YEARBOOK OF THE INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION LAW THE INTERNATIONAL YEARBOOK OF A/CN.4/SER.A/1996/Add.1 (Part 1) YEARBOOK OF THE INTERNATIONAL l LAW COMMISSION 1996 1996 Volume II Volume Volume II Part One l Part One Documents of the forty-eighth session United Nations publication ISBN 978-92-1-233306-9 Sales No. E.98.V.9 (Part 1) ISSN 0082-8289 UNITED NATIONS Printed at United Nations, Geneva–GE.07-60137–November 2008–2,175 UNITED NATIONS A/CN.4/SER.A/1996/Add.1 (Part 1) YEARBOOK OF THE INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION 1996 Volume II0 Part One0 Documents of the forty-eighth session UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, 2008 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. References to the Yearbook of the International Law Commission are abbreviated to Yearbook ..., followed by the year (for example, Yearbook ... 1995). The Yearbook for each session of the International Law Commission comprises two volumes: Volume I: summary records of the meetings of the session; Volume II (Part One): reports of special rapporteurs and other documents consid- ered during the session; Volume II (Part Two): report of the Commission to the General Assembly. All references to these works and quotations from them relate to the final printed texts of the volumes of the Yearbook issued as United Nations publications. * * * The reports of the special rapporteurs and other documents considered by the Com- mission during its forty-eighth session, which were originally issued in mimeographed form, are reproduced in the present volume, incorporating the corrigenda issued by the Secretariat and the editorial changes required for the presentation of the final text. A/CN.4/SER.A/1996/Add.l (Part 1) UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION Sales No.: E.98.V.9 (Part 1) ISBN 978-92-1-233306-9 ISSN 0082-8289 ii CONTENTS Page Abbreviations ...................................................................................................... iv Note concerning quotations ................................................................................ iv State responsibility (agenda item 2) Document A/CN.4/476 and Add.1. Eighth report on State responsibility, by Mr. Gaetano Arangio-Ruiz, Special Rapporteur ............................................. 1 Draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind (agenda item 3) Document ILC(XLVIII)/DC/CRD.3. Document on crimes against the environ- ment, prepared by Mr. Christian Tomuschat, member of the Commission .... 15 International liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law (agenda item 4) Document A/CN.4/475 and Add.1. Twelfth report on international liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law, by Mr. Julio Barboza, Special Rapporteur .............................................. 29 The law and practice relating to reservations to treaties (agenda item 5) Document A/CN.4/477 and Add.1. Second report on reservations to treaties, by Mr. Alain Pellet, Special Rapporteur .............................................................. 37 Document A/CN.4/478. Annex I: Bibliography ................................................... 85 Annex II: Questionnaire on the topic of reservations to treaties addressed to States Members of the United Nations or of a specialized agency or parties to the ICJ Statute ............................................................................................. 97 Annex III: Questionnaire on the topic of reservations to treaties addressed to international organizations .............................................................................. 107 State succession and its impact on the nationality of natural and legal per- sons (agenda item 6) Document A/CN.4/474. Second report on State succession and its impact on the nationality of natural and legal persons, by Mr. Václav Mikulka, Special Rapporteur ....................................................................................................... 119 Checklist of documents of the forty-eighth session .................................... 153 iii ABBREVIATIONS CAHDI Ad Hoc Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law ECE Economic Commission for Europe FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization ICJ International Court of Justice ILO International Labour Organization IMF International Monetary Fund IMO International Maritime Organization ITU International Telecommunication Union OAS Organization of American States OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNHCR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees WHO World Health Organization WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization * * * Collected Courses … Collected Courses of The Hague Academy of International Law I.C.J. Reports ICJ, Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders ILM International Legal Materials ILR International Law Reports P.C.I.J., Series A PCIJ, Collection of Judgments (Nos. 1–24, up to and including 1930) Recueil des cours… Recueil des cours de l’Académie de droit international de La Haye UNRIAA United Nations, Reports of International Arbitral Awards * * * NOTE CONCERNING QUOTATIONS In quotations, words or passages in italics followed by an asterisk were not italicized in the original text. Unless otherwise indicated, quotations from works in languages other than English have been translated by the Secretariat. iv STATE RESPONSIBILITY [Agenda item 2] DOCUMENT A/CN.4/476 and Add.1* Eighth report on State responsibility, by Mr. Gaetano Arangio-Ruiz, Special Rapporteur [Original: English] [14 and 24 May 1996] CONTENTS Paragraphs Page INTRODUCT I ON ........................................................................................................................... 1 2 Chapter I. PROBLEMS RELATING TO THE REGIME OF INTERNATIONALLY WRONGFUL ACTS SINGLED OUT AS CRIMES IN ARTICLE 19 OF P ART ONE OF THE DRAFT ARTICLES ............................................... 2−46 2 A. The fate of draft article 19 of part one ........................................................................ 3−8 2 B. The special and additional substantive consequences of crimes ................................ 9−24 3 1. A general point .................................................................................................... 9−10 3 2. Draft article 16 as proposed ................................................................................ 11−17 3 3. Draft article 17 as proposed ................................................................................ 18−21 4 4. Draft article 18 as proposed ................................................................................ 22−24 4 C. The institutional aspects of the legal regime of crimes .............................................. 25−41 5 1. De lege lata objections ........................................................................................ 27−38 5 2. De lege ferenda objections .................................................................................. 39−41 6 D. Conclusions: draft article 4 as adopted by the Commission and draft article 20 as proposed by the Special Rapporteur in his seventh report ......................................... 42−46 7 II. OTHER ISSUES TO WHICH THE SP ECIAL RA pp ORTEUR DEEMS IT NECESSARY TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE COMMISSION IN VIEW OF THE COM P LETION OF THE FIRST READING OF THE DRAFT ARTICLES ............................................................................................................ 47−84 8 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 47 8 A. The role of fault in general and in connection with satisfaction ................................ 48−55 8 B. The dispute settlement provisions of parts two and three of the draft articles ........... 56−79 9 1. General ............................................................................................................... 56−60 9 2. Pre-countermeasure settlement obligations: article 12 of part two ..................... 61−68 10 3. Post-countermeasure dispute settlement obligations (part three) ........................ 69−73 11 4. Issues of interim protective measures ................................................................. 74−79 11 C. Proportionality ............................................................................................................ 80−84 12 * Incorporating document A/CN.4/476/Corr.1. 1 2 Documents of the forty-eighth session Introduction 1. The object of the present report is to address a few is- parts two and three of the draft. The main issues among sues to which the Special Rapporteur hopes the Commis- these relate to matters that the Commission will consider sion will give some further thought before completing, as in the course of its forty-eighth session—in plenary, in the planned, the first reading of the draft articles.1 The issues Drafting Committee, or in both—with regard to the legal in question, some of which are interrelated, concern only regime of the consequences of the internationally wrong- ful acts singled out as crimes in article 19 of part one of 1 For the text of parts one to three of the draft articles, see Year- the draft articles as adopted on
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