852 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HO.USE January 21· CAMBRIDGE, MASS., January 27, 1955. CONFIRMATIONS we seek and sense the guiding presence Senator WAYNE MoRsE: and sustaining power of Thy divine Continue to resist the Formosan resolu­ Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate January 27, 1955: spirit. tion. It should permit a preventive war. Inspire us with a resolute determina­ Good luck. DJi:PARTMENT OF COMMERCE CHARLES TALBOT. tion to consider and support fearlessly Philip Alexander Ray, of California, to be those policies and actions which we hon­ General Counsel of the Department of Com­ PHILADELPHIA, PA., January 27, 1955. merce. estly believe are well pleasing unto Thee. Senator WAYNE MORSE, NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD Help us to keep in high visibility the United States Senate: Leverett Edwards, of Oklahoma, to be a glorious assurance that being girded with Congratulations on your stand. Sober the shield of faith and the breastplate· thought needed before Senate action. member of the National Mediation Board NATALIE B. KIMBER. for the term expiring February 1, 1958. of righteousness we shall be able to de­ INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION fend ourselves against all the forces NEW YoRK, N. Y., January 27, 1955. Kenneth H. Tuggle, of Kentucky, to be an of evil. Senator WAYNE MoRSE, Interstate Commerce Commissioner for the Hear us in the name of the Captain Senate Building, Washington, D. C.: term of 7 years expiring December 31, 1961. of our Salvation. Amen. Thank you for your deep concern for peace Everett Hutchinson, of Texas, to be an as evidenced by your position against pre­ Interstate Commerce Commissioner for the The Journal of the proceedings of ventive or other war in current discussions remainder of the term expiring December 31, yesterday was read and approved. on China. 1958. BENJAMIN SEGAL, M. D. FEDERAL MARITIME BOARD MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT G. Joseph Minetti, of New York, to be a RICHMOND, IND ., January 27, 1955. member of the Federal Maritime Board for A message in writing from the Presi­ Senator WAYNE MoRSE, the remainder of the term expiring June 30, dent of the United States was commu­ Senate Office Building: 1958. Congratulations on stand against Formosa nicated to the House by Mr. Tribbe, one Ben H. Guill, of Texas, to be a member of of his secretaries. resolution. Urgent U. N. negotiate cease the Federal Maritime Board for the re­ fire. mainder of the term expiring June 30, 1957. THOMAS and PATRICIA BASSETT. MARGARET KNOLLENBERG. UNITED STATES COAST GUARD MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE CARRIE LANE CHARLES. The following-named persons for appoint­ A message from the Senate, by Mr. ELEANOR ZELLIOTT. ment to the grades indicated: EDITH WILDMAN. Carrell, one of its clerks, announced that To be lieutenants effective December 10, 1954 the Senate had passed a bill of the fol­ Charles B. Williams BOSTON, MASS ., January 27, 1955. lowing title, in which the concurrence J ay A. Small, Jr. of the House is requested: Senator WAYNE MoRsE, Alexander D. Holman, Jr. United States Senate, S. 145. An act to amend the wheat market­ Washington, D. C. To be lieutenants (junior grade) effective ing quota provisions of the Agricultural Ad· DEAR SENATOR MORSE: Keep Up good fight December 10, 1954 justment Act of 1938, as amended. against Formosa resolution. It is not com­ Walter F. Condon The message also announced that the mitting political suicide. Rudolph V. Cassani GUST A BLAINE NISSEN. Senate had adopted the following reso­ To be li eutenant (junior grade) lution (S. Res. 44) : NoRwooD, MAss., January 27, 1955. John Robert O'Connor Resolved, That the following-named Senator WAYNE MoRSE, UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Members be, and they are hereby, elected Senate Office Building, Washington, The following candidates for appointment members of the following joint committees D. C.: in the Regular Corps, subject to qualifica­ of Congress: Your remarks on TV program today con­ tions therefor as provided by law and regu­ Joint Committee on Printing:· Mr. HAYDEN, cerning President's proposed resolution ex­ lations, to be effective date of acceptance: of Arizona; Mr. GREEN, of Rhode Island; and ceptionally clear. I trust Senators will heed Mr. JENNER, of Indiana. your warning and vote for HuMPHREY and To be seni or assistant surgeons Joint· Committee of Congress on the Li· KEFAUVER amendments. Kenneth W. Momeyer, Jr. brary: Mr. GREEN, of Rhode Island; Mr. E. ROSALIND ScHULTZ. Len H. Andrus MANSFIELD, of Montana; Mr. GORE, of Tennes· see; Mr. BARRETT, of Wyoming; and Mr. To be assistant surgeons McCARTHY, of Wisconsin. SHAWANO, WIS., January 27, 1955. Allen C. Pirkle Senator MoRsE, John F. Lee, Jr. The message also announced that the Senate Office Building, Washington, Senator from Maryland, Mr. BuTLER, and D. C.: To be surgeons the Senator from North Carolina, Mr. Admire your views. Let this not be a William L. Ross, Jr. ERVIN, be appointed members of the spineless Senate. Roger L. Black M. E. BLACK. Board of Visitors to the United States To be senior assistant sanitary engineers Merchant Marine Academy. Lawrence C. Gray The message also announced that the RECESS Melvin W. Carter Senator from Rhode Island, Mr. PASTORE, Shinji Soneda and the Senator from Connecticut, Mr. The PRESIDING OFFICER. In ac­ To be scientist ' PURTELL, be appointed members of the cordance . with the previous order, the Colvin L. Gibson Board of Visitors to the United States Senate will stand in recess until 11 Coast Guard Academy. o'clock tomorrow morning. To be senior sanitarian Thereupon, at 7 o'clock and 42 minutes Maurice E. Odoroff p. m. the Senate took a recess, the recess To be veterinarian RECESS being, under the order - previously Samuel Abramson entered, until tomorrow, Friday, January The SPEAKER. The House will stand 28, 1955, at 11 o'clock a. m. To be nurse officer in recess subject to the call of the Chair. Marie F. Hansel · Accordingly (at 12 o'clock and 3 min­ utes p. m.) the House stood in recess NOMINATION • • .... II subject to the call of the Chair. Executive nomination received by the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Senate January 27, 1955: • JOINT MEETING OF THE TWO DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE . THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1955 HOUSES OF CONGRESS TO HEAR John Sherman Cooper, of Kentucky, to AN ADDRESS BY PRESIDENT PAUL be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipo­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. E. MAGLOIRE, OF HAITI tentiary of the United States of America to The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp~ India, and to serve concurrently and with­ D. D., offered the following prayer: The SPEAKER of the House of Repre­ out additional compensation as Ambassador sentatives presided. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Almighty God, in this moment of wor­ At 12 o'clock and 15 minutes p. m. the United States of America to Nepal. ship and quiet waiting upon Thee, may Doorkeeper announced the Vice Presi- 1955 CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD- HOUSE 853 dent and the Members of the United of the scene, each detail of which is mul­ the young Haiti, we have not always been States Senate. tiplied on every side, creating a pano­ regarded with the warm feelings of The Vice President took the chair at rama of irresistible charm, one is left friendship which have been so evident the right of the Speaker, and the Mem­ speechless. The newcomer half closes to us here today. bers of the Senate took the seats re­ his eyes, seeking refuge in his thoughts. Haiti's struggle for independence was served for them. But a majestic light suddenly blazes a long and arduous one. During that The SPEAKER. On the part of the forth, dazzling him. Bartholdi's colossal struggle it was necessary to destroy its House the Chair appoints a.s members statue, the generous gift of France, entire economy, build the Citadelle La­ of the committee to escort His Excellency stands out against the dark background Ferriere, and affirm by the use of arms the President of Haiti into the Chamber, of the sky, holding the beaconlight that its unshakable will to obtain its free­ the. gentleman from Massachusetts, Mr. shines, like a great star, above the vast dom. Later, the necessity of paying McCoRMACK, the gentleman from Massa­ harbor: Liberty, lighting the world. heavy indemnities to France further re­ chusetts, Mr. MARTIN, the gentleman [Applause.] tarded development. A great step for­ from South.Carolina, Mr. RICHARDS, and This is how the United States first ward was taken when your great Presi­ the gentleman from Illinois, Mr. CHIPER­ appeared to one of our greatest writers dent Abraham Lincoln became the first FIELD. and thinkers, Antenor Firmin, who in his to recognize Haitian independence. The VICE PRESIDENT. On the part remarkable book, Mr. Roosevelt, Presi­ Since that time Haiti has continued to of the Senate, the Chair appoints as dent of the United States, and the Re­ stride forward and has endeavored by members of the committee of escort, public of Haiti, published in 1905, con­ every means at its disposal to forge po­ the Senator from Kentucky, Mr. CLEM­ sidered it his patriotic duty to make the litical and economic future worthy of its ENTS, the Senator from Massachusetts, Americans known to the Haitians and proud people. Mr. SALTONSTALL, the Senator from the Haitians to the citizens of your great Although world leaders such as Charles Rhode Island, Mr. GREEN, and the Sen­ country. His boundless admiration for Sumner, William King, Senator Borah, ator from Wisconsin, Mr. WILEY. all those pioneers who, as your history and many others have shown an ac­ The Doorkeeper announced the Am­ unfolded, built, stone by stone, the solid tive interest in Haiti, it was not until bassadors, Ministers, and Charges structure that was to become in the 20th Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office d'Affaires of foreign governments who century the citadel of all free peoples, that the relations of cordiality and fra­ entered the Hall of the House of Repre­ inspired those immortal pages in which ternity, which alone can make our sentatives and took the seats reserved he exalted the heroic virtues that enabled hemisphere strong, really came into be­ for them.
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