SCENARIODEVELOPMENTINPRODUCTSERVICESYSTEMS: ACOLLABORATIVEDESIGNPROCESSTOSUPPORT SUSTAINABLECONSUMPTION CatharinaB.Nawangpalupi Athesissubmittedforthedegreeof DoctorofPhilosophy FACULTYOFTHEBUILTENVIRONMENT THEUNIVERSITYOFNEWSOUTHWALES COPYRIGHT STATEMENT ‘I hereby grant the University of New South Wales or its agents the right to archive and to make available my thesis or dissertation in whole or part in the University libraries in all forms of media, now or here after known, subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. I retain all proprietary rights, such as patent rights. I also retain the right to use in future works (such as articles or books) all or part of this thesis or dissertation. I also authorise University Microfilms to use the 350 word abstract of my thesis in Dissertation Abstract International (this is applicable to doctoral theses only). I have either used no substantial portions of copyright material in my thesis or I have obtained permission to use copyright material; where permission has not been granted I have applied/will apply for a partial restriction of the digital copy of my thesis or dissertation.' Signed Date 2 August 2010 AUTHENTICITY STATEMENT ‘I certify that the Library deposit digital copy is a direct equivalent of the final officially approved version of my thesis. No emendation of content has occurred and if there are any minor variations in formatting, they are the result of the conversion to digital format.’ Signed Date 2 August 2010 i ORIGINALITY STATEMENT ‘I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and to the best of my knowledge it contains no materials previously published or written by another person, or substantial proportions of material which have been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at UNSW or any other educational institution, except where due acknowledgement is made in the thesis. Any contribution made to the research by others, with whom I have worked at UNSW or elsewhere, is explicitly acknowledged in the thesis. I also declare that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of my own work, except to the extent that assistance from others in the project's design and conception or in style, presentation and linguistic expression is acknowledged.’ Signed Date: 2 August 2010 ii ABSTRACT Overconsumption or high levels of consumption have been practised in modern societyandhascausedmanynegativeimpactsRincludingenvironmental,personal, andeconomicimpacts.Thus,changingconsumptiontoamoresustainablelevelis an effective way of reducing those effects. Product Service System (PSS) is consideredtobeonesolutionforreducingenvironmentalimpactsbytakingboth productionandconsumptionpatternsintoconsideration. Many businesses and organisations have been implementing PSS strategies, and manyresearchershavedonecomprehensivestudiestoassesstheperformancesof thesePSSstrategies.Yet,toreachoptimalperformances,itissuggestedthat(1)PSS organisationscarefullymanagethesystembyanalysingitsystematicallyandusinga holisticprocess;andthat(2)collaborativeeffortsbetweenorganisations,members, governmentandresearchersareencouragedandmaintained(Manzini,2002;Mont, 2004b; Tukker & Tischner, 2006). This study takes the challenges, by observing currentPSSstrategyandanalysingitsperformancesinaholisticapproach,aswellas identifying the benefits and drawbacks of PSS strategy for the stakeholders, especiallyPSSorganisations,membersandsuppliers. BychoosingtwoPSScasestudiesinAustralia:GoGetcarsharingandtheRandwick CityCouncilToyandGameLibrary,thisstudyexplorestheperformancesofthose systems, and proposes new PSS scenarios to improve current performances. The analysis of system performances was done using a model based on a system thinking approach and an extensive literature review. Two performance criteria were evaluated: (1) user satisfaction levels and (2) sustainable consumption behaviourtogetherwiththeintentiontochangetomoresustainableconsumption behaviour. Subsequently, collaborative design workshops were conducted and scenariosdesignedtoenhancethequalityofselectedPSScasestudies. iii The data collection and analysis R conducted using a mixedmethods research frameworkRshowedthatbothsystemshadrelativelysatisfiedtheirmembersabove averagelevels.FortheGoGetcarsharingcasestudy,apartfromsomedissatisfying experiences, most members agreed they have benefited from using the system, rangingfromenjoyingconveniencesintransport,flexibilityintheaccesstoacar, through to cost saving. The study then identified different characteristics of membersregardingtheirconsumptionbehaviourintransport.However,interviews withsomememberswithdifferentcharacteristicsrevealedthatmostparticipants showed the intended changing to more sustainable consumption. Furthermore, a collaborativedesignworkshopforGoGetstaff,membersandacarcleanercreated threeuniquescenarios(UseNettoGet,Go/GatherTogether,andTakeaPetwith GoGet) that characterise diverse needs and expectations of various GoGet stakeholders.Althoughthedesignprocessshowedargumentsamongparticipants because of their conflict of interests, the scenarios ultimately showed a collaborativesolutionwhichcouldenhanceuserexperienceswithGoGetservices, whilealsoimprovingGoGet’soverallsustainabilityperformance. TheRandwickCityToyandGameLibrarycasestudyalsoindicatedthattheRCTGL serviceshaveprovidedmemberswithpositiveexperiences,includingtheabilityto access a range of toys and games with very low cost and the possibility to have some social activities. Although there was no identical behaviour related to sustainableconsumptionpracticesamongparticipants,itisevidentthatusingthe RCTGL services indirectly taught them about sustainable consumption behaviour. Moreover,twoscenariosthatweredesignedfromacollaborativedesignworkshop (A Sense of Activities and A Sense of Place) evidently improve sustainability performances, mainly in the socioethical sustainability area, and enhance user experiencesbycreatingmoreactiverolesfortheRCTGLmembers. The study has demonstrated its contribution to the PSS study in theoretical and empiricalways.Theproposedmodelhassupportedtheneedtoexplorethestudy iv ofPSSinamoreholisticway.Thedesignedscenariosalsoidentifiedtheneedsand expectationsofPSSstakeholdersindepth. However,toassesswhetherthemodelisreallytransferabletoothercasestudies,it is suggested that other PSS applicationscan be analysed using the samemodel R which would further validate the model. Finally, further study to implement and evaluatethedesignedscenariosusingtheproposedmodelshouldbecarriedoutto observetheirviabilityinarealsystem. v DEDICATION WhenIwasinHighSchool,IjoinedanaturesocietyandIwasintroducedtothisfamousCreeIndian proverb: “Onlyafterthelasttreehasbeencutdown, Onlyafterthelastriverhasbeenpoisoned, Onlyafterthelastfishhasbeencaught, Onlythenwillyoufindthatmoneycannotbeeaten” italwaysremindsmetosavetheEarth. Lastyear,mydaughter,whowas6yearsold,watched‘WallE’andlearnedalessonaboutthehuge effortspenttoregenerateaplantandhowaplantcanenormouslymotivateanyonetoshowlove andcare. Thisthesisisdedicatedto: mybelovedparentswhohavetaughtmesimpleliving,especiallymylatefatherwhogreatly motivatedmetoachievethisdegree mydaughter,Sistha,whoalwayseagerlylearnsaboutnatureandalwaysshowsherloveandpassion duringmyPhDjourney. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Itwasindeedarichexperiencethroughalongandwindingpathtocompletethis thesis.Itwillnotbeeasierwithoutgreatassistance,supportsandencouragement from many people who have positively contributed to this research process. It is nowmyopportunitytoexpressmygratitudetoallofthemwhoIwillneverforget. MysinceregratitudeisextendedtomymainsupervisorattheFacultyoftheBuilt Environment UNSW, Assoc. Prof. Oya Demirbilek, who intellectually and mentally support me by showing her understanding and giving her critical reviews and encouragement during this doctoral study. I also thank my coRsupervisor, Dr. MarianoRamirez,forhisinsight,helpfuladviceandconstructivefeedback. ThisstudywasprimarilyfundedbytheAustralianDevelopmentScholarshipunder theauspicesofAusAID.Duringthisperiodofstudy,IamindebtedtoAusAIDLiaison Officers from time to time at the UNSW: Jo Ronalds (+Chryss Grindrod), Jude Forder, TamaraRouse, and AndrieEffendi who helped me with all administrative processes which eased my study. I also would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Patrick Zhou,DirectorofResearchStudents,Dr.CatherinedeLorenzo,formerDirectorof ResearchStudents,JimPlume,HeadofSchool,andallFBEstafffortheirsupportof my research. During the study at FBE, I was also greatly assisted by Chrisanthi, Rodina,EddieWard,andBECUstaff,especiallyJenandRae. I also would like to thank GoGet founders: Bruce Jeffreys and Nic Lowe, and the RTCGLstaff,especiallySharonSternwhomakethisresearchpossiblethroughthe casestudiesthatIconducted.Furthermore,Iamtrulyindebtedtothewonderful participation of the interviewees and workshop participants who are GoGet membersandtheRCTGLmembers. vii I also appreciated the assistance from my proofreaders: John Blair and Pete Heininger who have edited my work to a fine piece of writing and also for their enthusiasmandfriendlinessinvolvement. TofriendsatFBE,especiallyHyemi,Jin,MinChia,Eric,Melissa,Venny,Ayu,Tata, Ali, and Mohammad and to my colleagues atCatholic University of Parahyangan, BandungIndonesia,Iamreallygratefulforyoursupportandfriendship.Also,thanks totheISS(UNSW)staff,theLearningCentre(UNSW)colleagues,andfriends:Mega Christina, Philia Restiani, Yeni Mulyani, Lelly and Pras family, Riantoputra family, Makartifamily,andmanymorewhohavebeentheretoencouragemeandhelpme
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