The Alpine Club Library. 149

The Alpine Club Library. 149

. The Alpine Club Library. 149 Gustav Hegi's book, now under review, appeals to us because it is an improvement both as to accuracy of the colours of the plants therein depicted, which are produced in Germany by the chromo­ lithographic process, and also because of the letterpress which is of English production. It possesses over 250 illustrations (mostly in colour) of the commoner Alpine flowers, together with simple, non-technical descriptions, indexes of plant names, and a glossary of botanical terms. To the tourist and visitor to the Alps who may not be acquainted with the botany of the hills, this conveniently portable book is to be recommended. It should add to the pleasure of a holiday, and help one to be an enthusiastic botanist of Alpine plants. Der Grossgloclcner. Hsg. von Hans Fischer. Miinchen : Rother. THIS is a compilation of various interesting articles with 64 plates, including reproductions of old pictures and early maps. There is an historical article by A. Stois : an article on geology by Hans Leitmeier : on the glaciers by V. P·aschinger : on Johann Stiidl and Karl Hofmann's explorations: on ski·:ing by E. Fr.iedl: on unusual ascents and problems by F. Tursky: and on Pallavicjni's expedi­ tions by R. Ratscher. -------- -~ -- ----------- -- . THE ALPINE CLUB LIBRARY. By A. J. MACKINTOSH. The following works have been added to the Library:­ Club .Publications. (1) Akad. Alpenclub Bern. 24. Jahresbericht 1929. 9 x 6: pp. 45: plates. (2) Akad. Alpen-Club Zurich. 33. Jahresbericht ~1928. 9 x 6 : pp. 30 : plates. (3) Akad. Alpen-Verein Berlin. 25. Jahresbericht 1928. 9! x 6!: pp. 62: plates. (4) Akad. Skiklub Stuttgart. Jahresbericht 1928-29. 8! x 5! : pp. 62 : plates. (5) Alpenverein Donauland. Nachrichten. 13 x 9f. 1929 (5b) Alpine Club. Journal. 1929 --Index to the ALPINE JouRNAL. Vols. 16-38. 8! X 5!: pp. 90. London, Spottiswoode, 1929. lOs . (6) American Alpine Club. American Alpine Journal, no. l. 1929 I (7) Appalachian Mountain Club. Appalachia. 1929 -- Bulletin. 1929 Associated Outdoor Clubs of America. Mountain Magazine, vo1. 8. 10 X 7! . 1929 (8) C.A.F. La Montagne. 10 X 7. 1929 • I --Commission des . travaux scientifiques. Les noms des - Lieux des Montagnes FranQaises par Leon Maury. 10 x 6~: pp. viii, 325. Paris, 1929 (9) Lyons. Revue Alpine. 1929 150 The Alpine Club Library. (10) C.A.F. Sect. du Sud-ouest. 3 ser. 1927-9. 10 x 6!: pp. 579. 1929 (11) C.A.I. Rivista mensile. 1929 ---Bergamo. Diario dell' alpinista. Guida rapida aile capanne e rifugi alpini. U. Tavecchi. Anno viii. 5! X 4!: pp. xvii, 191. Bergamo, 1930 --Milano. I rifugi della sezione. 6! X 9!: pp. 64: plates. Dicembre 1929 (12) ---- Communicato mensile. 9! X 6!: pp. 368: plates. 1929 ---Trieste. Ricoveri di montagna 2da edizione, 1927. 6! x 8!: pp. 28: ill. • (12a) Alpi Giuglie. 1929 ----- Le grotte. vii. edizione. 6! X 9£: pp. 22: ill. 1929 (12b) Udine. In alto. 1929 (12b) Verona. Bollettino mensile. 1929 (13) Cairngorm Club. Journal. 8! X 5!: ill. 1929 (14) Canadian Alpine Club. Journal. 9 X 6: ill. 1929 (15) Club alpin beige. Bulletin. 1929 (16) Club alpin d. femmes suisses. Les Montagnes. 1929 (17) Colorado Mountain Club. Trail and Timberline. 9 x 6. 1929 (18) D.u.Oe.A.-V. Zeitschrift. Bd. 60. 10! X 7-l: pp. 366: map, plates. Geleitet von Hans Barth. 1929 --- Taschenbuch fiir Alpenvereins-Mitglieder. Hsg. im Einverstandnis d. D.u.Oe.A.-V. Redigiert durch Dr. Schmidt-Wellenburg. Wien, Alpiner- Verlag, 1930. 8 X 5: pp. 188. List of sections including .Bergsteigergru-ppe: Alpine Museum: Club publications : Huts : Guides, list, tariff, etc. (19) Mitteilungen. 1929 --Freiburg. Nachrichten. 1929 Deutscher Alpenverein Berlin. Handbook. 4 x 2!: pp. 16. · 1930 (21) Federacion Vasca Navara. Pyrenaica. 9 x 6!. 1929 (20) Federation des Societas pyreneistes. Bulletin Pyreneen. 9 x 5!. 1929 (23) Harvard Mountaineering Club. Bulletin, vol. 2. 12 x 6!: ill. 1929 -- Report on equipment. 8! X 5! : pp. 4. 1929 --Constitution. 8! X 5!: pp. 3. 1929 (22) Hrvatsko Planin. Drustvo. Hrvatski planinar. 1929 lstituto Ital. di speleologia. Le grotto d'Italia, Rivista trimestrale. Anno 3. 9! X 6!: ill. 1929 Japanese Alpine Club. San-gaku-gwai. 9! x 6!. 1929 (24) Mazamas. Mazama. 10 x 6. 1929 (25} Mountaineers (Seattle). The Mountaineer. 1929 (27) Naturfreunde Alpinistengilde. Bericht iiber 1928. 91 x 6! : pp. 22. (26) Nederland. Alpen-Vereeniging. Medeelingen. 1929 (26b) (33) Oesterr. Alpenklub. Oesterr. Alpenzeitung. 1929 (28) Oxford and Cambridge Mountaineering, 1928-9. 8! x 5!: pp. 129: plates. Cambridge, Marshall, 1929. 3s. 6d. (29) Peiialara. Boletin mensuel. 1929 (30) Pol. Tomar. Tatranski. Wierchy. Rocznik posuiecony g6rom i g6ra- loyezyznie. Rok sj6sty. 10 X 7 : pp. 218 : plates. Krakow, 1928 (30a) Prealpi. Federaz. prealpina Milano. 1929 Public Schools Alpine Sports Club Year Book. 7! x 4£: pp. 224: ill. London, 1930 (31) Real Sociedad Espanola de Alpinismo Pefialara. Peiialara. 9! X 6£. 1929 (34) Rucksack Club. Journal. 8! x 5!-: ill. 1929 (32)lSchweiz. Akad. Ski-Club. Der Schnee-Hase. Jahrbuch. Bd. 1, no. 3. 10 X 7!: pp. 111-248: plates. 1929 (35) S.A.C. Die Alpen. 1929 -- Moleson. Bulletin mensuel. 1929 -- Monte Rosa. La Cordee. 1929 (35c) Pilatus. Mitteilungen. 1929 (35d) St. Gallen. Jahresbericht. 1929 -- Uto. Nachrichten. 1929 The Alpine Club Libra'ry. 151 S.A.C. Winterthur. Geschichte der Sektion wahrend den ersten 50 J ahren ihres Bestehens. 9 X 6: pp. 202: plates. 1929 ( 35b) Scottish Mountaineering Club. J ournal. 1929 (36) Sierra Club. Bulletin. 9 x 6: vol. 14. 1929 Ski. Trondhjems Ski Club. Arbok. 9 X 6 : pp. 74. 1929 (37) Sloven. Planin. Drustvo. Planinski Vestnik. 28, 29. leto. 9! x 61 : pp. 296 : 144 : plates. 1928- 9 Turistik, Alpinismus, Wintersport. 54. Jahrbuch Karpathenverein. 12! x 9f : pp. iv, 92. 1929 Turist. Lapja. Hung. Tour. Soc. 1929 • N ew B ooks. (38) Allgem. Bergsteigerztg. 18! x 12! . 1929 Das Alpenbuch der Edig. Postverwaltung. 9i x 6! : pp. 78 : plates. Zurich, Fretz, 1929 ( 38b) Alpinism e. 1929 (39) Alpinismo. Rivista mensile. 11! X 8!: ill. 1929 Balfour, Lady Frances. Ne obliviscares. Vol. i, pp. 348-353. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1929 • I t was in one of the visits to Hatfield that we heard of a crushing family calamity. Frank Balfour had recovered so well from his illness, that there was no reason for giving up his annual alpine summer holiday.... He looked in perfect health and full of eager antici­ pation for an expedition he had planned. As he described his plan, Arthur said, " Don't get killed-it would be such a bore," we all laughed at the inadequate expression.... On the 24th July the tidings of his death reached Oambridge where he occupied the chair of animal morphology. The bodies of him and his guide had not been recovered. It was the first t ime that a violent and sudden deat.h had come into our ken ; it seemed so inconceivably wasteful and terrible. We were soon on our way to Oarlton Gardens where we met the other members of the family as they arrived. As Arthur entered, one look at his face was enough to tell us how his very being was struck down. 1 On the 26th Gerald telegraphed the bodies had been found, death had been instantaneous, and the accident had occurred on the 19th. 1 The brothers returned with the coffin and we went to Scotland where Frank was to be buried at Whittinghame. 1 The Queen commanded Sir Henry Ponsonby to write to Mr. Gladstone; "If you think she can say anything to mark her disapproval of the dangerous alpine excursions." Mr. Gladstone at some length doubted the possibility of any interference even by Her Majesty, with a prospect of advantage.' (39a) Beauman, E. B. A night in the Matterhorn couloir. In Nation. Review, London. 9! X 6: pp. 1058-62. March 1930 ( 40) Bergkamerad. 12-! x 9!: ill. 1929 (41) Bergsteiger. Wochenschrift fiir Alpinismus. 1929 (42) Bertram, Antony. To the mountains. 7! x 5: pp. xi, 269: plates. London, Knopf, 1929 The second half of this book deals with climbing in the Eastern Alps and in the Pyrenees. Bibliography. Kopfe Bergsteiger, Skilaufer und ihre Werke. Ein vollstandiges Verzeichnis der Erscheinungen des Bergverlages. 6 X 4! : pp. 64 : portraits. Miinchen, Rother, 1930 (43) Blazer, F. Mes souvenirs de montagne. 7! X 4! : pp. xv, 238: plates. Grenoble, Arthaud, 1929 Mountaineering incidents in Dauphine and Savoy and on 'Les Alpins,' together with verses written on various occasions in connexion with both these. 12 frs. Blodigs Alpen-Kalender. 5 J ahrg. 10 x 7 : plates. 3.20 RM. (44) Bobba, Giovanni. La guida di un tempo: Casimiro Therisod, In Giornale d' Italia. November 17, 1929 Bovet, Mar •. Alex. Legendes de la Gruyere. Avec 60 illustrations de Eug. Reichlin. 8! X 7!: pp. 120: ill. Lausanne, Editions Spes (1929) • Braunstein, Josef. Felix Mendelssohn in der Schweiz. SA. Nachrichten Alpenver. Donauland. 9 X 5!: pp. 23. Wien, 1930 By the author of Richard Wagner und die Alpen, recently noticed. 152 The Alpine Club Library. (45) Burrard, Sidney. The mountains of the Karakoram: a defence of the existing nomenclature. In Geogr. Journ., London, vol. 74, no. 3. 9! x 6!: pp. 277-84. September 1929 (46) Buxton, Noel. Travels and reflections. 8! X 5!: pp. 223: plates London, Allen & Unwin (1929), lOs. Mountaineering in Japan, etc. (47) Chilvers, Hedley A. The seven wonders of southern Africa. 8 x 5: pp. xii, 395: plates. Johannesburg, S.A. Railways, 1929 ·( 47a) Corti, Alfredo. Nel gruppo del Disgrazia e fra i monti settentrione del Disgrazia. 9! X 6! : pp. 389-440 : ill.

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