APRIL, 1908 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS mSter/^el Bros. f©. JAMES L. STUART, MANTELS Constructing Wc carry the largest line of imported ENGLISH, DUTCH and FRENCH tiles for mantel work in the city. Contractors Engineer.. _... and makers of IN/pE T I L E 341 Sixth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. ... ;•••. files and Fire place goods of all descriptions. - Contracts taken for all Classes of Building . ^I&jg Market Street,Office Buildings, Industrial Plants, Power Plants, Reinforced Concrete, Etc, ^PITTSBURGH. Bell Phone Orant 3158. •• 'Phon«it B«U, Court 37TG. P. <&. A., Main SSI. Bell Phone 3133 Court. McGully-Hickman Go, Limited. W. F. TRIMBLE & SONS CO. o~ ^ Building General Bill Hactors, Contractors No. 1719 Greenwood Street, . ALLEGHENY, PA. 801-2 Pittsburg Bank for Savings. PlftSBCRO, I»A. -' I>AXJXv \ZV. MoOUlvIyY, MCr. THE BUILDER 3 gO<C=>0)<^>)0<rr>00<=>00<^>00<r>00<3>00<rr>00<=>CO<Z>0'5i ^0<C^00<=>00<^>00<^^0<^=-00<r>0()<C^00<^O0<==>00<^>0^ ENAMELING AND GILDING FOR INTERIOR DECORATIONS Sheet Copper Statuary JOHN DEWAR, House Painting. Enameling and Gilding. FINISHING AND RE-FINISHING OF HARD WOODS. Bell 'Phone 211 Cedar. 850 North Avenue, West, Allegheny. ASSOCIATED WITH DEWAR & CLINTON LIFE-SIZE WON MADE IN SHEET COPPER FIRE-PROOF METAL WINDOWS SKYLIGHTS- -CORNICES -FINIALS Dewar, Clinton & Alexander Co. METAL TILE ROOFING SHEET METAL ORNAMENTAL WORK PENNAVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. n If Catalogue of any line you are interested in sent free on request. 1 Prices quoted on special designs made Bell 'Phone 1383 Court. from architects' drawings. If We solicit your corres­ pondence. v^O<cr>00<:^>0()<C=>00<=^^0<C^<()<3>0()<Z>00<r>00<^>00<CI>0/7 *7(X^X)0<=>00<3>00' >00< >00<=>00= XHK=>0t72i ST The W. H. MULLINS CO. U^^lo - T H NICOLA BUILDING CO Building . Contractors FARMERS BANK BUILDING PITTSBURGH, PA. 222884 THE BUILDER // Fire Protection Without Cost" FIREFIGHT PAINTS As its name indicates, Firefight is a fire-retarding paint, and must not be construed as being in the same class with the many so-called fireproof paints. We guarantee that Firefight is a strictly pure linseed oil paint, the pigment being ground in and thinned with pure linseed oil and the drier used being of the best quality procurable. We guarantee that buildings and woodwork protected by Firefight will be rendered fireproof to a degree not obtainable by the use of any other paint. Firefight Paint Company PITTSBURGH, PENN'A. Atlantic Terra Cotta Company Successors to THE ATLANTIC TERRA COTTA. CO. PERTH AMBOY TERRA COTTA CO. EXCELSIOR TERRA COTTA CO. STANDARD TERRA COTTA WORKS. The Largest Manufacturers of ARCHITECTURAL TERRA COTTA In the World. T\7e are prepared at all times to offer invaluable information to Architects as to the economical use of Terra Cotta, and to advise with them as to proper con­ struction. Architects desiring" approximate and actual estimates and prices for the substitution of our Terra Cotta for more expensive but less desirable building material, may always be sure of receiving prompt attention. PITTSBURGH OFFICE, 1113-1114 FULTON BUILDING FRANKS G. EVATT, DISTRICT MANAGER THE BUILDER Mii^sni&''<^i^i'-:i&i4t ing Fixtures. It is the "cleanest" spot because it contains ever •mnliance for the promotion of personal cleanliness and refinenu Msf Illlljljlyt ImlSj 6 THE BUILDER Wm. Miller & Sons7 Go. Contractors and Builders 530 to 534 Federal Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Bell Phone, 145 Grant P. & A., 2289 Main The B. P. Young Go. Krum Granite & Stone Go. MARBLE, MOSAIC and TILEEstimates Furnished for all kinds Granite and Stone 530 to 534 Federal Street 530 to 534 Federal Street S Bell Phone, 1405 Grant Bell Phone, 1405 Grant Mill Office Phone, 494 Schenley i Miller Brick Go. Win. Miller & Sons, Inc. MANUFACTURERS OF MANUFACTURERS OF VITRIFIED FACE BRICK Mill Work and Fine Interior Woodwork ROCHESTER, PA. MILLS, ROCHESTER, PA. Bell Phone, 76 Rochester, Pa. Bell Phone, 19 Rochester, Pa. fy^^a*^!,**^**/***-**^****^^ THE U I L D E R THE THE Jos, l^rennan Co.W . S. TYLER Dealers and Contractors in COM PANY MOSAIC, TILE and ORNAMENTAL MARBLE IRON AND BRONZE Tile cMantels a Specialty. 714- Mag'ee Building PITTSBURGH, PA. BESSEMER BUILDING Phone 3417 Court. PITTSBURGH, PA. *• *i* ****** *$*-^t*J*-^M$*-^*-,^*2*-*$*-^*-*$*-»$*-»$*-»$*-i3* *********+** *+* >******t*****T.**I********I*1^ *i« -*$• >T< *t* * <j- Bernard Gloekler Co.it MAKER OF THE I! THE % Celebrated Eclipse Refrigerator BVILDER V • 1 IS ALWAYS ON SALE I *** • ! BY t i i ! R. S. DAVIS & CO.£ i ! t X 441 Wood Street v* X t I t >«-. f t Of Any Design For All Purposes. t OFFICE, FACTORY AND DISPLA Y ROOM Booksellers and Stationers 1127 to 1133 Penn Avenue i and who Handle all Home and Foreign Books and Periodicals t PITTSBURGH, PA. I X >**** V V 1*JHJMJHJHJHJMJMJ » <JHJHJHJ* •JHJHJMJHJHJI ^«**»^J^J«J«-»J*+J+*** *•**•* *•* *** *$HJHJHJHJHJMJ* ************ * THE B U I L D' E R Diebold Lumber and \ SCOTT A. WHITE f* | LEWIS BUILDING Manufacturing Co. J 0«cr>C 0 0<rr>0 I AKRON VITRIFIED ALL KINDS OF | ROOFING TILE LUMBER and i i | SHAPES: Spanish, French, Roman, Gre- £ MILL WORK J cian, Norman and Shingle Tile ^ COLORS: Red, Green, Glaze, Brown, 1 Black, Silver, Mottled Green, Fine Interior Hardwood Work, Em­ ? Buff and Gray Glaze bossed Mouldings Northwestern Terra Cotta Bath Portland Cement OFFICE AND MILL PHONES 93 to 105 Wabash St. Bell 9 Walnut West End Bell 249 Walnut glate Asphalt and Gravel Roofing MATTHEWS BROS' James Stewart & Go. MANUFACTURING GENERAL CONTRACTORS COMPANY Office and Railway Buildings, Manufacturing Plants, >00<^00<=>00< >00<Z>00<=>00<=>00< Reinforced Concrete, Structural Steel, Terminals and Subways, Fine Interior Wood Work Dredging, Dock Work, Heavy Masonry, Grain Elevators. Bank and Office Fittings OFFICES Furniture, Mantels, Etc. 135 Broadway, - - - New York. Lincoln Trust Building, St. Louis. 0<Z>00=>00<^00<=>00<=>00=>00'^>00<=>00<:^>0 | Fisher Building, Chicago. Hibernia Bank Building, - ? OFFICE AND FACTORY - New Orleans. No. 14 Grant Avenue, - - San Francisco. I 61 to 69 FOURTH STREET WESTINGHOUSE BUILDING, I MILWAUKEE, WIS. PITTSBURGH, PA. ? J! ? THE BUILDER STEINER & VOEGTLY A Good Tin Roof is the Most Weather-Proof That Can Be Had at Any Cost. DEALERS IN Sargent's Fine Builders' Hardware "HAMILTON'S Luitink, Acme Lane & Coburn BEST" Sliding Door Hangers Brand of Roofing Plate is Both Weather-Proof and Fire-Proof. Starrett's Machinists' Tools Tree Brand MANUFACTURED BY Cutlery & Razors Manufacturers of JOHN HAMILTON Geisey Casement OFFICE AND FACTORY ON LINE OF THE B. a O. R. R. NEAR TECUMSEH STREET, WINDOW CLOSED. WINDOW OPEN. GIESEY'S ELEVATING CASEMENT WINDOW HINGE. WindoW PiVOtS TWENTY-THIRD WARD, PATENTED JVV 19"^ IB9B. STEINER & VOEGTLY, 310 WOOD ST., PITTSBURG PA. g^J Uj^geS PITTSBURGH, PA. ' BELL HAZEL 6 LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONES 230-234 Diamond Street PITTSBURG, PA. I P. a A PARK 2BO The Malonc Stone Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO iflL4 ft i. ftfete^ _ (r ==^ Cabot's Shingle Stains Amherst Blae THE ORIGINAL AND STANDARD and Buff Stone THE only Shingle Stains that contain No Kerosene, Benzine or Other Cheapener. Made of the Best ^= Pigments, Pure Linseed Oil and Creosote, "the Best Wood Preservative Known." •M SAMPLES SENT ON REQUEST SAMUEL CABOT, Sole Manufacturer BRANCHES BOSTON, MASS. D. C. THOR.NBURG, Urgent, Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Chicago New York 10 THE BUILDER A & S.WILSON COMPANY Contractors •and= Builders PITTSBURGH PENNSYLVANIA THE MAHONING COUNTY COURT HOUSE, YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO. OWSLEY, BOUCHERLE & CO.. Architects. THE BVILDER Vol. 26 PITTSBURGH, PA., APRIL, 1908 No. 1 PUBLISHED MONTHLY theatre was believed to be fire-proof, and in fact its walls were not badly damaged during the conflagra­ BY tion, but the interior construction was of such a charac­ T. M. WALKER ter that not only were a large number of lives lost, but the interior of the building was practically an entire HEEREN BUILDING PITTSBURGH, PA. loss. If more attention had been given to the neces­ Entered at the Post office at Pittsburgh, Pa., as Second-Class Matter. sary exits, fire-curtains and sprinklers, etc., it is safe to say that many of the lives which were sacrificed would have been saved. SUBSCRIPTION, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE, ONE YEAR, $2 A later fire that has caused considerable comment was that of the Parker Building in New York city. This building was erected some years ago and was by FIRE COST AND PREVENTION courtesy called fire-proof. Its outer walls were of Ever}' little while we hear of the destruction of stone, brick and terra cotta, its skeleton of steel and its one of our so-called "fire-proof" buildings and for a time floor filling of hollow tile. Very good so far, but let the daily papers are filled with excuses as to why they us look into the manner of construction more closelv, burned, and the public wonder if indeed there is really and we find that the steel girders were unprotected at any such thing as a truly fireproof structure. their vulnerable points, the windows were of ordinary The answer is simple. It is possible to erect a glass protected only by an inferior grade of iron shut­ thoroughly fireproof building, but there are a great ter and the elevators were open to every floor, no at­ many buildings put up ever}' year, which though they tempt having been made to protect the building from are built of brick, stone and probably steel and hollow the spread of flames at this point. The water supplv tile, are yet very far from fire-proof. The reason is was so noor that the firemen could reach only to the found in the improper and careless construction, the fifth floo"r.
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