S6658 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE June 8, 1999 VOINOVICH, and I ask that it be num- SEC. 8109. Of the funds appropriated in title supporting the strike missions against Yugo- bered and qualified. IV under the heading ``RESEARCH, DEVELOP- slavia, some of the longest combat missions The PRESIDING OFFICER. The MENT, TEST, AND EVALUATION, ARMY'', up to in the history of the Air Force. clerk will report. $5,000,000 may be available for visual display (5) The bravery and professionalism of the The assistant legislative clerk read performance and visual display environ- personnel of Whiteman Air Force Base have as follows: mental research and development. advanced American interests in the face of significant challenge and hardship. TEVENS The Senator from Alaska [Mr. S ], AMENDMENT NO. 594 (6) The dedication of those who serve in the for Mr. VOINOVICH, proposes an amendment Armed Forces, exemplified clearly by the numbered 591. (Purpose: To increase by $10,000,000 the amount provided for the Army for other personnel of Whiteman Air Force Base, is the The amendment is as follows: procurement for an immediate assessment greatest national security asset of the At the appropriate place in the bill, insert of biometrics sensors and templates reposi- United States. the following new section: tory requirements, and for combining and (b) It is the sense of Congress thatÐ SEC. Of the funds appropriated in this consolidating biometrics security tech- (1) the skill and professionalism with Act under the heading ``Operation and Main- nology and other information assurance which the B±2 bomber has been used in Oper- tenance, Army'', up to $500,000 may be avail- technologies to accomplish a more focused ation Allied Force is a credit to the per- able for a study of the costs and feasibility of and effective information assurance effort) sonnel of Whiteman Air Force Base, Mis- a project to remove ordnance from the Tous- souri, and the Air Force; saint River. On page 107, between lines 12 and 13, insert (2) the B±2 bomber has demonstrated an the following: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The unparalleled capability to travel long dis- SEC. 8109. Of the funds appropriated in title tances and deliver devastating weapons pay- amendment is numbered and laid aside. III under the heading ``OTHER PROCUREMENT, Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I sug- loads, proving its essential role for United ARMY'', $51,250,000 shall be available for the States power projection in the future; and gest the absence of a quorum. Information System Security Program, of (3) the crews of the B±2 bomber and the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The which up to $10,000,000 may be made avail- personnel of Whiteman Air Force Base de- clerk will call the roll. able for an immediate assessment of bio- serve the gratitude of the American people The legislative assistant proceeded metrics sensors and templates repository re- for their dedicated performance in an indis- to call the roll. quirements and for combining and consoli- pensable role in the air campaign against Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I ask dating biometrics security technology and Yugoslavia and in the defense of the United unanimous consent that the order for other information assurance technologies to States. accomplish a more focused and effective in- the quorum call be rescinded. formation assurance effort. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without AMENDMENT NO. 597 objection, it is so ordered. In the appropriate page in the bill, insert AMENDMENT NO. 595 the following: AMENDMENTS NOS. 592 THROUGH 601, EN BLOC (Purpose: To set aside $10,000,000 of Oper- SEC. Of the funds appropriated in title Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I have ation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide III under the heading ``Aircraft Procure- a series of amendments that I ask be funds for carrying out first-year actions of ment, Air Force,'' up to $10,000,000 may be adopted at this time: A Bond-Santorum the 5-year research plan for addressing made available for U±2 aircraft defensive sys- amendment, $4 million for MTAPP; low-level exposures to chemical warfare tem modernization. Senator HELMS amendment, $5 million agents) for visual display environmental re- On page 107, between lines 12 and 13, insert AMENDMENT NO. 598 search; Senator BYRD, $10 million for the following: (Purpose: To set aside $25,185,000, the amount addressing exposure to chemical war- SEC. 8109. Of the funds appropriated in title provided for research and development re- II under the heading ``OPERATION AND MAIN- lating to Persian Gulf illnesses, of which fare agents; Senator BYRD, $10 million TENANCE, DEFENSE-WIDE'' for the Office of $4,000,000 is to be available for continu- for biometrics; Senators ASHCROFT and the Special Assistant to the Deputy Sec- ation of research into Gulf War syndrome BOND related to the B±2 bomber; Sen- retary of Defense for Gulf War Illnesses, up that includes multidisciplinary studies of ator SMITH, $10 million for U±2 up- to $10,000,000 may be made available for car- fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome grades; Senator HARKIN, $6 million for rying out the first-year actions under the 5- and $2,000,000 is to be available for expan- Gulf War syndrome; Senator GRAMM, year research plan outlined in the report en- sion of the research program in the Upper $17.5 million for the F±15 data link; and titled ``Department of Defense Strategy to Great Plains region) Senator COLLINS, $3 million for MK±43 Address Low-Level Exposures to Chemical At the appropriate place in the bill, insert Warfare Agents (CWAs)'', dated May 1999, the following: gun conversion; Senator INOUYE for that was submitted to committees of Con- SEC. 8104. Of the amount appropriated in Ford Island. I ask that these amend- gress pursuant to section 247(d) of the Strom title IV under the heading ``RESEARCH, DE- ments be considered en bloc and adopt- Thurmond National Defense Authorization VELOPMENT, TEST, AND EVALUATION, DE- ed en bloc. Act for Fiscal Year 1999 (Public Law 105±261; FENSE-WIDE'', $25,185,000 shall be available The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without 112 Stat. 1957). for research and development relating to objection, the amendments will be con- Persian Gulf illnesses, of which $4,000,000 sidered en bloc. shall be available for continuation of re- The clerk will report. AMENDMENT NO. 596 search into Gulf War syndrome that includes The assistant legislative clerk read (Purpose: To express the sense of Congress multidisciplinary studies of fibromyalgia, as follows: commending the men and women of White- chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical man Air Force Base, Missouri, for their on- sensitivity, and the use of research methods The Senator from Alaska [Mr. STEVENS] going contributions to Operation Allied of cognitive and computational neuro- proposes amendments numbered 592 through Force over Yugoslavia) science, and of which up to $2,000,000 may be 601, en bloc. made available for expansion of the research The amendments are as follows: At the end of the general provisions, add the following: program in the Upper Great Plains region. AMENDMENT NO. 592 SEC. 8109. (a) Congress makes the following AMENDMENT NO. 599 (Purpose: To set aside $4,000,000 for the Man- findings: ufacturing Technology Assistance Pilot (1) The B±2 bomber has been used in com- (Purpose: To set aside $17,500,000 for procure- Program) bat for the first time in Operation Allied ment of the F±15A/B data link for the Air On page 107, between lines 12 and 13, insert Force against Yugoslavia. National Guard) the following: (2) The B±2 bomber has demonstrated un- At the appropriate place in the bill insert SEC. 8109. Of the funds appropriated in title paralleled strike capability in Operation Al- the following: II under the heading ``OPERATION AND MAIN- lied Force, with cursory data indicating that SEC. 8109. Of the total amount appropriated TENANCE, AIR FORCE'', up to $4,000,000 may be the bomber could have dropped nearly 20 per- in title III under the heading ``AIRCRAFT made available for the Manufacturing Tech- cent of the precision ordnance while flying PROCUREMENT, AIR FORCE'', up to $17,500,000 nology Assistance Pilot Program. less than 3 percent of the attack sorties. may be made available for procurement of (3) According to the congressionally man- the F±15A/B data link for the Air National AMENDMENT NO. 593 dated Long Range Air Power Panel, ``long Guard. (Purpose: To set aside $5,000,000 of Army range air power is an increasingly important RDT&E funds for visual display perform- element of United States military capa- AMENDMENT NO. 600 ance and visual display environmental re- bility''. (Purpose: To increase funds for the MK±43 search and development) (4) The crews of the B±2 bomber and the Machine Gun Conversion Program) At the appropriate place in the bill, insert personnel of Whiteman Air Force Base, Mis- At the appropriate place in the bill, insert the following: souri, deserve particular credit for flying and the following: June 8, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S6659 SEC. Of the funds appropriated in Title of first refusal to acquire the facility covered paragraph shall be available in accordance III under the heading ``WEAPONS PROCURE- by the lease. with the provisions of section 2883 of title 10, MENT, NAVY,'' up to $3,000,000 may be made (e) REQUIREMENT FOR COMPETITION.ÐThe United States Code, for activities authorized available for the MK±43 Machine Gun Con- Secretary of the Navy shall use competitive under subchapter IV of chapter 169 of that version Program. procedures for purposes of selecting the re- title at Ford Island. cipient of real or personal property under (j) INAPPLICABILITY OF CERTAIN PROPERTY AMENDMENT NO.
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