 JFLS Journal of French Language Studies FMLS Forum for Modern Language Studies JHS Journal of Hellenic Studies Fontanier P. Fontanier, Les figures du discourse, 1977 JL Journal of Linguistics Fowler A. Fowler, Kinds of Literature: An Introduc- Jour. P. Society Journal of Polynesian Society tion to the Theory of Genres and Modes, 1982 JPhon Journal of Phonetics Frye N. Frye, Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays, 1957 Kastner L. E. Kastner, A History of French Versi- FS French Studies fication, 1903 Keil Grammatici Latini, ed. H. Keil, 7 v., 1855–80; Gasparov M. L. Gasparov, Sovremennyj russkij v. 8, Anecdota helvitica: Supplementum, ed. stix: Metrika i ritmika, 1974 H. Hagen, 1870 Gasparov, History M. L. Gasparov, A History of Koster W.J.W. Koster, Traité de métrique greque European Versification, trans. G. S. Smith and suivi d’un précis de métrique latine, 5th ed., 1966 M. Tarlinskaja, 1996 KSMB Keats-Shelley Journal GRLMA Grundriss der romanischen Literaturen des KR Kenyon Review Mittelalters, ed. H. R. Jauss and E. Köhler, 11 v., 1968–
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