Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol. LII No. 11 June 7, 2021 www.cpp.ph 9 NPA offensives in 9 days VARIOUS UNITS OF the New People's Army (NPA) mounted nine tactical offensives in the provinces of Davao Oriental, Quezon, Occidental Mindoro, Camarines Sur, Northern Samar at Samar within nine days. Six‐ teen enemy troopers were killed while 18 others were wounded. In Davao Oriental, the NPA ambushed a military vehicle traversing the road at Sitio Tagawisan, Badas, Mati City, in the morning of May 30. Wit‐ nesses reported that two ele‐ EDITORIAL ments of 66th IB aboard the vehicle were slain. The offensive was launched just a kilometer Resist the scheme away from a checkpoint of the PNP Task Force Mati. to perpetuate In Quezon, the NPA am‐ bushed troops of the 85th IB in Duterte's tyranny Barangay Batbat Sur, Buenavista on June 6. A soldier was killed odrigo Duterte's desperate cling to power is a manifestation of the in‐ and two others were wounded. soluble crisis of the ruling semicolonial and semifeudal system. It In Occidental Mindoro, the Rbreeds the worst form of reactionary rule and exposes its rotten core. NPA-Mindoro ambushed joint It further affirms the correctness of waging revolutionary struggle to end the operatives of the 203rd IBde and rule of the reactionary classes and establish people's democracy. police aboard a military vehicle at Sitio Banban, Nicolas, A few months prior to the 2022 ties and dictators. Magsaysay on May 28. The said national and local elections, the This maneuver is turning out to unit was on its way to a coun‐ ruling Duterte fascist clique is now be Duterte's main tactic to legalize terinsurgency program in an ad‐ busy paving the way to perpetuate his stay in power beyond the end of jacent barangay, along with its tyrannical rule. In a Duterte-en‐ his term in 2022. If this happens, several local government offi‐ dorsed meeting of the PDP-Laban Duterte will remain de facto presi‐ cials. Three were reportedly leadership, it issued the vile resolu‐ dent, if not actual president once killed and 10 were seriously in‐ tion to support his vice-presidency his annointed president resigns to jured. and to have him pick his own presi‐ allow him to sit once more in his The NPA-Mindoro belied ac‐ dential running mate. Malacañang throne. cusations by the 203rd IBde that This is clearly a plan to circum‐ Duterte’s choice to go the elec‐ the ambush targeted Gov. Ed vent the 1987 constitution's prohi‐ tion route which is relatively more Gadiano. It stated that Red bition against the reelection of a complicated than open imposition of fighters ensured the safe pas‐ sitting president, and is an outright fascist dictatorship to remain in sage of vehicles with civilians be‐ violation of the underlying principle power shows that he has not consoli‐ fore carrying out the offensive. against the perpetuation of dynas‐ "Resist...," continued on page 2 "9 NPA...," continued on page 3 "Resist...," from page 1 have deep qualms about his vice- his addiction to power and fear of dated the ruling system in his favor. presidency run. They are bound to taking responsibility for his sins and In the face of deepening factionalism break away from the Duterte ranks. crimes. Over the past five years, he within the Armed Forces of the Duterte's allies are also gravely used Malacañang to accumulate Philippines and Philippine National apprehensive over his plans. They wealth and priviledge, to betray the Police, Duterte is incapable of declar‐ consider plans to have his daughter nation in exchange for paltry bene‐ ing martial law without fear of back‐ Sara or factotum Bong Go run as his fits from the imperialists, to seize fire. He fears a mutiny of pro-US president as further concentrating the business of his rivals, to favor officials who are against the increas‐ power of the Dutertes. On the one the business of some oligarchs and ing influence of China and his fa‐ hand, Duterte cannot be sure that an to take over control of the drug syn‐ voritism in the distribution of the loot ally that he will get as president will dicate behind the veil of his "war on of corruption and criminal activities. bow to him when the time comes. On drugs" which has killed 30,000 lives. Duterte's plan to run as vice the other hand, any ally he will get to While not enough funds have been president elated his minions who run as president will always fear alloted to pandemic response, edu‐ have been rewarded with top bu‐ Duterte's coup or assassination plots cation and health, Duterte has reaucratic positions, government to take back his throne. Even now, poured the people's money to the contracts, corruption of public funds some of Duter te's key allies are ma‐ military and police in its cruel and and a share in drug smuggling and neuvering to prevent Duterte's plans dirty war in a desperate attempt to other criminal activites. They ex‐ to remain in Malacañang. If Duterte suppress the people's democratic pressed high praises for the dictator will push his scheme, he will also be struggles and to crush the armed in the hope that they would get a putting to risk his political alliances. revolutionary movement. bigger share in the next six years. Duterte's plans to remain in Duterte's thirst for power is Duterte's plan to cling to power power beyond 2022 was widely de‐ matched by his contempt for the beyond 2022, however, is also caus‐ nounced and repudiated. This is an people's national and democratic in‐ ing rifts among his followers and expression of the people's utter ab‐ terests. In five years, he has ruled as with his alliance with the Marcoses, horrence of the Duterte tyranny a tyrant and used state violence to Arroyos and other reactionary and their profound aspiration to see impose fear on the people. Duterte cliques, who aspire to have more an end to their sufferings under the wants to remain in power until he power, if not sit on top of the heap. evil regime. dies to avoid being punished for cor‐ The ambitious pro-Duterte politicos Duterte's cling on power shows ruption, treachery and terrorism. In the face of all this, the Fil‐ ipino people must manifest their ANG Contents militance to frustrate Duterte's schemes and make him account and Editorial: Resist the scheme to perpetuate pay for all his major crimes against Vol. LII No. 11 | No. 7, 2021 Du ter te's tyranny 1 the people. 9 NPA offensives in 9 days 1 The situation compels all demo‐ Ang Ang Bayan is published cratic forces to unite with the aim of Imperialist campaign of counter-terrorism 3 in Pilipino, Bisaya, Iloko, ending Duterte's reign in the soon‐ Residents evict soldiers in Quezon 3 Hiligaynon, Waray, est possible. The broad ranks of the Den nis Uy's acquisition of Ma lam pa ya 5 English and Spanish. people must be organized and mobi‐ Ang Bayan welcomes No justice for Marawi residents 5 lized to link their urgent demands contributions in the form Protests 5 for higher wages and subsidies with of articles and news items. 2 NDFP consultants killed 6 the clamor to end the anti-people Readers are encouraged China wagers on Duterte 6 regime. While some will face Duterte to send feedback and In short 8 in the elections, the majority of recommendations forces must strengthen unions and Mega dams on Apayao-Abulog River 9 for improving our newspaper. associations in factories, communi‐ Disecting the "Forbes 2000" 10 ties, schools, hospitals and offices. @prwc_info Big assemblies must be mounted to fb.com/editorsofAB strengthen the people's determina‐ tion to launch collective struggles in [email protected] the streets and other avenues. The New People's Army must also mount bigger tactical offensives to contrib‐ Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee ute to the overall effort to end the of the Communist Party of the Philippines fascist regime. 2 June 7, 2021 ANG BAYAN Imperialist campaign of counter-terrorism he oral arguments at the Supreme Court on the Anti-Terror Law (ATL) terrorism" peddled by the UNSC Tended last May 17. This came after four months of debates since lawyers was not a result of any interna‐ of petitioners filed their cases against the oppressive law. tional treaty or agreement. This was imposed across the globe in The anti-democratic nature of People's Army as "terrorist organi‐ compliance with the dictates of im‐ the ATL was further manifested zations." perialist countries comprising the when the Anti-Terrorism Council From the very beginning, the UNSC. In fact, there is no interna‐ (ATC) accused 29 individuals of be‐ regime's lawyers are insisting that tional consensus on the legal defini‐ ing "terrorists,” including known the enactment of the ATL and the tion of terrorism. peace consultants of the National listing of so-called terrorists are in The UN is dominated by the Se‐ Democratic Front of the Philippines accordance with international laws curity Council which is comprised by who were tagged as leaders of the and resolutions issued by the United five permanent member-countries Communist Party of the Philippines Nations Security Council (UNSC). which are all imperialists—-US, (CPP). Last December 2020, the Unlike other international laws, United Kingdom, France, Russia and ATC also listed the CPP and the New the policy of "international counter- "Imperialist...," continued on page 4 "9 NPA...," from page 1 Residents evict occupying soldiers Two successive ambushes were mounted by the NPA-West he National Democratic Front-Southern Tagalog (NDF-ST) lauded in its Camarines Sur against troops of Tstatement last June 2 the bravery and unity manifested by the people of the 9th IB in Barangay Camba‐ Quezon as they were able to successfully evict four military encampments lidio, Libmanan in the morning of from their villages.
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