pzc No.5 p 24-28 and winters rich in snow, but less frosty. Natural Reserve of Maramure All these factors encouraged the devel- opment of some peculiar natural ecosys- tems. In those systems rare flora and Land (Romania) - Protection fauna species coexist in a particular re- gional context or even unique at a na- and Development of tional or European context, with struc- tures and functionalities interrelated to the native ones as last vestiges of the Sustainable Tourism initial natural landscapes. In the near future, their preservation and protec- tion is a matter of extreme urgency, be- Dezsi, Ş.*, Sabin Bădărău, A.**, Man, T.*** fore the increased “aggressiveness”, ob- served in anthropogenic activities, will affect them irreparably. Abstract Since 1990, in Maramures Land ituated in the northern part of Ro- Maramureş Land can be reached by 13 areas or natural objectives (compris- mania, the geographical region of Baia Mare and Suceava airports (situat- ing 4405.7 ha) benefit from a protection SMaramureş is superposed upon the ed in the vicinity and which can be used status. Although the anthropogenic activ- homonymous depression and the sur- as international airports though they are ities, in general, and especially the tour- rounding mountain frame (identifying not international ones), the national high- istic ones, developed in this territorial itself from a geographical and a his- ways DN18 (Vatra Dornei-Borşa-Vişeu de frame or in its vicinity, generate a se- torical point of view with the well- Sus-Sighetu Marmaţiei-Baia Mare), DN17 quence of mutations which have a nega- known “Maramureş Land”). Vişeului, c (Năsăud-Moisei) and the railway lines tive impact upon the area’s ecosystems. Izei, Săpânţei and Marei rivers, whose which ensure the connection with Sighe- This situation is the outcome of an inad- common collector is Tisa River, which tu Marmaţiei (Bucureşti-Bistriţa-Salva- equate territorial management, financial limits it at the north, drain it. It occu- Sighetu Mar m a ţ i e i ) . administration, monitoring and control, pies a surface of 337 539 ha (53.54 % of first of all due to the absence of a concrete the surface of Maramureş County). The Preservation of Natural administrative and financial support and Maramureş Depression is closed in the to a partial legislation, to a large extent western and south-western part by the Values as the Basis for inoperative. On the other hand, due to massifs of the Neogene volcanic group the actual reserve system’s inability to (Oaş, Gutâi, Văratec and Ţibleş), by the the Development of cover the increased number of territories crystalline mountains of Rodna and Sustainable Tourism characterized by outstanding touristic re- Maramureş (belonging to the northern Tourism more than any other field of ac- sources, other 10 similar objectives have group of the Eastern Carpathians), in tivity is dependent on the environment, been introduced on the “waiting list” in south and east, the northern limit being this representing its raw material, its order to be declared protected areas. In given by the state border with Ukraine object and its field of activity and also this context, after a survey of the modali- (154 km, whereof the Tisa River repre- constituting the bearer of its resources ties regarding the reduction of the nega- sents 40 %, i.e. 62 km). and the frame of the specific activities. tive effects caused by tourism, the main Among the factors providing the di- The touristic potential being an essen- principles and measures, which must verse geographical structure of the re- tial part of the environment, its exis- constitute the foundation of the tourist gion we can mention the complex origin tence and evolution depend objectively development, and systematisation proj- (tectonics, volcanic dam and differential on its quality, so it can be considered ects have been briefly highlighted, with erosion), the varied relief (with heights a possible index quality for its environ- a view to protect and preserve the land- comprised between 190 m in the north- ment, in other words a barometer of its scapes, biodiversity and, implicitly, the western extremity of the region – Pia- quality: it is intensely practiced where extent of touristic attractiveness. tra locality, situated on the left bank of optimal conditions are fulfilled or it is Tisa-, and 2 303 m – Pietrosul Rodnei diminished and gradually disappears Peak, in the south-eastern extremity of in the areas where, for some reasons, Key words Maramureş Land natural pro- Maramureş Country and the presence one component or the other of the en- tected areas, touristic activities, protec- of a general collinear level at 750-800 m, vironment (landscape, air water, etc.) is tion, sustainable tourism in which the mentioned rivers carved degrading. The more diverse, complex the depression’s basins at the level of and especially unaltered, with features some terraces – Vişeu, Ruscova, Petrova, close to the elementary ones, the touris- * Teaching Assistant Ştefan Dezsi, Babeş- Rozavlea–Dragomireşti, Borşa), and the tic resources are, the higher is their tour- Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, geological structure (crystalline shales istic interest and the activities they gen- Department of Human Geography, in the east, eruptive in west and sedi- erate are more attractive, responding to Clinicilor Street 5-7, 3400 Cluj-Napoca, mentary in the central part of the de- some varied touristic motivations. Romania pression). Furthermore, there are cer- Maramureş Land has a rich and com- ** Teaching Assistant Alexandru Sabin tain other factors like the brown soils, plex touristic natural and anthropogen- Bădărău, Babeş-Bolyai University, the acid brown soils, the podsol with ic patrimony (cultural, historical, ethno- Faculty of Geography, Department of a high degree of moisture, the temper- graphical); as a consequence, it belongs Environment, Clinicilor Street 5-7, 3400 Cluj-Napoca, Romania ate continental climate characterized by to the counties with attractive resourc- rainy and cool summers (the average es of national and international inter- *** Teaching Assistant Titus Man, Babeş- Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, temperature for July did not exceed 20°C est. Among the touristic resources be- Department of Environment, Clinicilor in the central part of the depression and longing to the natural fund are: the Street 5-7, 3400 Cluj-Napoca, Romania 10°C in the high mountainous region) forestry fund (having important hunt- 24 pzc Man T. Man Badarau Sabin Dezsi, S. Table 1 Reservations and natural objectives protected in Maramures Land Declaration deed Nr. U.I.C.N. Surface Name of rezervation (initial and Localization Symbol Administrator Administrative Measures Special interdictions crt. Category (ha) reconfirmed) Pietrosul Rodnei- The access in the reservation is permitted national park and only on the basis of a special licence II, IX m OM nr. 7/1990 56 700 Borşa town, biosphere rezervation Romsilva O.S. In accordance with Ord. 43/1990 emitted by the administrator; to comply 1 Moisei A which include : Borşa MAPPM with the established routes; grazing and commune Pietrosul Mare JCM nr. 1149/1932; other activities in the buffer-zone and in the I m 3300,0 Resevation HCJ nr. 37/1994 perimeter of scientific research Cornu Nedeii- Ciungii Clearing of the juniper trees (Pinus mugo); Bălăşinii (fauna Dec. nr. 204/1977; Romsilva O.S. In accordance with Ord. 43/1990 grazing till 1 July; after this date the 2 IVm 800,0 Borşa Town B rezervation of birch tree HCJ nr. 37/1994 Borşa MAPPM grazing is permitted only for big cattles and cock) without herds’ dogs Salhoi andi Dec. nr. 204/1977; Romsilva O.S. Gathering scientific material without the 3 Zâmbroslaviile (limestone IV b 5,0 Săcel Commune C II HCJ nr. 37/1994 Borşa agreement of competent authorities rocky places) Dec. nr. 204/1977; Romsilva; O.S. Stalls’ placement with a commercial 4 Izvorul Albastru al Izei IV m 100,0 Săcel Commune D II HCJ nr. 37/1994 Dragomireşti purpose Perimeter delimitation; establishing the access routes in reservation; Creasta Cocoşului (Cock Dec. nr. 204/1977; Deseşti Deseşti Local Grazing in rezervation; placement of 5 IV g 50,0 E the study of the rezervation Crest / Comb) HCJ nr. 37/1994 Commune Council touristic camps preservation state; Sanitation of the protected zone Dec. nr. 204/1977; Deseşti Deseşti Local 6 Tătarului Gorge IV g 15,0 F II II HCJ nr. 37/1994 Commune Council Romsilva; O.S. Vlaşinescu- Izvoare Dec. nr. 204/1977; Deseşti In accordance with Ord. 43/1990 7 IV b 2,0 G Mara; Deseşti Local Access in the rezervation’s perimeter Oligotroph marsh HCJ nr. 37/1994 Commune MAPPM Council Romsilva; O.S. Baia Tăul lui Dumitru-Blidari Dec. nr. 204/1977; Deseşti 8 IV b 3,0 H Mare; Baia Mare II II Oligotroph marsh HCJ nr. 37/1994 Commune Local Council Ronişoara oak grove Dec. nr. 204/1977; Săpânţa Romsilva; O.S. 9 IV f 62,0 I II II forest HCJ nr. 37/1994 Commune Sighetu Marmaţiei Dec. nr. 204/1977; Săpânţa Romsilva; O.S. 10 Poiana Brazilor marsh IV b 4,0 (3) J II Access in the rezervation’s perimeter HCJ nr. 37/1994 Commune Sighetu Marmaţiei Dec. nr. 204/1977; Rona de Sus Romsilva; O.S. Extraction of the wooden mass without the 11 Coştiui larch tree forest IV f 0,7 K II HCJ nr. 37/1994 Commune Sighetu Marmaţiei agreement of the competent authorities Pădurea Crăiască (The Dec. nr. 204/1977; Ocna Şugatag Romsilva; O.S. 12 Royal forest of common IV f 44,0 L II II HCJ nr. 37/1994 Commune Mara oak and larch three) Romsilva; O.S. Dec. nr. 204/1977; Ocna Şugatag 13 Tăul Morărenilor- Breb IV b 20,0 M Mara; Şugatag II II HCJ nr.
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