![1962-03-15, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
ttwnfcy. Meat* M. 1»W 3: AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES I Mr. Chevy’s I March Specials WE w NEED USED CARS IN A NEW '62 DODGE LARGE BUY AT SELECTION All Cars Are With PurehaM of AT Lou TROTTER FORD. So THESE Winterized GLAVIC DODGE CARS GOT TO GO! STOP IN TODAY! DIRECT FACTOIIY DISCOUNT DEALER NO DOWN FREE! PAYMENT 536 E. 185th NEAR LAKE SHORE WITH CREDIT 1 Set 1962 License Plates 1961 PEUGEOT ALSO LARGS SELECTION OF 4-Door Station Wagon. Standard shift, radio and heater, |ot black finish, 1960 PONT. XT.$1695 50 GUARANTEED USED CARS VENTURA 2-DR. HARDTOP 1958 CHEVROLET 1957 FORD 1957 RUICK Falrlano 500, 2-Door, V8, standard Jet Black 2-Doer Sedan. Standard shift. 6 cylinders. Convertible. Red and white. Fully equipped. shift, radio and heater, immacu­ I -i Radio and heater. tQQI* A beauty. S7OR late through- $895 ) > FORD DEALE* SPRING SALE ___________________— V®®® FORD DEALER SPRING SALE _____________________ ®f®<J *2195 I ROAD TESTED — WARRANTED 1960 FORD I Foirlane 300, 4-Door. standard shift, 1956 PLYMOUTH 1957 DODGE full factory K19OK INSPECTED — RECONDITIONED oulpmont, only 4-Door Sedan. Automatic shift, radio and hoator, Station Wagon 4-Door. Automatic shift, radio G4mw® STOP power steering. GJIDK and heater, etc. CflQIL 1959 THUNDERBIRD SPRING PRICE ___________________ IPHRJ SPRING PRICE____________________ Hardtop, cruisomatic, radio, heater, 1960 CORVAIR 1961 CHEVROLET 1958 OLDSMOBILE 1959 FORD 1960 FORD full power equipment, K99QK let black finish 4-DOOR MONZA COUPE SUPER "88" HOLIDAY STARLINER 4-DOOR, V-8 G**«® STD. TRANS. 4 speed transmission, radio and heat- Hardtop. Hydramatic, radio, heater, Big V8 engine. Floor shift. Radio and Fully factory euippod. Tu-tone finish 1960 DODGE 1959 FORD 1959 FORD power steering and brakes. A one heater. Beautiful Ki KQK offset by white $1095 Station Wagon. 6 cylinder, standard shift. Driven 2-Deor Sedan. Automatic shift, radio and Custom 300 4-Boor. Fordomatic, radio One Owner ___ $2095 condition____________ ®A®®® wall tires_____________ ££_______ $1295 tyewuu only 9,000 miles. heater, etc. A beauty. and heater, Fawn tan K1 1 41B C1AQR ® 4 fMM| finish. Immaculate SPRING PRICE___________________ V1 it®W spring price___ :____ QIU®W 1959 FORD 1960 FORD 1960 FORD 1961 FALCON *1395 1956 MERCURY 2-DOOR SEDAN 2-Deor, standard shift, full factory FAIRLANE 4-DOOR 4-DOOR RANCH WAGON 2-DOOR HARDTOP 1959 FORD Radio, heater, economical 6 cyl. en­ 1959 CHEVROLET $1495 6 cyl. Fordomatic, radio, heater. V8. Fordomatic. Radio and heater. 2-Door Sedan. 6 cylinder. Automatic shift. Station Wagon. 6 cylinder. Automatic shift. gine Fordomatic. KlAQK Gleaming white finish. Ki AOK Morcematic, radio, heater, KKQK Excellent throughout _ ®*W®® Excellent throughout __ _____ $1595 power steering________ 4*®®® Heater, etc. J4 4 QR Radio and heater. Tu-tono beauty. G4 Of}E 1961 rONTIAC LOOK SPRING PRICE___________________ ® 1 1 SPRING PRICE___________________ V ■ fempest 4-door, standard shift, radio 1958 FORD 1959 BUICK 1960 FALCON ihaip „ $1795 1958 CHEVROLET 1961 T. BIRD COUNTRY 2-DOOR HARDTOP 4-DOOR STA. WAGON 2-DOOR HARDTOP 1957 FORD Fully factory euippod with radio, SH)AN Riviera. Dynaflow, radio, heater, Falrlano Club Sedan, Fordomatic, power steering and brakes. Solid white heater and other extras. A real Economical 6 cylinder engine with Full power, cruisomotic, radio end radio and heater, K*9ttK Fordomatic Finish. Al C1KBK standard heater. A real beauty $$395 Er"’’_______________ $1595 $895 GLAVIC DODGE 2-to no finish®/S>® throughout ___________ ®*®®O transmission _____________ nrwww 936 East 185th St. Near Lake Share KE. I-337B Many Other Cars 1955 DODGE 1957 FORD OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS Till 9 *1095 1956 PONTIAC 1958 FORD To Choose From CUSTOM ROYAL V-8 4-DR. FAIRLANE 4-DOOR CONVERTIBLE 2-DOOR Automatic, radio, heater. A reel nice V6. Fordomatic, radio and heater. OPEN MONDAYS 4 FRIDAYS Hydramatic, radio, heater, 6 cylinder engine with K^QK standard transmission __ ®®®®KRQK SZ___________________ $395 finish j~ — gfwS695WW power steering_________ OLEN-BILKIS Till 9 P M. BUY Buy O'Brien WayH "59 PLY." BELVEDERE GREAT Commerce 4-DR. HARDTOP Bank Fin;anting—No Waiting! OK USED CARS "SPECIAL" FROM JOE O'BRIEN ARE USED CAR BUYS Ford Listen To The KENNY BASS Show *1195 13608 St. Clair |R y Direct From Our Showroom—-4:30 to 8:00 P.M. : 1961 MONZA COUPE : 6 WAYS Every Saturday Over WJMO Radio or Drop In : Powerglide, radio, heater. Das- . MU. 1-4000 • sling red finish. Showroom • BEST BETTER tet__________ $2095i People say, "If you don't buy from Lou Trotter you probably 1959 DODGE paid too much/" WITH AT LAST WARRANTED 4-DR. STA. WAG. 1941 FORD Country Squire Mo­ SPRIHO Auto. Transmission, CONFIDENCE tion Wagon. 4-Door. 9-Passonger. IS ONLY 7 DAYS AWAY Fordomatic, radio, heater, power HOW Payer Steering 1958 CHEVROLET “d .... $2495 MORE THAN EVER TAKE THIS ADVICR Biseayne, 4-Doer $eden. Hori­ 1940 FALCON 4-Door Sedan. *1295 zon blue, matching colortone BUY A BITTER CAR interior, V8 engine, powerglide, Fordomatic, radio and ® 4 Q^SB custom radio, air flow heater, heater, deluxe trim W • NOW While Prices Are Still low 495 E. 185th at Lake Shore IV. 1-8400 very low mileage, KQAK 1941 CHEVROLET Impala Convert­ one owner And Selection la Still Blf ible. Radio, heater, automatic, USED WARMER WEATHER power steering and brakes. 1960 DODGE BIGGER DEMAND Dart Seneca 4-Door. Beige, Must Bring Higher Prices 1958 CHEV. matching colorton* vinyl in­ X,$2496 SHEFFLER RAMBLER terior, V8 engine, automatic SO BUY NOW 2- DR. IMPALA transmission, power steering, 1940 FORD Convertible. Fordo­ HARDTOP THOROUGHLY leaded with genuine Dodge matic, radio, heater, power steer- accessories. A Ki AOK BETTER USED CARS Powerglide INSPECTED true cream puff 4**1*®® ^__iim YOUR RAMBLER TO CHOOSE FROM 2. 1958 PONTIAC 1959 T. BIRD Hardtop. Crulso- Reconditioned Star Chief 4-Door Hardtop. matie, radio, heater, power steer­ Including *1295 Two-tone, white walls. Full ing and brakes. C91QK 3 COMPACTS HEADQUARTERS FOR SAFETY vinyl interior, full carpeting, Immaculate . W™ 1 ®® power steering, Jot-o-way 14 STATION WAGONS Largest Selection In Ohio transmission, custom radio, 1954 CHEVROLET Belaire 2-Door CONVERTIBLES 3. dr flow heater, very low mileage ®®®®COOK Sedan. V8. Radio, heater, power­ ii HARDTOPS CARS LEASE Reconditioned STICK SHIFT SIXES glide. STICK SHIFT EIGHTS RAMBLERS . for 1957 OLDSMOBILE Sharp! 1957 CHEV. 5 The Finest Selection Anywhere PERFORMANCE "88" Holiday Hardtop. Silver 1955 CHEVROLET 2-Deor. Economi­ BEL AIR Pontiacs - Tempests 1961 RAMBLER AMERICAN 4-DR. STA. WAG. blue, white walls, full power. Our Terms, Trades, Bank iX' cal 6 cyl. engine with standard Standard transmission, radio, hoator, luggage rack, $795 Financing Will Sut The 4-DOOR Most Careful Buyer inclining seats, metallic green QQE Power Glide finish. 100% warranty _ V I OW Reconditioned X.$245 Ask Your Neighbor About for 1960 CHEVROLET 1955 OLDS Hardtop. Hydramatic, Cadillacs - Oldsmobiles 2-Deor Sedan. Cascade green, 1961 RAMBLER AMERICAN CONVERTIBLE VALUE matching colortone Interior, heaterradio and ® I AKW JACK'S 6 cylinder engine, standard Motor Mart* Inc. *995 Economical standard transmission, radio, heater. Beau­ shift, custom radio, air flow YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD DEALER 1933 PONTIAC 4-Door Sedan. tiful silver gage rack, reclining seats, 4P1 QQR heater, very Over 31 Years of Square Dealing Cl AOK Hydramatic, radio metallic green finish. 100% warranty HONESTLY low mileage ® A**®® to Certainly Your Guarantee Fords - Buicks and heater NOW 2 LOCATIONS DESCRIBED 1957 PLYMOUTH Far Your Convenience I960 RAMBLER CUSTOM 4-DOOR After We Sell— 2-Door Sedan. Jet black, white 785 fast 185th St. Wo Serve 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, heater, power steering walls, radio and heater, very 18501 Neff, Cor. I. 185th and brakes. Individual reclining seats that convert to DEALER clean inside KAAK OLEN-BILKIS Thunderbirds bed. Must see and drive KQK and out ®C^t® WARRANTY to appreciate ________________ , W ■ — MOTORS IN WRITING 1958 BUICK Convertible, cameo coral, 16300 Euclid UL. 1 1100 NO CASH NEEEDED and Other QUALITY CARS 1960 RAMBLER DELUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN white top, white wall tires, black leather interior, black 1 Bieck W«rt of Ivanhoe cylinder with economic standard transmission, Just take on payments with a carpeting. Full power, out­ radio and heater. 04 QQR standing condition inside •toady |ob. Phone Mr. Ward. 1960 PLYMOUTH GL. 1 -0033, application now. 100% GUARANTEED ® I ®G® H 1961 CHEVROLET atation wagon, -$1995 543 185th Fury 2-Door Hardtop. Solid aspen green, automatic transmission, power AMAZING NEW CREDIT PLAN. E. No credit problem. Special con­ 1959 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR 4-DR. SEDAN M white walls, two-tone green vinyl interior, 1959 FORD brakes and steering. PO. 1-6261. IV. 1-9173 power steering, automatic transmission, 1952 MERCEDES Benz "300" priced sideration to homeowners. Low Monthly Rentals Automatic, radio, heater, power steering KS 90R Club Sedan. Shoreline beige, right. Call AN. 1-1927. custom radio, air flow 1 AQK matching colortone interior, V8 and brakes. 100% GUARANTEED ®lfcUU Rj 1953 CHEVROLET, cheap. Call Full Price Wkly heater. very low mileage — “ ^T;X‘%$1045 KE. 1-0254,_____________________ '56 Rambler sedan $287 $3.04 1969 PLYMOUTH Savoy, 4 aoo. *56_Olds sedan . , $2*1 $3.08 sedan, radio, heater, stick shift. TO ALL 1961 RAMBLER CLASSIC 4-DR. SEDAN 1960 VALIANT, radio, heater; ear '56 Buick hardtop -----------$286 $3.06 8895. KE. 1-5475. Fully factory equipped. Sold and serviced by us. 6,199 Your car can be the down payment even with yours, just assume payments; owner tn service. IV. 1-6382. ‘55 Chevy sedan , —--------- $28* 8.05 1952 WILLYS station wagon. 2 wheel actual miles by one previous owner. 04 a balance due. See us for details. '57 Ford wagon ---------------$4*8 .16 drive, good condition, $225.
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