Research and Reviews in Parasitology, 54 (3): 135-205 (1994) Published by A.P.E. © 1994 Asociaci6n de Parasit61ogos Espafioles (A.P.E) Printed in Barcelona, Spain NOMENCLATURE OFTHE ACANTHOCEPHALA Y.J. GOLVAN Parasitologie, Pathologie et Epidemiologic Parasitaires, U.R.A. 1344 du C.N.R.S., Faculte de Medecine Saint Antolne, rue Chaligny 27, 75571 Paris Cedex 12, France Received 7 April 1993; accepted 20 April 1994 REFERENCE:GOLVAN(Y.1.), 1994.- Nomenclature of the Acanthocephala. Research and Reviews in Parasitology, 54 (3): 135-205. SUMMARYTh: e whole Phylum Acanthocephala is reviewed from the point of view of the nomenclature. All the genera and species described so far are alphabetically listed and their validity established and/or discussed. Synonyms and geographical distribution are noted for each species. All the references concerning these genera and species are included. The following new taxa are proposed: Arhythmorhynchus turbidus (Van Cleave, 1937) novocomb. (=Corynosoma turbidum Van Cleave, 1937); Arhythmorhynchus villoti nom. novo(=Echinorhynchus longicollis Villot, 1875); Cen- trorhynchus hartwichi nom. nov. (=Centrorhynchus conspectus sensu Hartwich, 1956); Centrorhynchus latai nom. novo[=Centrorhynchus indicus (Gupta et Lata, 1966) Gupta et Fatma, 1983]; Cleaveius inglisi (Gupta et Fatma, 1987) novocomb. (=Mehrarhynchus inglisi Gupta et Fatma, 1987); Cleaveius singhai (Gupta et Fatma, 1987) novocomb. (=Mehrarhynchus singhai Gupta et Fatma, 1987); Echinorhynchus (Metechinorhynchus) muraenolepisi (Rodyuk, 1984) novocomb. t=Metechinorhynchus muraenolepisi Rodyuk, 1984); Neoechinorhynchus dauai nom. novo(=Neoechi- norhynchus rutili sensu Datta, 1936 nec O.F. MUller, 1780); Neoechinorhynchus edmondsi nom. novo(=Neoechinorhynchus rutili sensu Edmonds, 1982); Neoechinorhynchus hartwichi nom. novo (=Neoechinorhynchus australis sensu Hartwich, 1956); Nephridiacanthus thapari (Sen et Chauhan, 1972) novocomb. (=Nephridiorhynchus thapari Sen et Chauhan, 1972); Plagiorhynchus pupa (von Linstow, 1905) novocomb. (=Echi- norhynchus pupa von Linstow, 1905); Porrorchis brevicanthus (Das, 1949) nov. comb. [=Centrorhynchus brevicanthus Das, (1949) 1950]; Profili- collis chasmagnathi (Holcman-Spector, Mane-Garzon et Dei-Cas, 1977) novocomb. [=Falsifilicollis chasmagnathi Holcman-Spector, Mane-Gar- zon et Dei-Cas, 1977; =Polymorphus (Profilicollis) chasmagnathi (Holcman-Spector, Mane-Garzon et Dei-Cas, 1977) Amin, 1985]; Prosthorhynchus asturi (Gupta et Lata, 1967) novocomb. (=Rhadinorhynchus asturi Gupta et Lata, 1967); Prosthorhynchus bullocki (Schmidt et Kuntz, 1966) novocomb. (=Plagiorhynchus bullocki Schmidt et Kuntz, 1966); Prosthorhynchus golvani (Schmidt et Kuntz, 1966) novocomb. i=Plagiorhynchus golvani Schmidt et Kuntz, 1966); Prosthorhynchus ogatai (Fukui et Morisita, 1936) nov. comb. [=Porrorchis ogatai Fukui et Morisita, 1936; =Plagiorhynchus (Prosthorhynchus) ogatai (Fukui et Morisita, 1936) Schmidt et Kuntz, 1966]; Prosthorhynchus russelli (Tadros, 1970) novocomb. (=Plagiorhynchus russelli Tadros, 1970); Prosthorhynchus schmidti nom. novo(=Prosthorhynchus rectus Sprehn, 1942 nee Lin- ton, 1892); Prosthorhynchus taiwanensis (Schmidt et Kuntz, 1966) novocomb. (=Plagiorhynchus taiwanensis Schmidt et Kuntz, 1966); Southwelli- na ardeae (Belopolskaja, 1958) novocomb. i=Polymorphus ardeae Belopolskaja, 1958); Southwellina pontica (Petrotschenko et Smogorjevskaja, 1962) nov. comb. (=Hemiechinosoma ponticum Petrotschenko et Smogorjevskaja, 1962); Sphaerirostris dollfusi nom. nov. (=Centrorhynchus picae sensu Dollfus, 1953); Sphaerirostris globuli (Nama et Rathore, 1984) nov comb. (=Centrorhynchus globuli Nama et Rathore, 1984); Sphaeri- rostris lesiniformis novocomb. [=Centrorhynchus lesiniformis (Molin, 1859) Meyer, 1932 (nec Bock, 1935)]; Sphaerirostris robustus (Datta, 1928) novocomb. (=Echinorhynchus robustus Datta, 1928); Sphaerirostris saxicoloides (Nama et Rathore, 1984) novocomb. (=Centrorhynchus saxicoloi- des Nama et Rathore, 1984); Sphaerirostris splendi (Gupta et Gupta, 1971) nov. comb. (=Centrorhynchus splendi Gupta et Gupta, 1971). KEy WORDS:Acanthocephala, nomenclature, genera, species, synonyms, geographical distribution, review. V.I. PETROTSCHENKO (1956 and 1958), Satyu YAMAGU- Nomina enim si pereunt, perit et rerum cognitio (Systema TI (1961), and more recently, Omar AMIN (1985), who Naturae, Xth edition). Filum ariadneum est Systema, sine quo Chaos est Historia presented a new classification of the Acanthocephala in naturalis (Philos. Botan.). the Biology of the Acanthocephala, which also contains a Carl von LINNE comprehensive index to information about the species mentioned in the book. I began to study the Acanthocephala in 1954. During INTRODUCTION the past 40 years, my only ambition was to make my own contribution to a very collective work. In this body The Linnean nomenclature of the Acanthocephala is of information and in the many taxonomic papers in more than 200 years old, So it should be no wonder that which the species have been described, many errors of many mistakes have been made during all these years. nomenclature were undoubtedly made. The present work Systematics is a very difficult science but it remains the is an attempt to correct errors for the benefit of Helmin- base for biological progress. In the field of the modern thology in the future. classification of the acanthocephalan worms, after the great precursors, such as Max LUHE (1911) and Anton MEYER (1932/1933), the status of a separate Phylum was GENERA AND SPECIES clearly established by the works of Harley J. VAN CLEA- VE (1948), who did much to promote the system of clas- In the following, the whole Phylum Acanthocephala is sification which is used today by the zoologists who reviewed from the point of view of the nomenclature. All study these parasites. the genera and species described so far are alphabetically After V AN CLEAVE, the work was carried on by many listed and their validity established and/or discussed. helminthologists. Especially noteworthy are the works of Synonyms and geographical distribution are noted for 136 Y.J.GOLVAN each species. Those considered valid taxa are noted in -A. aeutulus Van Cleave, 1931 (North Carolina, USA) bold. All the references concerning these genera and spe- -A. (Termitorhynehus) aenigma Reichensperger, 1922: cies are included at the end. may be an Oligaeanthorhynehus sensu lato (fide This list takes into account the decision of the Interna- MEYER, 1932) tional Commission for Zoological Nomenclature (Lon- -A. alabamensis Amin et Williams, 1983: syn. of Aean- don, 1962) that the name of a genus which ends with thoeephalus etowani Williams, 1974 «rhynchus» is masculine and so the specific name which -A. amurensis Kostylew, 1941: syn. of Paraeantho- follows must also be masculine. eephalus eurtus (A. et D.-A.) Yamaguti, 1963 (nee amuriensis) ACANTHOCEPHALOIDES Meyer, 1932 -A. anguillae (O.F. Muller, 1780) Liihe, 1911 (type spe- -A. ehabanaudi Dollfus, 1951 (nee ehabaunadi, nee cies) (all Europe) ehabaudi): syn. of Paraeanthoeephaloides ehabanau- -A. anguillae Belous, 1952: syn. of Paraeanthoeephalus di (D.) Golvan, 1969 eurtus Achmerov et Dombrowskaja-Achmerova, 1941 -A. claviformis Araki et Machida, 1987 (Japan) -A. anthuris (Dujardin, 1845) Luhe, 1911 (West Euro- -A. eyrusi Bray, Spencer Jones et Lewis, 1988 (St. Lucia pe) Lake, Natal) -A. artatus Van Cleave, 1925 (nee aratus) [prov. of Shi- -A. distinetus Golvan, 1969 (Senegal) nano, Japan, also found in India (doubtful)]: may be a -A. genetieus de Buron, Renaud et Euzet, 1986 (Medite- syn. of Aeanthoeephalus lucidus (fide HARADA,1935) rranean sea-shore of France) -A. balkanieus Batcharov et Combes, 1974 (Bulgaria) -A. iehiharai Araki et Machida, 1987 (North of Japan) -A. bigueti Houin, Golvan et Brygoo, 1965: syn. of -A. inerassatus (Molin, 1858) Meyer, 1932 (Adriatic Pseudoaeanthoeephalus bigueti (H., G. et B.) Golvan, and Black Sea) 1969 -A.japonieus (Fukui et Morisita, 1936) Yamaguti, 1939: -A. breviprostatus Kennedy, 1982 (East Asia) syn. of Aeanthoeephalus japonieus (F. et M.) Petrots- -A. bufonieola Kostylew, 1941: syn. of Pseudoaeantho- chenko, 1956 eephalus bufonieola (K.) Petrotschenko, 1956 -A. kostylewi Meyer, 1932 (Black Sea) -A. bufonis (Shipley, 1903) Southwell et Macfie, 1925: -A. neobythitis Yamaguti, 1939: syn. of Yamagutisentis syn. of Pseudoaeanthoeephalus bufonis (S.)Petrots- neobythitis (Y.) Golvan, 1969 chenko, 1956 -A. propinquus (Dujardin, 1845) Meyer, 1933 (type -A. bufonis sensu Southwell et Macfie, 1925 is another species) (Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea) (nee species (vide KENNEDY,1982) propinguus) -A. bufonis sensu Petrotschenko, 1953: syn. of Aeantho- -A. propinquus sensu Golvan, 1956: syn. of Aeantho- eephalus breviprostatus Kennedy, 1982 eephaloides distinetus Golvan, 1969 -A. caucasicus Petrotschenko, 1953: syn. of Pseudoa- -A. rhinoplagusiae Yamaguti, 1935: syn. of Yamaguti- eanthoeephalus eaueasieus (P.) Petrotschenko, 1956 sentis rhinoplagusiae (Y.) Golvan, 1969 (nee rhyno- -A. clavula (Dujardin, 1845) Grabda-Kazubska et plagusiae) Chubb, 1968 (nee Hamann, 1892) (all the south wes- -A. soleae (Porta, 1905) Meyer, 1932 in Petrotschenko, tern Europe) 1956: syn. of Solearhynehus soleae (P.) de Buron et -A. eorrealimai Machado Filho, 1970 (Parana, Brazil) Maillard, 1985 -A. eriniae Snow, 1970 (Australia) -A. eurtus (Achmerov et Dombrowskaja-Achmerova, ACANTHOCEPHALORHYNCHOIDES Kostylew, 1941) Yamaguti, 1963 (eastern Siberia) 1941: may be a syn. of Pallisentis Van Cleave, 1928 -A. dirus (Van Cleave,
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