Ordinary Meeting of Council Minutes 25 August 2015 MINUTES OF ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 25 AUGUST 2015 CONTENTS 1. DECLARATION OF OPENING / ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS 1 2. RECORDS OF ATTENDANCE 1 2.1 APOLOGIES 1 2.2 APPROVED LEAVE OF ABSENCE 1 2.3 APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE 2 3. DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS 2 4. PUBLIC QUESTIONS 3 4.1 RESPONSES TO PREVIOUS PUBLIC QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE 3 4.2 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME 3 5. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 5 5.1 Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 28 July 2015 6 5.2 Council Forum held on 11 August 2015 6 5.3 Confidential Items 6 5.3.1 Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 28 July 2015 6 6. PETITIONS / DEPUTATIONS / PRESENTATIONS / SUBMISSIONS 6 6.1 PETITIONS 6 6.2 DEPUTATIONS 6 6.3 PRESENTATIONS 6 6.4 SUBMISSIONS 6 7. BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETING (IF ADJOURNED) 6 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE PRESIDING MEMBER 6 9. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND EMPLOYEE REPORTS 9 9.1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 9 MINUTES OF ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 25 AUGUST 2015 9.2 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 9 9.2.1 Proposed Variation to LPP 26 Subdivisional Requirements Vehicle Crossovers 939 Clackline – Toodyay Road, Hoddy’s Well 9 9.2.2 Proposed Scheme Amendment No. 9 13 9.2.3 AROC Strategic Waste Management Plan 2015-2020 25 9.2.4 Asset Recommendations – Buildings with a current specific shire function or use and Buildings with a commercial Purpose 29 9.2.5 Lot 3 Clackline Toodyay Road – Extractive Industry Licence - Vernice 41 9.3 WORKS AND TECHNICAL SERVICES 62 9.3.1 Request to take responsibility of the Duke Street Rail Footbridge 62 9.3.2 Rural Street Addressing in Bejoording 67 9.4 CORPORATE SERVICES 72 9.4.1 List of Payments – July 2015 72 9.4.2 Financial Statements - July 2015 75 9.4.3 Connor’s Cottage – Future Use 78 9.5 EXECUTIVE SERVICES 87 9.5.1 Rural Water Council of WA – Council Representative 87 9.6 COMMITTEE REPORTS 92 9.6.1 Bush Fire Advisory Committee Recommendation – Appointment of FCO Positions 92 9.6.2 Bush Fire Advisory Committee Nomination - Appointment of Chief and Deputy BFCO Positions 100 9.6.3 Audit Committee Recommendations from May 2015 and August 2015 Audit Committee Meetings 103 MINUTES OF ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 25 AUGUST 2015 10. MOTIONS OF WHICH PREVIOUS NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN 110 11. NOTICES OF MOTION GIVEN AT THE MEETING FOR CONSIDERATION AT NEXT MEETING 110 12. QUESTIONS OF MEMBERS OF WHICH DUE NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN 110 13. NEW BUSINESS OF AN URGENT NATURE INTRODUCED BY DECISION OF MEETING 110 13.1 MEMBERS 110 13.1.1 Cr Craddock – AROC Housing Project 110 13.2 EMPLOYEES 111 14. CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS 111 15. NEXT MEETINGS 111 16. CLOSURE OF MEETING 111 ADDENDUM with separate index follows Item 16. MINUTES OF ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 25 AUGUST 2015 Shire of Toodyay ORDINARY MEETING – 25 AUGUST 2015 MINUTES 1. DECLARATION OF OPENING / ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS Cr Dow, Shire President, declared the meeting open at 4.10 pm. 2. RECORDS OF ATTENDANCE Members Cr D Dow Shire President Cr B Lloyd Deputy Shire President Cr P Greenway Cr T Chitty Cr B Rayner Cr S Craddock Cr R Madacsi Staff Mr S Scott Chief Executive Officer Ms A Bell Manager Community Development Ms C Delmage Manager Corporate Services Mr G Bissett Manager Planning & Development Mr L Vidovich Manager Works and Services Mr R Koch Community Emergency Services Manager Mrs M Rebane Executive Assistant Visitors D Mustchin I Clifton-Shanhun M Leggett M Sinclair-Jones P Robinson C James 2.1 APOLOGIES Cr A McCann 2.2 APPROVED LEAVE OF ABSENCE Nil. 1 MINUTES OF ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 25 AUGUST 2015 2.3 APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE The Shire President advised that Cr McCann had sent an email to him, requesting that he be granted Approved Leave of Absence from 21 September 2015 to 2 October 2015 inclusive. COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO 153/08/15 MOVED Cr Lloyd That the Application for Leave of Absence by Cr McCann from 21 September 2015 to 2 October 2015 inclusive be granted. MOTION CARRIED 7/0 Cr Craddock requested that she be granted Approved Leave of Absence from 27 September 2015 to 2 October 2015 inclusive. COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO 154/08/15 MOVED Cr Rayner That the Application for Leave of Absence by Cr Craddock from 27 September 2015 to 2 October 2015 inclusive be granted. MOTION CARRIED 7/0 3. DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS The Chief Executive Officer advised that Councillor Chitty had submitted a disclosure of interest in the form of a written notice prior to the commencement of the meeting. Cr Chitty declared an Impartiality Interest pursuant to Regulation 11 of the Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007, in relation to Agenda Item 9.2.5 Lot 3 Clackline Toodyay Road – Extractive Industry Licence – Vernice. Cr Chitty advised that “The nature of my interest is that Vernice is owned by my extended family and as a consequence there may be a perception that my impartiality on the matter may be affected. I will therefore declare that: I have no financial interest to declare and I will consider this matter on its merits and vote accordingly.” 2 MINUTES OF ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 25 AUGUST 2015 4. PUBLIC QUESTIONS 4.1 RESPONSES TO PREVIOUS PUBLIC QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE At the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 28 July 2015, the following question was taken on notice: P Perkins Summary of Question One What is the detail the Shire of Toodyay’s Tourism Policy, and can you advise what amounts have been included in forthcoming Shire budgets for the promotion of tourism but excluding the cost of the new Visitor Information Bay and the cost of operating the Toodyay visitors Centre including the purpose of the amounts so budgeted. The Shire does not have a Tourism Policy. However, in the Strategic Community Plan Council identified the need for an Economic Development Plan. Tourism was one of 4 strategic themes in that Economic Development Plan, and also features in our Corporate Business Plan. We may look at a Tourism Plan or Policy in the future, but we are certainly still very active in that space. Council’s adopted budget includes the following: Visitor Centre We have one of the better country visitor centres, open 361 days per year, and we have located our community development team in that building to increase the support and back up for these activities. The visitor centre is working through the accreditation process with Tourism WA and we be supporting training activities for tourism businesses. Avon Promotion and Advertising We promote Toodyay through the Valley for All Season, the Avon Tourism Mag, Experience Perth and work in partnership with TransWA. Signs, Tourism Events and Other This includes new event and date signs to update coming events boards. 3 MINUTES OF ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 25 AUGUST 2015 Tourist Information Bay This new structure will provide both general tourism information, mapping and opportunities for local businesses to promote themselves. Entry Statement Quotes have been invited for the stonework, electrical and lettering. Events funding of almost $100,000 This includes the International Food Festival run by the Shire and community events such as the Moondyne Festival, Christmas Street Party, Picnic Races and Agricultural Show as well as new events in the last 2 years such as the bush poets and the farmers markets. Pull off bays on Flora Roads Allowing tourists to stop safely to view local flora and scenery on key scenic routes. Avon Writers Festival – Toodyay Library This is a joint venture with the Northam Library in September and this year will feature 16 published authors. Community Grants Some of which goes to event’s organisers. Upgrade to Charcoal Lane Toilets This will help fill in a service gap and improve Toodyay’s age friendliness. Toodyay’s Museums Our Museums are a significant Tourist Attraction. The Wiki-towns heritage interpretation project is an excellent interpretation initiative. This year in a joint event on 12 September we will celebrate 20 years of the Avon Link, the 150th Anniversary of the construction of the Newcastle Gaol and officially open the Charcoal Lane car park. Tidy Towns This financial year we will be hosting the National Tidy Towns awards and will be hosting representatives from around Australia which should be a great opportunity to showcase Toodyay to a national audience. 4 MINUTES OF ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 25 AUGUST 2015 4.2 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Nil. 5. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES The Shire President ruled that in accordance with Standing Order 4.6 that Council could consider business for adoption by exception. The Shire President advised that the CEO had collated the Council Meeting Running Sheets and the items to be considered were as follows: 5.1 Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 28 July 2015; 5.2 Council Forum Meeting held on 11 August 2015; and 5.3 Confidential Minuted Items: 5.3.1 Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 28 July 2015. Cr Chitty moved a motion as follows: That Council adopt the Officer's Recommendation contained in the following reports: 5.1 Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 28 July 2015; 5.2 Council Forum Meeting held on 11 August 2015; and 5.3 Confidential Minuted Items: 5.3.1 Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 28 July 2015 by "exception resolution" in accordance with Standing Order 4.6.
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