Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 1 APRIL 1952 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 2078 M ember Sworn [ASSEMBLY.] Question.<~, QUESTIONS. EuREKA CREEK ·wEIRS. IUr. H. B. TAYJ,OR (Clayfieldi asked the Secretary for Public Lands and Irrigation- "In relation to the Bruce \Veir :111rl Leaf­ gold \Vrir, on the Walsh River, and Solanum IV cir, on Eureka Creek, will he advise- '' 1. How many pumping licenc~s ha Ye been approved above ancl belfm· these three weirs? '' 2. HmY manY license<l farmers- have pnmpecl water fr:om these stol'ages since 1 ,January lasH '' 3. Has any charge been made for this ''"ater, and, if not, are the Go.-ernment giving consideration to a. charge for water made available to farmers by the Irdgation Commission in the ::-vrar:eeba­ Dimhulah area, as has been done at the Clare Irrigation area?'' Hon. 1'. A. :FOLEY (Delyanclo} replied- " 1. Bruce \Veir, 30 licences; T,enfgolcl Weir, 14 licence,;; Solanum \Vcir, 10 licences. '' 2. Figures arc not available. Owing to completion of this season's tobacco Cl'op, and the fact that l'ain has fallen, it is unlikely that much demand has been made on the storages since 1 January last. '' 3. The question of making a charge is Teceh-ing cousiclcm tion.' ' J·:xPE::-fDITGRE ON NORTHERN STA'l'E HIGHWAY. ~Jr. COBURN (Burdekin) asked the TrcasuTer- "l!p to the latest date foT ''"hieh the :figures are available, what was the total cxpemliture on the following sections of the Northern State Highwny, viz., (a) Proser­ pine to AyT, nnd (b) Ayr to Towns.-i!!e ·? '' Hon. E. J. WALSH (Bundaberg} replied- TUESDAY, 1 APRIL, 1952. '' Since inception of the ]\fain Ro:-uh Board until 29 FebruaT:y, 1952, the total expenditure, including both permanent woTks and maintenance, is as follows:­ Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. J. H. :\J::um, Bris­ (a) Proserpinc to Ayr, £;'i20,000; (b) Ayr bane) took the chair at 11 a.m. to Tmvns.-ille, £776,000.'' ASSENT TO BILLS. XEW BOWEX-COLLIXSVILLE ROAD. Assent to the following Bills Teported by Mr. COBUR'Y (Burdekin} asl;.ed the Mr. Speaker- Treasurer- '' In reference to his answer last year State Electricity Commission Acts and to my question relative to Commomrenlth Another Act Amendment Bill. aid towanls the construction of a main Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration road between Bowen and Collinsville, has Acts Amendment Bill. construction of this road been commenced'? If not, when is it likely to be commenced~'' MEMBER SWORN. Hon. E. J. WALSH (Bundaberg) replied- Mr. Thomas Martin Crowley took the oath " Because of shortage of surveying staff of alliJginnM. it has not yet been possible to detail a Ma1 eeba-Dirnbu,lah [1 APRll..] Irrigation l'Toject. :lOi!J surveyor for this 1rork, although the route recommendations of the Commissioner of has been p.xaminccl bY the Commissioner's Irrigation and Water Supply which District Engineer.'' • appear on page 4 of his report on the Mareeba-Dimbulah Irrigation project.' '' XUMBERS AND COSTS, MINISTERIAL CARS. Motion agreed to. 3Ir. COBGRN (Burdekin), for Jir. AIKENS (Mundingburra), asked the COMMITTEE. Premier- (The Chairman of Committees, Mr. Farrell, '' 1. What are the makes and purchase l\1aryborough, in the chair.) prices of all cars used by Cabinet i\Tinisters? Hon. T. A. FOLEY (Belyando-Secre­ '' 2. VV!wt is the annual cost of running tary for Public I,ands and Irrigation) (11.10 and maintenance (including drivers' wages) a.m.) : I move- of the Ministerial fleet of cars? '' That the House approYCs of the estab­ lisluuent of the undertaking (Marecba­ '' 3. Are Ministers limited to the use of Dimbulah Irrigation project) in acconlauce one car each, or is it a fact that some ::lfinisters are provided IYith more than one? with the Jll'ovisions of the Inigation Acts, 192:l to 1949, and the recommendations of If so, who are the Ministers aml how many eclrs haH each?'' the Commissiouer of Irrigation and \Vater Supply which appear on page 4 of his Hon. V. C. HAIIt (Sout11 Brisbane) revort on the 2.fareeba-Dimbulah Irrigation rcplie(L- project.'' 1 '' The number of cars allotted fOT the l! or :1 nu1uher of years fanners in tlle use of Ministers is the minimum requirec1 Mareeba-Dimhulah area have grown tobueco for the purpose of enabling them to cany under dry-farming conditions, hut experience out their official duties. Thev are of has slwm1 that if this valuable industrY is various makes and 1vere ptu~hased at to be maintained and expanded irrigatio'n is figures much lower than present-day values. essential. The resnlb; obtained by 1hcs<> Furthermore, the number has not increasocl farmers, ll'llo are favourablv situatetl on for come years and, as a matter of fact, it flo11·ing stremns or near 11·eirs that have is less than for some time past, notwith­ hcen eom;tructed, have tlemonstratcd that standing the increase in the number of 1vith 111 c controlletl application of water Ly Cabinet Ministers. The total cost of run­ irrigation, excellent yields of high-quality leaf ning anc1 maintenance for the financial can he olJtainecl, but unfortunately much year 1950-1951 (inclm1ing drivers' wages good tohneco lnlltl is not acljacnnt to streams afnounting to approximately £6,300) was or to weirs. £10,532 6s. 4cl. I IYOu!cl mention that cars Even though augmented by several 1vcirs allocated to Ministers are used extensivelv already constructc•tl by the Irrigation an<l by departmental officers for departmenh~l \Vater Supply Commission the water in the purposes. These cars are also made ::tvail­ Walsh Hiver at present a.vailable is inacle­ able to visiting :Ministers from other States, quate to meet the tremendous demand for irr~spective of the political party '\'ith water in that area and this unsatisfactory winch they are associated, and to visiting condition of many farms in the valley gave <liplomats and distinguished persons from rise to the demand for the conservation of :1 broad. It will, of course, l)c appreciated water. Upon the recommendation of the that Ministers are required to do a con­ Bureau of Im-cstigation of Land ancl \Vater si<lera.ble amount of -tr>n-elling by car in Resources surveys were underta.ken, which order to undertake inspections, the opening resulted in the location of a practicable site of industrial a.ncl agricultural exhibitions for a clam at K ullinga. on the \Valsh River. and other Ministerial business, at the Military contour maps produeed from aerial request of hon. members of both sides of suneys during the war having made it evi­ the House.'' dent that water could be diverted from the Barron Rh-er oyer the divide into the valley MAREEBA-DIMBULAH IRRIGATION of the Walsh River, the then Commissioner PROJECT. of Irrigation and \>Vater Supply, Mr. Lang, submitted in 1949 a report upon a proposal APPROVAL OF UNDERTAKING-INITIATION, to develop an irrigation area. by the con­ struction of a clam on the \>Valsh River, known Hon. T. A. FOLEY (Belyando-Secre­ as the N ullinga dam, this supply to be supple­ tary for Public Lands and Irrigation): I mented later from a relatively small dam on lllOYc-- the Ban·on Riyer. Mr. Lnng thought that ''That the Speaker do now leave the woulcl be the best method of providing water Chair and the House resolve itself into a for 40,000 acres that lie in the Marec ba­ Committee of the Whole to consider the Dimbulah area. I have this recommenda.tion following resolution:- with me, and his second recommendation 'That the House approves of the reads:- establishment of the undertaking ''That innstigations now in progress be (Mareeba-Dimbulah Irrigation Project) extemlecl and expnnded to cover all develop­ in accordance with the provisions of The mental possibilities inherent in the Il'l'igation Acts, 1922 to 1949, and the l\farecba-Dimbulah irrigation pl'Ojcct.'' 2080 Mareeba-Dimbulah [ASSEMBLY.] Irrigation Project. As a result of those further investigations, "(7) Although the total expenditure on it has been shown that a large reservoir can Tinaroo Falls dam and irrigation works is be created by building a larger dam at approximately 50 per cent. greater than Tinaroo Falls on the Barron River instead that for Nullinga dam and irrigation works, of the smaller dam previously proposed. In production is nearly twice as great. the report now before the House the Com­ '' (8) The ratio of the value of increased missioner of Irrigation and Water Supply production to expenditure is much greater has submitted for comparison alternative for Tinaroo Falls dam than for Nullinga schemes, (a) and (b), each of which would dam.'' involve the construction of a dam on the Walsh River at Nullinga and another dam Hon. members will agree that after that on the Barron River at Tinaroo Falls. As thorough investigation and analysis there is he points out, either of the two schemes no ot:her alternative but to accept the Com­ could be carried out in two stages. The missioner's recommendation as set out in his alternative schemes differ mainly in the order report. Another very important point is that in which the dams would be built. water available from the Tinaroo Falls dam will provide adequate development in the When that point was reached, an economic Mareeba area for many years and the decision analysis was made, the results of which arc to construct one dam only instead of two set out in Table A of the report, and which will make resources available at an earlier establish beyond doubt that if the Barron date to begin other projects in other parts River is adopted as a source of supply only of the State.
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