Non Profit Org Friends of Maine Baseball US Postage Paid Permit 46 5745 Mahaney Clubhouse Bangor ME University of Maine Friends of Orono, ME 04469-5745 Maine Baseball RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Newsletter September, 2013 Fransoso and Connolly Drafted in 27th Round '0+145*1465612+-'4#05151#0&,70+142+6%*'4 %#6%*'4'0+145*1465612+-'4#05151#0&,70+142+6%*'4 %#6%*'4 +-'1001..;9'4'$16*&4#(6'&+06*'CH6*4170&1(6*' #,14'#)7' #5'$#..4#(64#051519#55'.'%6'&$;6*' +665$74)* +4#6'5 #5 6*' IAJ6* 2+%- 9*+.' 1001..; 9#5 6#-'0$;6*'#04#0%+5%1+#065#52+%-ICC 4#05151*#&#017656#0&+0)%#4''4#5(174;'#456#46'4%#22'& $;*+55'.'%6+10#5#CABDQ+4&'#/ .. /'4+%#04#05151 Catch up to date information on Umaine Athletics website $'%1/'510.;6*''.'8'06* .#%- '#4*1014'&$;5'.'%6+10 #5#0 .. /'4+%#0'.'#8'56*' .#%- '#45#510'1( GoBlackBears.com 6*'#..6+/'.'#&'45+05'8'4#.1P'05+8'%#6')14+'5+0%.7&+0) or follow UMaine Baseball on Twitter or Facebook 561.'0$#5'5(149*+%**'+56*'4'%14&*1.&'44#051519#5 #6*4''6+/' .. /'4+%##565'.'%6+10+0%.7&+0).#;'41( 6*'"'#4*10145(146*'CABD5'#5100CABD*'$#66'&DFC 9+6*(174*1/'4705EJ EF47055%14'&#0&CA561.'0 $#5'5 0 #&&+6+10 61 *+5 1P'05+8' 176276 +-' 2418+&'& Mike Fransoso 572'4+14&'('05'#66*'5*1465612215+6+10 Mike Connolly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ick Derba makes the transformation from player to coach this fall as he joins the UMaine baseball coaching sta!. Derba joins Derba has been hired as the Black Bears’ No. 2 assistant a"er spending last sea- son as a volunteer assistant at his alma mater, Manhattan College. UMaine Staff Derba replaces former UMaine standout Billy Cather, who spent four seasons on the sta!, the last three as a full-time coach. Cather had returned to his hometown of Worcester, Mass., to work with his father at #e Strike Zone. He was just recently hired at Lesley Univerisity as their Head Baseball Coach. “Having coached Nick at Manhattan College and watching his professional ca- reer, he has a tremendous work ethic, character and the ability to be a top-notch teach- er,” Trimper said. “He brings a wealth of knowledge from the college and professional side of baseball.” At Manhattan, Derba was a three-time All-Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference catcher for the Jaspers. He was a 30th-round pick of the St. Louis Cardinals in 2007 and spent six seasons in the organization, including parts of three seasons with Triple-A Memphis in the Paci$c Coast League. #e native of College Point, N.Y., graduated from Manhattan with a Bachelor of Science in biology and minors in chemistry and psychology. Sweeney’s jersey Bricks to Omaha to be retired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'/'/$'4M . this is “Home 6*+5 +5- #& ## coming Weekend” and it will be important for you to Credit Card K1/'%1/+0)!''-'0&L#0& +6 9+.. $' +/2146#06 secure a room before the deadline date. (14;17615'%74'#411/$'(14'6*'&'#&.+0'&#6' +5# #56'4%#4& '4510#.+<';174$4+%-7261DA%*#4#%6'45 Name on Card:________________________________ Q+5+5#.51#)4'#612214670+6;(14;1761*1014#4-#0&174)4'#6#+0' #5'$#..64#&+6+10 Card Number:________________________________ 9+6*#&10#6+10+0*+50#/'610+8'45+6;1(#+0' #5'$#.. ..&10#6+1059+..&+4'%6.;$'0'O6 Exp. Date:__________ 6*'$#5'$#..241)4#/ 3 digit security code_________ Signature:_____________________________________ (;17917.&.+-'61#66'0&14+(;1714917.&.+-'61/#-'#&10#6+10+0*10141(#4- 9''0';2.'#5'%106#%66*' 6*.'6+%'8'.12/'061N%'#6CAHFIBBAEI A special thank you to our Bangor East Little League Mr. Dan Warren Friends of Maine Baseball Bangor Letter Shop, Inc. Mr. Dan Willett Contribution Form Connolly Concrete Const., Inc. Mr. Daniel Silva & Ms. Marina Silva Cushman Realty Mr. Daryl Calkins Dr. Eben & Janice Osgood Mr. Dave Smith & Ms. Evie Smith Dr. George Jacobson Mr. Dave !ompson Dr. Henry & Dawn Woodbrey Mr. David Carlisle & Ms. Susan Carlisle Dr. Jordan Shubert Mr. David Smith !"" Dr. Kathryn Slott Mr. Dennis Libbey #& ## Dr. Robert & Kristen Strong Mr. Dick Kelleher & Ms. Joan Kelleher Dr. Robert M. Smith Mr. Doug & Nichi Farnham Dr. Stephen Cary & Ms. Nancy Cary Mr. Doug Geary & Ms. Kathleen Geary Erv’s Barber Shop Mr. Doug Jordan Farley Financial Group LLC Mr. Eben A. Osgood Gen. Robert Carmichael, Jr. Mr. Edgar & Daphene Mace Green !umb Lawn Services Mr. Ellis Bean & Ms. Faye Bean PLEASE CHECK ONE CHOOSE ONE FORM OF PAYMENT Hardy Associates Inc. Mr. Emery Shute Hartt Transportation Systems, Inc. Mr. Eric & Rebecca Rolfson Check Lt. Col. Lila Stevens Mr. Ervin Morrison Sr. Friends of Maine Contributor($50) /#&'2#;#$.'616*'0+8'45+6;1(#+0' Maine Real Estate Management Mr. Frank Jordon Check Number:________ Maine Savings Federal Credit Union Mr. Gary Dube & Ms. Candice Dube Diamond Club Contributor($100) Credit Card Marlowe Perkins Mr. George & Sharon Gonyar ?BAA%1064+$76+10'06+6.'5;17618+'9)#/'5 Mr. Alan Merritt & Ms. Sheila Merritt Mr. George Kurr 9+6*#)7'56(41/#*#0';.7$*175' +5# #56'4%#4& Mr. Alvin S. McNeilly Mr. George Morrill Grand Slam Club Contributor($200) Mr. Andrew Sherwood Mr. George W. Stone Name on Card:________________________________ Mr. Arnold & Susan Garson Mr. Gerard R. LaFlamme, ESQ. ?CAA%1064+$76+10'06+6.'5;17#..1(6*' Card Number:________________________________ Mr. Barbara Coughlin Mr. Gerry & Gina LaFlamme +#/10&.7$$'0'O652.75#4;+6*+46 Exp. Date:__________ 3 digit security code_________ Mr. Barry Scott & Ms. Kelley Scott Mr. Greg Jamison Size_______ Mr. Bill Hartt Mr. Guy & Tracey Whitten Signature:_____________________________________ Mr. Bill Sawyer Mr. Guy Haney & Ms. Jane Haney Mr. Bill Swi" Mr. Guy Harvey Mr. Blake James & Ms. Kelly James Mr. H.B. Fitzpatrick Jr. Mr. Bob Cutler Mr. Hank & Dawn Woodbrey Mr. Bob Kelleter Mr. Hardy Mr. Bob Strong Mr. Harry Angelides & Ms. Julia Angelides Mr. Bob Whalen Mr. Henry FitzPatrick Mr. Brad Waddell & Ms. Deanna Dorsey Mr. Herb Sargent To all of our Friends Members Mr. Brett Parke & Ms. Michelle Parke Mr. Irvine Marsters Jr. Mr. Casey Morrill & Ms. Tracey Morrill Mr. J. Co#ey & Ms. Elizabeth Co#ey Mr. Chandler Coddington & Ms. Jane Coddington Mr. Jack Capuano Thank you for all of your support! Mr. Charles Palian Mr. Jack Cather & Ms. Gail Cather Mr. Charlie Newell Mr. Jack Donovan & Ms. Betty Donovan Mr. Chris Farley & Ms.
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