':: r~r I-+.+- A5s.jhmpd #- /~ C0 Is 0 I - 0 ~ ua. 04+­ eols 07 - ID= l . ' Co Is 11-!3=- ~i vd y# --- Co ls 03 - o~ = 52 r in.l #­ Col \L-\ z: l.J ~ ~ k::ii­ col 15 == 'B loY"k INTERVI EWER DON'T R~AD ALOUD WORDS CIRCLE APPROPRIATE NUMBERS IN CAPITAL LETTERS GALLUP OR CHECK BOXES WOULD OPINION 459-2 LIKE YOUR HARtS2 .~. SUGGESTED INTRODUCTION: Good day. I'm from the Gallup Organization, and I'd lik~ to talk to you about a few topics on national public opinion and on marketing. TIME INTERVIEW· STARTED: -- 6. Which, if any, Canadian Prime Ministers can you name - alive or dead? DO NOT PROMPT BENNETT-----l .".. D¥-I tVs ~ SEC I'ION - ASK EVERYONE CLARK---------2 DIEFENBAKER------3 X ,'f-' Co I 3 LI LAURIER-:-----------4 • J"7 1. Do you favor or oppose the censorship of MACDONALD--------------5 motion pictures by a ~overnment-appointed MACKENZIE KING------------6 body in this province? 5 A -,(. HEIGHEN---------------------7 - 30 FAVOR-----l PEARSON-----------------------S OPPOSE-------2 ST. LAURENT----------------------9 DON'T~NOW-... -----3 " ~Q~ ~3" fp.-l - '+ TRUDEAU-----------------------------O ·:33 2a.Do you usually work outside the home full-time. ~ part-time or not at a~ OTHER (SPECIFY) )j.'}. r,cH-a b V. t . -17 7. Here is a card listing our Prime Ministers. Which ~ A~~~:i~=~::::::~---~ ASK Q. 2b ~ of these do you think w111 be remembered as 13' - our best Prime Minister? HAND CARD1·NS=-O in(f) SA' 2!. ..., r ;c:/~5ALL--------:-----B Skif +0 Q3 SIR JOHN A. MAC·DONALD-----l·;, ARTHUR MEIGHEN-----l·;IOa ALEXANDER MACKENZIE-------2 MACKENZIE KING-----2 t IF WORK OUTSIDE "FULL" OR "PART-TIME", ASK: SIR JOHN ABBDTT-----------3 R.B. SENNETT------- 3 b.Do you think your present job is safe - or do SIR JOHN THOMPSDN---------4 LOUIS ST. LAURENT-- 4 you think there is a chance you may become unemployed? SIR MACKENZIE BOWELL------5 JOHN DIEFENBAKER.,-- 5 -18' SIR CHARLES TUPPER--------6 LESTER PEARSON----- 6 SAFE--­ ----------------------l SIR WILFRED LAURIER-------7 PIERRE TRUDEAU----- 7 CHANCE OF BECOMING UNEMPLOYED---2 SIR ROBERT BORDEN---------S JOE CLARK---------- S 1> K/ CAN'T SAY----1qs------------------3 y­ DON'T KNOW-------.,.- 9 c.If you became unemployed, do you think you'd be able to find a new iob fairly quickly ­ 8. Which one do you think will be remembered as the or do you thi~k it .i~ht take longer? worst lSrTme Minister? 1 N5:0 ,'" c.6I3'K -r: -! ..1K FAIRLY ~UICKLY-----l -" ":)n SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD-----l ARTHUR MEIGHEN--:'-- 1 ~IGHT TAKE LONGER-------2 ALEXANDER MACKENZIE-------2 MACKENZIE KING----- 2 WOULDN'T LOOK FOR A JOB-----3 SIR JOHN ABBOTT-----------3 R.B. BENNETT------- 3 SIR JOHN THOHPSON---------4 LOUIS ST. LAURENT-- 4 b ¥JCAN' T SAY--------ESS---------:--4 . SIR MACKENZIE BOWELL------5 JOHN DIEFENBAKER--- 5 3. Do you have occasion to use alcoholic beveraoes SIR CHARLES TUPPER--------6 LESTER PEARSON-----6 such as liquor, wine or beer. or are you a total SIR WILFRED LAURIER-------7 PIERRE TRUDEAU-----7 abstai ner? .sIR ROBERT BORDEN---------S JOE CLARK---------- S £4;1­ hQ,-1::... +0 (;)7 ~\ll • YES. USE--------------l It"PH 1I'I~"';'",di A-­ ll~ ("('U1J1~ I b il' <97\ON T KNOW~-------- 9 NO, DO NOT, ABSTAINER-----2 9. What do you consider to be the/world's greatest b't" I t\J S -----.-..3 problem today? ONE ANSWER ONLY. ~. speakin~, 5If Generally what do you think is the least ______________________410 amount of money a family of four - husband. wife and two children - needs each week to oet along on '"1_ 0 7 in th is commun ity? ...J...f. v..,. C,"c!e (,r)fJ(7~1' ':.S" 'fl -'If MtnrHG S ~ ( ) D9N'T KNOW , 0J<I{f9f rcuttJ q(£iI- ft!}f$tuyUe.-?S = /6 l- ·5. In your opinion. are the chances of an atomic war breaking out greater or less great than they ( ) DON'T KNOW were 10 years ag07 Greater-----l '.2.5 Less great-----2 10. Generally soeaking. do you think family life today is more successful. or less successful The same-----------3 than it was in your parents' day? DON'T KNOW------------4 r~ «, .;: MORE SUCCESSFUL----' - 'f~ LESS SUCCESSFUL-------2 ABOUT THE SA~E------------3 b v.] UN DEC I DED-- --­ ---­ --­ -­ ---­ --4 ,c.. --­ - c. N- -.;; CONTINUED ON BACK ../"..•. 11. How interested would you say you are in Soccer ­ very interested, rather interested, I little intereste~, or not at all int~rested? S A- VERY I'ITERESTEO----l -~, RATHER I'ITERESTEO-----2 A LITTLE I'ITERESTEO------3 NOT AT ALL IHTERESTEO-------4 DON'T KHOW---------------------5 Ns b 12a. If a federal election were held today, which party's candidate do you think you would favor? LIBERAL--------l - ~ 7 OTHER PARTY (WRITE IN) PROG. CONS.----2 N.0.P.---------3 A)o tio1 llo\r,J,40-L ) 6 CREDITISTE-----4 ONOECIDED------------7 SOCIAL CREDIT--5 REFUSED--------------8 NOT ELIGIBLE---------9 \ loF I to ,( is (il(~d ;k lJ,.o.<J (. ASK ALL WHO MENTIONED A PARTY (9.12a) b. What would you say is stronger - your like of the ••.. oarty (PARTY WILL VOTE FOR). or your dislike of the other par-ties? .... r LIKE OF PARTY---------------l ­ DISLIKE OF OTHER PARTIES-------2 j) v.! CAN'T SAY------------------.,------3 "IS If At3 .: ~i~ yo vote in the iast fenerlll.election '1'1 February 18, 1980? (/~ YES-----------c=J NO--------~---1·¥9 TOO YOUNG-----2 ~ IF "YES·, ASK: . Which oartv did the candidate for whom you voted re!lresent? LIBERAL--------3 /-- OTHER PARTY (WRIT. E ,IN) PROS. CONS.----4 N.0.P.---------5 ,va N o + \-\()..noI'!o- b) 8 CRED1TISTE-----6 DON't REMEM8ER--------9 SOCIAL CREDIT--7 Nsf REFUSED---------------o j --­ BASIC DATA INTERVIEWER: INT?ODUCE THIS SECTION AS FOLLOWS: "Now may I ~sk you a few questions so SECTION: Th~t I c~n be sure I ~m getting the-r1g~sample of people in this community?" OCCUPATION OF HEAD OF FAMILY MEN: Are you the male head of the household? SPECIFIC JOB? wOMEN: Are you the fem~le head of the household? YES~--l-'J NO------2 TYPE OF COMPANY? ASK EVERYONE: Are you employed outside the home full-time, part- time or not at all? . d How many people, including yourself, are there in FULL-TIME-----l- 6 T t his housl'hold? PART-TIME--------2 NOT AT ALL-----------3 7'- 2 3 4 5 6 OR 1"0RE OAiS: 7 ASK EVERYONE How many would be under 10 years? &5'. 0 2 3 4 DR MORE What is your marital ~IPGLE-------l -a- status? MARRIED---------2 WID/DIV/SEP---------3 nOw many 1010 ul d be between 10 & 17 years? 77­ 0 2 3 to OR MO RE What was the language you first spoke in childhood and still understand? {,(,­ Are you. yourself a ~ember of a trade union, or is ENGLISH-----------l your husband/wife a trade union member? FRENCH---------------2 ],1­ YES. MYSELF---------l ~-.- OTHER(SPECIFY} 3 YES. SPOUSE-------------2 NO---------------------------3 OW - - -<{ ~ow for a question on religion. What is your religious preference - Protestant. Roman Catholic or Jewish? What was the year . ,? of your birth? YEAR: _ PROTESTANT--------l JEWISH---------------Z ROMAN CATHOLIC-----------3 RECORD IF: MAN-------l WOMAN- -'-------2 77· OTHER(SPECIFY) 4 HAND CARD "R": Which number on this card ccrrespondS NO RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE-------------------------S to your total annual family income from all s cor ce s , before tax deduction~? 7~. Which of t~ese was the last school that you attended? UNDER 56,000-----------1 513,000 - S14,999----5 HAND CARD "Q" 56.000 - 57,999--------2 $15.000 - $19,999----6 Did you graduate from ... (LEVEL OF SCHqOLING ATTAINED)? $8.~00 - $9.999--------3 520,000 - 529,999----7 RECORD BELOW $10.000 - 512,999------4 $30,000 & OVER-------8 SOME GRADUATED RErUSED-------------------, --,5' PUBLIC/GKADE SCHOOL--------------l 2 SECONDARY SCHOOL-----------------3 4 7V­ RECORD IF: FAR~-------------l UNIVERSITY-----------------------7 a RURAL,NON-FARM-------2 POST SECONDARY & NON-UN!VERSITY URBAN------------------3 COMMUNITY COLLEG£----------------S 6 C. E.G. E.? -------~·---------------5 6 OTH ER__---,""""""".........."'"'" 5 6 (SPECIFY) NO FORMAL SCHOOLING--------------9 REFUSED--------------------------O What is your occupation? TIME INTERVlfW ENOED: _ SPEC I FIC JOB : _ TY PE OF COMP AN Y: ----"~'1/, f· CHECK IF: ) STUDENT } HOUSEWIFE --_......-----_.....__......................._--_......_..,.,........................"'...........""' .._--_............_-_....._-_......_---- - ­ (PLEASE PRINT) ADD RES S: _ CI TV: PROY: OA TE aFINTE RVI EW: _ POSTAL COOE: __ I HEREBY ATTEST THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND HONEST INTERVIEW INTERVIEWER'S SIGNATURE: ~ __ *** A VALIDATION CHECK WILL BE MADE ON ALL INTERVIEWERS' wn~K CONTI NUED .
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