dnbnor.no Annual Report 2010 B STIKKTITTEL DnB NOR Annual Report 2010 Important events in 2010 1 2 3 4 FIRST QUARTER SECOND QUARTER THIRD QUARTER FOURTH QUARTER • The Group presented new fi nan- • The merger between Nordito • DnB NOR exercised the option • Standard & Poor’s ranked cial targets at its Capital Markets and the Danish company PBS entitling the Group to purchase DnB NOR as the eleventh best Day in London Holding was completed the remaining 49 per cent of the capitalised bank among the shares in DnB NORD 75 largest international banks • The Group initiated an evalua- • The Board of Directors decided worldwide tion of the shareholder agree- to unite the Group under one • The Group climbed seven places ment relating to DnB NORD brand and to discontinue the in Synovate’s annual corporate • The Group’s score in the annual use of the Postbanken brand reputation ranking and was Greenwich survey, measur- among the best banks ing customer satisfaction in • The bank established its own the large corporate segment, Facebook page • For the second consecutive improved from 59 points in year, DnB NOR qualifi ed for 2009 to 74 points in 2010 • DnB NOR Eiendom launched a inclusion in the Dow Jones Sus- property search application for tainability World Index and was • DnB NOR was ranked as one Iphone thus among the top 10 per cent of the best banks in the cat- within its industry worldwide in egory “home mortgages above terms of sustainability NOK 2 million” by Dine Penger, a Norwegian personal fi nances • The Group launched index funds magazine • The Group launched special home mortgages for young people • The bank introduced 24/7 cus- tomer service FINANCIAL CALENDAR 2011 Annual accounts 2010 (preliminary fi gures) and fourth quarter 2010 10 FEBRUARY CONTACT PERSONS Annual General Meeting 28 APRIL BJØRN ERIK NÆSS Chief fi nancial offi cer First quarter 6 MAY Tel.: (+47) 22 48 29 22 [email protected] Distribution of dividends AS OF 10 MAY Capital Markets Day in Oslo 15 JUNE PER SAGBAKKEN Head of Investor Relations/ Second quarter 12 JULY Long-term Funding Tel.: (+47) 22 48 20 72 Third quarter 27 OCTOBER [email protected] DnB NOR Annual Report 2010 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS BUSINESS REVIEW 2010 1) ANNUAL REPORT 2010 DnB NOR 2 History Governance in in brief 2 Legal structure DnB NOR 3 Norway’s leading fi nancial services group 4 Key fi gures 5 Financial performance 2010 2 5 Key fi gures – DnB NOR share 2 6 DnB NOR’s geographic presence 7 DnB NOR’s market shares in Norway 7 DnB NOR’s international units 2 Board of Directors 8 Business areas 4 Governing bodies in 10 DnB NOR’s strategy DnB NOR ASA 12 Group chief executive’s statement 6 Corporate governance Changes in the Directors’ report and regulatory framework annual accounts 16 14 16 Basel III 16 Directors’ report 18 Important IFRS amendments 25 Annual accounts 19 Regulation of remunerations in the fi nancial servies 122 Auditor’s report industry 123 Control Committee’s report 19 Report from the Financial Crisis Commission 124 Key fi gures Business areas 22 22 Organisation and management of operations 24 Retail Banking 27 Large Corporates and International 30 DnB NOR Markets 33 Insurance and Asset Management 36 DnB NORD Governance in DnB NOR 40 40 Group management 42 Corporate governance (summary) 43 Risk management and internal control 45 Capital management and risk categories 57 The DnB NOR share 1) ABOUT DnB NOR’S REPORTING Society and DnB NOR’s reporting for 2010 is divided into two printed reports. employees BUSINESS REVIEW 2010: Contains detailed information about DnB NOR’s operations. 64 ANNUAL REPORT 2010: Contains detailed information about the Group’s Board of Directors and corporate governance, and includes the directors’ report and the annual accounts. 64 Corporate social responsibility Both reports are available online at dnbnor.no/about-us 68 Employees 2 GOVERNANCE IN DnB NOR DnB NOR Annual Report 2010 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1 ANNE CARINE TANUM (born 1954) 2 BJØRN SUND (born 1945) Chairman of the board in DnB NOR and Board vice-chairman in DnB NOR DnB NOR Bank (board member since 1999) (board member since 1999) Sund headed the work of building the new Former board member in DnB Holding, university hospital in Akershus. Managing Den norske Bank and Vital Forsikring. director and board chairman in Advansia, Board chairman in the House of Literature a company specialising in project and Foundation and Kilden Drift AS. Board construction management for large and member in the South-Eastern Norway complex projects. Board vice-chairman Regional Health Authority, Cappelen Damm in Gassnova SF. Former board chairman 1 AS, Try AS, the Henie Onstad Art Centre in Gjensidige NOR and board member in and IRIS. Former board chairman in the Union Bank of Norway. Sund headed the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation development of the Winter Olympics site (NRK), board vice-chairman in the Nor- at Lillehammer, the Gardermoen airport wegian National Opera and long-standing project and the Telenor project at Fornebu. managing director and owner of Tanum He is a graduate of the Norwegian AS. Tanum holds a law degree from the University of Technology in Trondheim. University of Oslo. Attended 13 of 13 board meetings in 2010. Attended 13 of 13 board meetings in 2010. 2 3 GUNILLA BERG (born 1960) 3 Board member in DnB NOR (board member since 2009) Executive vice president and CFO in Teracom Group. Former executive vice president and CFO in SAS AB and Kooperativa Förbundet AB and regional head of staff in AGA. Berg is a graduate of the Stockholm School of Economics. Attended 11 of 13 board meetings in 2010. 4 5 6 4 BENTE BREVIK (born 1964) Board member in DnB NOR (board member since 2010) Brevik is managing director of Stabburet AS and a member of Orkla Foods Nordic’s management team. Board member in Dagligvareleverandørenes Forening (Grocery Manufacturers of Norway), Bakers AS and Procordia Food AB. She has previously held various positions in Nidar AS, Varta Battery AS and SC Johnson. Brevik is a graduate of BI Norwegian School of Management. Attended 6 of 13 board meetings in 2010 (elected to the Board on 15 June 2010). DnB NOR Annual Report 2010 GOVERNANCE IN DnB NOR 3 7 8 5 PER HOFFMANN (born 1951) Board employee representative in DnB NOR and DnB NOR Bank (board member since 1999) Employee representative in DnB NOR Bank. Former board member in DnB Holding and Den norske Bank. Attended 5 of 13 board meetings in 2010. 6 JØRN O. KVILHAUG (born 1951) Board employee representative in DnB NOR and Vital Forsikring (board member since 1999) Full-time employee representative since 2005. Chief employee representative in Vital Forsikring. Former board member in DnB Holding. Kvilhaug previously worked as an insurance agent in the corporate market in Vital Forsikring. 9 Attended 9 of 13 board meetings in 2010. ous positions in Christiania Bank. Is former 7 BENT PEDERSEN (born 1942) political adviser for the Conservative Party’s Board member in DnB NOR and board parliamentary group and is now board chair- vice-chairman in DnB NOR Bank man in Oslo Teknopol IKS. Rimmereid has a (board member since 1999) master’s degree in business administration Pedersen serves on the boards of several and is an authorised fi nancial analyst from Danish companies. Former board member the Norwegian School of Economics and in DnB Holding and board vice-chairman Business Administration. in Den norske Bank. Managing director of KIRKBI A/S in Billund, Denmark from 1995 Attended 12 of 13 board meetings in 2010. to 2006. He previously held executive posi- tions in Privatbanken in Denmark and was a member of the group management team 9 INGJERD SKJELDRUM (born 1957) in Unibank in Denmark. He holds a cand. Board employee representative in merc. degree from Copenhagen Business DnB NOR and DnB NOR Bank School. (board member since 2002) Full-time employee representative since Attended 12 of 13 board meetings in 2010. 1990 and chief group employee repre- sentative for Union Bank of Norway from February 2000. Group employee repre- 8 TORE OLAF RIMMEREID (born 1962) sentative in DnB NOR since 2003. Member Board member in DnB NOR of the national board of the Finance Sector (board member since 2008) Union. She is a former board member in Former board member in DnB NOR Bank. Union Bank of Norway and Gjensidige President and CEO of E-CO Energi AS, previ- NOR and has held positions within the ous head of the Finance and Administration retail market in Gjensidige NOR. Department in the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) and group executive vice Attended 12 of 13 board meetings in 2010. president, Financial Reporting and Finance, in the SpareBank 1 Group. He has held vari- 4 GOVERNANCE IN DnB NOR DnB NOR Annual Report 2010 GOVERNING BODIES IN DnB NOR ASA SUPERVISORY BOARD Members elected by employees Members elected by shareholders Rune André Bernbo, Frogn (120) Amund Skarholt, Oslo (chairman) (1 222) Bente H. Espenes, Oslo (402) Eldbjørg Løwer, Kongsberg (vice-chairman) (200) Bjørn Hennum, Drammen (395) Nils Halvard Bastiansen, Bærum (0) Svein Ove Kvalheim, Bergen (1 532) Toril Eidesvik, Bergen (0) Carl A. Løvvik, Bergen (116) Camilla Marianne Grieg, Bergen (0) Svein Kåre Mikkelsen, Bergen (0) Elisabeth Grændsen, Lillehammer (244) Einar Pedersen, Kristiansund (0) Herbjørn Hansson, Sandefjord (0) Eli Solhaug, Oslo (2 959) Leif O. Høegh, Oslo (0) Marianne Steinsbu, Oslo (3 602) Knut Hartvig Johannson, Snarøya (24 502) Per Åge Sørby, Oslo (0) Tomas Leire, Kristiansand (1 466) Per Otterdahl Møller, Skien (0) Deputies elected by employees Dag J.
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