U 15 U635 no.23 c .3 SERIES, NO. 23 1 AUGUST 1944 INDEX TO INTELLIGENCE PUBLICATIONS I PrrmF'rar UNCLIASSIFIED BY '-.'. ,At iorF DOD DIR.I- 52X. 1 R -' MILITARY INTELLIGENCE DIVISION WAR DEPARTMENT aw 0. 19 I'M" fiftthr OM" lowBPI SPECIAL SERIES, NO. 23 I AUGUST 1944 INDEX TO INTELLIGENCE PUBLICATIONS MILITARY INTELLIGENCE DIVISION t.,S: WAR DEPARTMENT..-r I . United States Governnnent Printing Office Washington :1944 PADoreTP'ii I~i 1 4' na: . I 4 RESTRICTED ILITARYIA INTEILI(IEN(E I)IVISION SPECIAL SERIES WAi DEPAHRTMENT No. 23 W\ASMIIN(,ON 25, 1). C., 1 AUG1.ST 14-t4 MsI 461 NOTICE 1. Spuecial Series is published for the purpose of providing officers with reasoialbly confirmed information fromn official and other reliable sources. 2. 11order to meet the specific request of appropriate headquarters, or in order to conserve shipping space, the distribution of any particular issue of Spc(ial Scrics may be modified from the standard. This issue is being given a limited distribution. 3. Ever!/ Comnimanid Shlould Circulate Available Copies Amrong Its Officers. Reproduction within the military service is encouraged provided that (1) the source is stated, (2) tbe classification is maintained, and (3) one copy of Illhe plblicatiorn in which the material is repro(luced is forwarded to the Military Intelligence Division, War Department, Washington 25, D. C. I1 II ~·- 590125o' --44--1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this issue of Special Series is to provide a gen- eral subject index of current periodic and serial publications of the Military Intelligence Division, War Department. This index covers the Intelligence Bulletin,, Tactical and Tech/nical Trends, Military Reports From the United Nations, and Special Series. These four publications are indexed from the dates of their inception throulgh 31 December 1943. Intelligence Bulletin The Intelligence Bulletin, a monthly periodical, is designed for the use of junior officers and enlisted men. The articles, which deal primarily with enemy tactics and weapons, are selected for their value to the men who are in the theaters of operations or are expected to enter them. As far as possible, the articles are based on the latest information received from military intelligence sources. In order to obtain the widest possible use, the contents of the Intelligence Bulletin are not highly classified, but the periodical is for the exclusive use of military personnel. Each issue is about 90 pages and includes from 15 to 30 illustrations. The index covers the first 16 issues, which are listed below: Vol. I, No. 1 _._.________ Sep 42 No.99---___________ May 43 2 -- ____..___ Oct 42 10 ______________ Jun 43 3 .____..__ Nov.__ 42 11 ______________ Jul 43 4 -_.__-______Dec 42 12 _-_________ _.-Aug 43 .... .._.__.._ Jan 43 Vol. II, No. ]_ .... ___ Sep 43 6 ._..___..__.__ Feb 43 2_ _____________ Oct 43 7_ _ ____.__ _ Mar.. 43 3_....._ ____ Nov 43 8_______ ..__ _ Apr 43 4________-. ____ Dec 43 Military Reports From the United Nations This monthly periodical is issued for the proper dissemination of recent "Confidential" information of current trends and devel- opments in armies, of both the United Nations (other than the U. S. A.) and the enemy. Until April 1944, it was published under the title Military Reports on the United Nations and was devoted chiefly to articles on the tactical doctrine, technical developments, and operations of the British Imperial Forces. Similar articles occasionally appeared on the Soviet and other United Nations Armies. The average length of each issue is 60 pages; illustra- tions and maps are included, and an index of the first 12 issues Pm IV INTRODUCTION will be found in No. 12. ; Ste, index in this volume covers the first 13 issues listed below: No. 1__________________ 15 Dee 42 No. 7---------- _______-- 15 Jan 43 2_ ..______________ 15 Jan 43 8________________ .15 Jul 43 3 __________ 15 Feb 43 9--______________ .1_5Aug 43 4_.. _.__..__________ 15 Mar 43 10 - -_______________15 Sep 43 5------._--------__ 15 Apr 43 11 .____.________.___ 15 Oct 43 6__---------------- 15 May 43 12__________________ 15 Nov 43 13__--------__ --- __ 15 Dec 43 Tactical and Technical Trends Tactical and Technical Trends contains notes on enemy technical and tactical developments along with reports of recent operations. It appears every two weeks. Classified as "Restricted," the issues average about 50 pages and contain a number of illustrations. A topic index for each series of 10 issues appears in the tenth issue of that series. The index covers the first 41 issues, which are listed below: No. 1_____--______-- - __ 18 Jun 42 No. 21 _________________-- 25 Mar 43 2________---___--___ 2 Jul 42 22_ ______-________ 8 Alyr 43 3 -_--------------- 16 Jul 42 23-____-____________ 22 Apr 43 4_ _____._______ 30 Jul 42 24--_________________ 6 May 43 5__ __ __ ___ 13 Aug 42 25___--__--- _______ 20 May 43 6 .______.______.._ 27 Aug 42 26 - -_________________3 Jun 43 7____---____---____ 10 Sep 42 27__--______________ 17 Jun 43 8_ _________---___._ 24 Sep 42 28_______________- - 1 Jul 43 9-----------..__-___ 8 Oct 42 29 ________ _______-- 15 Jul 43 10_. _ ________--__.. 22 Oct 42 30_---_-- __-_--__---- 29 Jul 43 11 . ___........__.. 5 Nov 42 31--________-________ 12 Aug 43 12 ._-._-------------- 19 Nov 42 32--________________ 26 Aug 43 13 --------------- 3 Dec 42 33____ __----- -_____ 9 Sep 43 14 -____---____-_-__ 17 Dec 42 34 _-- __________-__-- 23 Sep 43 15 -___---__-_______31 Dec 42 35 _--- __---_---_--_ 7 Oct 43 16 _________-_--__-- 14 Jan 43 36------------------ 21 Oct 43 17------------------ 28 Jan 43 37____ __---_------_ 4 Nov 43 18----------_-----__ 11 Feb 43 38__---------------- 18 Nov 43 19 --____.-__---__ __ 25 Feb 43 39 _------------------2 Dec 43 20 .------------------ 11 Mar 43 40__---------------- 16 Dec 43 41__-----_-- 30 Dee 43 Special Series Special Series deals with subjects requiring comprehensive, monographic treatment. The primary consideration in selecting topics has been to disseminate information of immediate applica- bility. based on the best available sources. In addition to much hitherto unpublished material, information previously dissemi- nated in brief or tentative forms in MID periodicals and bulletins is combined with new material on the same subject when exhaustive treatment of that subject is necessary. All issues are classified "Restricted," except Nos. 12 and 13 ("Not To Be Published") and Nos. 15 and 17 ("Confidential"). INTRODUCTION V The index covers the first 19 issues which are described below: No. 1, British Commandos 9 Aug 42. Data on the origin, organization, training, equipment, and operations of British Commandos; information on similar companies in Australia and New Zealand; British lessons from Commando operations. Tables, maps, iv+138 pp. No. 2, The German Armored Army 10 Aug 42. Based on a study made by the French General Staff immediately after the Armistice; lessons learned by the French; basic principles of employment of an armored army; development and organization of German mechanized and arml- ored units; offensive and defensive tactics. vi+34 pp. No. 3, German Military Training 18 Sep 42. Methods used in training men and officers of the German Army; training of German youth and the work of the SA (storm troopers); personnel procurement; training; stnadards for officers; general principles of leadership. Appendices include information on maneuvers, field exercises, and the training of umpires and rifle squads. v+106 pp. No. 4, The German Motorized Infantry Regiment 17 Oct 42. Translation of a captured German field manuial on the tactics of the motorized infantry regiment when used as a part of the German armnored division; includes transportation and supply. Appendices include ta:bular information on the motorized infantry regiment. Illus., tables, viii +61 pp. No. 5, The Development of German Defensive Tactics in Cyrenaica-194I 16 Oct 42. German defensive doctrine and its application in the Libyan campaigns; comments and lessons. Illus., maps, vi+60 pp. No. 6, Artillery in the Desert 25 Nov 42. Artillery in desert warfare, based on reports of the Libyan Campaign; German, Italian, and British units engaged in the fighting; enemy and British equipment; German, Italian, and British tactics; antitank operations; smoke; and supply methods. Appendices include a translation of captured German documients on the effective range of German antitank weapons, tables of cllaracteristics of German and Italian artillery, andl (hGerman artillery organizaltion charts. Illus., tables, map x+±112 pp. No. 7, Enemy Air-Borne Forces 2 Dec 42. An introductory account of the development of airborne, air-landing, glider-b)ornle, an(d I)arac(llte troops by the Germans, Italians, and Japanese; historical sketch of airborne operations in World War II; German i)arachute troops, gliderborne developments, and airborne transport ; Italian airborne forces; Japanese airborne forces; general conclusions relating to enemy airborne tactics. Appendices include details on the German 5th Parachute Regiment, Ger- man parachutes, and the dropping of German arms containers. Illus., tables, viii+104 pp. No. 8, German Tactical Doctrine 20 Dec. 42. RItsume of military doctrines taught at the Kriegsakademie, the German General Staff School: posi- tion of the commander, duties of the staff, terrain estimation, conceal- ment, combat intelligence, principles of communication, estimate of the situation, troop dispositions, field orders, marches, the attack, the defense, the delaying action, retirement, and employment of field artil- lery. Sample German orders are included in an appendix. Illus., viii+86 pp. No. 9, The German Squad in Combat 25 Jan 43.
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