SEAM Holdings List – August 2011 Indonesia

SEAM Holdings List – August 2011 Indonesia

Indonesia Indonesia CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 305 item 8. TITLE = 3 novela dari Bali. IMPRINT = [Djakarta, Endang, 1952?]. SERIES = Roman populer, no. 4. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = -- Patung ditepi pantai, oleh Si Uma. -- Menjiapkan purba baru, oleh Eswana. -- Antara long shot dan close-up, oleh Rd. Lingga Wisjnu. OCLC # = 23786531. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 269 item 6. TITLE = 80 oefeningen betreffende spraakkunst en taaleigen van het Soendaasch. IMPRINT = [n.p., 19--?]. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 24977476. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 090 item 06. TITLE = De Aanvullende plantersregeling : Koninklijk besluit van 17 Januari 1938 (Ned.Stbl. no.940; Ind. Stbl. no.98) : verzameling van ontwerpen, gewisselde stukken, gevoerde beraadslagingen enz. / bijeengebracht en gerangschikt door F.T. Marijn en P.Th.J. van Tetering. IMPRINT = [Batavia : Kantoor van Arbeid, voorwoord 1939]. SERIES = Publicatie van het Kantoor van Arbeid ; no. 13. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = Includes index. OCLC # = 21235188. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 055 item 03. TITLE = Aardrijkskundig overzigt van het eiland Celebes. IMPRINT = Batavia, Lange, 1858. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 20532673. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 302 item 3. AUTHOR = Abduh, M. TITLE = Pengalaman dua mata-mata, oleh M. Abduh. IMPRINT = Semarang, Abode, 1952. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 23786930. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 209 item 12. AUTHOR = Abdullah. TITLE = Tjontoh-tjontoh surat-menjurat resmi / dikumpulkan oleh Abdullah dan A.L.N. Kramer, Sr. IMPRINT = Djakarta : Neijenhuis, 1953. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = In Indonesian or Dutch. OCLC # = 23387222. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 082 item 05. AUTHOR = 'Abdu'llah, mas. TITLE = Pemimpin, jaitoe beberapa peladjaran bahasa Melajoe; akan goena sekolah goeroe, sekolah pegawai dsb. Terkarang oleh, Mas 'Abdoe'llah. IMPRINT = Batavia, G. Kolff, 1911. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 22374014. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 242 item 15. AUTHOR = 'Abdu'llah, mas. TITLE = Pramasastra Djawa, minangka gegaran kanggo marsoedi déwé. Page 1 of 276 SEAM Holdings List – August 2011 Indonesia IMPRINT = Semarang, G.C.T. van Dorp [1925?]. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = In Javanese and Latin orthography. OCLC # = 24972535. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 325 item 12. AUTHOR = 'Abdu'llah, mas. TITLE = Pramasastra Djawa, minangka gegaran kanggo marsoedi déwé. IMPRINT = Semarang, G.C.T. van Dorp [1921]. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = In Javanese and Latin orthography. OCLC # = 24975801. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 324 item 8. AUTHOR = Abdullah, Munshi, 1796-1854. TITLE = Hikajat Abdullah / diterbitkan lagi dengan anotasi oleh R. A. Datoek Besar dan R. Roolvink. IMPRINT = Djakarta : Djambatan, 1953. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = Includes index. OCLC # = 24975612. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 069 item 08. AUTHOR = Abdulmukti. TITLE = Boekoe saèr bhak-tebbhaghan. Karanganna Abdoelmoekti. IMPRINT = Batavia, Bhalaj Postaka, 1931. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 20650625. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 273 item 6. AUTHOR = Abdurachman, raden aju. TITLE = Lalampahan ka Eropa, karangan R. Ajoe Abdoerachman. IMPRINT = Weltevreden, Bale Poestaka, 1930. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 24977618. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 258 item 12. AUTHOR = Abdussalam, Raden H. TITLE = Wawatjan rengganis toelen. Karangan Raden H. Abdoessalam; pokona diserat koe aksar Arab. Disalin kana aksara Walanda koe Raden Tjandra-Pradja. Dibeberes atoeran njeratna koe M.I. Prawira-Winata. IMPRINT = Bandoeng, M. I. Prawira-Winata, 1930. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 24977225. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 214 item 9. AUTHOR = Abe, Tomoji, 1903-1973. TITLE = Pemimpin bahasa Nippon. Terkarang oleh [Tomodji Abe] Barisan Propaganda. IMPRINT = [Djakarta, Asia-Raya, 2602, 1942]. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 22897965. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 211 item 10. TITLE = Abu Nawas. Disusun oleh Jaldin Sanusi. UNF TITLE = Hikayat Abu Nawas. IMPRINT = Penang, Sinaran Bros. [195-? SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 23387960. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 208 item 9. TITLE = Abu Nawas : dipetik dari beberapa naskah kepunjaan Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen / oleh N. St. Iskander. UNF TITLE = Hikayat Abu Nawas. IMPRINT = Djakarta : Balai Pustaka, 1949. Page 2 of 276 SEAM Holdings List – August 2011 Indonesia SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 23387318. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 316 item 10. AUTHOR = Abubakar Prawiraamidarma, Rd. TITLE = Samporna otama. Sè njalèn da' bhasa Madhoera Rd. Aboebakar Prawiraamidarma. IMPRINT = Weltevreden, Balai Poestaka, 1920. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = Cover title and text in Javanese script; t. p. in transliteration. OCLC # = 24974442. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 093 item 01. TITLE = Accijnsheffing van inlandsch gedistilleerd / samengesteld door het Departement van Binnenlandsch Bestuur en bijgewerkt door het Dep. v. Financien. IMPRINT = Weltevreden : Kantoor voor de Volkslectuur, 1926. SERIES = Handleiding ten dienste van de inlandsche bestuursambtenaren op Java en Madoera ; no. 22/F = Pemimpin bagi prijaji boemipoetera ditanah Djawa dan Madoera ; no. 22/F. SERIES = Handleiding ten dienste van de inlandsche bestuursambtenaren op Java en Madoera ; no. 22/F. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = Title on added t.p.: Pemoengoetan tjoekai barang koekoesan (arak) Hindia. NOTE = Dutch and Indonesian on opposite pages. OCLC # = 22043001. CALL # = MF-10434 item 5.2-5.3. AUTHOR = Adam, L. TITLE = Enkele gegevens omtrent den economischen toestand van de kaloerahan Sidoardjo (district Kabonongan, regentschap Bantoel, afdeeling Jogjakarta) / L. Adam. IMPRINT = Weltevreden : G. Kolff, [1928]. SERIES = Economische beschrijvingen ; 2-3. NOTE = Microfilm. New Haven, Conn. : Southeast Asia Collection, Yale University Library, 1992. On 1 microfilm reel with other items ; 35 mm. OCLC # = 34343328. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 295 item 7. AUTHOR = Adinegoro, 1904-1967. TITLE = Asmara djaja, oléh Adi Negoro. IMPRINT = Weltevreden, Balai Poestaka, 1928. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 23776247. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 064 item 16. AUTHOR = Adinegoro, 1904-1967. TITLE = Darah moeda, oléh Adi Negoro. IMPRINT = Batavia, Balai Poestaka, 1931. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 20651364. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 078 item 10. AUTHOR = Adinegoro, 1904-1967. TITLE = Napsoe noe anom. Tina karangan Adi Negoro. Ditjaritakeun dina Soenda koe Moh. Ambri. IMPRINT = Batavia, Bale Poestaka, 1932. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 21464378. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 327 item 6. AUTHOR = Adiwidjaja, I., R. TITLE = Adegan basa Sunda; pakeeun di sakola guru djeung sapapadana. IMPRINT = Djakarta, J.B. Wolters [1951]. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 24976072. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 259 item 4. Page 3 of 276 SEAM Holdings List – August 2011 Indonesia AUTHOR = Adiwidjaja, I., R. TITLE = Pantja warna. Buku batjaan pikeun di sakola guru djeung sapapadana. Meunang ngarobah R.I. Adiwidjaja [djeung] M.A. Salmun. IMPRINT = Djakarta, Balai Pustaka, 1953. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 24977715. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 258 item 10. AUTHOR = Adiwidjaja, I., R. TITLE = Pantja warna. Buku batjaan pikeun di sakola guru djeung sapapadana. Meunang ngarobah R.I. Adiwidjaja [djeung] M.A. Salmun. IMPRINT = Djakarta, Balai Pustaka, 1952 SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 24977214. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 043 item 01. AUTHOR = Admiraal, Leendert C. TITLE = 40 [i.e. Veertig] Indische jaren en de les van negentienveertig. IMPRINT = Batavia, G.Kolff [1941?]. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 20532612. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 082 item 03. AUTHOR = Adriani, N. (Nicolaus), 1865-1926. TITLE = Spel- en leesboek in de Bare 'e-taal (Midden-Celebes). IMPRINT = Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1911. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = Added t.p.: Se'imo soera ndapangedja pai ndapebasa. OCLC # = 22374005. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 296 item 2. AUTHOR = Affandy, Adlin. TITLE = Gadis "modern"; sandiwara gembira 3 babak. IMPRINT = Djakarta,

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