AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGY LAW SOCIETY American Psychology-Law Society, Division 41, American NEWSPsychological Association Spring/Summer 1997 Vol. 17, No. 1 Presidents Column AP-LS: A Professional Mosaic That Works Gail Goodman As part of the celebration, there will be an anniversary party free to all who are registered at the convention. Fitting The American Psychology Law Society (AP-LS) is a net- with the theme, Mark Small has organized a symposium work of scientists, practitioners, policy analysts, attorneys, on the History of Psycholegal Scholarship that will include and others who share interests in psychology and law. We papers by Tom Grisso (University of Massachusetts), Sol have a proud history and an exciting future. In all respects, Fulero (Sinclair College), and Larry Wrightsman (Univer- we have been incredibly successful as a society and APA sity of Kansas). (Sol Fulero is also writing a history of Di- division. vision 41 that will be published in an APA Publications book.) Each division was encouraged to invite luminaries Why does AP-LS work so well? AP-LS is unique in bring- in their respective fields to speak. Two psychology-law lu- ing together a diverse group of professionals joined by com- minaries who will provide invited addresses are John mon interests. We do not necessarily share the same focus: Monahan (University of Virginia) and Gary Melton (Uni- some of us are mainly involved in practice, others in re- versity of South Carolina). search, and still others in policy. We do not necessarily share the same training: Many of us are psychologists and/ A Division Fair will be held on August 17, which will be or attorneys, but others are judges, teachers, political sci- an all-day event. Thanks to Member at Large Pam Casey entists, psychiatrists, or even Secret Service agents. We (Center for State Courts), our booth at the fair will feature work in different contexts and settings, such as in univer- Division 41 materials (e.g., books, journals, career infor- sities, the criminal justice system, foundations, clinics, or mation, psych-law course syllabi). Even T-shirts with the private practice, and sometimes on behalf of different con- AP-LS logo will be on sale there. Continued on page 2 stituencies. And we live in different countries, including Germany, Spain, Canada, South Africa, The Netherlands, Inside... and Australia. Nevertheless, we are bound by a common interest in truth, justice, and the human mind. The com- Subliminal Messages: Judas Priest Trial ...... 3 monalities, tensions, and diversity inherent in our organi- Expert Opinion .............................................. 5 zation work well to create a stimulating mix. In this Presi- AP-LS Committee Chairs ............................. 7 dential column, I want to highlight accomplishments of Book Review .................................................. 9 the year, activities in progress, and plans for the future. Executive Committee E-mail ........................ 9 Continuing Education Opportunities ............ 10 1997 APA Convention in Chicago AP-LS Announcements ................................. 15 Ira Packer (Forensic Health Services, Massachusetts) and Minutes from AP-LS Meeting ...................... 16 Edie Greene (University of Colorado, Colorado Springs), AP-LS Deadlines ........................................... 19 co-chairs of the 1997 APA program committee, deserve Call for Papers ............................................... 20 many thanks for putting together an exciting program. Two Research Opportunities ................................. 21 themes are featured this year by APA. One theme is the 1998 Biennial Conference ............................. 21 Gala Celebration of Divisions in honor of the establish- APA Division 41 Convention Program......... 23 ment of APA divisions 50 years ago. Margaret Coggins Student Column ............................................. 28 and Marisa Pynchon, psychologists employed at the US Fellowships and Positions ............................. 29 Secret Service, are coordinating Division 41s activities. Call for Nominations..................................... 33 AP-LS Membership Application .................. 36 Presidents Column EC Meeting: The Future of AP-LS and More AP-LS: A Professional Mosaic That Works Each year in early Spring, the EC Continued from page 1 meets to attend to division business. Our EC meeting this year was held in Our social hour at the convention will AP-LS Biennial San Francisco; the minutes of which also carry through with the Gala Cel- Conference In appear in this newsletter. One item on ebration theme. We have ordered a the EC meeting agenda was to begin plaque, paid for by APA, that will in- Redondo Beach, CA a discussion of The Future of AP-LS. clude the names of all past presidents Thanks to Beth Wiggins (Federal Ju- It seems time to take stock, reflect on of Division 41. The plaque, which will dicial Center) and Melissa Warren our past and present, and plan for the be on display at the social hour, will (American Psychological Associa- future. The EC is considering hold- eventually be housed at APA head- tion), our two program chairs, we are ing a retreat for the purpose of in- quarters in Washington, DC. We want set for the next AP-LS Biennial Con- depth discussion of future directions to invite all past presidents to attend ference, to be held March 5 - 7, 1998. for our division. We are also discuss- and to be honored at the social hour. We have secured a wonderful loca- tion and hotel for the conference. The ing the possibility of sponsoring a joint conference with the European Asso- The second APA theme concerns rac- location is the marina in Redondo ciation of Psychology and Law. In ism. Each division was invited to Beach, CA. When I visited the hotel addition, representatives of APA, in- sponsor symposia dealing in some way in January, I could see Catalina Is- cluding such division members as with this pernicious problem. Melissa land from my room, and in March, Past-President Kirk Heilbrun (Allegh- Warren (American Psychological As- we may be able to see whales saunter eny University), Past-Past President sociation) will chair our division sym- by. The hotel adjoins a Golds Gym, Jane Goodman-Delahunty (a psy- posium on racism. Her symposium has an outdoor deck for a conference chologist and judge), and William deals with ethnic minorities in prison. luncheon, and boasts a fabulous view of the southern California coastline. Foote (chair of APAs COLI), are cur- rently holding meetings with repre- In addition to organizing activities to There are numerous restaurants sentatives of the American Bar Asso- correspond to the two APA themes, nearby, and for those who dont mind ciation to plan joint APA-ABA activi- we have invited a number of speakers a short drive (i.e., about 15 minutes), ties, which may well involve AP-LS. and symposia this year: For instance, one can easily dine at some of the ex- Susan Limber (University of South cellent Santa Monica restaurants as As was clear from reports presented Carolina) will give an invited address well. At the last Biennial meeting, at the EC meeting, we continue to as the winner of the Saleem Shah many of you completed a survey con- sponsor a large number of programs, Award, which was bestowed this year cerning your priorities for conference awards, and committees, including for policy work; Bette Bottoms (Uni- sites. One of the top priorities was a (but not limited to) Congressional versity of Illinois, Chicago) will speak reasonably priced hotel. Another was Briefings (chair Gary Melton, Univer- on ritual abuse, therapeutic practices, a warm location and proximity to a sity of South Carolina), Dissertation and repressed memories; Edie Greene major airport. We tried to accommo- Awards (chair Caton Roberts, Univer- (University of Colorado, Colorado date these preferences (New Orleans sity of Wisconsin), Grants in Aid Springs) will chair a symposium on was problematic in part due to the (chair Larry Heuer, Columbia Univer- capital punishment, Alan Goldstein high and intractable cost of hotels.) sity), Membership Committee (chair will give an invited address as the re- Diane Follingstad, University of South cipient of the American Academy in Look for the Biennial Conference Carolina), White Paper Committee Forensic Psychology Award for Dis- Call for Papers in this newsletter. We (chair Rich Wiener, St. Louis Univer- tinguished Contributions, and welcome submissions from everyone sity), and Fellows Committee (chair Mitchell Eisen (Mt. Sinai Medical interested. In addition, President- Murray Levine, SUNY-Buffalo). At Center) will chair a symposium on Elect Jack Brigham (Florida State the recent EC meeting, we established suggestibility in childrens testimony. University) and I plan to invite a a new committee, to be chaired by There will be many other talks and number of distinguished scientists to Member at Large Patty Griffin, to activities, of course, and I hope Divi- present their research and organize oversee our various conference activi- sion 41 members will make special ef- symposia. There is room for many ties. I also want to mention that Lori forts to attend them. more presentations, and we hope you will help us make the conference an Butts (Hahneman/Villenova Univer- sity) is to be commended for taking The AP-LS NEWS is published 3-4 electrifying event. on the role of chair of our student sec- times a year by the American Psychol- ogy-Law Society/Division 41 of the tion a year earlier than expected. American
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