THE TUFTS DAILY Where You Read It First Thursday, December 1,1994 Vol XXM Number 53 ~~ ~ Video store may replace Jumbo Scoops, ne w cafe to open in fall by JOHN O’KEEFE she’is more concerned with the that while sales in Jumbo Express Daily Editorial Board lack of student demand than she have steadily increased this year, This article is the Jinal seg- is with the fact that the store loses sales in Jumbo Scoops have fallen ment in a three-part series high- money. Off. lighting changes involving Tups According to Dining Services Breakstone said that the Din- Dining Services. figures. Jumbo Scoops averages ing Services committee still wants Beyond renovating and mak- approximately 1,000 customers to offer the ice cream service in ing changes to existing dining per week as opposed to 4,200 a some form, possibly as a part of facilities, Tufts Dining Services week in the adjacent Jumbo Ex- the conveniencestore. “We would has been hard at work throughout press convenience store. Lee at- still offer ice cream. but it will the year planning a number of tributes these numbers partly to take up less space... we want to new and original initiatives for the fact that ice cream is seasonal the future. The studendfaculty and an “impulse” item. She said see DINING, page 2 Phdo by Judy Eastwtmoh Dining Services committee has etimes 1:aking the shuttle is just a lot easier than walking. -- begun toexamine alternative uses for the Campus Center space cur- rently occupied by Jumbo Scoops, DiBiaggio details his with its early focus concentrating on the concept of a campus video store. vision for Tufts 2002 Additionally, after numerous by ANDREA GROSSMAN from the undergraduate students, discussions and studies of student Daily Editorial Board especiallythrough the Senior Sur- demand,Dining Serviceshasbeen “A student-centered Univer- vey, is instrumental in helping to given the green light from Uni- sity dedicated to preparing improve the quality of the Univer- versity administrators to begin tomorrow’sglobal citizens,” is the sity. designing a campus coffee house primary focus omniversity Presi- According to DiBiaggio, the which will open in Curtis Hall in dent John DiBiaggio’s Tuesday survey is “a relentless 20-page the fall of 1995. afternoon speech to the under- document that over 95 percent of It has recently been revealed graduate community entitled, our graduating seniors complete.” that Dining Services is consider- “Looking to the Year 2002.” In these surveys, students indi- ing phasing out or scaling back DiBiaggio began his presenta- cated that they would like im- Jumbo Scoops, the Campus tion by explaining the primary proved athletic facilities and pre- Center’s ice cream shop. Patty goal of the University’s vision fer Carmichael Dining Hall to Lee, director of Dining Services, statement, which he has been Dewick and MacPhie Dining said, “We don’t think it’s doing working on for several months Halls. well enough.” with the Board of Trustees. “We’re working not only to According toke,the ice cream He referred to the statement address both of these shortcom- shopbarely generatesenough rev- “as a catalyst... precipitating a ings identified by the undergradu- enue to cover the overhead costs. process of distillation of our ate population but to implement DavidBreakstone, co-chair of the ideas... that hasresultedinasingle similar review proceduresin ALL studendfaculty Dining Services phrasethatdescribesmuchofwhat of the schools that will enable us committee, agreed that the facil- we intend Tufts to be in the 2 1st to respond to the needs of ALL ity is insolvent. “Jumbo Scoops is century.” students,” DiBiaggio said. not financially self-sufficient, it According to DiBiaggio, the Strong math and science pro- never has been. It actually loses year 2002 was chosen as a niile- grams, a program in health sci- money,” he said. stone because it is the year of the ences, and international studies Lee stressed that Dining Ser- University’s 150th anniversary. are areas where DiBiaggio said vices wants to provide services to Included in DiBiaggio’s vision he hopes improvement will be the Tufts community but added is extensivestudent accessto tech- most extensive. that their operations are expected Daily file photo nological advances, interaction As far as improving academ- to be Lee =id that Jumbo Scoops may soon be moved and replaced by a video store. between the faculty of both the ics, DiBiaggio said that “Tufts graduate and undergraduate will continue its commitment to schools, and groundbreaking de- teaching and learning.. teaching Colloquium discusses prize for velopments within the school’s and learning are my most impor- departments. tant academic priorities.” Now that the vision statement Though he said he wants the international relations students has been drawn up, DiBiaggio University to remain “student-cen- by ALISHA OZERI Past prize recipients have trav- the speakers made reference to said he realizesthat thereare many tered,” DiBiaggio said it is neces- Daily Staff Writer eled and researched in Vienna. Anne Borghesani, the woman for challenges that lay ahead. He said sary toconcentrate on the research On Tuesday, Nov. 29, a Jamaica, Puerto Rim, and Geneva. whom the memorial prize was he believes that quality, academ- issues as well. colloquium sponsored by the In- Fields of study include econom- named. Anne Borghesani gradu- ics, and the University’s role in Last year, Tuftsjoined28 other ternational Relations department ics, health care, nuclear energy, ated from Tufts in 1989 with a society are three areas where the universities as they were declared was held to discuss the Anne E. and religion. degree in International Relations. major challenge lies. a Research I University by the Borghesani Memorial Prize. Most ofthe recipientswho have She was committed to interna- “These are challenges that face Carnegie Foundation for the Ad- Among those in attendance were completed their projects expressed tional study and leadership. Upon all institutions of higher learn- vancement of Teaching. President John DiBiaggio; Pro- that without theBorghesani Prizc, graduating from Tufts, she had ing. It is how we respond to the DiBiaggio said he feels that it is vost Sol Gittleman, Assistant Di- they would not have had the op- hoped to pursue a legal career, but challenges that will distinguish important for Tufts to keep up rector of the International Rela- portunity to study something of died soon after. and differentiate Tufts,” he said. these standards. tions Program John Jenke, Mr. great interest to them. Provost Sol Gittleman said, Dibiaggio said that feedback “Our goal is to maintain our and Mrs. Borghesani, and the The award “offered me an op- “Global citizenship and commit- - newly achieved status as one of coordinator of the colloquium, portunity I really didn’t think I ment toother people is what Anne the world’s finest research uni- Anne Sauer. would have,” Senior International I versities.. while continuing to The recipients of the Anne E. Relations major Carlos Cedeno see PRIZE, page 2 strengthen the unique qualities of Borghesani Memorial Prize, said. He further stated that the our teaching agenda,” DiBiaggio started in 1991, receive up to prize gave him the chance “to said. $3,000 to spend towards the cost pursue a research project that I 1 Inside I Developing The Center for of an academic project relating to have been thinking about since Viewpoints....................... p. 3 Advising andTeaching (CENTA), international studies. Activities freshman year.” Stickings on the Republican revolu- the Experimental College, and that promote community service tion, part 11 of a Bonsey meditation, and Moreover, prize winners said an opposition toculture rep votingrights. research at the undergraduate level and global understanding are t!iev were also grateful to the Y I will help to prepare Tufts aca- stressed and encouraged. mrghemnisforencouraging them Weekender................. pp. I-IV. demically for the next century, Borghesani said he feels that the to learn more about a a ‘Tis the season to go shopping at DiBiaggio said. He also said that prize “exemplifiesTufts’ commit- culture, and about themselves. malls, thenew moviduniorgnbs mixed the construction of the Tisch Li- ment to citizenship.” ‘‘I had a reviews, and the Silver Jews deliver. brary will help Tufts to reach new Sauer, the program assistant academically,personally, andcul- heights in academia. who organized the colloquium, turally,” Venu Gupta, a previous Spor................................... P. 7 By the time the 150th anniver- said thatMr. andMrs. Borghesani Gupta is an economics Tufts sailing ends its season, and the sary of Tufts arrives, DiBiaggio “have set a tone for the award -- majorwho used the prize lo study ice hockey squad has an unfortunate Daily rile photo international studiesand commu- GATT’s Enforcement Powers. time against the Army cadets. John DiBiaggio see DIBIAGGIO, page 2 nity service.” Throughout the colloquium, - page two THE TUFTS DAILY Thursdav. December 1.1994 THETUFTS DAILY President stresses role of diversity, fiscal responsibility DIBIAGGIO The undergraduate school is not alone in the media and capture more recognition. Marc J. Sheinkin continued from page 1 Editor-in-Chief its efforts to expand in the outside commu- Fiscal responsibility also must be ful- said that he hopes “there will little room nity, as both the dental and the medical filled, he said. When DiBiaggio tookoffice Managing Editor: Nadya Sbaiti for the concept of the university
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