15.2.2021 EN Offi cial Jour nal of the European Union L 51/303 COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION (EU) 2021/160 of 21 January 2021 adopting the twelfth update of the list of sites of Community importance for the Pannonian biogeographical region (notified under document C(2021) 20) THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Having regard to Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (1), and in particular the third subparagraph of Article 4(2) thereof, Whereas: (1) The Pannonian biogeographical region referred to in Article 1(c)(iii) of Directive 92/43/EEC comprises parts of the Union territories of Czechia, Romania and Slovakia and the Union territory of Hungary, as specified in the biogeographical map approved on 20 April 2005 by the committee set up by Article 20 of that Directive (the ‘Habitats Committee’). (2) The initial list of sites of Community importance for the Pannonian biogeographical region, within the meaning of Directive 92/43/EEC, was adopted by Commission Decision 2008/26/EC (2). That list was last updated by Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2020/98 (3). (3) The sites included in the list of sites of Community importance for the Pannonian biogeographical region form part of Natura 2000 network which is an essential element of protection of biodiversity in the Union. In order to make further progress in the actual establishment of the Natura 2000 network and in the context of a dynamic adaptation of that network, the lists of sites of Community importance are reviewed regularly. (4) Between 21 May 2019 and 22 January 2020 Member States have proposed additional sites of Community importance for the Pannonian biogeographical region. Member States have also submitted changes in the site- related information contained in the list of sites of Community importance for the Pannonian biogeographical region. (5) On the basis of the draft list drawn up by the Commission in agreement with each of the Member States concerned, which also identifies sites hosting priority natural habitat types or priority species, an updated list of sites selected as sites of Community importance for the Pannonian biogeographical region should be adopted. Article 4(4) and Article 6 of Directive 92/43/EEC apply to the newly included sites. (6) Knowledge of the existence and distribution of the natural habitat types and species is constantly evolving as a result of the surveillance undertaken in accordance with Article 11 of Directive 92/43/EEC. Therefore, the evaluation and selection of sites at Union level was carried out using the best available information at the time. (7) Certain Member States have not proposed sufficient sites to meet the requirements of Directive 92/43/EEC for certain habitat types and species. Furthermore, knowledge of the existence and distribution of some natural habitat types listed in Annex I and some of the species listed in annex II to Directive 92/43/EEC remains incomplete. For those habitat types and species it can therefore not be concluded that the Natura 2000 network is complete. (8) In the interests of clarity and transparency, Implementing Decision (EU) 2020/98 should be repealed. (9) The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Habitats Committee, (1) OJ L 206, 22.7.1992, p. 7. (2) Commission Decision 2008/26/EC of 13 November 2007 adopting, pursuant to Council Directive 92/43/EEC, the list of sites of Community importance for the Pannonian biogeographical region (OJ L 12, 15.1.2008, p. 678). (3) Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2020/98 of 28 November 2019 adopting the eleventh update of the list of sites of Community importance for the Pannonian biogeographical region (OJ L 28, 31.1.2020, p. 475). L 51/304 EN Offi cial Jour nal of the European Union 15.2.2021 HAS ADOPTED THIS DECISION: Article 1 The twelfth update of the list of sites of Community importance for the Pannonian biogeographical region as set out in the Annex is adopted. Article 2 Implementing Decision (EU) 2020/98 is repealed. Article 3 This Decision is addressed to the Member States. Done at Brussels, 21 January 2021. For the Commission Virginijus SINKEVIČIUS Member of the Commission 15.2.2021 EN Offi cial Jour nal of the European Union L 51/305 ANNEX Twelfth update of the list of sites of Community importance for the Pannonian biogeographical region Each site of Community importance (SCI) is identified by the information supplied in the Natura 2000 format, including the corresponding map. This information has been transmitted by the competent national authorities in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 4(1) of Directive 92/43/EEC. The table below gives the following information: A: SCI code comprising nine characters, the first two being the ISO code for the Member State; B: name of SCI; C: * = presence on the SCI of at least one priority natural habitat type and/or species within the meaning of Article 1 of Directive 92/43/EEC; D: area of SCI in hectares or length of SCI in km; E: geographical coordinates of SCI (latitude and longitude) in decimal degrees. All the information given in the Union list below is based on the data proposed, transmitted and validated by Czechia, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. A B C D E SCI code Name of SCI * Area of SCI Length of SCI Geographical coordinates of SCI (ha) (km) Longitude Latitude CZ0620001 Bezourek * 2,086 16,550278 49,091667 CZ0620002 Člupy * 17,979 16,950556 49,149167 CZ0620003 Dyjské svahy 7,7758 16,121667 48,838889 CZ0620004 Fládnitzské vřesoviště * 5,531 15,9825 48,805556 CZ0620005 Hochberk * 35,0285 16,673333 48,940556 CZ0620006 Kameníky * 6,6157 16,678611 48,738056 CZ0620007 Kamenná hora u Derflic 8,3531 16,151667 48,814722 CZ0620008 Klínky * 4,3725 16,779444 48,933611 CZ0620009 Lednické rybníky 617,8305 16,721389 48,772778 CZ0620010 Modřické rameno 6,3526 16,62 49,135278 CZ0620011 Nové hory * 11,5934 16,634444 49,046667 CZ0620013 Pod Šibeničním kopcem * 3,5632 16,148889 48,953056 CZ0620014 Přední kopaniny * 8,8987 16,742778 48,956667 CZ0620016 Rašovický zlom - Chobot * 12,9313 16,930833 49,125833 CZ0620017 Stračí * 3,254 16,812778 48,936667 CZ0620018 Větrníky * 32,3536 16,980278 49,195833 CZ0620024 Váté písky * 63,432 17,253889 48,919444 CZ0620031 Slanisko Dobré Pole * 3,696 16,531667 48,822222 L 51/306 EN Offi cial Jour nal of the European Union 15.2.2021 A B C D E CZ0620037 Sivický les * 236,5309 16,773056 49,218333 CZ0620048 Skalky u Sedlece * 58,792 16,677222 48,770556 CZ0620049 Paví kopec * 3,7723 16,693333 48,763611 CZ0620051 Šlapanické slepence * 8,291 16,721111 49,172222 CZ0620055 Vrbický hájek * 115,3909 16,914722 48,915 CZ0620056 Výrovické kopce 16,0041 16,115 48,925833 CZ0620073 Bzenecká střelnice 28,7441 17,271111 48,955833 CZ0620076 Zřídla u Nesvačilky * 4,6784 16,770833 49,080278 CZ0620078 Jezero 9,5448 17,178611 48,951389 CZ0620084 Vranovický a Plačkův les * 293,507 16,607778 48,948333 CZ0620103 Věteřovská vrchovina * 496,3278 17,049167 49,024167 CZ0620147 Miroslavské kopce * 30,8328 16,300833 48,93 CZ0620154 Načeratický kopec 127,1258 16,099167 48,832222 CZ0620158 Rumunská bažantnice * 90,3571 16,693889 49,033333 CZ0620162 Ječmeniště * 61,7722 16,136389 48,753889 CZ0620169 Ochůzky - Nedánov * 472,312 16,835833 48,985556 CZ0620177 Kapánsko * 706,2934 17,011667 48,88 CZ0620181 Valtrovický luh * 66,921 16,2175 48,7975 CZ0620187 Slanisko Novosedly * 2,085 16,497778 48,839444 CZ0620416 Jaroslavické komory 0,9766 16,240833 48,761944 CZ0620417 Kobylská skála * 6,8696 16,923611 48,943611 CZ0620418 Hluboké louky 7,9017 16,031111 48,787778 CZ0620419 Na Adamcích * 15,0601 17 49,006667 CZ0622007 Horky u Milotic 18,8863 17,134444 48,944444 CZ0622009 Hovoranské louky * 10,0038 16,973056 48,965278 CZ0622017 Louky pod Kumstátem 7,3943 16,923056 48,993611 CZ0622026 Trkmanské louky 19,0259 16,835833 48,858333 CZ0622037 Trkmanec - Rybníčky 44,3319 16,844167 48,865278 CZ0622167 Žebětín 1,4971 16,443889 49,0825 CZ0622168 Mušenice 14,3972 16,941667 49,116944 CZ0622169 Na Kocourkách 2,9895 16,249722 48,998889 CZ0622181 Červené stráně * 4,7212 16,418056 49,075 CZ0622218 Dunajovické kopce * 87,7857 16,554167 48,851944 CZ0622219 Zápověď u Karlína 1,7673 16,968333 48,970833 CZ0622221 Štěpánovský lom 1,0743 16,330556 48,9575 CZ0622223 U kapličky * 5,3966 16,2625 48,953889 15.2.2021 EN Offi cial Jour nal of the European Union L 51/307 A B C D E CZ0622224 U Michálka 1,348 16,359722 48,983889 CZ0622227 Volkramy 6,8547 16,929167 49,176944 CZ0623003 Břeclav - kaple u nádraží 0,0445 16,891944 48,754167 CZ0623004 Břežanka a Břežanský rybník * 20,0124 16,3325 48,873333 CZ0623010 Hevlínské jezero 9,3769 16,355278 48,764722 CZ0623011 Tasovický lom 11,0438 16,152778 48,821667 CZ0623016 Lednice - zámek 0,9483 16,804722 48,801944 CZ0623018 Milotice - letiště 26,9566 17,124722 48,98 CZ0623019 Oleksovická mokřina 43,9814 16,263333 48,925278 CZ0623021 Písečný rybník 43,7838 17,153056 48,963333 CZ0623022 Pokran 9,4398 16,500833 48,849167 CZ0623025 Slavkovský zámecký park a aleje * 21,2649 16,864722 49,152778 CZ0623026 Studánkový vrch 12,3099 16,721389 48,793056 CZ0623027 Šumické rybníky 49,0887 16,473056 48,981389 CZ0623030 Vrbovecký rybník 37,1132 16,131389 48,793056 CZ0623031 Vypálenky 65,2914 17,323889 48,974722 CZ0623032 Židlochovický zámecký park * 23,0984 16,610278 49,033056 CZ0623034 Znojmo - Kostel Nalezení sv.
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