Adapted from the Chess Skills leaflets, produced for the British Chess Federation by JE Littlewood and RA Furness. Developed from the Tactics for Juniors sheets originally prepared by RG Wade, R Bott and S Morrison. Discovered Attacks A discovered check is a good example of a discovered attack. It occurs when a piece is moved and uncovers check form another piece. &àç è' 7676<67nJ| m::676:m:: 76:67676z É67676767y 76767676x gD 6 q@767w $ 6 67m8 m8v &nG767nG7sK7u ,,-./01234 Here, if the White Bishop moves, Black will be in check from the Rook on e1. The best place for the Bishop is c5, where it will attack the Queen. Black has no chance to save the Queen because it is check. &àç è' J67676<6| m::m:76:m:7 7676767m:z É67qB76767y 76"oL7m876x 67oN 6767w $ m8 676 m8v &nG76767sK7u ,,-./01234 Here, if Black moves the Knight, White will be in check from the Bishop on c5. The best move for the Knight is to capture the Pawn on c2 and attack the Rook on a1. After White has moved ut of check, Black will play 2… Nxa1. Find the Discovered Attacks 1. White to move 2. White to move &àç è' &àç è' 76DnJ76<6| 76767676| m:76J67m:: 6767s<767 7m8:67676z 7gD7m:7m:76z É67676767y É67qB76767y 76867676x 76767m876x 6967676 w 67m87q@)67w $ 6767m8 6v $76767676v &67676GsK7u &6767nG767u ,,-./01234 ,,-./01234 3. Black to move 4. Black to move &àç è' &àç è' J676J6<6| 76767676| m:D67oL7m:: 67656767 7m:767m:56z 76767s<76z É67676767y É676:6:67y 76767m87g=x 7676767m8x 67oN76767w 6767nG76)w $ m87676 m8v $76767676v &nG767sK"6Gu &67676767u ,,-./01234 ,,-./01234 5. White to move 6. White to move &àç è' &àç è' J6767676| 7676767s<| m::67s<7g=7 676769m:7 7676:oN76z :676:67m:z É67676767y É6:676767y 76767676x 7676J676x m87676 67w 676D6767w $7gD767m87m8v $767676"m8v &nG76767sK7u &676767nG)u ,,-./01234 ,,-./01234 7. Black to move 8. White to move &àç è' &àç è' 76<nJ767nJ| 7676J676| m::m:767m:: 67676<67 767qB7m:76z :6:676:6z É6767676Dy É6767676:y 76767676x 7m8767q@76x 6 696867w m8767m876 w $ 6767m8 m8v $7sK767nG76v &6G676GsK7u &67676767u ,,-./01234 ,,-./01234 9. Black to move 10. White to move &àç è' &àç è' J676JqB<6| J6767oL<6| m::676:6: m::m:5nG767 7oLD676:6z 7676767m:z É67m:76767y É67676767y 76767676x 76767676x q@7m896867w 6 676767w $ 6767m8 m8v $ q@7676 m8v &6G676GsK7u &676767sK7u ,,-./01234 ,,-./01234 11. White to move 12. Black to move and checkmate using a series of checks. &àç è' &àç è' J67gD<qB7nJ| 7676767s<| 67m:76:m:: 676D67m:7 :6767oL76z 76767676z É676:6767y É67qB76767y 76767676x 76"67676x 67676:67w 6767m:767w $ m8 6"m8 m8v $767696 m8v &nG869nG7sK7u &676767sK7u ,,-./01234 ,,-./01234 Answers 1. 1 Nd6+ King moves 2 Nxc8 wins Queen for Knight 2. 1 Bx5+ King moves 2 Bxb6 wins the Bishop and Queen 3. 1… Nf5+ 2 Kf2 Nxh4 wins the Queen 4. 1… f4+ 2 King moves fxe3 wins the Rook 5. 1 Nd5+ exd5 2 Qxb2 wins Queen for Knight. Note that 1 Ng8+ is not so decisive because of 1… Rxg8! (pinning White’s Queen) 2 Qxg8 Qxa1+ 6. 1 Qxg7+ Kxg7 2 Bxe4+ King moves 3 Bxd3 7. 1… Bxh2+ 2 Nxh2 Rxd3 wins Queen for Knight 8. 1 a4 Na7 (the only safe square) 2 Bb8+ king moves 3 Bxa7 wins the Knight. 9. 1… c4 2 Queen moves Bxa3 wins a Bishop. 10. 1 Rg7+ Kh8 2 Rxd7+ Kg8. Try it again! 3 Rg7+ Kh8 4 Rxc7+ Kg8 And again! Note that this is not a draw by repetition since the position is different each time, with Black having one fewer piece. 11. 1 Bb5 double check mate 12. 1… Qd1+ 2 Qxd1 e2+ 3 Kh1 exd1=Q+ 4 Bf1 Qxf1 mate .
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