The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan ut t wik Trans, tcpid, Soc, lapan 58 (1): 47-6S, January 2007 A review of the tribe Pyralini Latreille (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Pyralinae) from Korea Bong-Woo LEEi'* and Yaiig-Seop BAE2'** ]i Entomological Laboratory, Graduate School of Li fe and Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka, 599-8531 Japan Zi Department of Biology, College of Naturul Scicnces, University of Incheon, Incheon, 402-749 Korea Abstract 21 species belonging to 14 genera of the tribe Pyralini, subfaniily Pyra]inae are recog- nized from Korea. Among thern, three species, Llypsopygia iwamotoi Kirp. & Yamanaka, fi. kawabei Yamanaka, and Bostra nanalis (Wilcrnan), are reported for the first time fOrm Korea. Photographs of adults, illustrations of .uenitalia of both sexes, host plants, and flight period are pro- vided. Key words Lepidotera, Pyralidae. Pyralinae, Pyralini, new record, Kerea. Introduction The subfamily Pyralinae belonging to the Pyralidae (Lepidoptera) comprises more than 900 species, which are mainly distributed in the tropical and Indo-Australian regions (Munroe & Solis, 1999). Many of them are notorious cosmopolitan pests of agricultural stored prod- ucts, and fbrest, such as R},ralis .farinalis (Linnaeus) (meal moth) and Aglossa dimidiata (Haworth) (tea tabby), The subfamily is distinguished from other subfamilies by the fo]- lowing morphological characters: ocel]i present or absent; chaetosema present; maxillary pa]pus present; Iabial palpus porrect or ascending; proboscis well developed; fbrewing with R5 stalked with R, and R,, hindwings Sc+R, approximatcly or anastomesing with Rs. The Pyralinae is divided into two tribes, Pyralini and Endotrichini. Two tribes are defined by the venation of the hindwing: in the Pyralini Rs is not anastomosed with Sc+R,, whereas it is anastomosed with Sc+R, in Endotrichini, In Korea, two species, Orrybina regatis (Leech) and 7legulijbra bicoloratis (Leech), were initially reported by Leech (1 889), and further four species were added in 1891. Subsequently, several species were added to the Korean fauna by the Japanese specialists, Okamoto (1924), Shibuya (1927, 1928), and Maruda (1929). A Korean specialist, Park (1976, 1983, I993) added two more species. Recently Bae (2001) briefly reviewed the subfamily, covering 25 species. In this anicle, the tribe Pyralini in Korea is reviewed, recognizing 21 species, among them, Ilypsopygia iwamotoi Kirpichnikova & Yamanaka, H. kaivabei Yamanaka, and Bostra nanatis (Willeman), which are recorded for the first time from Korea, Abbreviations used are as fOllows: CIS-Center for Insect Systematics, Kangwon National University; FRI-Forest Research Institute, Seoul; NIAST-National Institute of Agricultural Sciences Tbchnology, Suweon; UIB-Department of Biology, University of Incheon, Incheon. TS-'Iiype species, TL-Ibrpe locality. HB-Hamgyeong-bugdo; HN-Hamgyeong- namdo; PN-Pyeongan-namdo; GW-Gangwon-do; GG-Gyeonggido; CB-Chungcheong- bugdo; CN-Chungcheong-namdo; GB-Gyeongsang-bugdo; GN-Gyeongsang-namdo; JB- *Present address: Division of Bio-Specimens & Genetic Resources, Korea National Arboretum, Pocheon, 487-821 Korea **Corresponding authon E-mail: [email protected] NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society ofofJapan Japan 48 Bong-Woo LEE and Yang-Seop BAE Jeonla-bugdo; JN-Jeonla-namdo; JJ-Jeju-do. Subfamily Pyralinae Latreille tt・/,・ x ・" i 2 ・/t, 'L ,.. ) t"1' '5 6 / 1t//' )・ //.' /'" I { i' tt'.IOI "f .l91 /tt11'1'・・ //; l ' '' '11. tttt l ff,,,'t 7 18 19 Figs 1-21. Adults. 1.Aglossa diniidiata <Haworth, 1811), 2, H>vsop)'gia regina (Butler, 1879). 3. H>pusop.vgia i}s,amotoi Kirpichnikova & Yamanaka, 1995, 4. H)rpsop>,gia kawabei Yamanaka, 1965, 5. P.vralis regalis [Denjs et SchitfermULIer], 1775, 6, P.yralis forinalis (Linnaeus, 1758). 7. Stemmatophora albijimbrialis (Hampson, 1906). g. Stemmatophora valida (Butler, 1879). 9, 7Zimraca torridaiis (Lederer, 1863). IO. 712gulijlara bicoloralis (Leech, 1889). 11. Bostra nanaiis (Wilernan, 1911), 12, Orthop],・gia glat{cinalis (Linnaeus, 1758). 13, Orthom,gia nannodes (Butler, 1879). 14. 0rthopygia ptacens (Butlcr, 1879). 15-16. Hkrcutia peiasgalis (Walker, 1859), 17. Trebania flavij}'ontatis (Leech, 1889). 18. 5},brida mproxintans (Leech, 1888), 19. Datanoidesfasciatus Butler, 1878. 20.Arippara indicatorWalker. 1864. 21. 0r.v・hina regalis (Leech, 1889). NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan Review of Pvralini 1'rom Korea 49 Tribe Pyralini Latreille GenusAglossa Latreille, 1796 Aglossa Latreille, 1796, Pre'cis Carctctbreh' ge'ntiriqttes lnsectes: 145. TS: Phalaena pinguiiralih I.innaeus, 1758. Euctita HUbner, 1825, Verz bekannterSchmett.: 347, TS: Phalaena pinguinali.s Linnucus, 175g. Philotis Ragonot, 1891,Annls Soc. ent. Fr. 60: 24 (key), 81. TS: Philotis raclamalis Raguiiot, 1891. Agriqpe Ragonot, 1894,Annis Soc. ent. Fr, 63: 163. TS: Aglossa hrabanti Ragonat, l884. Aglossa dimidiata (Haworth, 1810) (Figs 1, 22, 42) Crambus dimidiata Haworth, 1810, Le7,id. Br.: 372, TL: India. Aglossa achatina But]er, 1 879, Iiiust. opical specimens Lci)id, neterocera Colln Br, Mus, 3: 72, TL: Japan. Pyraiis circulctris Motschulsky, 1860, Etudes ent. 9: 73. TL: Japan. Aglvssc; mic'atialis Walker, 1859, List Specimens lepid. insects CoUn Br. Mtts. 17: 227. TL: Chjna (Shanghai). Aglossa dimidiata: Matsumura, 1905i 201; Nakayama & Okamoto, 1940: 215: Inoue, 1954: 194; Mutuura, 1957: 106; Zool. Soc. Ker,, 1968: SO; Seok, 1970/ 144; Kor. Soc. Pi. Pret., 1972: I37; Inoue, 1982, 1: 380, 2: 246, pl. 45: 51; Park, 1983: 402, 887. pL 27: 445a, b; Yamanaku & Yoshiyasu, 1992: g9; Kim & Shin. 1996: 30; Bae, 2001: 172, fig. 162. Aduit, male genitttlia, and female genitalia in Figs 1, 22, 42. Materials. 13 males and 2 females examined in this study. Distribution, Korea (GW, GG, GB, GN, JJ), Japan, China, Myanmar, and India, Host, Storedgrain(Park, 1983). Flight period. May to July. Remarks. This spccies is one of the well-known pests for stored grain. It is well distin- guished frorn other species by the following external characters: fbrewing narrow and long, ante- and postmedial ljnes serrate, seven dark fuscous spots distinct along termen of forewing. Genus Ilypsopygia HUbner, 1 g25 H}psop.vgia HUbner, 1825, Vkrz. hekannterSchmett.: 348. TS: Phalaena costalib' Fabricius, 1775. Hlypsopygia regina (Butler, 1879) (Figs 2, 23, 43) P.}'ratis regina Butler, 1879. Ann, Mag, nat. Hist. (5) 4: 452, TL: Japan. Hmph'op.),gia regirta: Ragnot, 1g9I, 7Lran.s', ent. Soc'. Fr, 60: 41; Hainpson, 1896, fuuna Br. India (Moths) 4: 149; Hampson, lg96, 7:F'ans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1896: 507; Leech, 1901: 422; Matsumura. 1905: 201; Mutsumura, 1925: 187; Shibuya, 1928, 21: 157, pl, 3, fig. 3; Marumo, 1939, IVosi Kait},o Sir.vo 142: 10, p]. 1, fig. 2, pl. 3, fig. 10, p]. 4, fig. 9, pl. 6, fig. 4: Inoue, 19S5: 149; Mutuura, 1957: 107, pl. 18, fig. 570; Inoue, 1959: 243, pl. 168, fig. 20; Yamanaka, 1965: 68, pl. 10. figs 1, la, pl. 11, pl. 13, fig. 22; Wang, 1980i 94, pL 2, fig. 72; Inoue, ]982, 1: 381, 2: 247, pl. 45, fig, 55; Park, i983: 412, 891, pL 28: 460a, b (part,); Yamanaka & Yoshiyasu, 1992: 89; Park, 1993: 154; Bae, 200l: 176, fig. 166. Adult, male genita]ia, and female genitalia in Figs 2, 23, 43. Materials, 24 males and 20 females examined in this study, Distribution. Korea (GWI GG, GB, GN, JN), Japan, Myanmar, and India. Flight period. June to August. NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologioalLepidopterological SooietySociety of Japan 50 Bong −Woo LEE and Yang −Seop BAE ら 諸瀞 ・ 憾 .@T 蜜 .一 豪 ざ 23 2 論 轡 こ ≦ ご i5 / 25 蔦 パ ド . ・ 《 総 論 戴 一黙藩 警概 嶝∵\ 勳 Figs 22− 27, Male genitalia. 22. Ag ’o ∬a ditnidiata (HawQrtb,18 ]1) .23 , H θ pygl α ア ∫ regina (Butler,1879), 24 , H . vpsop )’gia irvamotoi Kirpichnikova &Y 1995 25 ρ‘ regatis et Schif a 副 (a, . , 恥 ∫, pygia kawabt ・i Yamanaka,1965.26. Py厂‘ilis [Denis rmUller ],1775. 27 .Pyrcttisfttr’natis( Linnaeus , 疋 7 Scales NII-Electronic) . : 2mm , LibraryN 工 工 一 Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan of Korea 51 Reyiew Pvralini" from Remarks. This js a common species in Korea. It is similar to H. iwamotoi ill its superficial appeararice, but separable from the latter by the following character: presence between ante- and postmedial lines of hindwing of a suffusion of red scales. Elyps(m},gia iwamotoi Kirpichnikova & Yamanaka, 1995 CKorean name: Norangtti-aegi- bidanmyeongnabang) (Figs 3, 24, 44) H),psop.vgia i}t,amotoi Kirpichnikova & Yamanaka, 1995, Tinea 14: 20()-203, figs 1, 2, 4, TI.: Russja. H)Jpsopygia sp.i Bae, 2001: 177, fig. 167. Adult. Wingspan 11-18 mm (Fig. 3), Hcad dark gray on frons; vertex with tuft rnixed with dark fuscous. Labial palpus dark gray; basal segment reddish brown; apical segment ochre- ous terminally; rnedian and apical segment ascending. Antenna 4/5 of length of forewing, pale purplish fuscous mixed with gray. Thorax pale reddish purpIe; patagium dark gray ir- rorated with dark fuscous; upper side of tegulae pale gray, lower side pale reddish purple. Abdomen dark gray, mixed with reddish purple. Forewing: ground color purpIish red, light- ly scattered with blackish scales; antemedial ljne narrow, pale yellow, rather indistinct, slightly sinuate; pestmedial line also narrow, yellowish, arising from a yellow costal patch, and a]most straight from costa to dorsum; costa with several minute, yellowish specks be- tween ante- and postmedial Iine. Cilia bright yellow. Hindwing: ground coler of upper side conco]orous with forewing; ante- and postmedial lines narrow, yellowish. Cilia as in fOrewing. Male genitalia (Fig. 24). Uncus rather short, stumpy, with short hairs dorsally; gnathos weakly sclerotized, slender central projection well developed, pointed at top, slightly hooked distally; valva rather long, simple, a little pilose; saccus rather narrow, long, ta- pered; juxta nearly circular, slightly swollen, a weakly sc]erotized plate. Aedeagus weakly sclerotized, rather long, about 1.3 times as ]ong as valva; cornutus sclerotized, rather long and straight, thorn-shaped; ductus ejaculatorius arising from near midd]e. Female genitalia (Fig.
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