DOCUMENT RESUME ED 108 504 95 FL 006 975 AUTHOR Canales, Estella; .And Others TITLE Ambiente y Yo (My Environment and Me). An Aural-Oral Activity Guide. INSTITUTION Corpus Christi Independent School District, Tex.; Dissemination Center for Bilingual Bicultural Education, Austin, Tex. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 73 NOTE. 414p. AVAILABLE FROM Dissemination Center for Bilingual Bicultural Education, 6504 Tracor Lane, Austin, Texas 78721 EBBS PRICE MF -S0.76 HC-$20.94 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS *Bilingual Education; Classroom Games; Cultural Awareness; Intonation; Kindergarten; *Latin American Culture; Lear -4ng Activities;' lesson Plans; Music Techniques; Oral Communication; Pattern Drills (Language); *Preschool Education; Pronunciation; *Spanish Speaking; *Teaching Guides; Vocabulary IDENTIFIERS Elementary Secondary Education Act Title VII; ESEA Title VII ABSTRACT This project-developed and tested aural-oral guide is designee especially for use at the preschool and kindergarten levels. It is designed for the teacher of Spanish-speaking children as a series of lesson plans or scripts around such topics as school, the family and pets. Vocabulary enrichment, syntacticaldrilYtpatterns, and pronunciation and intonatian exercises are provided. The book uses songs, games and folklore of the Spanish-Americanculture to promote the child's knowledge of and pride in his heritage. (Author) .41 *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. nevertheless, items ofmarginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects thequality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the rest that can be made from the original. *********************************************************************** FLoo?ist U S DEPARTMENT OF HEWN EDUCATION a WELFARE NATONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION HE EN WEPRO t wi Irk RON. N 4 w :skr - ONS k. kk of PRE N N k kt tli r 1 4, 11 'Os , - MI AMBIENTE Y YO 4 An Aural-Oral Activity Guide by Corpus Christi PublicSchools DISSEMINATION CENTER FOR BILINGUAL BICULTURAL EDUCATION IN] 15.4 TIM UIE OM 1130 78721 1973 Reprinted 1975 4 I ce :erte t.ra. Ed.cat'3, -a:ce ,ar,e 'eRas _ee.,,e :er'e,, e A,st'r, 'exas 4 EweLJt ve e e .,r,, :eve r7 . 6 Acknowledgements Preface MI AMBIENTE Y YOis a Kinde MI AMBIENTE Y YO was developed by Activity Guide. It is struct Spanish-speaking pupil's oral Estella Canales in his native language. Acti that involve the pupil in exp Ines Garcia extend present concepts and/o thus assuring the pupil's bas Olivia Garza, similar concepts are presente Viola Godoy These units provide for . vocabulary enrichment of the Corpus Christi Public Schools . syntactical drill patt . pronunciation and into Corpus Christi, Texas. Songs, games and folklore from are included to promote pupil This guide was published and disseminated by in his heritage. the Dissemination Center for Bilingual BiculturalEducation, Austin, Texas. Editors, It is not the intent of the gu Beatriz de la Garza and Carlos Perez; creativity or ingenuity of the editorial assistant, Emily Hilburn. Consult- On the contrary, it is hoped t ing artist, Carolita Perkins. presented will motivate the to suggested activities in ways w the individual pupil. Estella Canales Chairman, Curriculum Guide Com ..7 cknowledgements Preface MI AMBIENTE Y YOis a Kindergarten Aural-Oral s developed by Activity Guide. It is structured to extend the Spanish-speaking pupil's oral communicative skills tella Canales in his native language. Activities are suggested that involve the pupil in experiences designed to s Garcia extend present concepts and/or develop new ones, thus assuring the pupil's basic understanding when ivia Garza similar concepts are presented in English. la Godoy These units provide for --? vocabulary enrichment Public Schools syntactical drill patterns . pronunciation and intonation exercises , Texas. Songs, games and folklore from the Spanish culture are included to promote pupil knowledge and pride ished and disseminated by in his heritage. nter for Bilincual n, Austin, Texas. Editors, It is not the intent of the guide to limit the and Carlos Perez; creativity or ingenuity of the teacher in any way. , Emily Hilburn. Consult- On the contrary, it is hoped that the material Perkins. presented will motivate the teacher to extend the suggested activities in ways which will challenge the individual pupil. Estella Canales Chairman, Curribulum Guide Committee 7 v 8 CONTENTS Introduction 1 Unidad IX: Dias de fies Suggested Teaching Units Hallowt2en. 1 Unidad I: Mi escuela 1 Dia de accio gracias. Unidad II: Mi familia 55 llavidad. Unidad III: Mi casa 73 Dia de San V Unidad IV: Los ayudantes de la comunidad 86 La Pascua Fl Unidad V: Los colores 101 El cumpleaho Unidad VI: LQue ropa lievas? . 115 Bibliography Unidad VII: Las comidas 141 Ur'idad VIII: Los animales domesticos 175 9 r vii % CONTENTS 1 Unidad IX: Dias de fiesta ing Units ii,z 17 ,,2s CI': 209 escuela 7 ' Dia de accion de gracias 219 Ii familia 55 Navidad 222 Mi casa. 73 Dia-de San Valentin. .231 os ayudantes de d 86 La Pascua Florida. .235 s colores 101 El cumpleahos 240 Que ropa llevas? . 115 Bibliography 247 Las comidas 141 Los animates 1,5 9 10 vii INTRODUCTION Each child, unique in his strength and The aims and objectives o weaknesses, needs experiences which Y Yo are nurture feelings of self-confidence and self=respect. It is essential that he . to enhance the sell acquire positive attitudes toward him- the pupil through 1 self, others and his environment. The and appreciation o1 opportunities provided in living and cultural heritage learning during his early years formu- late later behavioral patterns of growth . to increase pupils! and development. confidence and sec( utilization of his The young child's eagerness to learn and language his attitude of inquiry stimulate cog- qitive development. Play is vial in . to increase pupil these formative early years. It is the using correct Span natural medium 'through which learning takes place. It assists in social- . to involve the pup emotional adjustment, physical coordina- periences which ex tion, and creative expression. essential to future achievements Through play a child accurately reflects vi not only his thoughts, feelings, and . to enlarge pupil values, but also the kind and amount through presentatt of experiences he has had. Play is patterns related t unique in its revelation, demic areas Language facility and concept develop- . to enable the pupi ment are also broadened through play- precise word choic related experiences. As the child correct structural interacts with both peers and adults in an appropriately designed kindergarten . to extend pupils' center, the basic foundations for future Spanish songs, poe learnings are accomplished. folklore, and fabl 1 11 INTRODUCTION e in his strength and The aims and objectives of t /1711,nte experiences which are of self-confidence and ,is essential that he . to enhance the self :image of attitudes toward him- the pupil through recognition his environment. The and appreciation of his vided in living and cultural heritage is early years formu- oral patterns of growth . to increase pupil's feelings of confidence and security through utilization of his native eagerness to learn and language nquiry sJimulate cog- t. Play is vit,11 in . to increase pupil confidence in arly years. It is the using correct Spanish. rough which learning ass;sts to social- . to involve the pupil in ex- ent, physical coor.dina- periepceswhich extend concepts e expression. essential to future academic achievements ild accurately reflects ghts, feelings, and . to enlarge pupil vocabularies the kind and amount through presentation of sentence has had. .Play is patterns related to all aca- elation. demic areas and concept develop- . to enable the pupil to make adened through play- precise word choices within es. Asthe child correct structural form th peers and adults in designed kindergarten . to extend pupils' knowledge of foundations for future Spanish songs, poems, stories, ompl i shed. folklore, and fables. 1 11 12 INTRODUCTION (CONTINUED) The program outlined in this guide The teacher mu become stresses the acquisition of speech the sentence patterns an patterns rather than the mastery of that must be followed: word lists. For this reason, the pupil pupils answer in unison, is required to speak in complete sen- and then individually. tences. The intonational pattern of is observed to have mast each sentence is vital to the mastery of structure of the sentenc a speech pattern, and the teacher shoul the intonational pattern emphasize this aspect as well as the spen:.,e in both areas has structure of the sentence. As the pup i matic, the teacher no lo speaks each sentence, the teacher listens model that particular pa for mistakes in intonation and stress and models the correct pattern immediately. Control of the basic sentence patterns included in this guide will enable the pupil to use the basic structures of Spanish. For this reason, emphasis has been placed on patterns illustrating word form and word order, changes in verb forms, plurals and singulars nouns, subject and verb agreement, und on the place of negative adverbs, adjectives and word order. The teacher should feel free to select the patterns he feels best suited to the immediat- nr9ds of the pupil. However, he should follow a sequential development in the presentation of the sentence patterns. It is the teacher's responsi- bility to present correct models and to insure correct pupil response. 13 eNTINUED) (1 finedin this guide The teacher must become familiar with uis' ,ion of speech the sentence patterns and the routine than the ma' o. that must be followed: Teacner models; rthis reas 2 pupil pupils answer in unison, in groups, speak incol., ,,Le sen- and then individually.
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